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Bied Po dodamo Wanted. An All West Indian Weekly THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANC Criollos Votes Aerial Service For The West Indies to Start ol Ated We are, however, not without one or two flourishing and Urges Reprieve For Marcus STIM of any sort is Onel Hour Fire at Kingston Garvey booklet some kixperienced bim present of now VOL 16 No. PANAMA, SATURDAY AUGUST 20, 1927 PRICE CENTS Coing to the Dogs?
West Indians Must The Paname Jockey Club has Pedro Rhodes Presidnt of Have Newspaper been cousidering going in for dog the Centro Criollo of Colon, bas racing, according to informatinn issued io vitiation to all Criollos, originating from Club circles. It offepring of Negro Wyst Indians beea up various meetings is understood that the question has born in the Republic of Panama, Exclusively West Indian To be the Board, alate house coletion is to get together in a stoug polit cul In October Next Making Two action, has bren decided upon bo y of their yet be the Slogan of ns All During the recent ninety days in votes as a weapon to demand Round Trips Weekly which the Kennelworth Club oner and obtaia proper vindication ol stet racing at the famous their rights and privileges.
If an individual, community or people must rise, the Juan Franco Park where the JockNew York, July 31. The establishment of the West basic energy for such rise must be supplied by the indivi: Kinga ose fites one time spectacular that the criollas vores are now unced by Hansard, vice president of the West Indian President Rhodes ey Club promotes points out Indian aerial service beginning October 1st. has been annodual, the community or people themselves This decision has and used only to satisfy the ambitio Aerial Express Company of Santo Domingo.
long been approved by leading individuals and groups all Sunday afternoon colour, even now that the dog race season The first three motored Keystone Plane The Silverover the world after having put it to the severest test. is over the famous race course of other political bodies after which It now stands as an accepted common standard for all has not yet been able resume they are branded as chombos winged Transpo has been ordered. It will accommodate former days standarde.
and uodesirables.
times. no one dare challenge its soundness, ten passengers and make two round trips of ten hours eacb, weekly, between Santiago, Cuba and San Juan with halte at Attempts by West Indians to set up big, sound business Port au Prince and Santo Domingo for passengers, freight defeat or and mail.
It is planned to extend the line to Havana within six promising business places. This local battleground has not Garvey months, connecting with the United recorded West Indians defeats only, many efforts of other States mail route at Key West and Havana, thus making possible a twenty four communities or their members, including those of some of hour mail service between New York and San Juan The the very natives, have also foundered here. But members of The New Amsterdam News of other communities have not the tendency to be easily dis: August 3rd publishes the following United Negro Improve Promoters hope eventually to extend the service to Guadeloupe, Martinique couraged and to throw up their hands inviting complete de by William Pickens: feat after what, more often than not, generally turns out to Why keep Marcus Garvey in ment Association be nothing more than temporary handicaps for tempering Colbe Berede er hele tiden time the will to enable it to make a firmer grasp of situations carceration; therefore, there is no of Colon Shows Progress thereby rendering it better able to carry more In Anual Rsport.
successfully. It has been the general lot of man to make real justice in holding him. In fact, was sentenced for five mistakes; but, as a rule, man learns by his mistakes as months instead of for five years, Tbe Report of the United Negro soon as he discovers them; the man who has never made and then deported, or if it had been Improvement Association of Colon The Gleaner of the 8th inst.
mistakes has never done anything worthwhile, neither for without any prison term, the ends ident, has just been iss sed for the clock last evening the Fire Bri To Him That Hath.
legally possible simply to deport him over which Hector Consorci Prese states thnt shortly after seven himself nor for anyone else. When we profit by our of useful justice would have been fiscal year ending July 31 1927. gade received an afara which war mistakes we convert them into stepping stones to greater well met.
The Report is presented success Marcus Garvey was no more of a form with an autobiographical quickly responded to.
