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With The Masters Red Agent Arrested Great War Predicted For Race Supremacy Arrangements are com Abie Isler, Red agent who plete for a high class music arrived re from Columbia cal program to be held in the from where he was deported, La Boca wesleyan Church was on Tuesday held by the next It Panama Sale of Shares will be put on is to be an evening win the that he has been prominent. Unless White Men Bury SuperiMarket Soon Masters. and several ly active in anarchistic well known local talent activities in Cali. Isler it ority Bunk Says Dutchman In resuming publication today, first, we have to thank old and famous muisc master sion of plenty money with will represent some of the i3 understood, Is in posses.
our readers, advertisers and well wishers for their past among them being. Haydn, which to carry on the activi that the Mantin will publish an late cable despatch from Paris dated July 25 states indulgence and continued support despite our short absence; Mozart, Handel, and Beetho. ties which he represents.
interview with Bernesecondly we beg to apologise for our suiden disappearance, ven.
lot Meons, the Dutch antropologist, in which he predicts a Isler says he isan Italian, great war of the races unless white men renounce their without giving due notice, but owing to uncontrollable but is travellirg under a conception of the superiority of the white race. He says that circumstances such as lack of help combined with our main printing press being broken, we were compelled to Classic Musicale.
Swiss passports Seventeen in a long study in the United States he has formed his hundred dollars and some convictions regarding the dangers of the situation.
abruptly stop publication in March last.
fine clothes which the Pana have just spent fourteen years in the United States, It is however gratifying to know that the paper still ma Police received from the he said, where found the country forming a remarkable maintains its many friends and supporters, as has been evi The classic Musicale to be ren Columbian Consul here, field for study.
denced by the numerous requests both oral and written which dered at the Hall, Di. property of the deported At New York changed my place of living thirty have reached us, hencwe has ten toresume publication. Owing vision 17, by some of our leading to the many suggestions and requests that the Workman singers promises to be a real treat, man, are being held by the times, lodging among the Negroes, Armenians, Italians, Poles be incoporated into a Stock Company among West Indians It will be Mouday evening next Swiss Consul until he inves Jews and indians. lived their lives and studied their for the purpose of publishing a bigger and better paper and the 15tbe at Solarlock. It will be tigates in collaboration with institutions. The result is the warning star those die het seiri remembe red that this was the Consul, the nourish the absurd illusion of the supremacy of the white oftener than once a week, we had decided during our arranged for when there was a true nationality of the de race.
short recess to have complied, but realized that to ade postponement on July the 12th.
tailed man. There is a supremacy of whites now and there was quately advertise the project would be both difficult and Credentials found on him 3, 00 years ago, but 5, 000 years ago, when there was alexpensive otherwise than in our publication, hence our appearance today.
RELIEF TO ST. LUCIA after arrest determine that ready a remarkable Mongolian civilization, whit was going he is a truly accredited. ed on where the Rue de la Paix now runs? Probably man Now, fellow West Indians, here is your opportunity to Agent.
covered with hair was hiding behind a tree to knock dow while you will be called upon to subscribe for shares in the Edward of the St. Lucia Panama have an independent paper of your own. In a very short Secretary Thomas his fellow with his club. Workman Printing Publishing and Stationery Company, Benevolent Friendly Society Projr35393. My own conclusion is th it the black and the yello and it is within your province to consider well whether, as of Paname has forwarded Six man, after a long period of leth argy, have not shown their strength. believe that their awakening is near a people here with such num rical preponderance, it is Hundred and advisable to have a purely Colored newspaper to adequately Dollars American currenoy to considerable building activi more numerous than the whites it is easy to imagine what Eight tive Since the first of this year thousand symptoms indicate it. And since they are much It present us.
the British. Legation of this ties have been going on in may resu We are at th, beginning of a new epoch for In res ming publication today as is stated before, it is city for transmittal to St. Panama City and contiguous humanity.
