
is toe Tbe Bachelors Rushed To Altar Foros. se 35 8480:s!
Omission Of Obey. By War Widows.
THE WOODMEN OF UNION, From Marriage Service Continued from page 2) London, Jan. 29. British war which never should contain per widows grabbed off 4, 500 bacheONE CHANGE IN PRAYER BOOK sonalities. He regietted the tors for Lusbands during 1926. FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION occurrence, of the whole affair, Pensions and allowances being since any surb mutual antagon paid to the elyse of 1926 totaled London, February Many is as on the Council would Doli 791 400, and included 154. 000 changes la Oburch services are make for wbat was best desired. war widows, 26, 600 officere, 1, 114 Join Today. It Protects You While You Live authorized in the proposed new The matter ended, and the nurses, 563, 000 children Prayer Book wbich bas been Council went on with other bu. The vero ment expenditure and Your Family After You Are Dead last year was 66, 916, 268 pounds.
drawn up by the Bishops of the iness.
The Pensions Ministry supplied Church of England and was laid Disabiliy Bonefits are graduated in ascordane: with liberal provisions on face of said policies 10, 000 new artificial legs. 1, 160 before the convocation of CanTRINIDAD terbury and York sitting aris, 881 eyes an 18, 383 pairs of su gical boots daring the tögether this afternoon in Westminister.
The proposals to make alteraThe Tourist Traffic. It is a Unioa by the people anl for the Our business amounts approximately to Llons in the Prayer Book after Notice to Correspondents.
people. 50. 000 monthly.
nearly three bundred years bas aroused acute controversy and ENLARGEMENT OF QUEEN 2. It is both Fraternal and Domèstie Insur 10. The Endowment Money is used only for the recommendations of the PARK HOTEL WILL EN.
Contributors and correspondents cnce.
siek and death claims.
Bishops are in the nature of HANCE TRADE IN THAT are asked to send in their contribu. It pays you more while you live than any compromise between Evangeli11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims LINE.
tions not later than Thursdays to other concern cals on the one band, and insure publication. This is imperathe same day proofs are filed in the Home Anglo Catbolics on the other. Its educational features appeal to all Rice Office. The Use of the New Prayer lovers JAMAICA AN OBJECT tive ard must be adhered to 12. You do not need a lawyer to get your claim.
Back is not compulsory and it is LESSON have its Balance Sheet work out It donates annually to Racial schools.
13. You do not have to die to win.
dependent on the exch individual congregation.
good will of on the proper side at the end of It gives employment to more Negro girls 11. Hospital, free to members. Bath House The changes affect Holy than any other concern of its kind.
Port of Spain Journal Refers to the year; but the public cani ot Communion and include new be blamed if it views, with great rates reasonable; full course (21) baths to Its rates are within reach of all.
formt service to meet miera Concessions Offered by Local suspielon, all attempts at atamembers, 50; full course (21) baths We are twenty years old and have not had bilizing prices, wbich savour of conditions sud problems. ImGovt. to Hotel Companies.
to non memders, 15. 00.
Half course appreciating them above wbat an extra assessment to pay in the portant among these (10) baths to everybody, 50. Rooms, omission from the Grade Department marriage they should be normally. 00 to 00 per week.
service of the promise of the The following is taken from bride to obey and serve her the Trinidad Guardian of the husband.
bridegroom 15 ult.
BARBADOS instead of declaring with all The questiou of attracting THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW my worldly goods thee endow large numbers of tourists to ai clare: Wl my worldly goods Trinidad, is shout word bread: Passing of Former will thee hare.
bare, the result of the years of The Woodmen of Union Lodgas cover seventeen (17) different states Cremauton is provided for and djecussioa being however mass West Indian Governor and our membership extends to the South Sea Islands. This OrganiIn prayers for industrial peace of suggestions by bumerons zation has its own building which is four stories high and covers a and the League of Nations; sources many of which are being developments in the World icted upon, whole city block paid for in cash without extra assessment. It gives wbile bers are Entered Colonial Service From stuce the last revision of the receiving carefal consideratior.
employment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, The Navy; Served in Africa year 1652 are freely recognized garding hotel accommodation, Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 000 Prayers for the dead are for And Three Nearby Colonies for instance, the Colony is in a with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty the fist time included in the position to weet present regalie. 20. 000. 000) million dollars.
burial service being authorized menta Bed and it is no secret Barbados, Jap. 18. Sir Gilfor those whom we love but that the contemplated building bert Thomas Gilbert Carter, who see no longer.
programme of the Queen Park was Governor of Barbados trom DR, KENDALL, JNO. WEBB Hotel will considerably enbance 1904 to 1910, when be retired, Supreme President the resources of the Colony Indled here at o clock this Supreme Custodian Princess and a Murtbls respect.
moroing The only son of Commander Post Office Box 559 It is of Interest to refer to Hot Springs, Arkansas deress what is being done in Jamaica Thomas Gilbert Carter. N, For information address, L. Flowers, Panama City. who are the legal representative in this Country in this connection. The Govert be was born on January 14, FIVE HOURS CHAT IN CELL ment is endeavourite by altera 1848, and was educated at the tions of the Hotel Low to Royal Naval School, Greenwich SOSSWOXSSCOXS SS SEXAS crease to an appreciable extent in 1864 be entered the Royal Paris, Jan. 16. Princess Mothe Inducements to start new Navy. He was paymaster of the rie of Greece, daughter of the 100 hotels In the Island. Hotels of of Colonial steamer Sberbro at great sclectist and goographer, twenty five bed roems and up. Sterra Leone in Angust. 1970 SOSSEXO wards are exempted from taxes and served on the Gold Coast Sosse. Sex Prince Roland Buonparte, who is one of the world most in several important respects. during a part of the Ashanti observat psycbo analysts, bas Furniture allowed to duty free campaigo. At the transfer of just bad the rare experience of a aud the value of Elmina one of live hour beart to heart talle in which hotel is built is not en missioners for valuing the a prison cell with a condemned banced to consequence for the ordnance and stores left behind murderess. The subj4c6 was purpose of the Property Tax by the Dutch Lefevre, wife of a rich Parish Rate.
