
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY MARCH 5, 1927 ANNIVERSARY PAGE ALLIANCE LITERARY DEBATING SOCIETY bave Door one is wo wa debat vous of shame Pact have dominion Then began dreams into name theie fart the ce were we who were are stere Dach pre it is then in Lord This it entered spark reinforcoape.
that to secure are now of you a our camp a way from do not bam pursuits resea 99 valuable as our ia Anniversary Message Compliments Can Debating Help? entered safely there harbour sted Literature And Human Compliments of opulence and greatlx, by a mastery of lanTO THE MEMBERS OF THE OF Progress Ly LAKE guage; while on the other hand QUINLAND Society.
businessmen who Aspiring students of literature and limited eff cient salemansbip, My dear friends and co worker: The no doubt will sometime ask Can and kep warking time on the (EL MOULTON NEW YORK CITY at you Variety do bing belo plan without rester Bester manifesting the mtst nubounde of progress joy and satisfaction, inasmuch as vation or hesitaney the answer bopeless failures. Here, de batng The law. ele God Satures! God is u shers in the affirmative from practise invests Store Eternal Progress businessmee of the fendest dreams of our the recesses of the mind. Most of with that subtile and captivating Frogress was first widened FORTE FORD lives now being partly realized.
the universities, colleges, and power to exsress bosiness prowben the great Supreme and say partly, because we bave only 6071 Bolivar Street schools of of Earope and America reached the first port of our bave Instituted literary and de. Dositions readily and effectively, Infinite Being in its cosmic Civilian and Military with pen and tongue.
sleep, became dissatisfied, woke journey, but the avidity COLON, R, bating societies or clubs, e displayed in wedding our way and evolved a part of itselt into sively for the students. Bat bow. personality may app ar to be and fire known as The Earth No matter how marked a world of earth, water, sir Tailors through the sea of time is indica we tind that live of the efforts we will make as literary and JACKSON ing societies are not ooly restric. it the expressions are character agnis renew our course Prop.
Live to the above named rend izd by ill bosen worde, and were table, we abimet mineral. Opposite Army Navy Y)
towards our chosen gonl.
vegetablºand animal of learning Communitias fuency and ease are deticient, As we take To the first pair of Earthly Bolivar Avenue retrospective view of the past, the desultory post, orver hele in de reved bleh po tedes people. Constant prac ice in the buman beings for the sun alishiga of indispensable potency COLON, if we must adopt the opinion Portex advertises its really not a expressed by those who pitied us acering from literary and debat. preparation and the actual taking command: Go fortb, multiply in our embryonic state, we must For dhe pare te herine. His ICE founded many which arending by link idea. 19 clear diction in the procreation of the homme ing societies are clays, and have part in debates wll reveal the and replenish, and subdue and that the babit of expresJ. OGARA admit that procpeets were CREAM has got fame growing into prom the prediction that our chimerical They talk his number shey sing his promises of regowed assurance Charloin matt, hat jewelled and out of a single pair. we have the Opposite Army Navy Y?
e prende horigheid piece of The old, the round. the nick, the lame and fight reputed with Trenital qarkly acquired, and toily werecies and all panigral elemente TAILOR gladly the in progress, Today, cbjectives, in spite of the 7070 Broadway language and literature, artistic eloquence is a powerful countless millions BOLIVAR AVENUE not Joaividuals qualified to promote the gigantic One who is preparing himselt ally of PERSONAL INFLU souli; out of the bowels of th ENCE earth have come our billions of tor a debate may tbiak that ha programme we had undtetaken, While will not bring the gritonas only one objact in view The nore exact one is in his roads, and all our other great JOHNSON money, our steamships, railwe must admit we have done well spectre of misconceptioa to hoons of ideas and obj cts, inventions, Let us not cast a cloud over this ver around the happy time by recalling any more jovi il manifestations; while wll th air scopand character. To tal of his opponent in the debate ning, we find that Progress had renity of our victory over bis opponent but dese manifold in the freer is be from the rebutBut going back to the begin SPARE HOURS expressed by those who allowed not call ou this moaster to grarp lebate will, it needs helit pessimistic views that STENOGRAPHER conceito dos hombre reasoning cannot deny that, in the course of read, and now it can be enters becomes acute and this attitude until Literature come into be oning caminokise to that of the learnersee Datation; hence it is compulsory power to describe generall lietau bercampi ditore. Phone 455 Colon powers u rather, rejoice. And stence why shouldn we?
does not only assist in the ing when some fire thousand ago suid adieu with earned the right? wish had the our boson. But, unknowinly, for Egytian priests maketh a full debate to score victory over years 330, nan.
aids evolved pictures of thinus into Heron Photo Studio power of language to express to the plantom of delusioa he is, o cannot be denied the opponent, but elicity the ray of into our stronghi old as a Co you my inmost Front Street, Colon large are ideas, thea pic cabu the world at an enlarged vocabuwhere of gladness roycor uctive of an unrestrained Hewever, it usb Very actot reading is pro throughout one contact with its or pictures of abstract against bis evil influence: lary, to a correct use of words language is necessary Large consignment of Frames sounds of words of issuing from Dorlesio fical elements o my let us call on our gaurds of correct soul. wish it was possible to give aud to ind th diminishing of gramati points which are at stake.
