
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1927 PAGE SEVEN SC 0099 GrenadaTHE WOODMEN OF UNION, FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION Take Notice Regular Assortment of Ho Ro Co Famous Products Join Today. It Protects You While You Live and Your Family After You Are Dead Disabilly Benefits are graduated in accordance with liberal provisions on face of said policies SUCH AS TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
The Workman Printery 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City ence. Continued from page 2)
to coc vince us tbat, beside Trinidad, there is any stir about it.
We do hope that some effort will be made to get in touch with responsible people in every West Indian island in this matier. We want a West Jodies National Day, a West ludies Flag ard a West Indies Antbem.
It a tall order, we fancy, to ble at this time, but we think very shortly the Govor went will bare to consider the question Lof George Scheme for St.
in the interest of health principall but also for the attractiveness of this town. charge should be laid on posterity for this matter, by which we mean. Government loan sbou be raised to finance the scheme.
Electric Lighting will shame us wben the searching rays sbow op many dirty quarter in town. There are many places George which can be open up as residential settlements.
Model houses, to be sold od terms to provide interest and sinking fard why! it seems fine!
The area of the town from the Government Spirit to past Jack Alley.
easude sbou be wiped ont. and smiling cottages in stead be made to grace the water front. The northern end of Halifax et, too, in the vicinity of the Fish market may well be fitted for easy expansion of our Dry Gocd business district. we invite correspor. dence on this question for publication.
FOURTEEN COON REASONS It is a Union by the people and for the Our business amounts approximately to people 50, 000 monthly It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur 10. The Endowment Money is used only for sick and death claims. It pays you more while you live than any 11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims other concern.
the same day proofs are filed in the Home 4, Its educational features appeal to all Race Office lovers 12. You do not need a lawyer to get your claim It donates annually to Racial schools.
13. You do not have to die to win It gives employment to more Negro girls than any other concern of its kind 14. Hospital, free to members. Bath House rates reasonable; full course (21) baths to Its rates are within reach of all members, 50; full course (21) baths We are twenty years old and have not had to non memders, 15. 00 Half course an extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 50 Rooms, Grade Department 00 to 00 per week, that in St The Best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC Centre which This elegant Tonic preparation is higbly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen (37) different states and our membership, extends to the South Sea Islands. This Organization has its own building which is four stories high and covers a whole city block paid for in cash without extra assessment. It gives employment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 000 with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty. 20. 030, 000) million dollars.
DR, KENDALL, JNO. WEBB Supreme President Supreme Custodian Post Office Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas For information address, L. Flowers, Panama City. who are the legal representative in this Country os como os SXS Japanese Foresight; Negro Hindsight Dose One small Wine glassful before meals or times a day enippon looking after the ATTENTION!
of tell you had CODaway. Japan guards House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH e grow rich were bethe three At the termial of the Portsmouth Ferry in Norfolk is tbe JAVIER MORAN Amecican Pharmacy Kobe Cafe, For Colored Only, doing a roaring businese. It is an oriental concern manned by Japanese and sunported exclusively by Negroes. There are three female belps, one cook and two Death of Sir, Ralph Looking On At Death waitresses, while there are five sons of Williams, business hui Here Convicts Stopped From Negro men and women employed Rescue Of Drowning Boys in the various industries and com.
mercial places on the water front eat mittee Circular of recent New York, July 26. In front In the West India Comdaily. There are Negroes can date appears the following of Sing Sing Prison, and in fuli can the time when a swamp once marked the site of the Kobe We regret to anuounce the view of the assembled convicts, Cafe. They could have bought it death of Sir Ralph Williams, three boys lo it their liv. by for a song, but of what use would formerly Governo ned. The cries of the boys atdrowning when a canoe in which it have been to them fifty years of the Windward Islands, and been paddling overafter? They had no conception of the commercial value of the previously Colonial Secretary Vracted the attention of 200 and thus passed up an opportunity of Barbados, who died in a victs then at exercise in the to live at ease in their nursing home in London on prison grounds.
days. Then came the immigrants June 22nd, at the age of 79.
