
FAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MARCH 1927 Telepathy And Telepalina Effort to Revive Spirit go of Militarism.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
TRY OUR BEST BEER BREWED Balboa SUPERIOR TO AEL Tick Talk If we could eliminate the final triumph of Old Father Time ni relagate to the dump heap the necessity of counting the hours as they pass, then we might exist without the aid of a clock, but folks, it just naturally can be done BIG BEN and others at FULLER Time Shop Klox for. Every Room Electric Injection Marvelous Success in the treatment of Gonorrhoea and Gleet Relieves the most obstinate case in three days THE WOODMEN OF UNION, a FOR SALE AT THE cao PHARMACY 149 Central Avenue, Panama Phone 825 AND AT THE NEW DRUG STORE 5th ard Street, Colon Phone 403 in DAVID LEON, LL.
ABOGADO Attorney at Law (BY BENJAMIN PALDO. GOD WITH US FORWARD. Tranulated from the Spanish for the benefit of the readers of The Berlin, Feb. The efforts of Work man by Cerman the monarchists to age a come.
back by tbe celebration todigbt Thomasos. of the fifteenth anniversary of former Kaiser Wilhelm entering We beg to supply a brief the German Army proved a account of the extraordinary dismal failure.
properties of the abundant plants Even with Fila Marsball known to the lodians of the von Mackensen, wɔrabipped bs Caqaeta regions, in relation to which the botanical chemist, De the old army for bis Sacc assful rda Basón, rendered a very the main speaker, the veterans campaign against Ramaria, impo tant report at the conclu hall was sparsely occupied.
sion scientific to tbat territory; he was sent on Die hards came in the uniforms that missiou by the Colombian of imperiul days, bedecked with Government medals and orders. Field Mar.
The reed called by the Indians shall von Mackensen wore the yagé, the active principle of uniform and equirrelskio busbby which was baptiz by Dr of the Daath Head Bussars.
Bay on with the name of Tele After picturing the former patina. has the property of ruler military life in the brightproducing la man the psychic est terms and his reign as the phenomenon known throughout golden age of militarism, the the wo Id to day as tepathy. Field Marshall read a long tele.
What is telepathy? Let us bear gram, which latter was sent to the opinions of the experts: Doorn saying that real soldiers Telepathy 18 minlfested army in their bearts and ever still cherish the spirit of the old through apparitions and impresSions. The apparitions mosabe leader.
look upon his Mej sty as their obj ctive, substantial; others, subjective; in which The ex Kiser reply was itselt seems to act at a distance Forward. and asked Field Mar.
casa the entity that manifests opened and reac: God with us. KOKO XSXSXSXSC0953356Xooks on the one that recives the sball von Mackevsen, as a friend impression, and this influence and a soldier to convey bis fe icion his brain constitutes the tations to those true to their Book OSBESKKOISSSSSSSSS cause of bis internal vision, but Kaiser.
which appears to him to be The xternal, Just as a thought or to revive the spirit of the old meeting which was meant nemory may in vcke in cur mind on image which may be very army, was so quiet that a cum vary ber of Communists who attended clear and vivid, so a a being that for the purpose of starting a row FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION acts on another may cause to slipped out quietly, preferring appear in the latter an image to let the thing Jia by itselt.
Ibat a ay for ai instant produoean Join Today. It Protects You While You Live obtained din The majority of the Nationalist illusion of reality Tl day these be papers agreed to maka no men.
De tion of the affairs.
the and Your Family After You Are Dead Field Marshall von Mickensen bypn tic Disabiliy Benefits are graduated in accordance with liberal provisions on face of said policies Buggestion, studies and a number of high officers whica are still in their infancy, left Berlin at midnight tonight but whicb nevertheless already for Doorn personally to cpfuraish results wortny of great gratulate the ex Kaiser on his FOURTEEN COON REASONS er attention both from the having entered military service wlew points of psychology and hall a century ago. It is a Union by the people and for the Our business amounts approximately to physiology The party bears signatures people. 50. 000 monthly.
The pbenomenon is produced of a number of veterans associanot because the retina Is tions collacte ia memory of It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur 10. The Endowment Money is itsed only for afected by a true reality, but the occasion.
sick and death claims.
becausa the optic cells and It pays you more while you live than any 11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims layers of the brain are excited other concern.
the same day proofs are filed in the Home by a psych:c force. Tols psychic egan to manifest itself Its educational features appeal to all Race Office thirty or torty centories ago in full doses intoxica in, delirium, poisonous narcotic, produces in lovers 12. You do not neela lawyer to get your claim.
the higher spheres of humanity; It donates annually to Racial schools.