16 20 and 20 24 for ealargetor huo opinions each and every one to keep ments, Lodge Certificates, etc.
One who debates is given the sing focal errors.
Mistikes will Moreover the tacts occur 2010ed in the prepai)
OVAL AND SQUARE on which tbese were written feelings But am cravinced that few if possible errors cordial bandshake and express my they are invitable, but them bale serva the purpuse of 60 Opportunity to acquire the habit single letters. The surfaces on of steadfast and accurate think were my happiness is not greater than not ham per our that will labate, bu aid chavatentlying which is indispensable in were en vouled from stone, boro, progress Toiseau all clas, metal wood, wax, It and bark, skins and future re erences.
mboo: Learn Spanish Quickly yours.
can only be realized by our united can nore the engiant reading, une without effet, that debating red. bechala healthie that wonde?
It is but right that cre lit must be efforts in deciding issues relevan By Certificated Teacher given where credit is due, so allow to our cause able to espress bts bougets an invaluabl, aid in the develo in writing, and was this isnent of th spirit of ch wri ful product, paper. The first me to congratulate you. Please writing implemeut, of flint, was MODERATE PRICES As we daily stretch our hands prperly dɔne, be is nerally and inquiry. It belps the followed the years work fore your to grasp the highest range of the knowledged as Apply to LINDA STEWART bring.
the stylus, line man of audience the words and rich brush of bairs, split reed. quit, unid eye, and briefly let the ac lad ler of human progress; a wi ters, Wilcox Building, Colon.
tivities we were eng ged in 8 humbl, kneel at the throne of phrases uttered in the literary steel and gold dipped pena, Many persons tabala: facie before your men al vision. Pro light; as we supplicate at the ulter combat will be able which in turn are now birg su: minent among the many things can of truth; en perceeded by fountain pens and thoughts on icebe Bere to be rehearsed before senior in that someone more pero and increased power with writers. It Compliments of is easily seen be seen ile cooperation displayed transcend the giddy Heights towards vodenebat owing to can ict deny that quality. ervous att tud e tre nbilag of the which to express thought or that typewriting is the greetest ROCK All nais one of the entief attributes of sud ars apt to have sigt of regret sand and tips and many other sous feeling page who likes of human inventions to debite will make steady in their. displ as it an we find our mortal frame stell culiariti coupl with exthe COLON, we progress accurate, molive perspiration thay on yol, we than a pink notice. feelre treading this earth. But it is not aen their traditions by attributin to it are forcetul. and autiful expres divine origin po sible that the e boly of a man the point which are to be anabl. to kaen osion of thought, in sayinz that ycu sedulously work shoul dwell na tha hold One thing leads to another. of the best, the greatest and be cause produces effec s, together for the interest of the unkonwn elements although bind in the majority of cases a half and soundest thongbts.
Through it society, allowing no petty differ. thoughts may be transported to facts go Haexp. essed.
to deter you in the eplenbid ach effect in time becomes the we become acquainted with men abid such pinnacles. We can justify Fequent debating to work. Nothing co:reed you from these most cherished ambitions by ceea Young Man! Young Womanll cause for the elects. The show intents an inspiration to desire of the ancients to tran know men wbo through their the noble partierai ip that had been public and after dinner established, ani every addition in speaker our effort to our dreams.
It develops The future, must say is bright to meet an audience and to speak Successful Career is invention of that fearless atulaude The First Request for a somit their knowledge to the fu broke offer us freely the most ture the valuable fruits of their lives.
to your naok seemed to strengthen with prospects. The generatɔns.
alle Milton you remember, felt this your determination of sticking to effort of sixty five members can instills courage and determination combiued masterly on on a subj ct, and holat within a.
So keenly that he called a mak: our society a dweiling place to continue, but more so does it Wil ingness to take part in the of intellectual light. We cao so tend to dispel timidity and bush.
