
States man PO Box 74, Pagama Dot step Ose Year Sir Months Ibro 11 20 8ce.
15 greater toe egy labels so superior they The ma! ls postofin berke envy big SAFETY FIRST PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 13, 1927 though! ignorance of the low total absence of moral guilt and States Paper Tells Why Garvey Should excuses no maa, it may very well many circumstances which show with wast attitute of mind should be effective in mitigation THE WORKMAN the offense wus com mitt Garug of punishment for his technical Be Freed.
gbl legal galit is a foreigner, and it is bigbly probable that he was on asfirmly Garvey conduct in prison acquainted with Ame ican law and born in the often be has been commended by in the has been of the bigbest callber.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica. Atlantic Independent wys no Legal or Moral Guilt one bred United highly developed WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central ton. Correspondence on all mattes Revered by People Whom He is Supposed to Have sense of self sutficiency no doubt prison officials for his trast Avenue, Passme, de of public interest invited.
worthiness and sincerity. It is Defrauded Not menace but a Benefactor to cut off many lines of inquiry end not likely that solely.
on All copy for publication must be with these Society Persecutors written on one side of paper only, and Feared the Awakening of madwledger elbis factor perhaps quali la had man ora menRates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Negroes Which He Brought About.
Largely contributed to bis rad cal Ace to society. Be certainly was in acting WeDace 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicahis ow a counsel.
to tion but as a mark of good faith.
THE ADVISABILITY OF RELEASING GARVEY Yet, for this reason tlone no ciety, for in black America bo hastened the coming of race moral terpitud should be added We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
Two years of a five year prison term have broken to Garvey ato thodoxidess. pride and consciousness long past due to people pathetically Much of the agitation against unawa Marcus Garvey.
unaware of of the possibilities. It The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. NUIS Garvay leading to bls conviction Garvey aroused the ire of white SATURDAY AUGUST 13 1927 The consensus of opinion is that unless he can be has been traceable to certaia of America it must have been bepardoned, the end is not far. Petitions far and wide have the Negro Satelligentela who cause they fear the awakened crowded President Coolidge in an effort to effect his comunida?
any individual who ca wiods of the American gro98 following add the possibility of losing the THE WORKMAN WORKS release. Several factors should be considered in de than their owo. This group envies sacrifices and contributions ertermining the advisability of this release.
person who has dared diretly acted from them with no returns or indirectly to challer aerobili AGAIN Sixteen years ago, when the stirring need out spoken be improved only by specialized Now that Garvey is ill and can his leadership forced itself upon the attention After a brief interval of cessation the Panama Weekly making demans that knew no tangible promise of satisfac well believed that the lateli con proper and changed WORKMAN comes back into full operation in response to tion we heard the rining call to service.
sentsla circulated and climate, bis release is more rumors on on bis character and in Imperative.
Perpetrators of repeated solicitations from its extensive clientele throughout serious more First, let us consider the gra even though their is a literal or tegrity. Il Garvey had been a Panama, the Canal Zone and Colon. On account of adverse crimes tban Ger or vey bave been released from the federa conditions we were compelled to temporarily cease public vote of ison eel. me for which Garvey technical violation the of law, As poet, asbort story writer bave prison; cation, but the insistent demands and requests from the for using the merls with intent Swing Garvey guilty of the subservient to the so called led been loss Construcive and their isimprisoned, The crime charged, it is amazing dersbip of the literate, he would beer noteWest Indian community as well as from other quarters to de raud.
bow well be was marrained to bave been approved by his pre general character less deat have given us hope for brighter times, and here we are coard postroads are no es sen. large degree the public condi sent adversaries, but he could not worthy Garvey has palda again on the scene to play our role of representation in the as a whole that it is the province dence of those he is alledged to get proclaim his leadership. The service alib ematen die der mitchell tial to the welfare of the nation dence, particularly the confi bave built the organization which price already, and that without best and most important interest of our people.
of the federal government to bave defraud.
put His is besmirched ons with prison record and he is Sixteen years ago the WORKMAN launched out in the adequately protect them. Hence should lessen the gravity of working basis journalistic field as the mouthpiece of West Indians on the thoy ale of prime importance Garvey particular breach of a crime sgainst the intelligentsia likely to be branded as an ordinIsthmus, and during this period, with a few interruptions, and sbould be a ously guarded. of the law and rather point to do they began to crusade against ars crimioal by those who do not know found that the power ulal trying unsuccessfully we have endeavored to do our very best in setting forth particolar instance of Garver be virtual absence of substan Garvey and Garvayism, first by sa damage.