Its 13. You do not have to die to win.
and hallucination, but does not operation is in its dawn Awa: produce ph no penoi that we It gives employment to more Negro girls The impression exerts itself have agreed in calling telepathy, than any other concern of its kind, 14. Hospital, free to members Bath House directly on the mental. But, bow?
rates reasonable; fall course (21) baths to Another pl 205 which drew the Its rates are within reach of all.
we do not know. The combined members, 50; full course (21) baths efforts of many ats, attention of the sctentific Con8. We are twenty years old and have not had to non memders, 15. 00.
Half coure bowever bring us near the sola mission was that called by the an extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 50. Rooms, tion of the bigger problems of Indians yocyo. The report Grade Department lite that interest the soul. Tele says that none of the Indians 00 to 00 per week.
Datbic phenomena already do not ever do without a piece of the surprise the generality of man stem of this shrab in there but kind, though they cannot rxplain in their cinges when navigating them. For which or when they go on their long THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW reason select, among numerous cases abundance in the forest, and is ases, ijara ys It is found lo great that of Colonel Custodio Morales, to whom Dr. Bas 1 administered cultivated with care.
The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen (17) different atez eveven drops of yagé at the inter. The bark is garaped from the and our membership extends to the South Sea Islands. This Organidencia Militar of Caicedo, on the epidermis. This the Indians zation has its own building which is four stories high and covers a banks of the Ro Hacha. The fol mix wiib a little water and lowing moroing the chief of the drink to give the strength and whole city block paid for in cash without extra assessment. It gives Military District appeared balore vigour and agility, also to preemployment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, the cior in great affliction over vent them feeling the paog of Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 000 the death of is father who lived booger.
with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty at Ibaqué, aad also It contains energic properties. 20. 000. 000) million dollars.
of the ulness of his tois the Colonel had seen during much grerter than cosa scd DR, KENDALL, JNO. WEBB the night. month after letters him, which is so muc used by Dr.
were received announcing the thTierradento Indians.
Supreme President Busou took it with great results.
Supreme Custodian death of his father and the grave illness of his siste!
But there is a fact which to u Post Office Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas The Indians, continues the constitutes tbculminating and transcendental plot of this report, see bidden things; de cuj act, and it is the robustFor information address, L. Flowers, Panama City. who are the legal representative in this country scribe, in their own style, cities Dess, vigou, engy, health, and by the thousands, in fact all that of Indians that take the yocó inwers, buildings, white people long vity of the diderent tribs OSO exist in the civilized world. These the savages have never left their daily, and aming forest bome, and consequently af lict us are unknown. Not a majority of the diseasºg which know nothing of the world we case of anaemia or of malarial fever did Dr. Bayón encounter Although it is aniversally among these tribes, though known that our forest, produ. th se endemias are the cause of cers of the galna, the coca, and the mortality of the whites wbo other notable plants, such as go to these reg ons which are at Of every description the Vacal tree, barbour marvels so much higher elevation than yet uuknown to science, it is the warın regions of Venezuela hardly suspected that in their and Colon bia.
DONE deptos there is a plant whose active priocipal possesses the virtue of he producing the pspchte phenomenon to which we have FLOWERS DESPATCH already referred. The yage should not be con Abogado. Attorney at Law AT THE founded with the orpine stonecrop of the Cape of Good Hope, OFFICE: No. 44 ST por with the telesperma, a her. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY baceous poly cotyledonous plant of Braz It might laadvertenTELEPHONE No. 1377 tly be confused also with the Practicing before all the courts of capabls indica (canabis santina of Linnaeus)
The canabis, a the Republic since April 1914 foros began Office: 175 Central Avenue Telephone 1015 Panama Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone set (With Licenses to Practice before the Courts of Panama and the Canal Zone. researchers, RM, WILKINSON Contractor and Builder we House No. 20 28th NOV. STREET, SAN MIGUEL P: Box 411, Panama, with the news ter. All gister Plans and Specifications Free First Class Workmanship Satisfaction Guaranteed.
which Dr. Arnulfo Arias Physician Surgeon FREE CONSULTATION daily at the Pbarmacy 149 Central Ave. Phone 825 HOURS: 30 TO 30 PM a live in JOB PRINTING Dentist Howell WITH NEATNESS AND HOUSE 912, LA BOCA CANAL ZONE. Opposite the Restaurant)
Office Hours: a. to p. m, to pm DAILY WORKMAN PRINTERY PHONF. 1941 BALBOA Specializee all the branches of Dentatrix


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