The call came from eastern Higher pubVader the caption Heimiss the Several efforts have been made to maintain a respect. eriminal than half dozen or more of sketch of the Association. As able West Indian newspaper in Panama; each has either the ciated with him Norm which the officer of the Superintendente che trovate and when shed the following afin de receta NI ad Grahim his they are trying to anouity in the. Black Star Line business An its in New York, meo arrived there it was discoveren of 312, 500 a year for the Earl of Workman is one of those that took the start sixteen are honest, must admit that.
project. His worst enemies, if they quarters But we dan say even more than reaking away and setting up what Street owned by Mr. Joseph The All because of his long and able ne trouble in that premises No Beaston Oxford and Asgul. 000 besides.
years ago is must aid to make possessed more than ordinary amount or grit to have. Fire Brigade percolving most nard, burning weathered the storm! It certainly has; for it was compelled, criminal. It is our belief that he did promising Negro business venures the dramatie incidentsioge concentrated their efforts to this connection is the fact that he of Panaina, a sum was no special interesting thing in on more than one occasion, to halt by the way, regenrate not set out to steal or cheat.
Bu, in Kuowingly or unknowingly, he ran ch this the unvarnished fact a clear demonstration of basic permitting to be hold stock waya entire Roport is lurid; representa. in present Association is given. year The chemical fire extinguisher form the government as fitness, a latent power which only needs recognition and concern that was developinent? This is the only kind of grit that is going to Not because he expected to cheat contre creditably and work wad was brought into play and al. be will sign de laration that be not Wine top us a place in the business life of this great nietropol second on the Pointed tiene had effect of confin is impecunious. That is because all itan city!
Lasciouary, a bold dreamer whociation but on the entire Westing, nyriads of sparks flew 10 got as an active cabinet member directions Fortunately there was until This the only West Indian paper in Panama, is to be kept thought he could resuscitate a correcently.
poration which was dead, but, in threbe a pariation is divided into no breeze and although the roof of This is an example of how the tence. The Management is now taking preliminary steps but just Kayoed for the time and Grocery, the latter keowa as porter at the Victoria Market, was knows, the British. and Bakery. so every one Departments, Soc al and Be. another building, at No. 44 Smith big men, are treated in England.
with a view to incorporate the entire Workman Plant Co operative Bakery. caught the Brigade was able to put Printing, Publishing and Stationery business. which has The writer has no doubt that been and still remains a GOING CONCERN for more than Garvey believed, foolislıly, of partment takes care of the collect. being done.
The Social and Benevolent De out this fire, only slight damage presented to each of the leading English generals funds up to some sixteen years.
course, tbat by taking in more ion of dues, taxes and miscellar bali million dollers. They were money he would rescue the Conservatively, we number FIFTY THOUSAND prise and save everythio deposits details including Investments in vered zinc, the file had its fuil play but because they had been ous collections, pays BURNED FOR ONE HOUR. all made rich, independent and more salaries and But that tired. No: because they had disSOULS in Panama. Our earning and spending ability is too is a crime like attend to to numerous other Constructed of timber and eo tinguished themselves particularly, well known and recognized by others to be ignored by an ti basika mbele no vent the real estates showetan edotad te the structure and enter the fire erals a It regen each week institution is already insolvent.
of 8810 expendi. origirated and burning for futher information of the proposed WEST INDIAN It bas always been England PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY. In the mean a cha although it may seem to be ure of 8507, 27 balance 303 23. close upon one hour the Fire Briway. The generals and the admirals charge against the the rather brainful Gargence of still, which The gade succeeded out time, the Workman welcomes constructive criticisms and it is likely true that, is responsible for he train fames, which had attracted huse have always been well fixed after as a man from ing of most of the lady clerks om rowd of people, not only of the their fighting. The English have ideas on this subject.
the West Indies, understood kept up pretty well the idea of West Indians must have a newspaper, exclusively of American law on the subject. School and Model and continua: there was no breeze. If there was and let th commoverá serve them.
very little about the technical de played in the prices of the Asso: vis mity but please for distances.
William the Conqueror who divided is made up a As country among officers West Indian should be the slogan of us all.
