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thing mon Why West Indians Are Misunderstood THE WORLWIN THE WORKMAN READ WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL. 15 No. 29 PANAMA, SATURDAY MARCH 5, 1927 PRICE CENTS Big Run on British West Resolution Présented to Indies Bank at Jamaica Dying Mothar Holds cus Whioh will Put The Legislature Managing Director Charged With London. Juo 31. On his returo Breach of the Banking Laws of The Colony was greeted And There was strong is tu gal, to PATHETIC NEW TRAGEDY GERMAN Gas Children in Gas Ovon: Armies to Sleep PARIS French Army officers To Teach Aliens Along Patriotic home from work on Saturday are anxiously writing the report evening Mr Fredrick Moore, o final tests of two German games Lines How to Become Good motor meehanic, of Landfield one of which is said to render Street, Hackney. E, found his barmless all known forms of poiron Citizens of Uncle Sam house in darkness and was cas, the other having the The Jamaica Herald of the 26th minst: saysri cea fter years old goligheder cry from his six: effect of putting whole armies to who was sleep for cable despatch from Washington dated February 12 four hours.
says: ramifications throughout the entire island with lightening It is just euch gases towards of gas in which the chemical warfare and Systematic instructions of aliens who are prospective rapidity the Bank of the British West Indies Ltd. or as it is the house, ond on going into the defensive branches of European citizens in the principles of American organic law is contemcommonly referred to as Sterling Bank suspended kitchen he found his wife lying armies have been earnestly work plated in a resolution of the United States Patriot Society, operations yesterday, when the inhabitants of Kingston as onecious weit beber Homecoming toba ing since the terrible ravages of Inc. presented to the House by representative Bloom of Their baby. aged poison gas war and, New York, urging the passage of an act authorizing the diswitnessed for the first time during recent years what they 24 years, was inside the ovepercobable that the exfeting mili tribution of the Constitution in simplified primer form in, claims have seen on the screen. a run on a bank.
was lying near the back is rumours afloat as to the standing of the above named bank, the house. Near Mrs. Mcore was in the opinion of both French and mended should be distributed through Government ageficies From shortly afte standio e loc the themeve wameservere. sore urte ditores foren pe from the could be abliche e le reste English su geste varie the lacerusties of alien in habitants.
of to escape altered. Such It is suggested that Constitution the form recomand here and there were seen groups of depositors having a bottle of dieinfectant, military brief conferences.
Mrs. Moore and the little gith foreigner the Gert and such civic and patriotic societies and organizations as tos are These groups continued were taken to the German Hospi may offer their services for the purpose without charge. Th resolution further recommends that patriotic socieIN NUMBER AND IN SIZE where be died vesterday morning, the French military officers have ties be permitted to meet incoming ships at American ports and by midday what borde red on a state of chaos existed. She was aged 38. May who was information which wariants clos. to distribute the primer Constitution and other publications it is alleged that several depositors went and demanded partially conscious on arrival at investigation of the fina! tests. It and to instruct aliens as to the contents of the publications.
withdrawals of their money, but were told by the Manage the institution, is expected to re is no secret that the inteligence The law recommended would make it crime for any perment that no business was being done as their books were cover.
TRAGEDY RxcoxSTRUCTED bending their efforts to obtain son instructing aliens ļas to their rights, privileges, duties being adjusted, detailed knowledge of the new and liabilities both as inhabitants and as citizens to receive representative of this journal came across a deposi. The police, who bave reconstruç ted the tragedy on the statements any money, gratuity or thing of value for their services, tor. a well known Landlord Bailiff, who was just coming of the litale girl, believe that Mrs.
The society states WILL LEAD its resolution that it has lauhched out of the bnilding. Our representative asked this gentleman Nuore first placed the baby in the TAE POPULAR HIPODROME OP a campaign of education along patriotic lines among altens if he was a Depositor, whereupon the latter replied in the (Continued on page 8) JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW. but that the work, which it is represented is urgently need.
affirmative. He stated that he had come to withdraw some Xa ed, cannot well be carried on by private organizations, and money that he had deposited, but was informed that he it is recommended that there should be some governmental could not do so.
