
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 26, 1927 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE To Start New Venture Attractions at ihe Theatres motive STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History goodly to Millinery Department Planned CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND The following extract from a PANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON eport of tha Uaited Negro ImSaturday February 26th provement Association at Liberty Today Saturday February 26th Today Saturday February 26th Today Saturday February, 26th Hall, Sth street, will giva a Alma Rubens in Dorothy McKail in and Harry Carey in clear idea of the alms and aspira SHE WOLVES THE DANCER OF PARIS Tomorrow Sunday Feb, 27th tions of the organization for the THE BAD LANDS And George Brien in immediate fatore; Jetta Goudal in Tomorrow Sunday Feb. 27th Dear Co worker: Tomorrow Sunday Feb. 27th THE PAINTED LADY THE ROAD TO YESTERDAY Ricardo Cortez in We take very much pleasure Bebe Daniels in THE EAGLE OF THE SEA Tomorrow Sunday Feb. 27th in giving Ricardo Cortez in official notice to our Monday February 28th THE CAMPUS FLIRT co workers and friends that dur. Milton Sils in Monday February 28th THE EAGLE OF THE SSA ing the month of March the PUPPETS Monday February 28th Gertrude Olmstead in Monday February 28. United Negro Improvement As.
Madge Ballamy in THE BOOB Pat Malley in sociation of Colon will establish Tuesday March 1st WINGS OF YOUTH an extensive Millinery DepartTuesday March 1st THE PERCH OF THE DEVIL Pat Malley in ment. This effort naturally preShirley Mason in THE PERCH OF THE DEVIL Tuesday March 1st Tuesday March 1st sents the aspect of a business THE STAR DUST TRAIL Laura La Plante in Johnny Hines in venture, but we wlab it to be Wednesday March 2nd HER BIG NIGHT generally known that Ginancial Wednesday March 2nd THE BROWN DERBY returns is not our chief Johnny Hines in Laura La Plante in Wednesday March 2nd wy Wednesday March 2nd THE BROWN DER BY although it will serve as a great THE MIDNIGHT SUN Laura La Plante in incentive. This department will Mae Murray and John Gilbert in Thursd y March 3rd THE MIDNIGHT SUN operate as a direct adjunct of THE MERRY WIDOW Thursday March 3rd the Schools Auxilliary under the Ricar lo Cortez in Milton Sils in Thursday March 3rd immediate control of our Lady THE EAGLE OF THE SEA Thursday March 3rd PUPPETS Gertrude Olmsted in Fresident wbo will be ably asPetty Compson in Friday March 4th THE BDOB sisted by a group of certified MIAMI Friday March 4th Millipers.
Gertrude Olmstead in Friday March 4th Pat Malley in Betty Compson in HELPING THE GIRLS THE BOOB Friday March 4th THE PERCH OF THE DEVIL MIAMI It was while contemplating Ant Luura La Planta ia Charles Ray in And Betty Blythe in And Rio Tin Tin in the despicable, conditions of our HER BIG NIGHT PARIS THE FOLLY OF VANITY roung people in this city and THE NIGHT CRY.
Republic that the idea of estabSaturday March 5th Saturday March 5th Saturday March 5th, Saturday March 5th lisbing a Millivery Department Jack Pickford in Rin Tlo Tin in Johnny Hines in for the benefit of our girls dawned Shirley Mason in BROWN OF HARVARD THE NIGHT CRY THE BROWN DERBY upon us. THE STAR DUST TRAIL The United Negro Improvement Association is absorbiog the entire time and interest of bundreds of young girls, the vast majority of wbon bave News Notes CANAL ZONE NOTES Crooks Now Steal evinced remarkable adaptability to various lines of progress. We Chance have bad the distinction of be.
It is understood in cricket circles that the Sussex CC La Boca Pars which has been able to do Ing the only secular Organone though taking part in the compeStealing lottery ticket from old thing of note to occupy the tition, will not be represented in tieket vendors has been reported Alredy the Chesterfield Cop. from Colon. The tnck fs tha a miods of young people. Apart the council, Sach a pesition on donated by the local represen. crook comes up and asks a ticket from their school life as pupils the part of any ciub does not lives of Ligget Myers Tobacco vendor for permission to inspect and students of the Model. Con seem to appeal to cricket lovers in general and it is boped that. AND Company, makers of the famous her tickets, as is more or less the tinuation and Technical Schools, odly number of them have steps be taken to have misunderChesterfield cigarettes, look as general custom; then he pulls out been given a splendid If final distinat will be in two or three full sheets which he standings if there by lay clear.
Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 the hande of the La Boca Tennis deposite in an envolone and tyl bey, beve learned. The ont into practice much of ed up.
Club when the present in tele: his pocket. He then pretends to Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Mone and puts ia The Cristobal Red Sox Baseclandor Fred Clone. Isa for money keeping sytem affords a wonder. ball team is scheduled to journey Saraine pay for the ful opportunity for the practice to Gatun tomorrow La. morning Summary of Contents: and Clunes name to the habe asks the ticket reller to hold until ouf a substituing none he pas of Book Keeplug and Acconnt where they will encounter the ing, and apart from the keeping Gatun team.
History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years mark of good tennis. About the he returns with the money which Cup proper. Cipoung and Mrs. he had forgotten Of course, he of records the young aspirants Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, are also permitted to pay an Jumps, the latter the best of her never returns, and when dear on Residents of the Atlantic aide Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, sex among colored players or to Su day and the envolope which Importaut part in the conduct of In big business transaction. The There is indeed a marked conare complaining of cold nigbts.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, the Isthmus, easily defeated Myers and Small in two best o has been left with the old ticket study of days best she is 2 2 opener only worthless Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual has been gone into very exten: and cold nights on this side.
on Tuesday scraps of paper are found.
sive and we can say with confi.
Players morni last before small dence that the Association in crowd of spectators and fans the future will be able to sail in in the first match of the tourna sitney driver, Alejandro JueThe alliance L! terary and Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and ment.
calmer el collided with Hindari was also fined 10. Claim.
staging Myers waters and attain the bating Society will b: Interesting Small in the various Classical play and when ing that he was insolent Darriw with greater facility.
he emerged after the second set. bad refused to carry Justiniani Performance, at the Cristobal Price 50cts.
La Boca having won two straight in his jitney wheres fight beuchief of this Mil Silver Clubhouse, on march 22ad, linery Department will be to the procesds of these functions complained of slight Injured ed, Darrow was fined for the ankle. This probably explainer? refusal.
create another field of activity will what was considered bis poor for the benefit of those wbota will be used for providing the Secure yours now there will be a grdat rush contribution to the necessary vour this line of work. We do membership with a suitable libfor them, team work, With some sentiment against not expect that all our youngrary.
cheap dances and the terring people will be heading in the same All persons interested in literadown of the old creation Hall Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN direction ture are asked to co operate la On account of the Clnbhouse in Panama where this popular making the occasion a success.
Panama Some want to be grenobeing in use for regular Club form of exercise used to be beld Rraphers, book keepera, house activities, the community little or nº effort can be pat forth 83 night program which was on holidays to get a fall bouse at countants; some are thinking British Consulate Notice nourced to have been beld there the La Brea Ciubhouse. And so of teaching; others prefer the Millipery line, while there The British Consul at Colon on Thursday night last was car on the 22nd, Washington Birth Lodge Inaguration. Farewell Party ried out at the new Community day, the popular Clubhouse re are those who feel they should would be glad of Information as Hall Opposite the La Boca Res ceived a good supply of the young follow the examples of such note to the present whereabouts of AlApr was a er folk and that community worthy characters as: Ella Wheel fred Watt, native of Ashton er Wilcox, Florence Nightengale. District, Jamalcs, who came to The Inaguration of tne Lillies no Saturday night, the 1909 sorota Teba program one consisting of songs center was the center of attracBelya Ann Lockwood, Phillis the Isthmus in 1967 of the Nile Ladge No. 52 of the lostthe home of Mr and Mrs ndependent Order of Good Cummings at the corner of recitations and addresses It was tion during the ter parteci Wheatly and others of thetr ilk.
