
THE WORKMAN ATURI AY AUGUST 20 1927 PAGE FOUR Symphony Orchestra To Give Annual Concert, ar THE WORKMAN The British Pharmacy year, the classical we Look Them Over.
Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica.
The surual concert of the Pass WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes COLON me Symphony Orchestra to be Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
given at the Excelsior Theatre on All copy for publication must be the 11th of next month promises.
PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and to be the secood musical event of Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of first order to be given by the One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica coloured people on the Pacific end Has removed from 11. 115 Bolivar Street tion but as a mark of good faith. 20 of the Isthmus during this year Six Months Three 60e.
We do not undertake to return rethe first outstanding program jected correspondence.
having been a song recital by Mrs, TO 11. 1154 11th STREET Olga King at the La Boca Club house. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS The coming concert will be Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK featuring nothing short of a maSATURDAY AUGUST 13 1927 jority of the best musical and Where our numerous patrons will receive the same vocal talent on this end, as well as some of the best on the isthmus.
At its concert at the Variedades WANTED: AN ALL WEST INDIAN courtesies as heretofore Theatre Symphony Orchestra demostra WEEKLY tion put it in the class of a rara aggregation, and when it appeared on Mrs. King recital LOOK FOR THE SIGN programs grams it justified itself as being Since last Saturday, the day resumed our foremost classical orchestra on publication, we have been besieged with numerous con.
the Pacific end.
BRITISH PHARMACY gratulations on our re appearance and flooded with eaAdded to the attractiveness of the coming concert will be the nocouraging expressions relative to our announcement of ted local soprano, Mrs. Olga King forming a corporation of exclusively West. Indian share(Medallist. Mrs. Adela Walker holders. All of this is intensely gratifying especially as it Headlie, Miss, Leos Moulton, and Mr. L, M, Davis, formerly of the makes a touching disclosure of the genuine sympathy of our wide circle of readers aud well knowo Kingston (Jamaica)
subscribers and conveys Glee Singers.
strong impressions of public sentiment as it featured dursuspension.
ing our time of temporary It seemed as though there has been a general feeling of regret that the Many Enjoyed MusiWORKMAN was compelled to cease activities for a while, cale thus causing the whole West Indian colony on the Isthmus to pass several weeks without a copy of the indispens.
able Weekly.
An enjoyable time was spent by those who attended the Musicala Now we have had an opportunity visualise th: prepared by Miss Gertnde Bennet importance with which the West Indian colony views the and reodered by herself and severWORKMAN, and we are profoundly pleased to record our al other local artists at Liberty Hall, Divisico 17, on Monday sincere appreciation of the general feeling of interest maniThe following just arrived and are being night last. Some of the City fested by a large section of the people who have dared to prominent Muscians and singers terms. We have express their attitude in no uncertain took part in the program, including been told that our paper had become a veritable in titution Mre. Adela Walker Headlie, Sopra offered at prices to suit everybody. in the life of West Indians here and that West Indian no; Miss Lydia Holder Pianist and Mr. Martin Rodney. Violinist.
If this interests can best be represented in its columns.
Mie: Bennet rendered five vocal opinion is general it proves that our aim to establish our Photo Albums Scrap Albums numbers. Other music were furselves as the recognized organ of our fellow West Indians nished by the Perseverance Band has passed the experimental stage and become a settled factſjin our communal affairs, Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books Garvey to come Back.
As we stated in last week issue, we operated oui plant singly and alone from the viewpoint of finance, Writing Pads Children Toy Books which in these days of exhorbitant charges for materials, Milton Garvey local playwright fixtures and help. is a tremendously monstrous underaud dramatist, at a Stag Party taking. We have always been greatly optimistic of sucAccounting Day Books given by his Association, the Paoamt Melo Dramatic Troupe on cess and therefore, carried on without appeal, murmur or Tuesday evening last, inttmoned complaint. But we have gone as far as our financial limi Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles bis desire to revive The Prince of tations permitted, and have reached the point in our career Wall Street. One of his Plays when personal operation is no longer possible. It is not which had a most sucessful run of Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets the entire Isthmus two years ago.
possible for an indivirual, except he be an opulent financier, to operate a printing plant with any degree of success and keep up his efforts indefinitely.
