
PAGE SIX THE WEEMAX. SATURDAY AUGUST 20, 1927 No Apoiogy www we were in the will be init Isthmian Cricketers pappanna LUCKY STRIKE AFTER ALL, THE OVERSHADOWING SUCCESS bad, was pan of the LUCKY STRIKE is not unusual, for the finest tobaccos that are grown all go to conbine that unsurpassable blend that is only found be over.
LUCKY STRIKE It toasted city it was named after the During the short while the PAST AND PRESENT Workman suspended publie tio tbere bas been so many things taki placa abros. wach (B, ELCOCK)
would most certainly hayinterested West Indians whose At the request of the auther we souls are not dead to their publish the following first instalnative land, that we make no ment of a series of articles on apology for reproducirg though Isthmian Cricketers, past and prelate the following news items sent, being of the opinion that it and others wbich appear elsemay be of interest to many of our wbere lo this issue: resders: ITS TOASTED Having Ipermanently retired from the great game of cricket Former Brooklynite with all its glorious uncertainties, think the time opportune for and Ex Mayor of broadcasting my impressions of some of the men with whom Trinidad.
struggled for of winning the several trophies years for the bonor that were donated as incentives New York, Dr. Ellis Bass, to this great sport from time to ex Mayor of Purt of Spaia time on the Isthmus of Panama, Trinidad, and family wire guests lo so doiog of Mr. and Mrs. Jemmott want to begin from the very beginning from the of 183 Lefferts place last Suadays when cricketers, good or day.
Dr, Bass, who many years ago were few, when it took hours and hours to toil to get a sa practising physician in Brookly and who later went to piece of land that we had selected in Colon as a cricket ground, to England to complete bis studies, look something like (hut not quite, is well knowo bere.
mind you) what we were accusDuring bis early years in tomed to Brooklog ba was connected with to at home, and then it was the West Indian Benevolent and only through the indomitable will Sodial League of that grand old West Indies and also the West Indian Cricket Club.
cricketer ng Tom Burton and lais In the evening ba was the natural love of the game, that we guest of the Oast Indian League succeeded in making any beadway at their annual Thanksgiving at all; as the majority of us really sermon, which was preached at in Luckies.
wanted to quit, but old Tom Christ Church Cathedral by would say, never mind boys we will soon have her looking in good Barrow shape and then our troubles will After the service Dr. Base was presented with a beautiful silver Having such an enthusiast to loving cup, the gift of the West India League, the West Incia lead us we applied ourselves diligently to opr task and 8000 we Cricket Club, and some of bis were rewarded with ritch not friends.
The presenti lon address was nearly as good as Sabina Park in made by Jemmott.
Kingston or Kensington oval in Dr. Bass leaves for Canada Bridgetown but something we could play on and did play on for the latter part of this coat.
years after.
years Your Throat Protection As the greater portion of the Retired West Indian members and supporters of our team hailed from British Guiana, Teacher on visis To we decided to name our club the British Guiana c, In those New York.
days there was a club in Colon made up of the then elite of that City, and it was SPROTT. OF W, 1, IS GUEST Co on C0. There is a OF HIS FORMER STUDENTS bighly amusing incident in eon ection with our club and that IN U, the Colon C. which affords me a bearty laugh every time think New York William Sprott, of it Burton had sent a cbalwho for 47 years was a teacher lenge to the Secretary of the the club, In the Chapel Scbool, Bassetere, to engage us iu what would now St. Kitts. arrived bere on tbe he called a cricketical contest, Dominica on Suoday mornLUCKY but received a reply in the nega ing. While bere Mr. Sprott will STRIKE Live, on the grounds that we were be the guest of a committee Bajans and they woul play ITS TOASTED made up of his former students with us. But we had to to play some Dow residing in the United States other team, 60 we hurled chal Dr. E, Elliot Rawlins, a former lenge after challenge at them studeut of Mr. Sprott, is chairuntil they finally decided to play man of the committee, Richard us, give us a good trounciog and Warner is responsible for MADEUSZ bave nothing more to do with us, its orgacization. He is the preto learn the sent vice chairmun.
names of the men who comprised Mr. Sprott who is now 72 years it was the greatest array of cricket talent that has ever old, first achieved fame in his een got together on the same native country for the militant ananananananananananananananananananananamammamanagams club on tbe Isthmus.
be educational licies of the Gor.