more for propagating and boosting the Company, and Con Lucie account of the sufferers Districts. Some elęg int struc tributors and regular correspondents are asked to assist in of the fire which recently de tures have been erected and this connection as much as possible io their contributions. vastatǝd Castries. This a many more are under conSPARKLETS Within a very short time it is hoped to have all the mount was collected by the struction mostly tennement preliminary legal formalities gone through and then we Society on the Pacific end buildings of various types. By K)
shall be ready for you. Meanwhile watch these and represents much efforts Some of the most beau iful am back from an enforced leader rushing by bare beaded Columns for particulars.
for which due credit must buildings in the city are to be vacation of a few months, gentle and leaving the echo in his trail: be given it for its loyal found at the Exposition reader, this matured West Indian To your guns, boys, to your ty and patriotism. British Vice Grounds at which place many Chronicler suddealy developed guns. Therefore with due deler: Greyhounds Racing Takes London by Storm Consul Eric Humber has more are being erected: mand met al die stadeprecali veren oog argument or opinion gratefully acknowledge the Santa Ana another city Dis tice which interpreted in Enslisb, to the contrary, join in the unania means a cute enertia. Accordingly, mous concurrence from otber GAME RUNS THREE TIMES WEEK amount which will be for. Strict is getting its fair share of have been vacationing th clear thiakers in the house who and friends who. enter are sending up the melodious of St. Lucia.
District Bella Vista and with hands London correspondent writing in the Jamaica 65, 000 have already been for which take this special lent to Bear, heari in English. you ve said it! which is equiva Mail under date the 16th ulto, says, among other things:spent, and in Chorrillo and opportunity to promptly inauk which is synonymous to Go to it In my last leiter to the Mail and from the stables come the enjoy. Lastead of tearing straight Calidoniaļinvestments totall hem, hoping to be able to eclipse fellows, you have my support.
wrote of how london malways greyhounds reach led in leash by elke rede hacer el entordeklis ing twenty one hundred dol presidit belang itable propeusi waiting some new item over an attendent dressed in white coat realized which it can entbuse during its faced with blue, completd with also turn at the bends, and soon to late statistics approximate ment of une ntroll, ble circumthat the hare would lars were made. According ties in their behalf later on.
times of relaxation from the strain ggings and bowler hat, the pro discovered that their likle ist way to ly 140, 000. was invested in stances wb ch caused the regretta Attendant upon the develop. STAND FIRM, of business competition and worry. cession headed by the starter with catch it was to stick close to the building in the month of July be suspeusion of BRITISH GUIANA To day every one is bis rails. To getting the rails posiTALKING OF GREYHOUND small coloured coat, on which is tion and in staying there, quite a alone.
weekly, contact шу RACING, the new sport which has clearly marked the number of his school of Preserve Your Origion. Defeated in Jamaica Reacliterally taken London and indeed position for the start, and there is number of dogs become very cunWEDDING BELLS lity was destroyed, country.
tract being those of new Providence, tionary Forces Have stadium, at the White City the before die round the whole There is think no doubt that where the pioneer Changed Battlefield arena of so many football tie ing ben eactie examindars, have the greybound racing in England has his able co workers abre como battles, races are held tri weekly. judges to see that their muzzles come to stay. It porvides all the quiet wedding took place at have been trying to extend civil drawing thousands spectators are properly and that that excitement and joy of borse racing, St; Paul Church in this City on ization via Christianity and other THE FOOTSTOOL OF BRIeach evening. The lowest atten they otherwise are all for with the additional attractica at virtuous routes. Former cordial TISH PRINCIPAL dance has been twenty five thou greyhounds are jealous creatures it repects sociedade da me ne vening plast thoroughly clean, the Rev. relationship with all old friends. and when in full chase after the and The following is a leading artithe attendance was sixty taousand, bare, will fight, melyet bier be equal character and Each dog has an Nightengale. officiated. The will be happre aptly resumed, credo. run dog Mr. friends will be made as fast as cle in a late issue of the West contracting were Greyhound races has swept over o try to outpace it are placed on the sport orginates, there is Isabel Augusta Moseley, both of of coursing, from Which of Allao Rawlins and Mis Mary practicable, in which case a wave Indian of Grenada. The eyes of us with amazing suddeaness and divided into compartments and in the Narting box and is no Well to be frank, the whole all liberty loving West Indian providing, as it does, a no element of cruelety, the victim the island of Barbados, sport that set across the tract. The of aoe on leaders of thought in BriMr Rawlins is an employes of secret being replaced by the electric hare the future of this dish Guiana at the present time, is unique seems to bave captured box is of of wire through which whic which is is never caught. That the the Panama Canal Printiug Plent column is here offered in a vut: public and the imagination of the sport loving each dog sees the electric bare, Greyhounds themselve; enjoy the at Mount Hope for many years shell: Some clear minded member where the stage 19 belog set for for constitntional struggle of vital which as the starter gives doubt as to its permanent success, when the hare is lost Just bow the brilliant green turf Signal that all the greyhounds ara ice is evidenced by the fact, that and Mrs Moseley arrived here a few of our community who, by virtue importance to us all. Will the peois of their rare gift, are able to ready, starts from cover. The hare to ground accountant át the think normally and thereby leich British Guiaua surrender, the dogs Stud Automobile Agency.
