p. 8


DACT CITI THE WORKMAN SATURDAY G. 1927 LA MASCOTA HEADQUARTERS FOR Stetson Hats: AND Packard Shoes Packard Un All are Welcome to Inspect our Stock MULLAR. Sole Agent 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY!
Horse Racing. Tomorow Dr. Arnulfo Arias PHYSICIAN AND SERGEON Look Them Over Removed his Clinic to Central Avenue No. 370, half block away from the up todate. Drug Store named Pharmacy.
Dr. Nathan Rowe cokossom pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 11th and rar Sts.
BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE Chase National Bank Office Hours: a. to 12m pm. to pm. O, Box 854, Cristobal, OFPICÉ TELEPHONE 320 DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 154 4th Race Furlongs Cantones 107 Kity will 100 While there was a tem Dhole 112 99 porary suspension of th Dudoso Dad 123 paper, horse racing at Juan Dully 101 Franco Park never ceded one 5th Rice Furlongs week, and even during the Revoltosa 111 operation of the Kennelworth Ocarrencia 121 Park dog racing. he Sport of Marcela 126 Kings went on a uninter.
Garzona 119 125 rupted reliable and dependacle Rolando Give lad 123 pastime.
6th Race Farlong And tomorrow afternoon Infim 109 the regular crowd will be 1 105 there, as the Jockey Club El Chichi 123 have arrange a seven racepro Candiewood 105 156 gram whieh does not lack Chococha Dardanela 113 attraction. There will be four races for imported horses 7th Race Furlongs and three for native Ponies Pereque 93 92 about thrity five horses will Funchal Don Aleji 126 be there to take part. All will Carcajada 115 be snappy races, the longest Bolsheviki 111 distance being furlongs to be run by five imported horses including Pereque Stand Firm Bolsheviki and Carajada, carrying 98, 1:1 and 115 lbs respectively (Continued from page 1)
Mayoral, Ruso, Silver spot! who, in turn must not be Spray, Labrlego and Dany guided by the men on the spot!
omar are five native ponies Who thinks that the Impe.
will stage a little classic rial Government, in its great event over four furlongs.
might, may decide to pounce down on poor little British Guiana and take away her Con.
1st, Race Furlongs stitution in spite of the wishes of Fe omego 115 the people. Thus thinking will indl wood 125 be to think treason we faney we do Zapo 125 not believe any such thing can be.
126 Such ac ion will be sal far reacl.
ing the of all 204, Race Furlongs true British liberty loving Dany omar 100 in these seas. It would be ke Ruso 124 ardly act, and of Mayoral 126 ing with British ideals of justice as Labriego 94 trumpeted in the grave days of 121 the War. British Guiana; Stand firm 3rd Race Furlongs stand on the foothold fof British princi Stenteil 92 ples themselves, Not only firm 128 bit united Bury the hatchets.
Celia 115 Stand firm and front a common Lorenzeta 125 dangeri The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody :Photo Albums Scrap Albums Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books Writing Pads Child en Toy Books Accounting Day Books Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets Mouth Organs in two sizes Pocket Knives, Scout Knives. Meador Knives and many other items too numerous to mention EH WAS GOOD LAWYER (Continued from page Well now look bere. ll ba honest with you. always did think stole that hoss until heard you make that speech to the jury. Now ll be doggoned if ain got my doubts about it Church Services Fap effect on minds people quite out THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store 93 Central Avenue Panama City Seventh Day Adventist STREET CALIDONIA ROAD(cear Isthmian Park PANАМА: Sabbath (Saturday) 945.
Sabbatb School; 11. 15a. eneral Workship 30 Spanish 30. Society, pueting 30 pm. Ju for ind Senior Staudard of attainment Class p. Vespers.
Suuday evening 30 Sier.
eoptican Lecture. The general public is cordially invited to turn Seosed out in large numbers.
Class; Silver Spray Great firm Shimmy


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