
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY MARGH 5, 1927 PAGE THREE Interesting News from The West Indian Islands India Regt.
THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business assist Workman Stationery Store Ordinance bidons The Prosperity Tailors institution pplemental training for those over the CLEANERS DYERS existing with the to with TRINIDAD To Attract Tourists. ir ne vitet vo vobis buditorio di un anno in via de Colours of Late West wa Help For Wayward The determina lon of far 3eeing people in Trtoidad to attract Boys.
tourists to that cology in being HANDED TO HIS MAJESTY THE repeatedly expressed in the KING AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE Press and must io tbe conrge of OFBY COL. MILLER AND OTHER Writing editorially under the time achieve the desired effect COMRADES above caption, the Weekly and direct the attention of these Guardian, in a recent issue birds of pleasure to the sunny SAVS:shores of the beautiful laud of THE SOVEREIGN REMARKS Juvenile crime and its pre the Hunning Bird.
vention is a subject of interest In this connection under the Sad Task to Bid Farewel to tot only to legislators and those the Caption Odds and Ends Regt. Whose Record of Gallanwho administer the laws but to the WEEKLY GUARDIAN recently the whole community, which made the excelleat suggestion try Covers Close Upon 150 Yn.
muet look to the young generathat the vernment should cotion for its future progress. Any tribute towards the development Direct Cable despatcb from sch me, therefore, which may of the tourists trade of the coloLoudon dated Feby. 20 states serve to rescue and reform The advertising of the Cothai His Majesty received at wayward you sbould have Inny and the carrying out of Buckingham Palace on the 18th tuli asure of popular support campaign which would attract the officers of the disbanded sich a scheme is now on foot visitors to its beautiful sbores West India Regiment who deard is welcome evieence of bave been always of the greatest livered up the regimental colours.
determination by public spirited interest to the writer of his cole The King in receiving them in citizens to the Govern umo. Toat every thing possible AT THEthe Grand Hall, said, It is. men in thir constructive policy sbould be done to encourage sed task to me to bid farewell to evidenced by the The Young Odenders Detention song whose mere coming would enacteont of of distinguished and notable perRegiment whose ape record of ot Tbe TRINIDAD draw public attention to the. ous conditions covers a perlud ot the GUARDIAN not long ago had land is a form of propaganda Dearly 150 years.
uccasion to out that frequently percentatge o poiado o te convicted vocated. The pait ng forward at the one OD 17. TO AD ALTDAD PARA TODO ANO MAN ANDA ADA ADADAD TO Oras Indies and West Africa and Tan mental Coloure The Regtshow distinWest after discharge from the Indus efforts, such as are being conservice am trial School at Diego Martio was uinously made and with such to think that achievements during the Great War in East a small one and that this fac good results by Jamaica, bavo ref cs great credit on th ben too locg neglected in this Visitors are frequeutly SS Soxocsecs lostitution; but it cacnot Colony Atrics, Palestine and the CamSO eroons are emblazoned on my decled tbat these youth by colour.
present problem for grave Island, but there are thousınds consideration. The Executive, who could be attracted if the The Regiment stood every test following the advice of compe example set up by Colonies in peace aod war, tbus earning tent and. ex verlenced authorities which are more progressive in an honoured name to the andals have courageously tackled the this line, were adopted.
of the British Army. am situation, but it is evident upon colours to be preserved and beld that the provision proud to take charge of the bevestigation Trinidad Move in reverence of an outward and visible symbol of a great ReglIndustrial School age will not of ment.
gratefully thank all Itselt meet all the On the 14tb ult, the Fruit Grow needs ranks for their loyal and devoted came No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue service to the Empire.
It is said that the whole art el ors Association of Trinidad teaching is to know how to into being as the result of an en.
The party included Colonel but ho thusiastic meeting beld at Port the Spain. The, Colonial Secretary, oikeelsed and methodical sog Jackson, who was present PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Mliler, Major Lee, Captalos Coker and Webster, Lieutenants gestion o lostructors there is Flood, Hutchinson and Symonds stated that the the constantly exercised se intends to co operate witb the Regimental Sergeant stion of environment which, Association with regard DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING Major and the colour bearers.
for good or all, continues its prod production and marketing It work when the pupil is disto state charged from the School. He was too early for bim OF THE HIGHEST ORDER emergies into the workaday assist by means of subsidie wbe:ber the Government would Last Friday Night world of which, in most cases, bo in view of the recomendation but has had practically no experience of the Imperial Economic ConTragedy and is faced the necessity terance, the Colonial Gwernment Work Done While You Wait of findiog employment, wbich felt it its daty to co ordinate the cannot be an easy watter al the efforts of fruit growing la the LETTER WHICH RUDOLF KLEMM though it is of of such paramoun: island. GERMAN TRADE REPRESENImportance as a means ing bim away from the temptaTRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED TATIVE LEFT BEHIND HIM tions of idleness; temptations JAMAICA hich it is easy to understand FOR DISPOSAL OF HIS must come with particular force Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices EFFECTS to the young ir dividual in euch circumstances, when after Suggested Town Hall Ladies Garments carefully handled No Reason Assigned Eor His sheltered lite away from the Bobule enticements of wrongRash Açt; Business Alfairs a ing be is confronted with resto COMMEMORATE VISIT op Regarded at Se tisfactory litles from wbieb there is no DUKE AND DUCHERS OF YORK REID Manager escape and which he must learn TO JAMAICA On Saturday this journal aoto adopt to bis Dew mode of liv.
