
THE WORKMAN Wedding Bells Published on Saturdays by H, Rates for Advertisemen on applica DREW RUSSELL WALROND, at the office No. 33 Ceatral tion. Correspondence on all wattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Pagams All copy for publication must be unique wedding took place St New Providence Wesleyan written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription Church on Sunday Iset the 20:b must be accompanied by the name of lost. at o clock The One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica ceremony was performed by the Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith. 0. Cousias pastor of Three Be.
We do not undertako to return re the Church 25 jected correspondence.
The contracting parties were The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS Mr. Heprick Earl Alexander Drew and Miss Dorria Ruby McPeatures Russel both parties SATURDAY FEBRUARY 26, 1927, Are natives of Antigua the former resident at Empire Canal Zone and the latter EVIDENCES OF IHRIFTINESS resident of New Providence Miss Russel le a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church and No one visititing the suburban districts of Pueblo for the past three years she was Nuevo, Las Sabanas and Rio Abajo can fail to be impressed Organist of tne Church, she is an indefatigable Christian worker.
with the coming importance of these three districts as an ideal organizer and always residential places for enterprising and thriity people who carried through to the letter can find no opportunity or room for the exercise of their anything she undertakes to do propensities for thrift in the overcrowded and prohibitive Is held in bighest esteem by conditions in the capital, the memburs of the Church and Several West Indian families have already made homes by the entire community of this coloas a demonstration of which in these districts and are cultivating large and lucrative by the large congrega farms which they have purchased and of which they are tion of spectators who crowdest the Church to witness the now the sole possessors. Fifteen years ago, no one cel bration of her nuptial. And thought of leaving the gay city to take up residence in the the entire country where there were no electric lights, no stores, no acom nted her to the point of restaurants and no dince halls. Everybody wished like embarkation when she left at candle flies to flash and flitter around the brilliant lights of First! o clock on Sunday kiternoon. the city and take in the high spots of pleasure and amusewith her Bridegroom by motoboat to take up their abode at ment, content to pay exacting rentals through which they Empire Capal Zone. Much tests were impoverishing themselves and enriching others. IT TOASTED were shed and kisses Were But in fifteen years there has been a great charge.
lavished upon ber on tbat bapps THATS WHY LUCKIES TASTE SO GOOD.
West Indians began to think seriously that if they were to occasion. The young bride bae received make any real advancement in economic lines they would from any valuable presents of which time and have to commence to establish themselves upon lines of space will not permit us to wecabsolute independence. They would have to cease piling up tion.
hearty congratulations the coffers of their landlords and seek homes of their own; Ko to Mr. and Mrs. Drew and and that the time had really come when rollicking dissipawe wish them Gods richest blessing and serene bappines, tion and wanton extravagance must be relegated to the for the future.
limbus of the past.
Tbe following are the guests There was a tremendous difficulty which early appear at the wedding The Bridegroom ed to the vision of those who had determined to start out Messrs.
parents and the Bride Mother upon a policy of economic independence. They had set W, Croocks and aside a little cash from ther hard earnings with which they Fred Johason Best man and father giver respectively; Miss were ready to make investments in agricultural busiuess; Teresa Jayes, Chlef Bridea maid but hey found that it was well nigh impossible to acquire Misves Leona Markham.
lands by purchase. They were plenty of lots for hire, and Keren and Evelyn Dendy: Ethel at very reasonable rates per annum and some few families Samuels; Eulalie Boyce, Gwendoset out in prospect with these conditions, They took line Bratbwalte. Og: BrathPueblo Nuevo as their vantage point and outlayed all that MMyrtle Alrall; Edith and Mike; D, Kirton; A, they had in the ventures and Nelly Corbio There efforts, however, failed to meet the success for Girls: Miss Ann Mc which they had hoped and for which they arduously Courty and Naomi Denny Gents. Messrs. Payne, labored. Insect pests proved to be powerful contestants, Whittaker, Drew Drew in the first place, and the conditions under which the lands and Drew, Rankin were leased became too impossible, in the second instance, Gston)
o In such cases where a measure of prosperity resulted to the He:derson, Harvey, labors of some of these pioneers it was their experience to face 175 Med Mr. Ward, Ladies. have to sacrifice for little or nothing, their crops on account Mrs Denny, Mrs.
Byltoo. Ar. Hinde, of the failure of the landlords to renew their leases or beIM: Mrs. cruse the land was required for the purposes of the Gordon, Mrs. Roberts, Neagle. Kirton. Mrs owners. Palmer, Mrs. Peart.
It does appear as though these landlords merely wanted Mre. Whittaker, Mrs. Me the lessees to do the clearing of their lands and thus Courty, Mrs. w. Rinki.
obviate, on their own account, the necessary initial exMrs. Simson, Palmer penses. This is clearly indicated by the fact that the lands Palmer, Henderson, Miss were leased on small and attractive rentals, but for no Mary Pbilipe Small. Hold longer a period than a year at a time. And there was then er, Miller, Day, Fergucson, and Lawson.
no possibility of procuring the lands by purchase as nobody wished to sell.
Recently, however, there has been a convenient and British Filmmen practicable movement among certain conscientious landProtest.
owners in the Las Sabanas and the Rio Abajo districts where lands have been offered for sale at reasonable rates, Photo Albums Scrap Albums Immediately, Several West Indians who could put their Lordin, Jan. 31, An appeal hands on the money went in for the deal, and today there to tbe Biruingham Chamber of Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books Commerce to make represepare several families occupying beautiful cottages and cultitations to the Gvernment corvating fine farms in which they are growing vegetables not cerchor American penetration only for their own use but in sufficient quantities for the Writing Pads Children Toy Books luto the Bitisb tiin Industry Wis made today in Birmingban market.
by GF. MacDonald of the These are sure evidences of thrift. Doubtless ap Accounting Day Books Cinematograph Exhibitors As amount of self denial and economic arrangements id relation domestic affairs must have been practised by these families who are now under their own vine and fig tree. The examHymn Prayer Books Holy bibles Mr. MacDonald declared Great Britain and her clonies and ple set by them is worthy of admiration and adoption.
dominions had been flooded with There can be no argument to the statement that hundreds Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets American fluns, with disastrous of families who are still paying exorbitant charges for the consequences Children and youths, as well as adul:s were circumscribed apartments they occupy in the tenement imbibir. Americ :0. morals, and buildings throughout the city could just as soon acquire Mouth Organs in two sizes ethics, he asserted, and the their own homes as others have done, and we hope they inevitable result would be the will follow their example.
Pocket Knives, Scout Knives Meador Knives Americii ization of the world.
Americans were taking, roughly 30, 000 COO a year from and many other items too numerous to mention the flm renting business bere, Mr. MacDonald said, but wben British film was sent to Am.
erica it was purposely cold sbouldered, and even American WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR it wt papers advised the public to patronise theatres showing only American bims.
Contra Crespo Mr. MacDonald said tba: wben he was in Americ. he was warned that the tentacles of the producer renter would be No hot irons or special combs required stretched into Bogia: d, and that bad had a beginning.
SOLD IN DRUG STORES Americans are bent, he cortioned on capturing picture (Continued on page 87 Cleath, Flower (from Gator Feart, Look Them Over Klit.
The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody. THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store 93 Central Avenue. Panama City


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