SPARKLETS supervision, especially aver publications that incite höstility Our representative suggested that possibly his money to the Government. BY K)
would be forthcoming later, whereupon the Bailiff remarked. notice you are laughing at me can assure you it is no laughing matter, want my money.
Enthusiasm may not bave great intelligence nor BARBADOS CELEBRATES THREE HUNDREDTH By this time crowds commenced to gather in front of Enthusiasm is the mainspring a college education, but if we, with ANNIVERSARY: the building, at Tower St. and Temple Lane, and the Police of success. According to those who enthusiasm, make up our miods coia words imd amplify their to learn something daily, it wil were communicated with to keep order.
meanings to cover a of surpriseat the of the year On the 21st February last Bar the means of creating ambition in Mr. Sterling, it is understood, soon got in communica thing, enthusiasm may be used to see the knowledge we have the acquired.
tion with the Administrator General Office, and shortly profam nunces othee Chinese blad great We by after Mr. Kirkpatrick and Mr. Lyon of that department predominance of the emou ond little hourees, burbot have bados observed its three hundredth that thickly, populated commuanniver ary as a British com nity Barbados has a population of the intellectuol powers and with that we have cradualls spimadverts thus:and munity. Writing editorially on more than 156. 000 souls. It is proceeded and took charge, the divine or superhumaa inspira ually the occasion the Jamaica Mail that Goveromeet fostered cooperative schemes in that has constantly increase. We may Administrator General to take charge It is said that the directors of the concern asked the tion of prophets. am satlsfied, and economy, it will however, that mere enthusiasm is not have many mapoers, good example, ficance were observed on the Bav.
friends, but Cetemov ies of considerable signi production hade marketing: that regards it as its Gevernment iment that OF THE ASSETS OF THE COMPANY not enough to turn out these good duty to encourage such living the life that God has annabs, on the outskirts of Bridgestone to an although ordained, and by beine industry weekly rambling ext nt whereby even pending the decision of the Directors as to whether they they be fursuits. am enthusias good and kind to our fellel conection with the carrying out of we being turned out of schools, town, and in the city proper, in after juveniles should carry on or not.
active tic as to the the we acquire new friends well ordered programme follow. e encouraged to become alicfent MANAGEMENT CONFIDENT columo but cirtumstances adverse on whom we can always rely and ing a day of rolemn Thanksgiving as the case It is splendid pired which led up to depositors making an unusual run on current fortnight and render me practices in his heart the desire to is not only British to the core, but dos has produced Colonial Gover.
are quite safe to carry on, but certain events recently trans upper hand, of me all threugh the cause the man who continually vels in the fact that its commune form of Government that Barb wholly incapable of filling it with be good, cannot but obtain in bis it is doubly proud of its cotinection the Bank for their money.
life a supreme suces.
either original wit, humour or It is understood that certain important official confer even the ridiculous. And as you Begio by cultivating joyfulnese bave, for three cent aries lived in with the great common wealth hors and plethora of under whose flag many generations So Bes and other high my friend, shall and. pleasant disposition, Be ences were held in connection with the matter in the late must have to practice one and with all those whom you come but twenty one miles long by Dent that has enabled Barbados to afternoon.
my enthusiastie at home, at the office, freedom and security on an island (Continued on page 8)
New Year resolutions by serving you with some common sense talk in contact, and ever you feel fourteen in breadh. Barbados occupy a position, which from the on Enthusiasm culled from the impatient, occupies a distinctive or when politital point, bus made ctive position WAR IS OVER deslamities of this life THIS YEAR CARNIVAL works of Dr. Bristol or one worries and West Indies. It has had its her the envy of other groups in of his colleagues the work was com almost perioada de relatie de incordat alles Guina, Brisb Honduras of political. has the Lesser. Aptiles, nasa tako British and prepared expresely for West ber this little Ja Ranks High Among 9, 000 Sailors Visit Indies intended for you, and in roluding. to paried with their birthright upon Jamaica City Daily Past Fostivals gratuitous distribution. Here over, say to yourself with enthusi Beleentative Government and he of it is: its people in the yoke of dos arm: WILL NOT GIVE UP.