633 Sos.
Snection with tragedy which nounced certain details in coning The descent to Avernus is the Mayor in regard The proposal of Bin Worship to the occurred the previous night in easy and unless an organization erection of Town Hall in Kingaton when Rudolf Klemn, ux sts which will keep in touch Kingston to commemorate the Increase of taxation, and no loan north eastern German shot blmself in the sboe with a seaside drive and York to Jamaica last month, is proposal for a reclaimed foreleit of the Duke and Duchess of o be raiz and the citizens of city.
section of the esplanade which was tentativels Kingston would get their Town Ball in Klemn carried on the business bible such a project may at the angel certain views have alreads been made, but however Impoe now before the public, The return for thelr gurantee of a representative for German of ite loaps made by the Loan houses. He had offices in barscheme bas aroused discussion present time appear when the been expressed.
There are still a few loans bour Street. As far as 19 transformation already effected Regular Assortment of ou tatanding but the Loan Board known bis affairs in relation to is considered the ides may not The Mayor believes that the bas never lost a penny on its tran the business in woich he was be 80 far fetched after all. proposed Town Hall would cost sactions and in the course of time engaged, were in order. Oa would be pity for development 120, 000 and his suggestion is to when its business comes to an Friday be applied to the police schemes to be interrupted by raise loan of 10, 000 and the end bulk of lack of innds, as is foreshadow other 10 000 could be obtained have to be paid over to the Corp for a permit to enable bim SUCH AS Lorstion of the statement of the fiby selling certain properties and of Kingston und St. An frearm. His request was on the complied with; and nanca committee that the surhelands bed to the Kingston Loan Board low strengh of that and St.
TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREA. NI, SALVE, Corporation, permit he plus balance to the credit of automatically for Wood broke Estate is being rapid representative of the Ja TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, packet of 22 is consideration of the fact that the ridges rock et male au cablue ly exhausted and a new surplus maica Mall yesterday had an SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
Kiokoton game guarantees for refore leaving his office, be will bave to be accumulated be interview with a gentleman who loans in the fore any new works extraerdi possesses great knowledge in rot refer to pary can be undertaken in the regard to Municpal adalts, and aton alone but to any other parish which he left on the typewriter.
The expenditure for he pointed out that the money which 1000re Raurat teed the loans made it contained instructions for the will leave the small balance for the erection of Town Hall under the law. It was not every disposal of his effects; cerof 1, 021 to be carried for mard could be obtained from other parisb that agreed to guarantee talo sum of money was to be 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Some of them relased at the close of the year, but our coa than tbose proposed by but the sent to his principals in Germany Me and Council at the seems that there nec be 1stle the Mayor.
in to Panama City help the of sac bis trunks of citizens The present estimate of 20, samples were to be lear of real financial stringeney since the revenue exceeds ordin 000 is based on pre war figures Kingston to rebuild their city, the turned over to Mr. 8, Reubeur; German Consul would became guarantors of the loan ary expenses by over four times but now with the increased cost this figure, Unless, bowever the of laoour and the lacreased cost and the largest number of loans dofray, the cost of his funeral: were made in City Couteil determine to adopt of materials the cost of an Kingston. The bis people were to be written to; what was about to bappen was profits will be paid pro rata.
much lets ambitious pro up to date Town Hall would be pot due to his connection with gramme for prxt year it seems between 30, 000. End 40, 000.
Jamaica; nothing like a search consider that they may bave to This is the opinion of the gentletransfer then from the amount man. The idea had always heen would be made of his belongings; neither should there be available under General Purpose in the minds of members of the WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR anythibg like a fuss over the rees, to the credit of which it was late Mayor and Council of Kingsult: in was nobody business: estitated there will on Decem ston to reserve their share of Why pay double price certainly it was not the business ber 31st, 1927 be a sarplus of profits which they are for interior imported of the press. 67, 427.
entitled to as guarantors of the That night be shot himselt; Isans made by the Town Board, Boer when you can and after the post mortem ezfor the erection of the New buy a superior Beer No hot irons or special combs required amination on Saturday the reTown Hall. These Drotite mains were interred at May Pen amount to about 30, 000 it nou such as BALBOA for Mr. Klema was a young mag of Rent Receipt Books in Span: more and thes should be utilised SOLD IN DRUG STORES half the price.
pleasant manners and during ish and English for sale at the far the proposed structure bis stay in Kingston be made Workman Printery. In this way, there will be no quite a few friends, of keepTake Notice 3oard.
Ho Ro Co Famous Products ed by drew The The Workman Printery time the Contra Crespo


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