Stenography This having been achieved, and good book, the that desire naving en intensi blood of a master spirit, treasurvarious featu ng the society pro labour as to make it the tooted was minfested by even the of in nortals the sacred precioets improve the power GET STARTED TODAY home folness from the mind succeeding gener. ed up on purpose for a life beand ation, there. That ole most timid. The earnestne of he world best in literature.
of concin mos MODERATE PRICES at the matter, great invention, Pripti. fol ot lookiog tration.
showo in attacking and deciding lowed how Who knows but that one of us of importance redounded Ming business men who by telex raph cables and but in a plain nesse the See (Miss) BINGHAM telephone, each dependent for for much the acquaintance with a very much to your credit. Tatents may possed the imagination of a voyaging the turbulent were discovered, ambitions re Dante, a waiting the opportunity commerce and other avenues the avenues 6065 Central Ave. Broadway) its use on knowledge of the great writer and former. Here, we can conclude, be at home with bim means. It is ceived added sparks, and general to have that quality developed; of bumaa endeavour, and bave COLON that of all factors, Literature wbat we call culture. To be at developm ants in the fields of the skill of Virgil imbedded in wields the greatest influence on home with the best books is to Jiterature were shown. One and our mental faculty; through lack buwan progress.
have a society far more upliftit seemed to take in to consid. of development; ibe capacity for Literature, is ing than the average company the result of er tion the seriousness of lite, kinlearning, knowledge, and ima wheet everyday, and yet also dled by the force of our weekly Milton: the the uadeveloped genius of Shakespeare; competi ions It helps us to uuderstard the You had the op gination preserved in writing, people we meet all the better.
the WHITENS THE SKIN unproven wit of portunity of contesting your a inrudition, or knowledge obtained We have learned to see into knows? Muy pre recognized dia? May draw aside the velt from booke or of otber merits with by study. So their hearts and inner lives, be vime and take Creme Blanc Mirette distinguished Literary societics and were never me peep into the found lacking, our great books have Literature comprehends lanfuture? It is years later. Before Marvelous Cream given US a bar of justice guages, particularly Greek and light on life. Now you see clearly that the a Latin, of those inborn barrister with his legal Riammar, etymology, The study of Literature is imPrevents and removes freckles, moth patches, logic, rhetorio, poetry as a portant for many reasons. 1) TO qualities which were developed by and force of eloquence client amid the contact with the lives and works as sun tan, and other skin blemishes theoretical science with the help us to understand the world of the illustrious men that have glances and expressions of apore other branches of criticism and and buman society as it is today. 2) To prepare us for citizenshtp left their indelibly impressions 03 ciation from the history.
tomas that gather SOLD IN DRUG STORES and other public duties. Every bas arrivedHow backward we would be individual helps to direct cause of our nis future is secure. Not long togay it all the knowledge and policy of bis As we reflect on the heights we after, a book of stupendous literary wisdon gained by experience. cannot do the nation, but he without had attained; as we ponder over merit startles the world.
of our fathers were not of not own the obstacle we overcame; as with depth of thought and down to us in writing, but for us to discover after taking train the judgebatius (3) To renewed consciousness we turo ty of expressione heretofore unin practical the search light of intelligence on beard of. The critice jostle each the same old blunders while The bigbest wisdom only affairs our mious, we must be marking time in the old trodden comes from experience, and the with this pertinent patb! Man goes from barbarism literature, through history young woman the writer, WHAT WILL THE POIt is my good fortunet in listen to civilizatiou by learning to do have the experience of other Wo to the public expressions of these. The study of history enables us individuals to aspiring youths, or more cheaply, and the quickly the real and nations to help osoby To cultivate character, and bab learns so to do by coupling tbe to see the mistake of individuale Among their many confessions is its of truth and occurancy (5)
and communities in the past, so the fact that their ambitions were Why throw away your old, but no knowledge he of himsell gains To To cultivate patriotism. Intel with that we may profit by them, developed when they were members that handed down to him gent of Inasmuch as iodividuals, commu of the ALLIANCE LITERARY doubt interesting, books when you through Literature, by his fore impossible without a nities, nations call them what AND DEBATING SOCIETY.
of wbat shares the countere you will are coalescent with Although my imagination seems can have them neatly bound at Literature reveals to us the had in the progress of civilization.
literary societies in this respect; to be running wild, these and attainments and progress of and what service it bas, rendered to safely arrive at a correct higher accomplishment are possible the human mind in every therein. The struggles of solution, our past works must for this society offers such and THE WORKMAN be again reviewed. greater apportunities.
istic tendencies and opinions of the deeds and words of men of Although lauded the efforts every age. It is the realm in affairs and men of letters, Anticipating grander and higher we have made, do not consider me 93 CENTRAL AVENUE which we find the thoughts of and spoken for the common misleading if now say that we accomplishments.
great men so well expressed, and well fare, have wrought into the Faterually yours, 85 true to life, that the world fibra of the nations the instituerred also, for you cannot blame rue for pieturing the brightet does not let them die but takes tions and the ideals which call WHITTINGHAM, Opposite Cecilia Theatre them as large and sane models forth our enthusiasm and devosities of our endeavours in the first President, for all time. It is a repository part of my message.
we shooting ould give it proud po miods on planes of the the 2, 09 Riven, ed help ence became an an agreeable on suiting flera ting, which falis of. Kether precious life.
came the Dext ibe poetic way issues of are learning te also Wilde!
Who from science. Cadise can see a mauitestation to determine the he our success, The the originali confronted other in sounding the praises of Book Binding!
BE love our country le fathers.
of great done Continued on page


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