
PAGE SEVEN Additional Church Services.
Seventh Day Adventist Church OF WANTED Labourers For CHIRIQUI RAILROAD STREET CALIDONIA ROAD (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA Babbath (Saturday) 45 sm. 8ebbath Sebool: 11. 15 sm. Geners! Worship 30 pm. Spanish Clas; 30 Society, weeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard of attainment Class p. Vespers.
Sunday erat ing 30 Stereopticaa Lecture. The general publie is cordially invited to turn out in largo oombers crowd gotten throaged Seventh Day Adventist Church Task or Ird STREET BROADWAY, COLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45 in Sabbath Scbool; 11. 15 General Worship 30 p, Young people meeting 30 cn Veepers Sunday evening 30 Preaching Service You are cordially invited to attend the services and bring your friends, The Church of God o:casionally there symphony 11. co hesse Tireeday Panama, Arommens Ntract, Hour 25 San Miguel Sunday at m. Prayer meeting and Gospel weetings at 11 nd 30 Sunday School at 3p. oday at 30 Testim ay Meeting 15 pm. Young People Meetin.
Wednesday at 730 mm.
Cornel meeting. Thursday at 30 Oren sir meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. Red Tank, Canal Zoue, Sunday Schos po me Gospel meeting on Thursda, 7. 30 Sis. GRAY Ne Providence. Gospel Moeing 11. 30 am and 30 Sunday Srbool p. Wednesday at 30 Gorpel Meeting. Priday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. MeDONALD satun, Canal Zone, Goupel, Mortings 11. 30 am, and 30 Sunday School at pm. Wednesday 30 o.
Joepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro, GEORGE C, GRIPPITA Yolon and Streets. Gospel mee ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Sunday School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 pm. Goupel Meeting. Friday st 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON were JUAN FRANCO TRACK TOMORROW SUNDAY FEBRUARY 27th, 1927 THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1927 Scene At Telephone first time the voices of a few Office Trinidad midst.
in the The cup will never come back here, one shouted, while another at the top of his RCEIVING NEWS The voice lavished his prai e on the Barbados balls. At the close COLLAPSES OF THE BARRA DOS of the day play a tremeodous TEAM IN THE FIRRT INNINGS cheer went up on the posting up of the score of 127 for wickets and Joe Spall with half centary Throughout the day the scene to his credit, and still going in the vicinity of the Trinidad strong! nsolidated Tolephone Ofice was one that will not scon be fo deose Asst. Engineer of Maintenthe and streets Woodford Square and every ance to Leave available standing space on the pavements around was taken up Major Harington, Assistant wi persons of various classes Engineer of Maintenance of Panama Women too composed the dense Canal, will be succeeded by Major miss. Motor cars, cabe cara Wheeler in July next it was Day moved to. fro and the whole scene was in Harrington will go irom the Canal Contract Work confusion. While hundreds faced Zone to the General Staff School at the score board in eager excite: Fort Leavenworth.
PRICE PAD 12 TO 14c. PER HOUR FOR ment over the receiyt of cricket a similar strength was engaged at the Polling Station Panama Conal Business in news DAY WORK.
in the Municipal contest between Captains Cipriani January and Clayton Smith. The com Purnished Immeasurable amuse forty one thousand seven hundred position of the voting crowd Two million two hundred and APPLY TO ment in one way or another, but hand sixty five tons of cargo was was tbe carried through the Panama Canal AROSEMENA of string band and for the month of January 1927.
parading up and down Har This amount was taken through Street snugly berthed in North Avenue and 4tn Street, Panama City.
by 443 commercial vessels which massive lorry decorated from paid tolls to the amoưnt of 184, chassis to tail light At the out. 760. 71.
set the crowd carried a decorous atuitude, but with the fall of each Barbados wicket the people seemed to forget themselves and the air resounded with cheers and shouts. The policemen regulating traffic and preserving order bad much to do. Trinidad SKSSESSISSCSSSSSSXssxes 03:38:S: 234Sexs SSS uccesses in the field were the cause for much shitting and shufillog. Persyns moving here RACES and there infantie ecstasy, so RACES RACES that at times it was difficult for he the operators in the Telephone Office to recelve their wires Occa tonally the Police compelled to shepbird them alo the streets and pavemet while at other times the man posting up the scores pleadingly entreat. them to be quiet.
