
THE WORAMAN ATURDAY AUGUST 13 1927 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Attractions at the Theatres CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND The news of the resumption of publication of the Workman newspaper spread like wild fire on this end. Its suspension has been the cause of the sincerest regret among West Indians here, it being, as the matter of fact, the only really West Indian news organ in the Republic.
It is further announced that the Management will make an effort to incorporate the paper with his other proting business, and that West Indians will soon be asked to support the venture, It is felt that such step: sboald have been taken long before now but it is better late than never. This will be a splendia topportunity offered West Indians and others to promote pauer which lean absolute neccessity.
COLON Today Saturday August 13th Hoot Gibson in THE PRAIRIE KING (COLON)
Today Saturday August 13th and Tomorrow Sunday August 14th Lewis Stone in THE BLONDE SAINT Monday August 15th Evelyn Brent in LOVE EM AND LEAVE EM Tomorrow Sunday August 14th Richard Barthelmess in THE WHITE BLACK SHEEP (PANAMA)
Today Saturday August 13th and Torrorrow Sunday August 14h Geo, Jessel in PRIVATE IZZY MURPHY Monday August 15th Fields in THE POTTERS Tuesday August 16th Corrione Griffith in SYNCOPATING SUE Wednesday Augutt 17th Priscilla Dean in BIRDS OF PRAY Thursday August 18th Wm. Boyd in THE LAST FRONTIER Tuesday August 16th Ed. Everett Horton in TAXI TAXI Monday August 15th Corinne Griffith in SYNCOPATING SUE Tuesday August 16 W. Fields in THE POTTERS PANAMA Today Saturday August 13th Alberta Vaughn in THE ROMANTIC AGE Tomorrow Sunday August 14th Wm. Boyd in THE LAST FRONTIER Monday August 15th Priscilla Dean in BIRDS OF PRAY Tuesday August 16th Evelyn Brent in LOVE EN AND LEAVE EM Wednesday August 17th Geo. Jessel in PRIVATE IZZY MURPHY Thursday August 18th Corrinne Griffith in SYNCOPATING SUE Friday August 19th Fields in THE POTTERS Saturday August 20th Ed. Everett Horton in TAXI TAXI Wednesday August 17th Wm. Boyd in THE LAST FRONTIER prominent the The National Silk Co, Ltd.
bas recently been organ zed in Colon and registered under the laws of the pablic. Dr. Osigian, an enthority on the complete proce Company of silk, or the new is composed of men: Brosan, Dr. Samuel Lewi Delgado Paulet, Louis Deveau, Surgeon, Dr. DaCosta Gomez Teodoro Ulmulo, Caldenbead. John Neverson, Novey. Dr. Edwards and J, Hunter.
The Company will cultivate the Osigian grafted mulberry tree for the production of the cacoons to produce the silk, also operate a factory for the map ufacture of silk goods.
Thursday August 18th Fields in THE POTTERS Wednesday August 17th Evelyn Brent in LOVE EM AND LEAVE EM Thursday August 18th Lewis Stone in THE BLONDE SAINT Friday August 19th Ed. Everett Horton in TAXI TAXI Friday August 19th Evelyn Brent in LOVE EM AND LEAVE EM Friday August 19th Corinne Griffith in SYNCOPATING SUE Saturday August 20th John Barrymore in DON JUAN Saturday August 20th Geo. Jessel in PRIVATE IZZY MURPHY Saturday August 20th Priseilla Daan in BIRDS OF PRAY Have You Ever Thought of It?
smali in The current issue of the CANAL RECORD states that during the month of July, 1927, 509 commerical Vessels and 16 launches trensited the Canal, Tolls on the commercial vessels aggregated 2, 215, 515 99, including 3, 400 54 collectd on supplemental bill for a trao sit aprevious mooth, and on the launches 141, 51, or a total tolls collection of 2, 215, 657 50, The daily averge number of transits of seagoing vessels for the mooth was 16 42, and the daily average to ls coilection, 71 35. 56. The average amount of tolle paid by each of the commercial transits was 4, 346, as compared with 4, 330 50 for the month of Jure, 1927, In these averares the 10. 3, 400 54 supplemental collectiou 18 Rot commercial transits. July was the With respect to the number of largest month since the the openiog of the Canal, the former record being 506 made during December 1923, and Mareb 1926. The tolls collection on these 509 transits was the fourth bighest in the history of the Canal, being exceeded by December, 1923, January, 1924, and March, 1926.
and The alliance Literary and Debating Society in connection with the Silver Clubbouse at Cristobal is issuing Prospectrses NECESSARY EMPLOYOSS0X90 of. proposed Literary and MENT Musical Convention to be beld on the 3rd of the coming month.
