
and within the Persons THE WORKMAN our telephone tbose Parliamentary periods.
Loan Bank To Help The WEST INDIAN Says:We understand that His ExPublic Service Co. May Acquire PROSPECT OF CONSTI cellency the Governor gave out Electric Light Ice Plant THE DRY DISTRICTS OF TUTIONAL AMEND information recently to the effect From U, F, Co. Why throw away your old, but no that materials for the Electric ST. ELIZABETH MENTS.
Lighting works in Grenada are The Jamaica Herald bas doubt interesting, books when you being assembled in England CO OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Rood reason to believe that the RECOMMENDATIONS OF few weeks Electric Light System and Ice PARLIAMENTARY COMMISS. Will arrive here. Opinion seems in charge of operations LIMITED FORMED can have them neatly bound at Fctory Plant which are now ION being operated by the United to be devided as to how long it will By Hon. P, Sangster With Fruit Coy. at Port Antonio will take before we shall be able Secretary of State takes to press the button and will The Intention of Manufac. be acquired by the Jamaica Actions. Let there be light. Owing to turing Sisal Fibre Public Service Co, Ltd the fact that Some time ago it was stated to this paper that negotiations to 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Georgetowo, British Gulana. that of mettalic circult, some system has to be changed into The GLEANER of recent date tbls, end were proceeding, and Newspapers publish a despatch pers learns that there his just been there is now every indication from the Secretary of States for that the time for completion of persons who ought to know say formed to St. Elizabeth Joan that the deal will soon be carried Opposite Cecilia Theatre the Colonies to His Excellency the work will be two years and a bank under the name of the through, in which event the prethe Governor in connection with hall, and some eighteen months,. Elizabeh Co perative sent Plant in use by the United the Droposed constitutional with varying guesses in beAssociation Limited. the orga Fruit Co. will be scrapped, and a amendments recommended by tween and all around niser of which is the Hon. new turbine and other apparatus the receut Sangster, who will also act as institated.
Commission Secretary. This Loan Bank is With the progressive methods WHITENS THE SKIN local Commission of not more intended to benefit that part of Isuggestion emanating from than five members including the St. Vincent to the effect that the parish which is subject to of the Jamaica Public Service Co.
Colonial Secretary as Chairman there should be a West Indies drought more often than other it is certain that the residents in and around Port Antonio who Creme Blanc Mirette and two unofficial persons of National Day bas taken hold in It is intended to raise money, of electrielty will greatly benefit are consumers of ice and Users standing has been ordered to Trinidad where a public meeting suficient to buy a decorticating Marvelous Cream advise upon the step which was beld for the purpose of machianufacture of stsal fibre on. and then to go in for by the improved system.
should be taken to confer power furthering It as an idea. It is a Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, pity that there is no a co operative basis; that is, all sun tan, and other skin blemishes general movement in these wh) sei sisal leaves to the face by the help of this grant and the of Glbson lay on the grrund, islands in connection with the tory must be members of the efforts of the Association. tbls face downward, was observed by splendid thought. We in Grenada Associs on periodical cry for help from the SOLD IN DRUG STORES a resident of the district who have heard nothing of the matter got into communication with and search though newspapers PRÈPOSED TO ASK GovERNMENT Government will be eliminated.
Police Headquartere. Three de of the various islaod bas failed PEOPLE ENTHUSIASTIC OVER GRANT.
tectives were despatched to the PROPOSAL scene indicated and burried (Continued on paga 7)
The organisers of the AssociUp to the present it is said ation Doose to ask the Govern tric shock. She was taken there was received by Dr. Boucaud upon the Governor to carry, to Gibson to the hospital where she ment and Legislative Cuncil for that the people of the districts BURNING ACCIby the Police ln an unconscious the pose of detraying the cost of proposal, and as sconcas every DENT AT TRINIDAD state but on receiving medica who discovered scorching im Pfect measures which means theo treatment the Secretary of States consider cistributing si. al plants thing in connection with th: was able to give the history of the 12 inches long.
essential for the wellbeing of of the dry districts to be St. Elizabeth Co operative Assoaccident.
Oa further investigation the the Colbay, whether by an alter benefiteu oy the opera igns of ciati a Limited is ready, meeting WOMAN FALLS. UNCONSIOUS Sbe Police found that one of the hooks ation in the relative said, was proceeding, she hat in th: various districts will be the Association. It is felt that la along Oxford Street shortly after in the concrete poles to which in the composition of the Court of lative Council should organz for the purpose of the Le Effect of Electric Shock! o clock in the morning and on wire cablo bad given way. The or by the substitution of a new the arc lamp was attached by a Policy ard the Combined Court. inviting people to bave ne besitation in makin bich are put at each. The to take shares, reaching the corner of Pembroke doing Rrant as lamp it is fell suddatby Legislative Council in whieb the er bara be THE WEEKLY GAURDIAN St eet which is illuminated by an ag electric are Ismp she felt a sharp Widow ang backwards and for etfective control over the finanwithin a few feet of the ground Crowa would possess powers of which are subjected to peri»dical not confioing the operations of of recent date says:drough s, and as tap on back followed by as an the bank only to the people of Mariam Gibson, 30, a native of singing sensation. She fell forwards smashing the chimney. It cial as well as other matters and acute dry weather comes on St. Elizabeth. Men in all parts St. Vincent, of fair complexion, Waraland lay unconscious ont is also supposed arere is a ways allery from such of the island can take shares in now residing at 11 Harpe Place she was picked up and taken to swinging motion that in this generally upon any other improve one of ments such as those suggested for Government belp. the Association, and already was ad nitted a patient to the the hospital.
electric touched the by the British Guiana. Commis.
17 tha e sal industry is tirmly es applications for shares passed and sion which might be effected in Tablished in thase arid sections coming in.
suffering it is alleged from elec The apparently lifeless bodyshocked her.
th constitution.
parts Rreat to tbe people of ative powers and believed 3000 as či tric: woman as she Why Use Charcoal and Kerosene. Our Dollar a Week APPLIANCE CLUB Will Give you Modern Cooking Appliances that are Cheap to Operate.
Call at our store at. Santa And for particulars Cia Panameña de Fuerza y Luz PANAMA


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