
PAGE JWO THE FORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 20 STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History. AND confidence of be Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages the wbo Summary of Contents: History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1928 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
Fibel og professor applied.
is 18 sanitary.
JAMAICA Another Banana Concern for Jamaica.
Improvement of Milk River Bath To Provide Ships Por an Almost Weekly Service Water Carriage System To Port in Europe will be Instailed, as Urged by Directors. AN AMERICAN VENTURE DIFFERENCE IS SETTLED.
Visit of Mr. Syrder to Everything Is Being Done to Island to Enquire into Popularize Famous Watering The Fruit Situation.
Place in Lower Clarendon.
Recent! y the Jamaica Maii says. few weeks ago it, was gentleman who was for a consiThe MAIL of the 4th inst. publisbed an ta. erview with T, Synder, an American stated in this journal that alderable period connected with difficulty had ariaen between th Director of Pablle Works and the banara industry in Cecural American and the Bocas deDirectors of the Milk River het bloed to one on on the gender an inte betalende te dying province of Panama arrangements to be installed at the Institution. the banana sitatation with It was stated at the time that the Uited States for the estabview to the securing of capital in the Hon. Major Simus, bad lih the Cucker lisbm ot of a company to buy system of wbich the Directors the truit to oversea markete.
Jamaica and to ship of the Bath did not approve; and in the cours of bis interview they gave. reason that Mr. Synder stated that it. comthe bucket system which was in use at the institution for pany is formed for the purpose, for banen18 would be sent either to many years had really not given America or Europe satisfaction. As an alternative This journal is able to state to they recommended Supercelen deten considers to be ceedieg in Americ system which the Baths day that arrangements are pro for the not only modern but very prac formation of a company to enter Ucable, seelng that the water the fruit trade. Whether Mr.
can be pumped from the river to Synder is interested in that partthe reservoir on the hill adjoin. icular company or aot, th: Jaing the Bath and distributed by maica Mail is position gravity to the various buildings. to state. It is, however known.
cow learnt that the that the proposed company bopes Directors have detinitly. decided to of of bsnaga sibps in trade to to proceed to install water weekly to give either a carriag system and in another from or a ten days salling so work Kingdom, from Jamaica to a port in the completed. The other improve tinere each easel to be provided mentat the mato and adjsining with space to accommodate not building. bave already been less than 60 000 ems of banacarled ont, and 48 as sanitary arrangements are effected It is felt that the accom The ships will bare to be conmodation at the famous Baths structed the banana holds being will be bigbly gatisfactory. refrigerated.
Another Confidence Operations of The Public Service Co.
Stunt The GLEANER of recent date For the third time while reservice Company bave states that the Jamaica Public leased on bail, savs tha Gleaner taking up the question of probeen James Campbell Samuel Lore viding power for the development ad Herman Gauza pulled oft of he proposed irrigation sheme another of their stunts.
in lower St. Andrew and tbe of development tbe Rio Cebre woman cam Ethel Con irrigation scheme in St. Catheric nor who arrived in Jamaica on Under new application Thursday last from Cubs wus in they which King Street on Saturday, when He Bxcellency the Governor in bave Bubmitted to who asked om te dober nota mpbeli Pan Council foto no correction accosted by fessor Bolongie. She said she of their license to provide elecfor domestie purposes in did not. Ther upoo, Harmaa the districts of Bok Walk and Gauze, was standing nearby osted. the came up and surah 10 Ret there are now seeking license extended in profesor and would take them certain areas along the Ferry to him. They all got in a tax River so that in case power is and drove to No. 15 Drummond pepuir a for irrigation this car Street, where Samuel Love wb te troduced in the In the lower portion of St.
Lve told Ftbel Connor to take Andrew there are several pro off ber shoes and upon ber doi perties wbicb cau be Irrigated this, mysteriously produced a by means of pumping water from de tid ne had taken from her dobe. He wells and there is good reason that the Pabllo Serherapy are arranging produce persuaded her to money which amounted to to e to 18. get the services of ao Ha placed the cash into an ep pumper to assist expert property velope. This done, be ordered owners in the Corporato Ares her to leave the premises. Ethel and St. Catherine and in exreported the matter to the police tending their operations, put Dectectives Campbell Stewart on their trail and who rounded up the confidence men. Dr. Nathan Rowe Electric Lighting for NewPHYSICIAN AND SURGEON castle.
11th and Bolivar Sts.
COLON, Some time ago scheme was BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE put forward for the lighting of Chase National Bank Newcastle and Greenwich Vil. Office Hours: a. to 12m.
rage by electicity The matter pm to pm.
came before the Chancil of the Kingston and St. Andrew Cor: O, Box 854, Cristobal, 2: poration som some time ago and perOPPICÉ TELEPHONE 320 mission Mas granteb to the mil. DruG STORE TELEPHONE 154 ary authorities to put np. tbe to carry the electric The Jamaica Public Service present nothing further has been Company also gave an estimate heard of it.
of the cost of putting in the Hoe Major Turner Jones was the and supplying the current. prime mover in the matter and The question of the vote for at the present time he is the cost one away from the island on leave for the War Office aud up to the of absence in England.
to recom meded as their Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama Water Mall is not in a TC IN WHITENS THE SKIN Creme Blanc Mirette Marvelous Cream Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, sun tan, and other skin blemishes be wires goon Das.
SOLD IN DRUG STORES was Why Use Charcoal and Kerosene. Our Dollar a Week APPLIANCE CLUB Will Give you Modern Cooking Appliances that are Cheap to Operate.
Call at our store at Santa Ana for particulars Cia Panameña de Fuerza y Luz PANAMA


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