Their aim is community uplift. Coltinued from page 4) Whittingban is now Pre be hotel Sirvice appeared last sident of the society and winter in the Florida hotel corporaMcAllister, Secretary.
tions The Norfolk Journal and Guide pointed out recently tendency to do so in the new hotel How essential it is to obtain the maximum of results from Army aviator Capt. at Old Point Comfort. And now Broberg was killed early Tues the Atlantic City botels have your Physician Prescription?
day morninz last when the plane joined in the movement.
in which he was pilotips The fact we desire to empba size squadron of several other lanes is that the negro race in the United crasbed States is losing its hold on the Another Frecce Field aviator, few employmeots to If not, it is well to remember that Pure Drugs, Ability, a thoroughness in the Cumberpatch, which it bas was been restricted. An economic con.
handling of Prescriptions, through years of experience and diligent application, ir jared the same morning when his plane. bed. In the bay at which means death by starvation dition is is presenting itself to them places us in the position to serve the public with every degree of satisfaction.
Cristobal from non employment, and that unless they make employments Branch PAN AMERICAN DRUG STORE, for themselves in a larger way CANAL ZONE NOTES than they have been doing this will happen to lim. It is all the 11th AND BOLIVAR STREETS, more urgent that the La Boca Pars sbould face bis economic (Opposite The Masonic Temple, Colon, race groups face theirs, and strive JAS. CYRUS Pharmacist.
After spending a week in the more than ever to do for himself Hospital during which time he what others will no longer do for cos 090:20 had his tonsils removed, Roy bim. It is a matter of life Smart, son of Charles Smart of death with the Negro people, Quarantine Annex returned home on Monday last.
One must not despair because the times are not so prosperous and money so plentiful. There must be no resorting The La Воса Athenaeum. to questionable means to reach ends de meeting at the Clubhouse on Tue sired. Principles must not be forsaken XXSEX 653083350X593 while sailing againt the tide. Tampa day evening last was a highly in. Bulletin structive one, Mrs. Florence Smith read as well prepared paper on Light and Miss Leanor STATES PAPER TELLS Jump gave ibe first of a series o: ten minuteadresses which is to be a feature of the weekly pro(Continued from page 4)
gram8 for sometime.
Miss why loniency should be extended. OF Jump subject Was The Origin Garvey has int Ni on. ability, of Spanish Literature. and throughout bis brief career he firmly believed he was right, just as Debs and others who Next Tuesday will be Junior bave infringed the federal laws.
Night and the program is being we do not condone crime, but prepared and will be presided we do believa over by Master Herman Bayne. clemency to imori on in ividuals whose characters and lives IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Young Campbell Set at with a criminal nature.
clearly inconsistent Upon consideration of the Liberty. above facts, the Independent approves of an immediate release of Marcus Garvey.
Cybert Campbell, the young man of La Boca who was beld for trial in the Canal Zone District bring you good results.
Advertise in the WORKMAN it will court, charged with attempted burglary at the Balboa Com missary on the morning of the gave evidence pointing to young 25th of last month, was set at li Oampbell. With one or two other berty by Judge Martin in the meagra evidences the Balboa MaAncon Division of the Canal Zone gistrate found probable cause Suitable for Lodge Business District on Monday moro on which to bola the young ing last.
Some unknown person at In the District Court Judge tempted to enter the Commissary Martin did not find that there before daylight on the morning was strong enough evidence AT THEof July but escaped ard ran against Campbell and accordingly before the policeman on duty The entire La Boca was glad could reach him. An employee ot for the outcome of the case as tbe the Commissary who was going young man is a member of reto his work, and whom the would spected fanily and he himselt be robber is said to bave passed being popular among the youngwhile making his escop, later er set.
Wit included THE ATTENTION Regular Man Friendly Societies and Secret Orders plan In extending MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Lord, let me live like a Regular Man, With Regular friends and true; Let me play the game on a Regular And play it that way all through; Let me win or lose with a Regular smile And never be known to whine, For that is a Regalar Fellow style And want to make it mine, Oh, give me a Regolar chance in life The same as the rest, pray; And give me a Regular Girl for wife To belp me along the way, Let us koow the lot of humanity, Its Regular woes and joys, And raise a Regular family of Regular girls and boys.
Let me live to a Regular good old age With Regular snow white hair, Having done my labor and earned my wage And payed my game for fair; And so at last when the people scan My face, on its pes cefal bier They ll say Well, he was a Regular Man!
And drop a Regular tear. The Huron Flashlight.
court odylowana Workman Stationery Store SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


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