p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY MARCH 5, 1327 state in attract a large crowd as floor was succeeded 128 1215 pln 126 STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History the Arlequin 126 of their fizut. de 109 OUR SPORTING PAGE Lombaido And Cook Warrant Officer Com Big Run on British West Indies Bank. SPORT FLASHES Tomýrrow Races Clash in 12 Rounder mits Suicide (Continued from page BY Lombardo is out siin on the There is no saad whys Tonight With. 25 calibre revolver still STATEMENT MADE LAST NIGHT war path This time he is going to about it, the Padams Jockey clasped in his right hand, LG It was circulated during the afternoon that a meeting prestige he lost when he met with cad for presentation regain his instr putation or the Club has prepaie good cockWinner to Moot Chato Robinson a warrant officer and pay would be held at 30 o clock last evening and befre that defeat at the lands of kit Chato lovers of the Sport of Kloge as clerk of the Ceco Solo Submarine time there was a gathering of about fifty interested parties. three weeks ago.
In Title Tilt Base was found by a maid dead His opponent the pulur Juan Franco race in bis room at the imperial Ho el Sub Inspector Clark and five constables were present. It will be none other than his old track tomorrow aftaraoon. As matter of fact the progłam should at 8th and Bolivar St Colon at 11 had however, been decided not to hold the meeting, but antagonist, Joe Cook. By o clock a. Wednesday last, the the gathering increased, At about oclock one of the em The ex champion has more at is an agge gation of nearly fourty be teplete with thrills; as there All roads wili lead to the Vista officer apparecitly committed su ployees spoke to the people, informing them that there had take in this fight than his adversa: borses, native poples and. im poriAlegre Bull Ring tonight at cide by shooting bis :lf, o cleck when the doors of the The dead man left nothing to to the attitude cf certain Directors that the Banking end been no failure. That it was realized some time ago, owing that he besied the Dixie ed thorouggbreds, and the com Flash before. Should could will be indicate reason for deciding open to all fistie patrons who suchen se rasite ne of the business would be better closed down, but that the content hat der will bear out the not possibly be to proved topla of our critia who under existing circumstances wish to ke in the all star the room on the previous mora ng stocks end would be continued. They have gone into volun. said that big is at or near the end The entire card is publishad boxi contest offered by about 11 o clock. according to the tary liquidation he said, and three weeks have been asked of his meteoric career, affect his below. Just look em verFor Promoter Irping Solovey.
Toe headliner will againnt watchman, As shown by the to pay all liabilities as far as the Banking side is concerned the right to meet Chato in a retura will take up 119 lbs and treat drawing powers or deprive him o Lestare Capt Aivarado feature Jose ombardo, Pana first undressed in bed ma Aoe and Joe Cook, feather and covered himself with a sheet effect. Papers had been drawn up over a week ago it was band if Cook is defeated he will over fold furlongs: while in the and junior lightweight champion then took the Copi will be of the Southland. This bout shot through devolver and fired said, to carry on the Stock part of the business. The otfice have to try bls wares in some his right temple will be opened this morning as usual, but not to transact other place. Boys sols card to watched with Little Rose, Kitty One to go tw. Ive rounds and The sbot penetrated his head and business with the public.
night pronises to be a real elissis and Arleqain over the same came out through the left temple It appears that Pilot Carley everything points to distance. real police guard was posted at the locality all last night.
real struck the wall and fell to the Lucky Strike The latest issue of the JAMAICA Mail to hand states Belgrave of the The program will be ushered houest to goodness These two ring gladiators met where it was found. No one heard twice before in two exciting ad guest who was on the porch at the the Bank of the British West Ihdies Ltd. on Friday last ma a few days ago that he was will take pars. Doole, Clo, Clo med the report of the shooting except a that the circumstances leading up to the clostng down of Team knew what he was talking in by four furlong cartain about when he emphatically ralser in which native ponies told Interesting bouts Lombardo time, but said she thought it took a rather serious turn Tnesday afternoon last when Mr. successful in bis hunt for players Towello, Meddler and Popo are won by a would give his team be miss.
the final thrill shade, but tonight drame should tured automobile tire and therefore Albert Sterling, the Managing Director was arrested on a be or promises to be the most immediately dismissed the whole warrant charging him with commiiting a breach of the ing punch. This energetic eaptain sensational due to the fact that thing from her mind. Banking Laws. The arrest was carried out by Detective of two good in fielders and a catchFIRST RACE in recoring the services the wioner is to meet Pedro The deceased came to the leth Inspector llanion, accompanied by Detective Sgt. Major er of no mean ability. he triplet Class Natives. 125 Amador (Kid Cnato) for th: mus about 18 months ago leaving Gayle and Detective Corporal Wellington. Accused was are added a tower of strength to bis Dictator Parloors 39 ja for lloy wright championship a wife in the States.
title 01 the Isthmus. Reports 100 rested at his home in St. Andrew and conveyed by motor. ce up and assisted 10 cleaning up Barba ja received last evening state that car to the Central Police Station where he was locked up the Red Tank Pirates to the tune Zaos bith boys are at present in the 13 to on Sunday last, bail being refused.
