
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY AUGUST 20, 1927 PAGE FIVEF ATLANTIC SIDE Activities at Colon Boys Institute Attractions at the Theatres CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND and he koew came Have You Ever Thought of It?
COLON hearing that tue Rev.
Father McGaire was called away Today Saturday August 20th Today Saturday August 20th Today Saturday August 20th Today. Saturday August 20th to other tields of duties, ConEd. Everett Horton in Priscilla Dean in ander Watson of th Colon boys TAXI TAXI and BIRDS OF PRAY Institute tendered him fare well letter. He fittingly responTomorrow Sunday August 21st Tomorrow Sunday August 21st Tomorrow Sunday August 21st Tomorrow Sunday August 21st George Jessel in ued the words of appreciation John Barrymore in to and expressloo of kind consider DON JUAN Richard Barthelmess in Norma Shearer in PRIVATE IZZY MURPHY ation. He expressed bis sorrow THE WHITE BLACK SHEEP. THE WANING SEX, that he was forced to leave here.
Monday August 22nd Monday August 22nd and thus sever bimself from Eddie Cantor in Monday August 22nd Monday August 22nd Johnny Walker in the loving friends he had made SPECIAL DELIVERY Claire Windsor in Seena Owen in THE CLOWN during bis stay in this Re THE LITTLE JOURNEY public. THE FLAME OF THE YUKON He considered Tuesday August 23rd the Tuesday August 23rd Bəys Tuesday August 23rd Institute among his closest Tuesday August 23rd Ronald Colman in Seena Owen in Eddie Cantor in acquaintances, and stated that in BEAU GESTE Johnny Walker in THE FLAME OF THE YUKON SPECIAL DELIVERY wbatever sphere of labour he THE CLOWN may be placed, they will ho Wednesday August 24th Wednesday August 24th Wednesday August 24th very dear place in his memory. Seena Owen in Wednesday August 24th Richard Barthelmess in The Rev. gentleman was visibly Johnny Walker in THE FLAME OF THE YUKON John Barrymore in affected with thy words which THE WHITE BLACK SHEEP o THE CLOWN from the hearts of DON JUAN all the officers and members of Thursday August 25th Thursday August 25th Thursday August 25th the Institute. Admonisbing Richard Barthelmess in Thursday August 25th Eddie Cantor in George Jessel in the Commander to carry on, he THE WHITE BLACK SHEEP Claire Windsor in SPECIAL DELIVERY PRIVITE IZZY MURPHY encourged him with the thought THE LITTLE JOURNEY that God would ever guide and Friday August 26 Friday August 26th Friday August 26th protect bim in the noble work.
Friday August 26th Following is a copy of the letJohnny Walker in Claire Windsor in Eddie Cantor in Laura La Plante in ter sent to Father Mc. Guire: THE CLOWN THE LITTLE JOURNEY SPECIAL DELIVERY THE LOVE THRILL, 15th. August Saturday August 27th Saturday August 27th Rav. Fatber Mc. Gulre, Saturday August 27th Saturday August 27th Adolphe Menjou iu Colon, Laura La Plante in John Barrymore in Seena Owen in EVENING CLOTHS Res, Father. THE LOVE THRILL DON JUAN THE FLAME OF THE YUKON, We the officers and inmates of the Colon Boys Institue jala at this time in expressing to you our heart felt sorrow in bearing that you will soon leave this field of labour.
Dear Sir. you very that good work can aever perish; natti Ohio. It goss without saying Dr. Fred Sterling know that we appreciate Very much the years of labour that fe weeks ago the commander THE NEW YORK DENTIST you have spent along with us, sent boys around to collect 182, BOLIVAR STREET ever giving us courage amidst donations for this purpose.
COLON, the sorrowits times, and keep The response was prompt.
ing us assured always that much but still the amount was not com Box 771, CRISTOBAL, Z, can be gained it we but per blete, On Monday of last week.
TELEPHONE 247 COLON severe. How can we at this he agala sent boys out with the time, endeavour to thank you assurance that tha amount How essential it is to obtain the maximum of results from oun enough for all you have done for would be raised. This wiek Dr. Hubert Edwards us!
spiritual guidance given dally, and all other assistance to see the great response from it more was your Physician Prescription?
which you never failed to give.
PHYSICIAN SURGEON the Governor of the city, the Al.
Dear sir. we do feel as it we calde, the British Consul ard Special Studies in Diseases of are about to lose a father, for other bigb officials of this gover.
Women and Children: such you have been to us. Fa ment.
If not, it is well to remember that Pure Drugs, Ability, a thoroughness in the BOLIVAR ST.
therly, you watcbed our daily FRONT MASONIC From the city of Colon, new handling of Prescriptions, through years of experience and diligent application, grow. and wherever anything TEMPLE Colon seemed to have gone wrong, you and old Crislobil, the response places us in the position to serve the public with every degree of satisfaction.
PHONE 409 never rested until you had every was surprising as we raised a thing all rigbt with us.
er few dollars tore than the amount needed. The Commander Says Branch PAN AMERICAN DRUG STORE, We do hope that you will not not conceive within mysel! Small be away long from us, but that in such a short period of could DENTIST your return will be quite speediume conld have raised the a11th AND BOLIVAR STREETS, MASONIC TEMPLE 15. to carry on the great and mount of 150 through the benev.
work tbat you bave (Opposite The Masonic Temple, Colon, Office Hours: 8, am to 12 pm olent and charitable hearts of begun, But since you must go this city. that the 30 to 30 people We do hope and trust that could see as have seen JAS. CYRUS Pharmacist.