Suppose we should get an honest tion School and shows a total receipt answer to the following question of 1830 34, expenditure 1801. 99 anything like a strong wind, the locality which is a tenement one soldier is not looked after so wellOn the o:her band the private How many supposedly intelligent and balance of 28. 35.
SPARKLETS Americans could answer Yes if would have been doomed to a large unless be joins the ranks of the upThe Bakery and Grocery Dep extant to destruction.
we asked them; artment did splending business for employed He Did YOU know that just what the year, and West Indiaa support bis 240 Hor the fire oiginated is a mys, while in service, as compared with gets (BY CK)
Garvey did was a penitentiary ofI must record my deep regrets platforma amid an uprosous necla fence before you learn that he was subo carotain only herecorded as very serie de preneses no doubt it started the cabinet member partes for not having been able to attend nation and carried me to Libarty being prosecuted for it? Thereciation havoda the whole, the Asso as the premises owned by Mr. Ber year, yet he is not presented any big sums after the war, no matter native Americans who year of Having no The willi: gs wore new being unbow be the laying of the cornerstone of the Hall of the where could not answer in the affirmative. capital to start with was of course der construction for the past couple fighta. Maybe it is all right across the home of the Panama American before a large and expectant Now, some of of the sbarks workiob hence profits Publishing Company. to be, which audieace, President Loius Lindo to depend solely og Creditors of weeks. Within a couple of days ocean. Possibly they have reasons me with a golden for Garvey organization and took place on Sundav last. For the decorated used to li. the buildings would be completed that we do not know. But we prepast three years bave attended medal for conpicuously brilliant Garvey advice, knew that it was fer the American system of fair play quidate Capita Indebtedness. The and of course were lunce uppeld. co under the condition, and those fel remarkable business like It was learnt last night that the to the under do. and government was made accessible to me in worthy cause.
and around the city; but. as. to be really lows are out of jail and have not and at the end of the year the buildings were mortgagnd to a local aid for those who Deed it most.
Association was eridited with a bank effected thereon is in the society Building Society and the insurance day, during the rare exhibition of serious and frank with it, read even been put in.
tenacity, call it temerity if you like, admire the plucky man: love a Notice to Correspondents.
Garvey, who helped to jail bim account of approximately 600.
it was imperative that stick close clean fighter. Life is made up of self by being braver than the others It is very pleasant to know that It Contributors and correspondents and definitely replace some a succession of fights, great and but less strewed thad the others in this splendid report of the ascertain the extent of the damag are asked to send in their contribu to my dormitory to small, the be. President Connor epend the night before. Bul al fighters are not likely to be de leased, not only without any social and bisa officers did not combok done by the fire but it is believed tions not later than Thursdays to 35) and insure publication. This is imperathough mg my physical body was at prived of their fair share of the bure, but even with social justice. giving due credit to whom such to be in the vicinity of tive apd must be adhered to.
least two miles in is dua and we ara more ban the site of the activities my spirit NOTICE Now, it is proud With their usual promtitude the to tras evertheless there, for dreamt tion to be discussed without leading members of the race in Police were on the scene quite early, dled the big crowd which had aswhat was not only present but reserve, that at the true merits cluding Mr, I, J, Cambridg, the senior members of the Fire sembled and in a large measure extemporaneous The WORKMAN can be had prominent real estate man, and present, being Staff Sgt. Major prevented the panic which at one meden, after which Elijah the cerede ser West Indianer vie by at the La Boca Restaurant and an be a Mira Joseph Hamlet loud Donoshue nad Set Major Gayle time threatened.
to here No. 971Jamaica. ing Invalua to AsscPropnet. with his dome specially Police situation well Statements were taken from var.
polis ed, ifted me from off the (Continued on page 8) La Boca.
in band and with tackfulness ban. ious persons including Mt. Bernard, a Theing from cabinet member, providing though more a The community baing.
the Colon basiness And, caipt year On showed for the bard. 1663, 47 well a to in a manner Suo favour energy which was.
see the names of many


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