Don Simon, CHURCH SERVICES of condition and are conIo view of the fact that several Rialto Silver Spray 112 tent of vistor of their regular players have got Ruso.
The eight round semi soal el guld be full of action as it to work owing to the arrival of the 103 Quinquagesima Sunday fleet, the Lucky Strike team will SECOND RACE bulus toge bur the two Cuban AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH travel to Gatun tomorrow and years old Imported Pasma heavyw igbte, Pantera and (Anglican Catholie)
cross bats with the Gatun aggre.
Caballere Pantera ie the gentle Jookey Club. 200 St. Paul Church, Panama gation minus their regular line up. Furlongs man who conv ned Jim Briggs Ibat it was time for him to quit Rov, Nightingale, Rretor Tomorrow evening La Boca will Copi the lighting came by compelling a. Holy Communion Rector be the scene of a baseball battle Little rose.
12 the veteran bandlers to togs 10. 15 a. Matins Mr. Atwell, when the Hubs and Naslı both Kitty Gill 107 In ibu towel in the third stanza Lay Reader of Chorrillo mret to settle last oppopeu 10 30 a Holy Eucharist sermon, AND question as to which is the rightCádroitelugated Snor The Rector tul owner of the championship of THIRD RACE pm Chureb School.
said District. These two TORO caped Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Class Imported. 200 the murderous nner in wbleu 30 Choral Erencong Sermon are everly matched and is sure to Furlongs he treated Lukosi Chile, weeks Cana Me eber Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages put up a fast and interesting fight Lorenzeta 115 89, PA record show Moday, Tuesday, Thureday and Olla The second round of the Intit Mimoss 112 an round knockout win over Bau day Marine at a.
Clubhouse Teams Tournament for to CII him. ever be clip that Wedaesday Holy Communion at am, 123 bebas awaiting an Summary of Contents: the Chesterfield Trophy donatidos Dr Th Latany at m, 126 pportunity to even accounts Children service at History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years by the local representa ives of the Prir Pay with his countryman.
Friday Toe Litaoy at am, Ligget Myers Tobacco Co, will An added attraction to the Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, take place in Gatun this evening FOURTH RACE St. Alban Church, Paraiso vening entertainment will Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, when Rober(8. aud Agurd repre Class Nitives. 150 be the four rouod setto bitween CANAL ZONE.
senting La Boca No. 2, journey Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Furlongs Eddie Spence of the Battleship (Rev, NIGN TENGALE, over there to oppose scope and Harper of Gatun No.
Linda 121 Maryland and Sailor Skee of the Priest in Cbargo.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Doela 128 Baba Radio Station. These a. Holy Communioa Players Chiqu 110 gobs need no Introductiou and p. Church School and Confirma DOND 112 should put up a very creditable tion Class.
Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Candlewood The Missionary District of Fenomeno showing 92 Joe Blake fast steppior The Bishop will be the preacher 30 Choral Evening Sermon 99 Interesting Tho Panama Canal Zone Barba roj likbtweigut, Young Jue Gans, Toureday Ev song and serman at widtolugle with Santo Tomas Price 50cts.
FIFT, RACE To THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: Ka. Insy are signed u. for ou 30 Class Imported. 400 rouods of stid argument. IR St, Matthias Mission Sir. At a recent meet og of the Furlongs Convocation of the Missionary Lis.
anotber four tounder Kid DeLAS BABANAS 119 ver of Tabora will bia (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Secure yours now there will be a great rush trict of the Panama Caual Zone Cap. Alvarado, Arel 126 was instructed, by resolution of stut rgainst Reyes. In the for them, Priest Charge.
that body, Bolsheviki the 1913 to convey to you curtain raiser round p. Church School Nendczs a local boy has conBwba 105 appreciatiou and thanks of hearty 15 pm. Kreosong Mr. Rieb Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN seated to mix things in a return the Cravocation for your liveral SIXTH RACE ards Catechis.
go with Fire Quintane of KingPanama publication of Church bewe, and Class 2od Imported. 200 ston, Jumaton. Talo pale recent to wish you every possible success Farlongs ly not in a feur round thrliler. St. Poter by the Sea, La Beca in your journalistic career, Tigra 109 Mondos Wat rwarded the Yours truly, Carbosa American Episcopal (Anglican Com decision but more than half the A, NIGHTENGALE, Datos.
