
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 26 1927 ber 2, Williams Electric Injection 99 THE ATTENTION Ismoidon slaved peonage, in LouisFriendly Societies and Secret Orders ip men. guard.
Five Negroes Worked as Slaves SCASOXO:33 Then Sold For Twenty Dollars THE BEER Widespread Peonage Conditions ReSUPPLIED BY vealed in South as Grand Jury Indicts Four White Men.
Tick New Orleans, Feb. Newſtheir clothing, but took them is brewed from the best Talk ebarges against Mississippl farm away in the night time, bait clad ers of violating the Peonage Law and without food or personal materials obtainable were contained in seven true effects. Forcing their captives If we could eliminate the final bills returned today against into an automobile, Bellue and Joseph Andres and Lonnie Alford, are alleged to have It is specially suited for this climate triumph of Old Father Time and elegate to the dump Biumfield, former owners of a crossed the State line loto Taoplantation near Liberty, Amite gipaboa Parish and driven to a is superior to all imported beers sold heap the necessity of countCounty, Blumfield has died since aro near Fluker, ing the hours as they pass, the first complaint was filed.
Crawford and his family, were here and it sells to the public at then we might exist without The indictment, drawn by forced to work for weeks witbthe aid of a clock, but folks, Assistant United States Attor out pay, baving little clothing HALF the price.
it just naturally can be done ney Talbot, charges bɔth men and no means of escaping from with causing the arrect of a their involuntary servituda ter BIG BEN and others at Negro, Mose Wililams, Septem the relaxation of an alleged 1316. It is charged the armed guard placed over them TRY OUR BEST BEER BREWED FULLER Negro was forced to work to alter their abduction ia Augast.
pay debt did not owe. The indictment charges that formerly worked for Time Shop the Crawford family was sold to Balboa Anders and Blumfeld under a farmer in the Fluker section similar clrcumstances the gov, Tor 20 and were finally released ernment charges, but escaped whea the knowledge of their Klex for Every Room into Louisiana to work on plight came to the notice of the SUPERIOR TO ALL sugar plantation. It is charged Foderal authorities, tbe two former employers appeared with two deputy sheritis and he was told he was under Corpuo Caristi.)Tex. Feb. 90 sos Sooms01ecBWS Marvelous Success in arrest for debt, then was placed allegations that Negroey Mexithe treatment of under guard in an automobile cans and white Americans were and taken to Mississippl. It is worked in the cotton fields of Gonorrhoea and Gleet alleged he was kept in a condi Willacy County under guard Do Wii ได ให ใช ทางหiri Us ifย งใช ได ไม ได Lotus Oil Relieves the most obstimate tion of slavery.
were made bere today in the trial of Sheriff Raymond TelThe new charges follow an ler, Caunty Attorney Rodger case in three days expore of a similar conditlon in Robinson, Justice of the Peace Amite County, Miss. where two Floyd Dodi and eight others, FOR SALE AT THE men were alleged to have er all of llacy Cənuty, on charges an entire Negro family PHARMACY of peocage and conspiracy to the Grand Jory It is reported OF. 149 Central Avenue, Panama bas only begun its investigation commit peonage.
of slavery, or Three Nigro youths, Willie Phone 825 iana and Mississippl.
Lee, 19: Arthur Dykemno, 16; AND AT New Orleans, La. Feb, and Bruce Morgan 19, declared tale of ante bellum slavery, rivall: they were arrested on charges IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF THE NEW DRUG STORE the exploits of the Black of vagrancy and their tines pald bunters of Africa by farmers, which they 5th and Street, Colon revealed here today following are talent to fatims to be broke boer Phone 403 ihe indiciment of two the five and kept there under They are aecused of stealing a Negro family of five persons, The Negroog were backed up sorcing them to work without by a former squad and by two DAVID LEON, LL.
pay under the nuzz es of guns white bogs, Barclay, 15, and finally selling them body and Albar Hollingsworth, 18 ABOGADO and soul for 20.
