p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 26, 1927 OUR SPORTING PAGE LA MODA a 373, 47 balance of which skin of his teeth. the San Blasles Le Bryant from High Comtowards matter.
Feel 8543. 82 Banizer manager, able of VIGOR TONIC. 126 Mi zi.
to Ma mirado.
present SPORT FLASHES Organizer Address Presented to Tomorrow Races Mr Kinnimouth (BY To Return Building Seven roces will be rua at the Mr Irving Solovey, promoter Funds.
BY FELLOW TEACHERS Jurn Franco race course tomorrow ext aordinary, has announed for SHOE STORE afternoon, the first and second for his next fistie entertaubent, native ponies and the others for welve rounder between Joy Cook, Accordiog to a statement given The following address accom importe thoroughbreds. For the recent arrival from the States to the Press by Louie Lannio. Footwear of Better Grade panied by a fitting souvenir was feature tuo in the imported though not a stranger to Isthmain President of Division 17 of presented to Mr. Kinnimouth division, Abel will take up 126 1hs.
light fans und Jose Lom ardo, the Universal Negro Improvement some time in March, at the Ball Association, Mrs LT, DA IF YOU ARE seeking comfort in your footwear and by tiether teachers of the Silver top weight over y furlongs City School on the eve of his against Cicero, Bombi and Cap.
Riot: fight will be the third moet Mena, Assistant Interaatiora! we cater to the entire family. you will find just that departare to Red Tank: Alvarado, There is no early tolling between these two ring special. kadizer of the ha when you make your purchases. We have never MR. KINNIMOUTH. as to the outcome of this race as ing from the local Treasurer, Principal.
failed to please and satisfy. Try us.
ists and is certaiuly weicomed by Mr. Quinland, the quartet is composed of four favorites in the general segee of the fight goers. On both of the previous a total of 725. 00 was Dear friend and Fellow teaeher: word.
occasions Lombardo was fortunate solicited by the late BRANCHES On this the eve of your departure in getting away with the referees missioner Charles In the native division Chiqui the Red Tank School, to which o decision by the members you bave been transferred, please who performed so well on Sunday La Fama, La Rosa last land Although allow us to express to you our and Fenomeno over five furlongs.
will agnia meet Candlowco)
munneer oftered any alibis relative sioner had in contemplation for and La Suerte mingled and unanimous thoughts Another race which promise to the defeats suffered, many were some time. Expenses in connec.
and feeling relative to you and the to furnish some thrils is the sixth, of the opinion that TI Central Ave. Panama City must be attributed to the reverse cent of the total fund collected Believe us when we say first Araucana and Olla are booked.
for which Capoul, Acurrencia, ange in imate, and are willing according to the statement and and foremost, that we are all very to wager from doux bouts to dollaro amngated to 302, 00 whieb covers Try that you will be leaving us expected that hendreds will attend Being Carnival season it is that Cook will make a muh tetter las wyers of 149, 00 We sell better and the very best shoes in Panama so that we shall no longer be this meet. Here is the entire showing and tha. Lombardo will paid for a parcel of land 75. 00 associated with you a co worker line up: have bis bands full and a pretty travelling expenses 34. 00 sod at a very low price at this schoo, and that if it were vely time (rying for another land inspection 53. 00 Includ.
in our power to revoke the order FIRST RACE victory ing other mo. sey a total of 8543 MORSE ROGERS HOE and retain you, we would Arragements were under way it is stated to have been turned Some of us have worked with Barba Roja Furlongs. 125 for a return match between Chato over to the Assistant o 118 by ALL LEATHER FOR ALL WEATHER you for many years, and some for Zapa and, Luunbardo before the former the Controlling office whiel was comparatively short tim, yet Don Simon 136 121 returns to the Staaes. The bout set up at Division 17 by authority NASSER MIZRACHI, Prop the period of our association with kialto fell through wbep Chato acting of a local Convention held bere you has been long and ample Ruso 128 Sure Thing Slim, 104 de!
MAX MIZRACHI, General Manager August 1925 urder authority of the enough to cause us all to be of mand 1, 500 grand before he Parent Body in New York.
one opinion that you are an amiHead Office 491 Broadway SEOUND RACE wonid begin to talis business and It would appear that Mre De. Furlongs 150 which was just 500 more than Mena is not in thorough accord teristics are such as to mike you a Fenomeno 111 Sol bad agreed or was willing to with certain the activities of the desirable friend and co worker. In Chiqui.
195 pay for the Champion services. late High Commissioner and is common with all men, you have Dardanela 123 The refusal to agree to Sol now endeavoring to revisc things.
had your failings but in the words Candlewood 106 proposal was a surprised to many. It is known, however, that in the of Goldsmith, we think that those Renown 106 Some by way of an explanation meantime President Lindo and his sailinge mortly lean to virtues THIRD RACE for the big demand, hinted that advisers are having an eye on some The best Tonic in the World side.