refused to sacrifice The whizzing of aeroplanes, The 1927 Carnival has passed Enthusiasm is necessary in all con rejected repeated entreat the overhead, the ra ta ta ta tap of into history as not the best but ies from Londoo to step down we in Jamaica aid in 1865 At a machine guns festive season which snrely had our acts; to work positions, and the dozea and one hoked bright anong the better play lithusbomis bedeli The Combined British from tur bigbo pedestal of the property desconhet Downies Suret had no for other that op this of previous years, and live with cur Committee.
at despotism; yder political disabilities in Sear madouver of the but it has in the intervening years It is un Battle Fleet bere der Constitution enthusiasm; if you for a moment ljusti jed its adhesion to thi form mirthaod merriment has left Forget this; just cast a searcbide To THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: of Gov. rnment which possesses the vision to that con munity that the one of the best records of Payama glance around you; see the sun sentiale of politieal liberty to say observed. It day morning. Army and naval annual festa.
Dear Sir: have been directed nothing of lending encouragement will come with the all its splendour sending forth its technical experts who acted as There was not the grandeur a rayo; ses how happily the plants by the Chairman and members of to the development of thought, if the Jatvaica Legisla Umpires for the sham battle have as of previous years, due to lack of shake at every gust of wind; see the the Combined British Commi. tce ture will within the next day or the defences of the greatly Queen Julieta reign of aim. Let 03 Demember that to express thanks to you for your Barbados can point with justifi iwo extend Jamaica felictation not yet worked out their final deci time for preparation, as it was little birds always happy courtesy in publishing articles inable pride to her House of Assem to the sister colony in connection the not until late that the decision sion as to whether or not to not to have a 1927 Carnival was asm at the first ray of lighticed for the Receptios of Their Roy Representatives of the people sit strains of which celebration will Canal has been captured. sion contented, chirping with enthusi in gee connection with their preparation bly which. informie And then there was nature in its grandeur, Eratifiche the meantime, however that Tabo not the Chinese contri twenty four with the lappy event, the last aside. And tion has been given ing declined with due the wonderful gifts that the Highnesses, the Duke and Dachese year in year out and discuss the linger for days to come in that business of the ga, an island at the Pacfie entrance the fact that their country Maker bas bestowed upon her: of York.
country under the ever British Jony.
to the Canal, has been captured to the anidance of Tegislative Council, we, poor mortals, are always Your services in the connection of the Speaker, Then there by 300 men landed from the cruither ser Omaha Tharsday complaining have been very valuable and we poder conspicuous absence of West Io. because we have not everything beg to express our sincere oppre official appointed by under the Porsideney Old Timor Returns To moroing after a machine gun fight dians except as on lookers nodat we desire, when, on the contrarv, ciation therefor.
the Sovereign, in which the invaders lost over 100 that there were comparatively few we should at every hour, a as the safety Panama valve of the The the enemy flagship, every instant, give thanks for With every good wishi, Legislative machinery, and with California, wassunk along with Although arriving late in the our well being.
the Governor for the time being The many friends of Mr. Jobe the Omaha whicle was torpedoed afternoon of the last day Queen Ju Eet live wtih enthusiasm as Chairman of the Executive Bunting, old time on the after being bombarded from the lieta rode through her domains in let us do all we have to do with Committee, which committee Istbmus. tre giad to welcome Faithfully yours, air. One enemy submarine was also all possible grandeur while the enthusiasın, and progress ad constitutes a conduit between him back to Panamt after ad Jost.
precession including various floate, power will penetrate into all our WILLIAMS Goverement and people. It is that absence of about six years in his Continued on page 8) etc, was orderly and agreeable. acts and make us happy, We Secretary Ad Hoc form of Government that has been (Continued on page 8)
but Incide otel salto We will Success skilled agri. may Chief further put into stand Theo the and Barba e stoutly tative in outlobe imparted good grace out beving the tribution, thay was the grumbling men. am,


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