When the news came that tbe Barbadian Idol Challenor was returned for the small score of 11 something in the nature of a din was the oder and there was greater pandemonium when soon after, came the disquieting news for the supporters of Bar dos that Tarilion was out for the dreaded cipher. At this stage it became more difficult for the company operators to receive or transmit the telegram and it reachd such a crisis that the board was temporarily removed and the tolposted Aless noise stops tinued: telepbone service badly Races for Imported horses and for Native bred Ponies affected by notse. Please assist us. The 11 crowd reverted 10 First Race Starts at 15 Sharp next moment paroxysms of jy.
The recorder bad, several times by signs of the band, to appeal ped but the wen like unto soboolboys influence of the vision of triumpbant deeds heed. And when the close of the Barbados innlogo was announced, the crowd broke Fifth Race Purse 400 Sixth Race Purse 275 over the vacant area like a stream at flood time bursting a data, Furlongs Furlongs Here and there ran a man bareheaded and shouting before the crowd, calling for bets of all Abel 126 Capoul 120 scription. Io his bands were a few shillings and soon after tbey were tranformed into a one dollar Cicero 108 note which he flourished careOcurrencia 117 lessly. For a moment be could Det be beard or teen and then suddenly he would reappear.
Bomba 90 Araucar a 126 But it was soon discovered that he had been ruuning up at the Pacfic Cable Board Odlce Capt. Alvarado 121 Olla 93 getting the news in advance and rushing back wagerlog, offering big odds. Once again crowd which by this time bad silence was spread over the grown to almost twice its size.
Store clerks on their way from work had jined in the throng and surging masses of the elecADMISSION tioneering element u ade the scene sometbing to behold. Bewildermet, excitement, yells, Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
Tipples of applause, laughter, ali these were for moment the order. Tois was at the stage wben a man leaned over a windux ot the Town Hall and gave the signal to indicate the winDuc of the contest at the PollStation. Tben all eyes were PARI MU UEL BETTING ON THE RACES RUN The appearance of the names of Trinidad opening batsmen AT JUAN FRANCO POOL TICKETS 00 the cause for another get one exclamation of joy and or two in the crowd, bantered over the amall score of the Barbadians. When the disqueting THE PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB news had come though of the early lost of visitors Grst two barsmen faces became considerably lengthened. Then for the Sess ISO ගඟ පඤ ප සපවසම rupe, Exciting Races. Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness lowing notice vice will be disconup: Upless decorous your share to mapper, but the they were in for siler ce olboys under the FEATURES: No, MARIANO AROSEMENA SAN MIGUEL Sunday 30 Prayer Meeting.
10 a. Children Service; 11 Divine Service. Preacher, Supplied. p. Sunday Sebool, Superinten dent. p. 30 pm. Glor el Service, Preseber Supplied.
The usual weekly services will be cOnducted on Tuesday and Thureday night, at 45 All other notion for the week will be given from the Pulpit.
BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 am. Divine Service. Preacher Supplied. 80p. Sunday School, Superiotest dent. p. Goepel service. Preacher Supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Rave little dePrayer, Bro. N, WEBLEY, Acting Pastor in charge.
Free Methoaist Church.
An Afternoon, of Good Sport CALIDONIA ROAD PANAMA Sunday 11 a. Morning Worship: p. Sunday School: 30 m, Gop pel Meeting; Monday 7, 30 pm. Clase Meeting; Wednesday 30 Prayer Meeting; Thureday 30 Biblo Clie.
RED TANK CANAL ZONE Sunday sm. Prayer Meeting 11 Morning Worship, p. tn.
Sunday School; 30 pm, Gospel Meting; Monday 730 Class Meeting: Tuesday 30 Bible Chess Wednesday 30 Prayer Meer: Thursday 30 Y, SEALEY Pastor COLON JOCKEY CLUB was Why pay double price for inferior imported Beer when you can buy a superior Beer such as BALBOA for half the price.


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