Sundays, Special Appointment in wbateve: field placed, sucess will crowa your known of the condition of the the could Masonic Temple i1th St, PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL efferts; We hope that you will Colon Boys Institute. Then SSX450 leave here sir, enfidence of all ion that the work of this Instifeeling you they would come to the concluPHONE: OFFICE 1664 got of us who will be daily praying tuto RESIDENCE 588 is for you Do bot forget to let us a duty of every living soul neat from you as often as you can. which we live. We might build us to up the community in CANAL ZONE NOTES After the Juniors session the We ll accept any words from President. Mr. C, Sewell, you as morsels for our hungry up a city by its bright sanitation souls, officially informed the society for the health of men, but it wa do not train up our young, who La Boca Pars of the death of the wife of its Agalo expressing our sorrow are to live in such cities cur laVice President, Mr. DeSousa is at your intended departura, and bour is in Valn.
old member of tbe Athenaclosing with our expressions of Bolivar Street No. 12. 174 eum and served as its President love, It is all very good to build up a Mrs. William DeSousa, wife for one term. As Vice Presicity with gorgeous structures, Yours for continued success is of attorney William DeSousa dent be is also Chairman of the the work of God.
lay out streets, bave nice parks, NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE died at the residence of ber for the spectators who visit our her Management Committee and is Colon Boys Institute shores. These are all well and in BOX 649, CRISTOBAL, TEL. 147, COLON parents at Camd Bierd on the one of the ablest COLON Boys INSTITUTE their places. But titts Impossible Allnntic side on Sunday morn society. The entire memberto present to the outside world ing last, and was laid to rest in ship expressed their sympathies the Mount Hope Cemetery the for the Vice President and will FATHER MOGUIRE REPLY conduct of our boys and city of repute without the good Repairer of all makes of Typewriters Cal. following day, the last impres also prepare and forward to him Mr Watson sive rites having been performed a letter of condolence.
culating machines, Numbering machines, We canuot make famous our by Father Burns of St. Joseph Commander Boys Institute. country unless our people are Mimeographs, Dictators, Cash Registers, Sneh Church, When the contage left the residence of her parents St. Peter Church is preparDear Mr Watson in reply to your famous. And the people cannot letter of August 15th, expressing be famous unless they are edu.
Adding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing machines and all other technical machines.
It consisted of numerous friends ing to bave a Muslcale on the your regret of hearing of my cated. Education is the leading But of both the deceased and their 14th of next month for which there soon departing from this field of factor in the world today, parente.
seems to be quite little prelabour beg to congratulate you that is not all, the children must paration by the populace. Mafor our kind consideration and have bome training. Parents are your Mrs. DeSousa lived at Trini aical entertainments at this Workmanship guaranteed New parts supplied will assure you that will always depending on the teachers for the dad Street from where she left church have always been ot remember you and the great respousibility of the home traio months ago to Camp high class and it is expected that work that you are doing for the ing of their chidren but the Work done by expert up to date methods Bierd to be nearer ber parents there is going to be the usual poor boys of this republic, Go on teachers are responsible for Sbe was beloved by all who came large number of music lovers to with the fight know that your the educational part only.
in contact with her and it was greet the artists who are to task is hard, don give up your trial will convince you this is no emply talk.
Il is indeed grealy to be with deep regret with which the reward is sure.
plored that many of the parents community bad to hear of ber death. She leaves her husband Respectfully yours, are incapable of setting a good example before their children in and five children among several The resumption of publication J, J, MCGUIRE.
home life. The greatest disaster other relatives to mourn their of the Workman was greeted irreparable loss.
today among the children is causwith much enthusiam on SaturNEW INSTRUMENT ed by the the prents who get no exday evening last. Since its ARRIVES ample for them to follow. Some suspension several residents who of the children are not even pre WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Lord Prayer. have the sided over Juniors Night at local ne depend upon it for both Commander Watson Thanks boys under my care who when the Athenaeum on Tuesday last from their stanna portant jottings when the following junior mem been Friends for Kind Assistance, they first entered the Institute bers of the society contributed is certainly abousewere called upon to repeat the Sadly. The Miss Thomas, reading on bold Lord Prayer but could not.
necessity for Commander Watson of the How to Read. recitations by West Indians, and it is hope that Colon Boy Institute begs Let the teachers do their part No hot irons or special combs required Masters Victor Smitb, Herman it will now be given the through this medium to thank to school and the parents their Bayne and Clyde Lashley. The to enable it to continue publicathe many friends who contribu duty in training the children at week news was recited by tion and grow into a bigger and ted to the purchase of the Hilli home and hereafter we may be SOLD IN DRUG STORES Miss Seilda Thorpe and the better paper for West Indians, con Brass Instrument from the able to present to foreigners a minutes taken by Miss Claris as is the published intentions of Fillmore Music House of Cinci city second to none in the world.
Elie, the Management.
doble that the build BOGLE a some perform.
vaught Contra Crespo well thinking


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