Several of the prisoners immediatly made to from far One look at Han pton Roads and their keen w lshman, Sir Ralpb Champ to recue but were held back by the in 1848. convicts then stormed the warders The ars. The remainder of the sense of commerce and trade neys Williams was born vesicaled its importance. They and after completing his education break through visioned the day when this haven at Rossall went out to Australia in an attempt to back or ships we uli gaia international and gained experience of bush life and analise the belpless youths fire! the prestige and invested in it accord zonia, Tierra del Fuego, a visit to ritles at the would be recuers.
it second. Then came exploration in Pata guards shouted.
ingly levelling their Canadaa The from the receipts of the Kobe town (South Africa) to the Zam British United Press, aod inde Japanvicts according to the Cafe, hundreds of Negroes walk besi.
bind the fence separating them the streets of Norfolk penniless On his return to the Cape, from the river while an hou. eless. Exchange) fm Zambesi, Sir Ralpl found that boys were slowly drowned before there was mucb excitement over the their eyes. The warders say that Boer encroachment in BechuaLaland under the prison rules they could LORD READING URCES After serving in the Civil Intelli not let the convicts go to aid of gence Department in South Africa the bus.
and as Colonial Treasurer of Gib(Continued from page 3)
raltar, Sir Ralph was prour oted to Our one big job is to forget our little be Colonial Secretary at Barbados differences and work together for the Maurice Sherman The Hart and was conspicuous for his energy success of all, as other races or people ford Gourrant declared th war at the time of the preat hurricane are doing. Until we can do this we will between Great Britian aud the which devastated the islaad in 1898 continue to be the servant class for others, who have little respect and less United States was unthinkable. In 1901, in which year he was consideration for us as an economic Hamlin of the Colorado ma de Sir Ralph returced and political entity. St, Paul Echo of the to South Afri but in newspaper in the smaller cities of missioner in Bechuanaland, omthe NEGRO SCHOOL HEAD friends not to be misled by opision West Indies, as Governor of the WIZARD AT FIGURES in the newspapers of the great Windward Islands, and was American cities alore, as, he said, promoted to be C Finally the hearts of the majority of the he ended his official career as Denver. July 30. The next American public beat true with the Governor of Newfoundland (1909 ume your adding machine starts hearts of Englishmen.
13. where he was extremely populr back tiring, put in a call for Archer Shaw The Cleveland Sir Ralph was the author of several Charles Cansler, of Knoxville. said the idea of war entertaining books, including one Tenn. Cansler uses bis head for between Great Brltrºn and Ameri entitled How became a Governor. ag adding machine and does away ca is outlawed in the hearts of At the outbreak of the Great War with the of upkeep every American.
he was in Kenya, then the British Capsl r, who is visiting Danver Lord Birkenhead presided at the East Africa Protectorate. Though 66 with his brother, Fritz Cansler, lunarm branch.
Astor and Major John Jacob years old, he at once sought active Secretary of the Gl.
welcomed the visitors to employment, and was appointed CA, challenges all comers England. They were the guests President of the Second Line of De to any kind of a speed mathetoday of the Institute fence. He had, however, to be matical contest. His greatest encos invalided home in April, 1915. enjoyment comes from adding four colums of figures, five digit Daily Express, said, in welcoming multiplication, and long division the Americans that the Those of us who are up, why not lift of like proportion.
on others up; those who are climbing, why ship between Great Baitaia and not try lifting others as you climb Capsler is principal of Ko xville the United ates was entirely in The one who lives for self alone knows high school. While other men go the hands of the uewspaper, and not not what happiness is fout he who lives to shows for recreatioa, he dein the of Ambassadors and for others and their happiness is a happy lights in breaking speed records Ministers. He suggested that one indeed, Star of Zion.
in matbematics.
American and English jourosliste Rent Receipt Book in Spanish and should interchange positions every English on sale at the Workman Advertise in the WORKMAN it will six months.
Stationary Store.
bring you good results.
Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly 1907 Societies Plein Dealer 0084 CAN BE HAD AT dinner The Workman of of relation Stationery Store hands


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