Sure Tbing Sim was afraid to property far which efforts are now It is with pleasure and truth Farlong8 200 ave Chato risk the title with being put forth to colleet sufficieat that we can testify that as princi Popo 196 Ievardu Terar pal and teacher of this school you Copi figure there does not want his short time. start a building prohave been ardent and zealous, Kitty. Gill 126 huy to fight before he departs. gram, This ologant Tonic preparation is highly recommend working assiduously in and out of FOURTH RACE These and several other explaed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, regular hours for the good and tations were given. But the de7 Farlongt 200 and scholar, betterment of chaol Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up and not without sueless, Revoltoso taud is no more than can expected Important Session 26 ar run down constitution You have been identified with Tere 119 Puguzy will verify; for it is a usual 196 the school so closely and for custom of the Challenger mentor, It promotes digestion, impruves the appe(Continued from page 1)
long, that you will bave gone, we Dhole men 109 wicever be may be. to catch at Melober, the Rev Horace tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system shall feel, for some time at least, Prir Play 104 any ufier to will give his el. arge a Ben, Chaplain at Fort as though something is wantiug 119 teace at the title, a a JE: One small Wipe glass before ench moal or Yes we shall mise your familiar unan catches at a straw. Then if the Raudolph, the Rev. Louis.
FIFTH RACE times a day.
baxure and voice, and it will be Gottschall, Chaplain, challenger brems champion bis Coco Solo The Rev. A sometime before we sball become 64 Farlongs 400 manager proceeds to disregard di Barnes of New Jersey, a visitor JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
accustomed to your absence.
verbal promises and agreements to the fathmus was also 126 As a small token of our esteem. cero 108 that were made prior to this acand good will for you we present Bomba 90 quisition of the championship and At the close of the service the you this Tie Pin, and ask tuat vouCap. Alvarado.
12 iguifies his willingness to have his Bishop called the Convocation to accept and keep it as a rememportege affix his signature to any order and the lists of the clerzy brance of your association with us, SIXTE RACE set of articles that will allow them pod lay delegates showed that New Colon Municipal as a friend and as a tencher and Furlonge. 275 there was a full quorum present. CHURCH SERVICES their price.
Building Principal of the Silyer City Col Capoul 120 Sol has not yet give up bopes The Rev. A, Nighteneale was ored School Ocorrencia 117 of securing a retto with th: winner e ectod Secretary for the seventh We wish you God speed, and Araucana of this fight and the Junior light. time, Grebien and Martinez, contrar trust that this seeminz unkind Olla 125 Quinquagesima Sunday 93 weight title holder, Kid Chato. Among the resolutions passed AMERICAN EPISCUPAL CHURCB ters builders have been awarded act may yet prove to have been We would really like to see the was one providing for fhe dedica. Anglionn Catholie)
the centract to build a new munici a blessing in dieguise for you.
SEVENTH RACE champion in aetin again.
This tion of a full and entire page to St. Paul Church, Panama pal building for the city of Colon We beg to remain, 64 Furlonger 250 time in defence of his newly gained the of the memory lata The shove firm was the lowest bidYours sincerely, Towello 118 lour 1s; but it is doubtful if such a FREDERIC CHARLES MERE Rev. Nigbarele, Restor der of three, its bid being 68, 987.
fight will materialize, as he PITH, sometime Denn of tho a. Holy Communion Rector 100. It is unde rstood that work will Oolocense (Sigoed by all the teachers)
199 leaving for the States on the 10 Cathedral of St. Luke, Ancoa, 10. 16. Matin Me. Atwell, bo started immerliately and the 109 Mimosa of March.
and one instructing that the Lay Render building will be ready with in cight 91 thanks of the Convocation be 10 30 Holy Eucharing sertion, months, Marcela 120 tepdered to the Star Herald. The Rector British Warship Goes Last week Sunday, the Parai:o The Panama American and 12 noon Eloly Baptiem, Ginnte journeyed over to La Boca the Workman newspapers for Notice to correspondents. P. Church School.
to Nicaragua and proceeded to clean up the Lacky their courtesies in publisbing the 30 Choral Evening Sermon Contributors and correspondents Dr. Wendehake Strike Nine in what can rightly be news of the Church during the The Rector, are asked to send in their contribuMEDICAL CLINIC han Thursdays to To Act as Rofugo For 7025 Front Street. Colos termed the alopiest tions not bition witnessed here in a long time.
Wednesday, March 2nd Ash insure publien tion. This is impers The Convocation elected the Wednesday: Holy Communion at Britishers.
The gaine sugeested every other OPPOSITE RR STATION but the Grand National Pastime following deputies to the Synod a, Evensong and Penitentiai Live ard must be adhered to PHONE 11 being marred by simple and foolish of the Fourth Province (Sewanee) office witb sermon at 7:30 The British cruiser Colombo base ruuning, poor fielding. com. meet in Georgia next falle The Rev A Barnes, of Long BRITISH FILMMEN.
transited the Panama Canal on edy coin: Clerical The Veo. Sykes Branch, New Jersey will be the of errors and little or. Rev Louis side seball op either side. la Melcher. Lay Dr. Curry. Continued from page Wednesday last en route to Nicn.
other words the game was tiresome St. Alban Church, Paraiso ragua for the express purpose of theatres here and treating exo guaranteeing the protection The following committees were on the whole to those who attended.
bibitors and public as they have British interests and the lives of Why pay doublo pric.
