
Attractions at the Theatres CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND and (COLON)
Today Saturday March 5th Jolanny Hines in THE RROWN DERBY (PANAMA)
Today Saturday March 5th Riu Tin Tin in THE NIGHT CRY Ton Orrow Sunday March 6th George Sidney in SWET DADDIES Morday March 7th Conrad Nagel in THE EXQUISTE SINNER Tuesday March 8th Laura La Plante in POKFR FACES Tomorrow Sunray March 6th Lon Chaney in THE ROAD TO MANDALAY The Coloa! baseball players have just formed a new league to be known as The Misor Baseball League; ceneistlag of the following teams: Press, Radio Chase National Bank, PANAMA Gorgona, 9th Street 9, Colon Fire Department.
Today Saturday March 5th and Tbe season opened yesterdry with a game between Gorgona Tomorrow Sunday March 6th and 9b street at 6th and Jack Pickford in streets, and there will be BROWN OF HARVARD tixtures daily. Os Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays games will be played at Mt.
Monday March 7th Hope and on Tuesdays Thurs George Sidney in days and Fridays at 6tb and SWEET DADDIES Streets near the ball. No games will be played Tuesday, March 8th on Sundays.
Farther fixtures to hand are Mae Murray and John Gilbert in Press vs. Radio this THE MERRY WIDOW evening at 30, and Chase National Bank vs. Colon Fire Wednesday March 9th Department on Monday evening. Fields in Other tixturee will be published next week, SO YOUR OLD MAN Thursday March 10th Rod La Roque in Cricket Competition THE RED DICE Starts Tomorrow Friday March 11 The long expected surprise Dorothy Devore in Cup competition will epen TH GILDOD HIGHWAY, tomorrow with three fixtures.
This is welcome news to the cricket loving public, and large Saturday Mirch 12th umbers are preparing to wit Lan Chaney in Lees thuse opening matcbes. THE ROAD TO MANDALAY The tixtures are Sussex Vs. Westmoreland on tb Sussex oval; Bolivar vs.
Kent at Gatun: Victoria vs. Silver City on the oval of the former.
The Jama cı Provident and Benevolent Saciety which was recently organized bere, elected British Consulate Notice Lennon as its tirst PresiMr Leonor has been very The British Corsul at Colon, active in the organization work would bglad of information as of the society. hec officers to the present wbereabouts of Al elected to carry on for the first fred Watt a native of Ashton term were: Chevannas. Vice District, Jamalea, who came to Ellis, Treasurer: Sot President: Forbes, Secretary: th Isthmus in 1907 and West Trustess; R, Moulton Chaplain;N Daniel Guardian, offiCOLON Tod y Saturday March 5th Shirley Mason in THE STAR DUST TRAIL Temrow Surday March 5th Emest Torrence in THE LADY OF THE HAREM Monday March 7th Shirley Mason in THE SCARLET HONEYMOON Tuesday March 8th Fields in SO YOUR OLD MAN Wednesday March 9th Lon Chaney in THE ROAD TO MANDALAY Monday March 7th Dorothy Devore in THE GLIDED HIGHWAY Tuesday March House Peters in PRISONERS OF THE STORM Wednesday March 9th Jack Pickford in BROWN OF HARVARD Thursday March 10 Geo. Silney in SWEET DADDIES Friday March 11th Shirley Mason in THE SCARLET HONEYMOON Wednesday March 9th Norma Talmadge in KIKI Thursday March 10 Dolores Costello in THE LITTLE IRISH GIRL.
Friday March 11th Litvan Tashman in ROCKING MOON Saturday March 12th loa Rubens in SHE WOLVES Thursday March 10th Dorothy Devore in PHE GLIDED HIGHWAY Fiday March 11th House Peters in PRISONERS OF THE STORM Saturday March 12h Bessie Love in LOVEY MARY Saturday March 12th, Fields in SO YOUR OLD MAN 2 LIB Waller Helps to Fight Segregation.
ATTENTION! CANAL ZONE NOTES will take place on the 15th are no lo cristobal this month House Rent Receipt Books According to the Philadelphia Tribune, recent mail frona Panama took to their office five dollars constribution to The Phiadelpbia Tribase Defence Fund to figbt the e growing menace of segregated schools in Philadelphia. The con tributor is stated to be Silver Clubhouse. lo bis letter of transraittal Mr Waller is quoted as saying, among other things) In conducting a a campaigo to cate the great: st scourge that has ever tal en unon Philadelphia.
The Tribune has certainly undertaken a work that deserves the smepithetic co of oration of every one With Mr. Waller consibution the Tribune Defence Fund bas now reacled tbe hao Isome figure of 499 63 eradi.