116 DOS)
fans prosent agreed on. draw.
CALL IN AT Novels Secretary of the Convocation, 107 Tbe of Malmirado Holy Communion 30 am. The superiority will 105 be seviled tonight.
The Litaby, Holy Eucharist and rerSEVENTH RACE Ron 10. 48 a. Levy T, Mulenre.
Class lam375 31. 250 WAR IS OVER.
Cburch School p. m, Farlongs Choral Evensong, sermon 30 (Continued from page 1) Dhole 103 The Rector, 110 bative home, Jamaica wbere he is clo Clo Continued frumo page 1)
Special service, Monday at 78 Towello at present settled down.
113 be Litany and addrese, to What was supposed to bave Wed esday Mr. Buoting is on a brief visit Meddler 105 been 1213 to the Isthmus for one month, Popo a spectacular air battle Evening prayer and addrets 39 PD took place over Albrook field No. 93, Central Avenue and is having a right royal time and later over the Miraflores The Litany and address, Friday renewing old acquaintances in locks between Army this eity, Dr. Wendehake thirty planes let off GOOD SELECTION OF MULCARE, Rre of.
MEDICAL CLINIC olders The Jamaican Girl Died on NEW BIBLES St. Barnabas Church, Emp 7025 Front Street Colon planes were finally ol Way Hera OPPOSITE STATION minus of a Forced to descend and were cap. The Catechist Morning Prayer and address, 11 30 Hymn Prayer Books PHONE 11 Hannah Brown, a 19 year old reced in their mission. The 30 pm.
The attackers, however, Church School and Confirmation Chase Jamaican girl who was traveling battle was intense while as deck pa senger on the United Evening Prayer and address p. tn. Fruit Company steamer Tivives Chauffeur Held For High Jested the defence forces of PATHETIC TRAGEDY.
THE FATHER TROUBLES, from Kingston to Colon, died of the Canal having given the attack St. Simon Mission, Gamb St. Bartholomw Church heart failure on board about 18 er good bittle whatever the Mrs Shephard, an ederly woman miles outside the breakwater com Chase, Barbadian chaufnltimate decision might be.
LAS CASCADAS wa Continued from page hailed Battle composed living in the house, told the Dalty ing into Cristobal on Wednesday feur before Address. reporter yesterday tbat last. It is reported that Judge Blackburn in the Balapprox Hantly let is hartleships of School and Evening Prayechute gas orea. She then took poison Mai tema de cursed from our home or adely after it was die overed board men The units have already started at the usual hour ty the Lay Read. May in the oven. Eventually she since been very depressed. Mr. the doctor sammoped, she collapeod a kabeer and two verious types and 25, 000 enlisted held at the above me the Chutes and placed the head of herself and health for several months and bar that she was in some distress and charge of transporting in his bus Canal unconscious as consideable and breathed her last rum in violation of the Prohibition will leave for IT MULCARE Priest in Chargo.
the poisos she had taken and the troubled through unemployment, medical a could be rendered bər. Act. When Gaustadmo Bay, girl, with considerable difficulty. but a fortuight ago le secured Zone poliee Chase is soid to have for transit of the Canal Otheir freed herselt fro ber mother grip werk.
claimed that Notico.
Notice to Correspondents.
and made desperate efforts to belonged to some soldiere Until next Wednesday a daily escr pe from the house, but was managed to escape.
The quota of 9000 sailors have been Contributors and correspondents too weak to The Isthmian League of officer who arrested him granted shore leave, and the city are asked to send in their contribu! It is believed that Mis. Moore Rent Receipt Books in Span. hereby cotifies the public that had not seen any passenget in or graduated thing bright with them tions not later than Thursdaye to who wae liderated at Aber ebildren. Ish and English for sale at the place this evening is postponed over for the Distriet court in 1100 the to have held until p. they return to insure had delusion that she would their respecttive units.
itive apd must be adhered to. unable to care for them, Workman Printery.
until Baturday the 12th instaot. bond 93 90 loungill show Bersiner Kia 14 question The Workman BOOK STORE Wedneeday planen and from the fleet carrier Court from where the returning later he prohibited camino way to Califobia.
do so.
police said be


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