Everyone expressing his dissatis appointed or elected for this year: Council of Advice The Rav. Rov. P. NIGÅ TENGALE, treated tbeir own countrymen. its citizens, in that should the faction with the brand of ball for inferior imported pro.
They are part masters at bluft, tecton rendered by the United displayed by the two teams Br. Curry and Mr. Cooper, Archdeacon, Sykea, Prieet in Oharge.
and nothing will prevent them States the local Government Boor when you can 9am. Holy Communion the end of the ninth inning the from satisfying their will and prove inadequate, at least British p. Church School buy a superior Boor of Carrington Giants bad amassed a total passion. If the Americans are rubjects can find 30 Choral Evensong Sermon Allowed to proceed onebecked, on the battleship. The British a plase of refuge twelve runs to their opponent six. Committee Canon such as BALBOA for in the first innine La Boca Melcher, Arcbleacon syks and Cansu Meicher within a few years the whole of overnment is said to have half the prioo.
prised amateur pitcher, Cecil the Rev Nightengule.
St, Matthias Mission the Brlush picture houses will forwarded a note to the United Kelly, was yanked and substituted Board of Missions Archdeacon LAS BABANAS be Under American domination.
States Government assuring the Brown collected becamath towe Sykes, the Row ead. Cooper Dae. Rev. NIGBTENGALE, latter that no troops will be land.
boys bad collected caough Chas. Prleet is Charge.
St. Bartholomw Church ed from the Colombo, and, coupled with some glaring errors Carry, Mr. Osborne, Mt.
that detted them six scores or a George C, Gade and Mr. S, p. Churoh Seh sol according to cablegraphic dis115 pm. Evensong Mr. RictLAS CASCADAS patebes from Washington, it has Alleged Rapist Hold For sufficient amount to have discour Carringtop.
arde Catechist.
The Litany, Holy Eucharist and been authoratively announced High Court aged the Lucky Strikers into los.
Sermon 11 am.
Committee on Church School there that the United States will in the Lucky Strike team is not as and the Rev. F. Nightengale Clerical the Rev. Melcher St. Pater by the Sea, La Bocation Clase. p. Church School and Confirma pot interpret the presence of British warship in Nicaraguan Alfred Morgan who is charge. lucky as the first part of taeir Lay Mr. L, Carrington and Ameriona Episcopal (Anglican Com St. Barnabas Church, Emp to as long as it dcex not interfere year old girl was held over from waters as an act of intervention, to bave attempted to rape a 13name indicates. Playing the same Mr. James Facry. The following mudion)
kind of ball that the other teams is the list of officers rppointed or Matin Addrene 11 a. m, Mr. a. Brathwaito Matin, and addrese 11 Mr Joseph with the lucal situation.
play, they have been experiencing elected: Chancellor, the Hon, Bunter, Lay Reader.
for trial in the District court is The toughest of luck ever since the Blackburn; Registrar, Mr. Robert Church School 3p.
Church School and Confirmation Class 1, 000 bond. Morgaa is said to be season begun Their most notice LONDON EXPLAINS 30 pm.
Choral Erensong, stationed at Gatan, Beverley: able defect so far, is thelr inabllity Historiographer, Mr.
sermon 30 pm MULCARE, Priest in charge The Londan Foreign Office has to hit the ole boreebide when hits Evans Treasurer. Mr. Chas. The Restor, Choral Eventong Address 30 pm explained that the reason for are most needed. The majority Pains, Pere de color styrinin Wednesday next is Ash Wednesday School, Bremen deacon Syles Thera will of the dispatebing a British warship to of them trying to kill or Inst the Rey EJ. Coop. Mrs. James he season of Lent, there will address p, m, Ash Wedneeday Evening Prayer and Nicaragua is based upon a report ball, when only a sverifice or pinch Sykes was appointed Custodian Commnnion at a Durfrom the British woull belp considerably or decide of the United Thank Offering of be a Special Service na Monday, ing JT MULCARE Priest in Charge to the effect that he could get do Charge as a place of refuga for British Affaires at Managua, Nicaragua, subjects.
a game in thrir favour.
the Woman Auxiliary. Wednesday and Friday at a. st. Simon Mission, Gamboa guarantee from his United States for purely peaceful reasons it is As the warebip bas been sent Special services for children will ALL RODS WILL LEAD celleagues dowo there of protect not regarded in British circles, Rent Receipt Boo in Span be arranged for and anaounced Matint and Address 11 Me ing British lives and property in according to information reaching THE POPULAR BIPODROME or ish and English for sale at the week by week.
MeCarthy Lay Reader.
the event of further fighting; and London, as an infringement on the JUIN FRANCO TO SFORROW. Workman Printery MULCARE, Ree or. Church School 30 that the Colombo will only act Monte Doctrins, Clo Clo.
challexhi last year.
a or.


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