
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1927 Coloured Minister To Enforcing Law on Liberia.
Immigration MEAN ASSAULT ON HOUSE SURGEON WHITE INTERNE AT HAR LEM HOSPITAL THROWS WATER IN THE FACE OF NEGRO JHOUSE SURGEON Out of Hot Words Passed After Insult But No Blows Struck, Bersinister to Peter Mijn person in the delijoning newspapermen yesMarshall, Was Minnesota.
200 brands of Cigarettes there only would 1924, PRESIDENT COOL DGE Havana Angust. No guar.
SHOWS RECOGNITION OF ter will he given either Cuban ABILITY.
or American married women who seek to enter the Island without her husbaud written Washington, July 16 sanct! on. Garcia Capizares, ComThe appointment of William missioner of immigration, told as Liberia by dent Coolidge this week, is Quoting former President recognition of that younger Zayas decree No. 384, Commis group of coloured men who sioner Canizares explained to have fitted themselves by reporters that the recent deteoeducation and training for such tion in Triscornia of Mrs. Ann recogrillon and Miss Sara Joy, as well as For vinteen years, Mr. Francis tw) married Cuban women who was employed in the Law De attempted to land withont proper partment of th Northern Pacific. was ordered in clear accordance papers from their busband, Railroad at St. Paul, Minnesota. with immigration laws.
He has been following the general practice of law in the city of can help it it the law has St Paul. He was presidential never been correctly enforced elector of Minnesota in 1920 and until ordered it to. he said. It law, and College of Law in the Class with to enforce it. Perhaps it will Senator tor Thomas Schall from hart the tourist trade, and perhaps it is up reasonable, but am He served as chairman of the not a legislator and that is not Coloured Pesple National Head my business, at Chicago from September 1st Commissioner Canazares asthe Coolidge Dawes sumed his post several months vision of the campaign activities at least one other law enamong the coloured people of the forcement furore since his ioentire western faction of the cum bency. When Mrs Joy and United State from Ohio to the her daughter were sent to TrisPacific Coast. He had the en corola last dorsement of the coloured mem press made lengthy comment on bers of the Advi ory Committee revival of an old blue law of the Republican National against travelling Executive Committee.
women. Since a Cuban The wife of the new Minister woman Mrs. Elisa Cueto, with is a woman of education and two children and another great in luer ce. She has been Cuban woman Mrs Concepcion vary active in church, social, Diaz, with one ch 11, both of civic political and club work in Tampa, Fls. bave beea detained St. Paul and throughout Min in Triscornia by his orders.
nesota and the northwestern section of the country. She is also a member of the Ramsay ing, ability and outstanding imCounty (St. Paul) publican portance, representative of the Committee younger group of coloured Republicans, has been selected for Coloured people generally this important post.
throughout the country will bail The Firestone operations in the President appointment of Liberia, amounting to more than Mr. Francis with great favour ten million dollars including the because of the rumour formerly Loan of five million dollars circulated that this last diplo which has been negotiated, bave matic post was to be withdrawn brought the Liberian post to the from the race. They are also forefront as one of commanding pleased that a man of such train importance.
during week the the Havana New York, Mayor Walke of New York will be asked to lovestigate conditions of th Harlem Hospital. The latest outbreak occured recently at the breakfast table when a white interne, Dr.
Charles threw a glass of water in the face of Dr. Aubrey Maynard, Negro, house sergeon. Except for his cool self control events of a serious consequence might bave followed.
Dr. Maynard did not retaliate, but placed a detailed report in the hands of Dr. Mark Fleming, general superintendent of Bellevue and. Ailied Hospitals, and the Board of Trustees. For this reason Maycard make Rudolf Rapp, superintendent of Harlem Hospital, was equally reticent, and refer the interviewer to Dr. Fleming.
The incident was described by Dr. Albert Lynch, roommate of Dr, Maynard, who was present at the time. Dr. Marshall, he said, was seated at another table when Dr. Maynard entered the dinding room. Shortly afterDr. Marshall sharply addressed Dr. Maynard, de manding know why he ba rung bis phone before am, the earliest hour calls are per mitted Dr. Mayr ard explained that he rang for Dr. Rappaport, and room mats of Marshal, to give bim order: in an urgent case. Dr. Marshall maintained that Dr. Maynard twice, thus greatly ing him following sleepless night of difficult work. rang only once and that was after o clock, Dr. Maynard is said to have replied. Also will ring whenever It is necessary and whenever. please. And remember that you are not in some other institution but in Harlem Hospita. and you cannot do as you please, right or wrong.
The white interve then picked up a glass of water from his table and dashed into Dr. Maynard face. The house surgeon on his feet instantly and is said to have approached the interne threateningly. Hot words passed between them, but no blows were struck, said Dr.
American then STRIK white interne rang anboy1 STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History was AND that toasted Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Advertise in the WORKMAN it wil bring you good results. 1, 000, 000 BUILDING FOR LINCOLN HOSPITAL.
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resiSecure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama New York The Linecln Hospital School of Nursing, the only school ior training Negro women to be registered nurses, will have new million dollar school building and nu nurses dence, Fical plans have beea approved by by Borough President Bruckner of the Bronx, Comwer missioner of Welfare Coler and Mrs William Flven, Jr.
representing the Lincoln Hospital Board.
Pleasante Peppington and Albert William Lewis, arcbetects have designed the building The contract bas been awarded to the Caldwell Wingate Company.
The building will go up on the new site of the hospital at 141st Street, overlooking the Sound.
The entrance will be on the boulevard side and there will be formal gardens, flanked by a curvmg staircase.
Besides sleeping quarters for the student nurses there will be a library, an auditorlam with stage and scenery, and kitchens and dining rooms.
Lincoln Hospital was founded in 1889 as a home and hospital for aged and sick Negroes, Several years ago it began training nurses.
Six girls were graduated in 1906, but the School bas so grown that nurses home has been considered necessary.
The hospital admits patients of any race, Because it toasted CALL IN AT The Workman BOOK STORE L: FLOWERS WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Abogado. Attorney at Law Contra Crespo OFFICE: No. 44 ST BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY TELEPHONE No. 1377 No. 93, Central Avenue GOOD SELECTION OF NEW BIBLÉS Hymn Prayer Books No hot irons or special combs required Practicing before all the courts of the Republic since April 1914 SOLD IN DRUG STORES Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English On sale the Workman Stationary Store Advertise in the WORKNAN it will bring you good results.


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