under the Auspicies of the Lathe twenty four hours, Samaritano took place in the Shtend De Streets, Calon was the Boca Panama District of the of center of attraction. The occasior Panama Canal West Indian Emcovers such a vast area that the these promising youths, to dritt at the Eike Lodge Hall Corner Tuesday last being WashingUnited Negro Improvement As. and perish. We are bound to Johnson; too Birthday no meeting of sociation in its effort to open up make an effort to marsbar their of 23rd and 24th Street, Guachaof Mry or. the Athenaeum was beld: neither al cat be 15 petrol member of the Caserpillings, Lodge, The Annual Meeting of the will there be any meeting oi will find itselt coofronted by a some profitabla end. We Brother National Deputy con! No 2804. LO AS. Among those Board of Directors of Panama that society. co Tuesday next on collossal task.
began with our schools. gave stitutional authority sounded the present were Misses Reid Canal West Indian Employees account of the Panama Carnival As an Organization we are them an example of what they waves and with the able assis Jacks, L: Williams, Duff Association will be held at the Bro Moore, Brown, Clabouse the determined Red Tank Clubhouse, dehallenge of the age by spans and exemplary advance upon the Cbristlan and the grand officers Henriquez Brown, Mul o clock, according to the announs ning the charm of degeneration field of business throughou: the statt. Like Clock work 21 Candi ling, and Wheatly, Messrs. Le ment made Secretary were among our young people, and course of our operation we have dates the Griffith, Barnes, M. Flowers, Ellis on Saturday last. The the regular monthly rally of deviolong way.
miods of our opportunity to exerdise their many others who affilicted thel Flowers, C, Morton. Dracket it is understood, will be installa side will be at the Red tank clubs rising youths. We are bouad to ability In every matter wever then declared the Lodge Legally young friends of Miss Johnson, tives for the present term, and at o clock. The Pandy CopBroM Ingram Flowers, All tion of officers and Representa house on Saturday, Februvy 26 find a way to make our influence now going to invest telt. We are fully cogoizant of hundred dollars in the establish and Constitutionally formed. Members of her Lodge present submittal of the Secretary re pin Girls have the program. All the fact that very many people ment of our extensive millinery Following are the officers in were Lewis, Moore, port the Association Girls and their friends are urgea doubt our pessibilities but we Department, and we have installed, for the ensuing term.
Bruce, Rhodes and Miss activities for the year 1926. Th to come out.
con 800 no reason to justify such mind the purchase of a spacious Bro. L Hinkson, PC; Sis. Neil.
local district officers are asked o clock there will be a volley doubt from the fact that we are edifice as the first step in the Rilay, PPD; H: Holder, Miss Johnson sailed on Sunday to remind their members that ball game between the St. Agnes doing nothing which is either direction of setting up a first Wo; sis. Switchen PD; the 20th for New York, where it the meeting will be open to them Girls of Gatun and the Panny unusual or boatural, grade School of Arts. LET US Granit, Swischen Masera hoped she will spend an enjoy and they can attend ad hell Coppie Girls or date DT: Herris, R; able time.
carry en the busi, Contemporaneous with the PUT IT OVER bave etc. Williams I; efforts which are being directed ness.
Black man HECTOR JONNOR, S: Sealey S; Headly Promoter and bis co worker in the Interest of the girls will be rapid and enthusiastic President. DI F; Why pay double price Lewis Treasurer BC. Rawlics.
Arising out of Tuesday a Celemovement in behalf of our boys.
Vassel The ball was beautifully de bration at the Clubhouse were for inferior imported We have within the scope of our Mr. Connor is to be congratu. Conductor Dixon 18 Wallen corated with flowers and flags. Iwo questions which wera decidBeor when you can organization busbrede of boso listed by the general, feeling to OK; Small OSN.
All reti. ed to the Banquet hall ed in Judge Blackburns, Court at where a sumptuous repast awaited Balboa the following morning.
of various sizes and ages repre that the organization should be P: Cumberbatch Prelate.
buy a superior Beer given at least the moral support Appropriate addresses were them. Glasses were kept filled Oae Clevelan Mitchel paid over to senting the budding flower of a as delivered by such as BALBOA for Ingram, with liquid happiness glorious wanhood. We feel that of the entire community the government sio.
Blerine be criminally guilty of indications are that many are to Clarke, and Christian who which all retired feeling they disorderly conduct; while, for half the price.
race suicide if we permit the be benefitted by his work.
welcomed Bro. Hinkson had spent a most enjoyable time. beating up one srnet Barrow, On three, The purpose 1922 scias para credit to take ing bawahter ployees Association. of and a to occupying tho several ol IC DT; Felix DCL Allen Ronals


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