Mouth Organs in two sizes How Many Of Our Card We have stood to our guns and braved the battle for Women Do The Same fifteen years, but if our people are to win the day and Pocket Knives, Scout Knives. Meador Knives operate a plant that can truly be called WEST INDIAN it In a Catbolic paper there was means that we must supply reinforcement in good solid recently prioted an article most capital by subscribing to shares in a corporation which, instructive in Its make up. It and many other items too numerous to mention seems that a soldier was through the urgency of the time, we feel compelled to esarrested for playing cards in a tablish. To say that a West Indian newspaper is a church and baving been brought necessity in Panama is to mention a fact which is acknowup before the judge for trial bad this much to say for bimledged by all our people in this country. The WORKMAN THE WORKMAN self.
has been filling the role of a representative mouthpiece for all Sir, am without prayes book these years and has never finched in fighting for the rights and rosary, but always carry and privileges of our people. We have always, felt first a deck of cards because.
and last, that it was our duty to maintain a prominent Stationery and Souvenir Store When see the race It reminds place in the field of local journalism whereby we could me that there is bat one God.
always be at the service of our people in the face of When see the deuce it reminds 93 Central Avenue :experiences nama City me of tbe oppressions, injustice and outrage. Past Fatber our indomitable courage in Sod. When have witnessed to acute see the three it remineds me of the Blessed situations of economic and political natures, and now Trinity, Father Son and entrenched that the demand and necessity for a strongly Ghost. When see see the feur. y and financially independent newspaper are felt there should recall the four evangelists who be a general inclination towards the WORKMAN which!
wrote the history of Christ. The has proved itself a faithful public servant even in times of five recalls to me the story of Christ concerning the five wise severest financial depression.
and the fivefoolish virging. When We are by no means sceptical concerning the support BEO the six, God madel the recall that that we are likely to receive from within the ranks of our re their the minds me of the Sabbath and seven the Sacrament Cbarfortunes of a journalistic career by giving all the financial ch. The eigh tells me of the eight support they can, and it is our chief desire that there be good people whom God presrved manifested a general and genuine interest in the scheme to GOOD TIMBER at the time of the flood. The nine always recalls the nine udgrateincorporate the WORKMAN. At last the day has come he tree that never had to fight For sun and sky and air and light, full lepers bealed by Christ and with it the opportunity for racial and national solidifiThat stood out in the open plain and the ten makes me realize cation through the plan to make the WORKMAN the West And always got its share, of rain bound by God Never became a forest king Indian people newspaper.
But lived and died a scrubby thing me think of God as the King of It should be the aim of all West Indians here to have a The man who never had to toil the universe and the Queen newspaper plant that can be called our own. Such a paper To Heaven from the common soil, Why throw away your old, but no most naturally suggests ber who Who never had to win his share will be devoted exclusively to the interests of West Indians is Queen of Heaven, there are Of sun and sky and light and air, and we shall be able to speak to the world in our own way, tbreehundred and Never became a manly man, doubt interesting, books when you sity five But lived and died as he began, spots on the cards, tbe without let or hindrance, setting forth our abilities and number of days in the year capabilities, opposing wrong and injustice, encouraging the Good timber does not grow ju ease can have them neatly bound at The stronger wnd, the toughe fres; There are fifty two efforts of our people in every department of ordinary ex The father sky, the greater length; cards, the number of weeks in perience and promoting the general welfare of the race The more the storm, the more the stren remind me of the four weeks the same space. The four suits THE WORKMAN By sun and cold, by rain and snows. in a month. The twelve picture Is tree or man, food timber grows.
Notice to Correspondents.
cards tell me of the number of 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Where thiekest stands the forest growth months in a year. And nowContributors and correspondents We find the patriarchs of both; And they hold converse with the stars the man brought me into judg.
wbat of the knave? Why that is are asked to send in their contribuRent Receipt Books in Spanish whose broken branches show the scars tioce not later than Thursdays to Opposite Cecilia Theatre of many winds and of much strife ment without first asking or This is the common law of life.
insure publication. This is imperr. and English Bold at the Workseeking a motive of goodness in tive a: must be adhered to. man Office.
my actions.
band Holy ADVERTISE own colony. Several of our business men in this city and In The Workman. It Pays world in six daye, The Seven Book Binding!
that commande mboto The King makes ten


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