to have of orgadization and agressive the claims of our own people relating to their enconomic, bas been injurious to the public Much doubt has been cast upon him deported, and secondly by Dess. Cerrialy the slow and sordid death that creeps up social and industrial interests. All of this was done by our at large. The publie is not sus Garvey moral it not legal engendering hɔstile sentiment.
bin now is tbe more reason individual effort and with our own personal finance. We ceptible to every attempted guilt. Garvey may never have in We have, the, may explanaContinued on page 5)
have been functioning as sole proprietors struggling and fraud, and often goes uolojared 63. ded to violate the law, and tions which may easily point to a bat:ling against great odds and often discouraged, but ever conscious of our duty to serve our own.
We have enjoyed such support as our people have been able, through their limited means, to give and their patronage has always impressed us as the indication of a sincere effort to support us in our work of representation. Our correspondents have always generously helped us to fill our columns with interesting news of local color all of which we recognize with profound gratitude. The place of the WORKMAN in West Indian life on the Isthmus can scarcely be described inasmuch as it has been and still is the only recognized voi e of the coloured people. Our stand is distinctly and preeminently West Indian and it is our settled determination to represent in local and foreign connections every thing term West ndian connotes: Sixteen years ago, when the stirring need of outspoken leadership forced itself upon the attention of our people, making demands tnat knew no tangible promise of REMARK satisfaction we heard the ringing call to service and with our modest and unpretentious little plant around the corner at and Sixteentb Streets we made our decision to accept the challenge of the moment and do our duty, as we saw it, ia answer to the appeal of uur brethren from BRANDE the islands.
The attempt was bold and venturesome but we felt bound to come to the aid of our misrepresented and misunderstood people whose enormous numbers and industrial importar ce did. not then avail to gain (merited recognition or consideration, even while their services were known UNSWEETENED to have been entirely indispensable. The industrial events of the past are too disagreeable to recall, but we feel impelled to remind our West Indian people that al hough ecunomic conditions are not yet what they should be they are a long way ahead of those evil days when the labour of the Negro here was not even regarded as service worthy of ordinary remuneration. We are now fording ahead and with the assistance of the press we shall win out in the long fight for equitable and just treatment.
But the WORKMAN cannot continue along the old lines: The one man proprietorship is unable longer to bear the burden of the day. Our fellow West Indians must rally to the Cause and give us their financial support. Frankly, it is our intention to incorporate our plant and paper. We have thought of this for several years past but the hour for active effort had not arrived until now. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Are you quite sure that your milk WORKMAN. We shall call for subscribers for shares in our plant which we intend to incorporate immediately.
supply is pure and untouched by This paper shall no longer be the WORKMAN owned by an unclean hands. individual workman, but the WORKMAN PRINTING CORPORATION, What do Iyou think of that, fel. ow West ludians?
You can be sure if you use only ST.
CHARLES Evaporated Milk, which NECESSARY EM as the chief factor around which of is guaranteed pure, rich, full cream gather the wbite workers. The PLOYMENTS Negro has been driven out of the cows milk.
skilled trades almost entirely, and in many of the unskillel trades his SLIPPING AWAY FROM days appear to be numbered, beDo not ask your grocer for a tin of cause the tendency to displace him THE RACE, with white labor grows more promilk. Tell him you want, nounced every year.
Commenting editorially, employments in which the Negro One of the most lucrative of the ST. CHARLES under the above captions bas enjoyed a sple did position is the NEGRO WORLD in a re that of hotel, re taurant and bouse cent issue, Says, inter alia. service, but before the restrictive The brand that has stood the test The Negro people of the United immigration law went into effect be of years.
States during the past fifty years, this bevis gradually forced out of have been forced out of many basie drive him out has been revived. It But movement to industries in which they formerly is claimed that the Negro is respon bad a virtual monopoly, and out sible largely for his own uadoing, of others in which they had a The tendency to drive bim out of man chance. Trade unionism has run them out, with race prejudice (Continued on page 5)


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