who declared they worked on Attorney at Law Federal grand jury today the Sockwell Farm ntar Suitable for Lodge Business banded down Jndictments Raymondville and saw another against Webb Bellue and John gang of men at work with Jack Office: 175 Central Avenue on them, Alford, of Amite Country, Obad wick riding Mississippi, charging violation of armed with a Telephone 1015 Panama shotgun. AT THEthe Peonage act Chadwick testis. be had Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone The Indictment, according to once bien employed by K, Federal utficials, bares an inci Stock well to guard prisoners (With Licenses to Practice before dent of flagrant peonage condi. At Ska day. He said deputy tions where Negroes are kept to sberlil commission, a pistol the Courts of Panama and the Llavery without pretence for and hebote au in steret er det behuising and Tom TAO. IN AD TANAMAN KAN AN TOAN DA TA ANTAAN DAN Dao Canal Zone. for was instructed that it arrangemenalties imposed under any of the men attempted to run local Ordinances.
to pour somo sbot loto DR. WILKINSON Agents of the Ddpartment of Jublice are said to bave providOhadwick is a former defendContractor ed the Uaited States Attornoyant, charges agalust him baving office with loformation relating been dismissed when he appear10 peonage conditions in St. ed in court Tuesday without an and Builder Helena and Tangipaboa parisbes, attorney.
in Louisiana and in Amite Jopes, neighbouring County, Mississippi, along the farmer, testibed that be bad Of every description House No. 20 line of the former West Flori noticed men being worked under da bɔundary.
guard on the Stockwell farm.
28th NOV, STREET, Many cases of actual enslave. GW. McDougal, city marsbal SAN MIGUEL ment are said to bave been of Raymondviile, said he had DONE WITH NEATNESS AND found wbere a vestige of leg turnished a truck with which procedure bas to cloak the men were transported from the Box 411, Panama, operations of farmers who Stockwell farm to the county DESPATCH have kept Negroos in enforced jul.
Plans and Specifications Free servitude without paying them for their services, according to the United States Attornoy Five Convicted by Jury AT THE First Class Workmanship Corpus Christie, Texas, Feb.
Peace officers and local magis Fire men, including Sheriti Satisfaction Guaranteed.
trates have frequently framed Raymond Teller, of Wallacy out Negroes who lacked the cousty, were found guilty of understanding and to peouage by jury in Federal Dr. Arnulfo Arias obtain defenses against the court here tonight.
imposition of local ordinances The others convicted were e Physician Surgeon under which they have been Justice of Peace Floyd Dode, arrested for mythical violations. Frank Braadt and Carl Brandt.
FREE CONSULTATION government agents said. gagne weddiug took place FLOWERS daily at the Pharmacy In August last year, the at New Providence. Wesleyan Indictment charges, Belius apd former deputy sheriffs, aod L, CALL IN AT 149 Central Ave, Phone 825 Alford went to the home of Stockwell, a farmer all five Abogado. Attorney at Law HOURS: 30 TO 30 PM Crawford Allen, a fifty year old ware found guilty on several 02FICE: No. 44 ST Negro, near the Louisiana bund counts.
The law provides a penalty BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY ary, ia Amite County, Miss. and after searching for a of five years on each count.
TELEPHONE No. 1377 Dentist Howell daughter of the Negro, forced The peonage charges were bim to get out of a sick bed and based chiefly on testimony of Practicing before all the courts of them several young men that they had the Republic since April 1914 HOUSE 912, LA BOCA Fluker. As the pair started been arrested Raymondville, CANAL ZONE.
away they forced Anna Allen, wite of the Negro, to come with but that instead of being tried on vagrancy No. 93, Central Avenue (Opposite the Restaurant)
them at the point of guns and were taken to cotton delds and the cotton picking season.
Office Hours: a. to p. ru also took along Teelie, Lewis and forced to work for farmers Allen, children of the an armed The de ense argued GOOD SELECTION OF to p.
ccupie. afl or wbbin were under ander were de cared Their counts offcers were merely DAILY twelve years of age.
their pay, along with 75 cents transients who might commit performing a duty in arresting NEW BIBLES WORKED WITHOUT PAY day for meals, they said.
acts of lawlessness. They conPHONE 1941 BALBOA Accorring to government troeys for the Government tended that the county was over Hymn Prayer Books agents, Bellue and Alford did alleged Wilacy county bad been run with a lawless element le Specializee nnll the brancher not permit their captives to don made a slave market during ported for cotton picking.
of Dentstriy MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS 28 duard 459 Workman Stationery Store wer JOB. PRINTING office.
WORKMAN PRINTERY means grown The Workman BOOK STORE prepare to


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