ste. These corcesIn September, 1875, baving manufacturer of Lille, who was clons, it is expected, ought to retired from tbe Navy, be sentenced to death for the war.
interest investors in the hotel became ivate secreta y to Sir der of her daughter in law, of trade and so meet the require Gaorg Berkeley, Governor of of tourists the.
whom she was jealous. The victim was about to becomes Acticipated from the programme 1879, he was appointed ColNo. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue motber, God ber mother in law to make Jamaica. greater tour: lector of Customs and Treasur treacherously sloog a lovely abot ber itbey ist centre.
witb rewere were cent advertisements to England of the Gold Coast, and in PANAMA CITY October, 1982, became Treasurer Telephone 695 road in the back of a tr car the chances of Jamaica getting and Postmaster of Gambia, Hle driven by the dead woman near wbat she is working for a was Administrator of Gambia husband.
The death sentence was comare rosy.
separation from Sierr.
Leone in November 1888.
muted to penal servitude for 1890 he was appointed Governor life, Rumoured Big Gro of Lagos, aud was transferred OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Alter bours chat the Princes to the Babamas in 1898, and to confessed that she was amazed cery Amalgamation Barbados In July, 1994, alter at the poycology of Mim. Lefetemporary transfer to Trinidad In 1890 be was created Work Done While You Wait The murderess showed the SAID TO BE EFFORT TO and promoted to same indifference to her act as STABILIZE. PRICES!
1893. This latter bonour was in she displayed at the trial, except reagaltion of his services in that she said that little by little she had brougbt berself to pray The Port of Spain Gszette of conducting. wbicb resulted for the salvation of a soul of the TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED the 4th inat says; Ene nelop of important in woman she killed.
Following. She was some time ago, of the entente particularly pleased a long standing war.
Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices that she was not to b) sent to to stablíze. provision prices, the same penal settlement as Sir Gilbert changed his name rumour tbat a morecomes Mme. Bessarabo, the woman ment is on feot to bring about to Gilbert. Carter, in 1919.
Ladies Garments carefully handled who killed her busband and the amalgamation of certain gre was fond of nataral bistory and packed bis body In a trunk.
cery businesses in Port of Spain gardening and was a lawn tennis was awfully afraid, Mme. Lo putting the player and an archer. He was REID Manager febvra told the Princess, that trude or better footing! Cer wice married, and had three might be transferred to the tain proposals are said to have sons and two daughters. One same prison as tbat wicked wobeen made for the acqu rement, of his song is Director of the two Cambridge University Botanic Wisco man Bessarabo, who killed ber husband.
other big grocery businesses in Garden.
by a large concern, of The murderes sketched the town, cne of which is to be Advocate of Lock Canal two of ber fellow prisoners, tws Pelocess flittering portrait of grocery trade trade ST. VINCENT Visits Isthmus womeo undergoing long sentenwill be in the bands of of one or ces la connection with a baby DEPOSIT OF FIVE extent. be Former Chief Engineer of the case, whom she described as tion will, to a great POUNDS Panama Canal, John Stevens Ewo extremely well bred and arrived on the Isthmus lady like person. Regular Assortiment of Mme. Lefebvre chlet com week ago the Panama are to d, stood aloof; refusing to Railroad Steamship Cristobal plaint was that to norrow she is either enter the combine or be Must be Made by all intend.
He was an advocate of the present to be removed from her cell and controlled as regard to the poi ing Immigrants From the Colony. Lack Canal system; was ap taken once cose before the As238 which it shoule charge; and pointed Chief Engineer in June aiz Court at Douai as a witness the public will, no doubt, watch SUCH AS with interest, the turn events ige cable despatch from St. Vinwork in April 1907 and was arson wbo made a statement to TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, succeeded by Col. George her in call do not see, In thls connection, It might be an Extraordinary Gazette of that she declared, why should be that the similar date contained notice to the effect TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, Mr. Stevens is one of the lead. dragged again into that borrible movement made some timeubat a sum of five pounds must SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc. ing American Engiceers and since court where was sentenced to in the Treasury by leaving the Panama Canal has bave my bead cut oft on the in the sister culopy of Barbados, be derson desirous of proceed been connected with many imporpublic square at Lille.
The condemned woman contant engineering projects. Among tiveof the ing to of eines have given pozice of their by a recruitier agent in respect other high callings he is President cluded by expressing the hope intention to withdraw from the of each persoa en zaged by bin of the American Society of Civil that her son wɔuld re marry combine at the end of this to Cuba Incidentally 93 CENTRAL AVENUE and raise a large family.
Engineers, it may be added that more than As we said before, no one will 700 labourers have left bere for Panama City Rent Receipt Books in SpanALL ROADS WILL LEAD blame any business concern Cabs and San Domingo already ish and English for sale at the THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF from taking every precaution this year.
Workman Printery, JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW.
is property on The Prosperity Tailors Marie ARO CLEANERS DYERS on its DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING In Yoruba cout. mission to the tbe with the obj. ct of to closed down altogether. ſhi will mean that the two concerns, and that competiminimised! To its credit be it sald one concern bas, SO far, we Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products on may take in this matter.
Goethals as Chief Engineer.
mentioned, every The Workman Printery o proceed half year!

    Death SentenceEnglandFranceSpain

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