Revenge is sweet is an old axiom ernment, which were changed and we certainly bad ours when we mostly because of his insistence, met them, as Burton and OliBle greatest service was ren: Opening of Works in vierre scuttled them out for a very dored to paltry score, and to add insult to colony. After a struggle which Cuba PERS injury, sent them in again and allasted for more than 25 years be lowed Bill Wilsən and your humble was successful in 1920 to having servant the chance of winuing our legislation passed pensioning few weeks ago there as peared spurs as were then the two youngest aged teachers in the scbools.
in the Gleaner an article from members of the team Incidentally they fared little better in the secThe committe has arraoged to a correspondent of this paper in ond innings than in the first and if bave Mr. Sprott, who is now Cuba, desling with works of road my memory isn playing me tricks retired; travel throughout the construction, railway extension and OFI think we defeated them by an United States visiting his former the erectioa of an aqueduct, in the students.
republic The article also set out innings and runs to spare.
Oiber officers of the committee be employed, the number of labourers who would After the first game we became very warm friends and bad some are: Albert MacDowell, It also stated that the inforvery keen battles togetber but not secretary; Albert Taylor Tressuror; Henry Matthews assis. ma tion would be of great interest once did they have the pleasure of they?
tant treasurer. Mr. Bprott is at to many persons in Jamaica who defeating us. How could With such stars on our roster as present tue home guests of Mr. were contemplating going to Cuba Burion Richard Olivierre Bill Wiland Mrs. Riebard e Warner, to seek work, IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF 149 West 1421 street. He is to state that of the 800, Jim Gill, Jimmy Smith and other luminaries whose names bad return to bis bome early in Sep 5, 000 labourers to be employed on made cricket bistory in their island tember.
the road way, only 30 per cent, homes.
be Europeans, Haitians and By virtue of his being the oldACCOMPLISHED NEGRO Jamaican. There were in the island 225, 000 Europeaos, 120, 000 Haitiest, active cricketer on the IsthMUSICIANS ars and 90, 000 Jamaicans. The mus today, will deal with old Puso railway works would not employ fom Burton first. If first in presany but cubans, while the water sions are lasting, and have every (Continued from page 3) works would employ only about reason to think they are) there is ao incident relative to Burton only throughout sterling qualities as a cricketer Kingdom but in the United Writing from Camaguey, in with wbich my whole cricket States and in th Dominions, Ho Cuba, a correspondent expresses career was bound up, and that is rapidly establishing an in very strong view a on the matter, was my first glimpse of him on the ternational reputation which He says it is useless an any immicricket field. This was many years will make blm sought by an grants from Jamaica going to ago in Barbados, and was then ever focreasiog number of Cuba to try and get work of any a very small boy but a great lover vocalists as the fame of those he kind for there arealready thousands of the game. My father bad altoacbes spreads round the there starving. Many baye bad AT THEready told me that he wanted me nothing to do since the sugar to le a good cricketer. He gave me a Professor Drysdale is a Negro wills stopped working at the end (Continued on page 7)
and is sald to be a native of of March, Jamaica He says that the Jamaican Government should do something Jamaicans in the republic.
to stop Jamaicans going to Cuba Conditions there were terrible Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and in the dead season and then English on salo the Workman things would not be so serious for and something should be done to Stationars Store.
stop people now going to Cuba.
CIGARETTES he team; THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders It further would MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS.
the United 100 Jamaicans.
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Workman Stationery Store


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