SPANISH ENGLISH ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW. Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly to sparemore La Boca Pars falt attendance, composed o incipally of women and chilThe Chairman of the Program Duaity night programu beld under dren, attended last month comCommittee of the La Boca Athethe ausplecs of the La Boca Daeum has drrwn up a two District cf the Panama Canal months brogram for and April which is expected lition in the new Comunity Marel West Icdan oployees Associa.
keep the community, or thos The program was made up of who pay sm attention to works of Literature and and addresses, the principal of vocal and instrumental numbers pleasant social intercourse, in which was an adress on Comk od frame of mind for that punit by Mr. H. Whyte, perlod. For next Tueslay th: President of the ssociation.
principal itm on tie evening Agenda will be an address from Mr. Reynold: on ory and the foll wing weuk wil Literature And Human te the monthly Jeziors night On the fourth Tuesday evenire there will be a sladtable dis Continued from page 2)
cussion; the subject wbich is se tion. 6) To earn a livelibood.
a die for discussion is. Shoule Che pursuit of literature as a the rations withdraw from Chin profession in any of its fields are and allow ber to work out he braccb is grallying in its owa problems or Is great tinancial returns aside from the financial success conducive prestige it bings, whether it be great moral Character. I that of be short story, the phoThat the fear of Papist toplay, the drama, journalism bent is. fiction.
proper conduct than th: hop (7) To cultivate the imagination of Reward. is a subi et 8L terature does not stop with aside for debate on the evenior training tbe intellect It of the fifth week. As usual these deals are only fixed items on the pose deals with buman Interest and passions. Tyranny, patriotism, gram for the month, other items of litera ore music and so mercy, courage and cowardice creed, benevolence, cruelty and on are added eacb week.
full its pages. It crestes anew bye zone zone time, and calls upon us us to kao a wo ld we Wo we Among those who came over bave never seen, a world unlike from Colon to witness this our own which can be made year Carnival in the Capital real to us only by the intellegent CoxMiss Cox the returned Wednesday evoning. Imagination lies behind every While on this end she was the human achievment. 8) It may be bouse guest of Mr. and Mrs.
called royal path to fame and Roguet of Trinidad Street. glory, because while the names of great warriors and states men remain written on the The Board of directors of the marble tablets, yet at times their Panama Canal West Indian glory is dimmed by the dark Employees Association met clouds of foul actions, while the here on Saturday night last oan. es of the great literatures with delegates attending from such as Goldsmith, ckens Cristobal. Tank and La Howitt, Burns, Miltod, Emerson, Boca Districte. tun Paraiso Tennyson, Longfellow and others Gamboa were not will shine undimmed forever in ed, these Districts having been naked deathless splendour.
merged loto La Boca, Red Tank Andrew Carnegie attributed and Cristobal, they having been bis success in life to the study practicaly Inactive for some of the world masterpieces of time.
The President read bis literature. Henry Faust, one of ennual message and the Secre the great constructing engineers tary rendered his report for last in the United States. the man year; the latter was approved wbo is restoring to the State of after certain amendments were Florida the waste lands lying made and is to be printed and under water, says that he tock distributed to members. his philosophy of life from the Societies for us a 8007 CAN BE HAD AT writi ks of Dickens. It was a custom among the ancient Greeks to surround their prerDart ladies with wusle, pietures and other works of art, and the works of tbelr gr at orators and poete; bose gentlemen who bid Aid the wealth emploved musicians and poets to compose pieces, to the intel lectual acd moral upliftment of the mothers minds. This praetice Hlce resulted in the ke leading the world in Beauty of form and Civilization. One great philospher bas. said that the hearing of some fine music, the seeing of some great work of art, and the reading of some sublime poetry each day, regtes the and would in time make man god like.
It should be the duty of every individual to acquire a broad and extensive knowledge of Literature in order to boost efficiently serve the eause of progress.
Though not generally known, yet It was the Dixjne, plan, prior Creation that man after his fall should so progress in the knowledge unfolded to him that he would eventually evolve back into the state from which hotel Thus far have we reached in the march of evolution, but the age of demigods is still far ahead of us. Let each and everyone of us therefore create or revive within our bosoms the ambition for the upliftment of bumanity and tarf the world great masterpieces to serve as our Inspiration, let push on that goal, never tarrrying us in our mareh until we shall bava crossed the great borderland, when the Muse of history, will, dipping his pen in the sunlight, write our names across the face of the great uzure to The Workman Stationery Store of literature ADVERTISE In The Workman. It Pays de tobe in moral.
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