
THE WORKMAN SATURDAAUGUST 13. 27 PAGE THREE The Prosperity Tailors CLEANERS DYERS days and DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING labourer Gews was limitation teer.
that BRITAIN AND THE Cuba To Buy Air 2:29 జరజ జధ E!
AFTER FIVE YEARS IN Conference Aims To Re Recent Havana de patch PRISON concile Limitation of says. To acquire several airArmament With NaVillages Welcome Home Former planes with Wright motors, like tional Security those fled by Lindbergh and ChairEditor berlain and their epocb making flights Commander Ovidio Ortega GUN CALIBRE ON of the aviation corps of the Cuban London, Jaly The rate of SMALL VESSELS.
army will sail within a few for Maidstone Prison swung wide today the United States. During his abNo. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue for Horatio Bottom ey, founder senice Captain Jusrdo Laborde will former editor of the London airinuder, Daly 27. Great Bri act in his stead. The ter PANAMA CITY weekly, John Ball. former Member Telephone 695 of Parliament and violent critic of ton has no desire to destros planes will be employed in the planued Goverment United States, who just completed of five years of his seven years sentween herself and the uss ber school the inaug ration of viction sir Austen Chamberlain to Satelle contemplated in November cand tence for theft of the funds of a me December. The school will be not Victory Loan bond elub, Bouse that the British plenipo tentiaries who have been con only for military, but also for To avoid demonstration saling the cabinet in London civilian lements planned by many friends of the 67were returning to alione which SANDWICHES DEADLY, SAYS Geneva to OF THE HIGHEST ORDER year old prisoner on his release, the prison authorities let him oat come it was trusted would reach a suc DIET EXPERT.
weeks earlier than anticipated. He cessive conclusion in the o BLOOMINGTON, II. April. Sandappeared in excellent health and inion of the Government be Wiebes cause more deaths than any eager to try to come back. AcWork Done While You Wait said there reed be no diffinity other form of food, Mrs. Dele cording to his friends, his plans in reacbing a temporal arrange Ross, Bloomington dietitian, said here have been laid on the scale of his sent regarding the immediate today.
old magnificence.
future of the difticult question of too much bread: Ntes. Ross said The sandwich encourages the eating When Mr. Bottemley arrived at of cruiser buildiog. Bread is respossible for many TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED his home at Dieker, near EastAnswering a question regard. big majority of Americans is largely stomach disturbances. The lunch of a bourne, by motor this morning, ho ing a statement said to have composed of bread, which is good it was greeted affectionately by his been widely repeated abroad caten moderately.
Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices wife and their servants. An exdemanded by the chief British No one can go on week after week con bis farm who was near delegate at the beginning of the award sandwich meal at noon and get by when he alighted from the auto with it.
conference Sir Austen Chanbre Ladies Garments carefully handled mobile, spread the of the lain said that Mr. Bridgeman.
return of Mr. Bottomley, who Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and the chief of the British degelates English on sale at the Workmau villagers immediately suspended Squire of the village. The bad never pentioned the tigure Stationary Store, of 600 000 discussing the essen. REID Manager work, hung flags from their houses til purpose of the Geneva Con ber last by St. Ann United Free a and stood in groups about the Bottomley mansion ference which was called on the As the news Church, the Pastor of Invitation of which SBS BOSS President Coolidge, as ossos SE, 8305 spread, neighborhood rubberneck Sir Austin said: The basis of Rev. Earle sent in a Christwagons full of the curious, began to The basis mas eftertory the conference as we understaad converge on the ex prisoner home.
It and in the President own Mr. Bottomley however received intention is to reconcile the only a few callers. To one be said: of armaments with It been at terrible experience, natioral security and that is but am so certain of my rehathe only basia for gun crufsers.
billitation that would not bave any two of whichit is estimated, missed it. It has taught me much could not match any tive of the of life. never felt fitter.
sixinch cruisers.
The ex editor has written a book The newspapers anticipata that entitled My Life as Convict Thir.
the Geneva discussions will It is understood he mainly centre around the restric intends taking up the publishing tions of the gua calibre on the business again. He has received smaller ssels.
hundreds of invitations to lecture on his prison experiences as well as many offers to go on the stage.
Training Salvation Army Officers, Lord Reading Urges CITY PROPERTY ACQUIRED Anglo American Unity Apps For Fund Tells Editors From the Uni Underthe above captions the ted States, in London, WEEKLY GUARDIAN of Trinidad thus. Following Brtiish Have No Im.
the Annourcement seven months ago perialist Aims of that the Salvation Army bad Geneva.
divided the Caribbean territory into twɔ groups and had estaba lished new headquarters in LONDON, July 27. The Marquis Trinidad, comes the news that (A NEW PRODUCT)
of Readiog, ormer Ambassador at training garrison for turcing Washington, was the chief speaker out officers to serve in the at a dianer given at Dartmouth Eastero territory will be estab House tonight by the EnglishDished in this island. The property, No. 145. Charlotte Street Spiliking Union in honorailithe American editors.
has been acquired for this am confident that his Majesty Goverment is seeking every division of the Caribbean possible means to arrive at any work was found necessary on agreement in the gestion, which is account of the difficulty of administering the whole area from sion, said Lord Reading, alluding Jamaica. The new tearitory is to the disurmament dispute at Gen.
known as the Eastern group eva. His Majesty Government and comprises Trinidad. Bardoes not speak for one party, Cer.
bados, British Guiana, and the Windward and Leward Islands, tainly the party to which belong, the Liberial, is associated with the In charge of it is Leat Colonel Government in the desire to reach Joseph Barr, who is residing in an agreement.
Port of Spain to direct the work.
Jamaics and the neighbouring There may be people, particuislards are know now as tb larly in America who believe that Western group.
we are aetuated by imperialistic The need for a training instinotions, but they are quite mistution of this character was taken. Whatever Government is recognised as soon as the new in rower is now in England, and headquarters were set up and for a long time to come; seeks the the local authorities have been peace of the world and will always on the lookout for some time for try to avert war.
a suitable place. The purchase Lord Reading pointed out that of the property in Charlotte the American and English peoples Street has been made possible worked together in the World War, by a a grant of 300 from Interand said they still had a common national Headguarters which purpose to work for peace. He wae made on the condition that went on: Trinidad raised a part of the We believe that you in America sum required to complete the ca and we in this country are scheme. The balance needed is charged with a great mission, a 5, 000 very heavy responsibiliiy. We The Army officers here have uch, it is difficult to started an appeal to raise thie exaggerate what we may achieve amount and Staft If Gad forbid anything Tickelpenny has been entrasted should happen to make our paths with the responsibility of codiverge, then in my mind the lecting subscriptions for this world will suffer a terrible disaster, purpose It will be necessary to believe in my innermost heart, make extensions and alterations after an experience of many years to the premises and purchase in this conntry and in yours, equipment and it is planned. too.
there is an almost sacred desire to build a lecture Hall and a that we should achieve peace and residence for the Principal who maintain it. We should do all in comes frog Europe.
ous power to preserve it in the City businessman has sent future and continue to labour in a cheque for 100 and it is together to the best of our ability hoped that others will follow his to that end.
lead. The very first contribution to the fund was made in Decem (Continued on page 7)
TIVOLI BEER writes purpose, The ar SWEET SISTER TO SILVER SPRAY can LOV IT Captain

    EnglandImperialismSpainWorld War

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