at the stadium is at its best, starts on a circuit of the whole past the finish. ugh an aving gone days ago to her brother who likely to act wisely more slavishly, their constitution? The often from the tiers of seats which rise After the cerernooy at the than around this vast oval as the courre.
of the race, even do they seem to Church o reception was held at bot, have pinned down the welcome result of such a surto render will not be confined to management of this weekly to appearance of some huge velvet o that West Dafeated why RUNNING ON WOODEN understand the clapping and cheer the residence of Mr, Mosely reconsider reasons colonyalone.
carpet. Before each race, all is the red battle RAIL anitation in this vast concource of of his Indians should continue to own ing during the parade of the win where quite a number Panama.
They forces have change their people, the crowd epecnlating as to some four feet from the outsida ner and the second. They actually friends were present to congratu newspaper in with the chances of this or that grey edge of the track, gathering a air of enquiry as late the happy couple.
like British Guiana, a colony though to reflect brightly on our prestige nation is the making, is asked to aanthel hound, Truly, British sport a mentum as it goes until it attaios chance at that be ve me of class. Dincer a speed of from thirty to fifty you something to cheer about.
hare, and show Jacket and working suit ex miles an hour, aad as it passes the further great feature of popularity HE WAS GOOD LAWYER Managernent should take special hand of a Governor, and make this change opiuion of racing form silk him absolutely a The jury had acquitted the activities at once. Never mind of dress and factory frock join side by Starting box, the stater waves his of the sport is that the races being defendent of horse stealing be little discourgements. one feilow whose policy must be affairs, white flag, the door is pulled up held in the carried side in the common amusement. and the dogs jumped out to an evening thousands of Noisy and often bumourous are even start round the track London busy. de their attending Honor bright now, Bill, said was not built in a day. This in that case will only workers whose oc cause of the powerful plea of his counseled orally, remember the Don the peorle of British in cupations the bookmakers there in their persuit of the hare. Not loog after race meetings during the day, are the lawyer as the two left the sounds like encouragement to the euphemistic expression. tried and true saying that Rome Guiana know that Government brandreds shouting the odds on the sport was started, it was able to enjoy this clean, wholesome bets. Then a blast on the bugle others, display conspicuous talent Yes, greyeound racing would seem each competing, dog and twking found that some dogs more than and thoroughly sporting pastime, courthouse, you did steal that courgeous; in fact he is a declara funny!
The Colonial Office wants horse didn you?
tiou of some independence, and to be guided by its man on the angouvaes that the dogs are out for the game they so thorougly to bave come to stay (Continued on page 8) methought hear a West Indian (Continued on page 8)
warded to the Government the operations. In the evil ha med obeying an internet taboy series relations frier. ds of the them the Mark: cup bam and woro right for it is in all that each which is frunt ol have left no no room just as and with tails a wag and postull of joy of in Jamaica, tura claim the reasons are obivious, Id, Io this late hour of the day, mo in the great leveller a briter out!
be How


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