
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1927 PAGE SEVEN TRINIDAD The Best Tonic in the World New Barrister at Law S450 SKSS THE WOODMEN OF UNION, FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION Join Today. It Protects You While You Live and Your Family After You Are Dead VIGOR TONIC Disabiliy Benefits are graduated in accordance with liberal provisions on face of said policies coce.
FOURTEEN COOD REASONS It is a Union by the people and for the Our business amounts approximately tº people 50, 000 monthly It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur 10. The Endow rent Money is used only for sick and death claims, It pays you more while you live than any 11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims other concern.
the same day proofs are filed in the Home 4, Its educational features appeal to all Race Office lovers 12. Yoy do not need a lawyer to get your claim It donates annually to Racial schools.
13. You do not have to die to win It gives employment to more Negro girls 14. Hospital, free to members. Bath House than any other concern of its kind Its rates are within reach of all rates reasonable; full course (21) baths to members, 89 50; full course (21) baths We are twenty years old and have not had to non memders, 15. 00 Half course an extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 50 Rooms, Grade Department 00 to 00 per week, place to in January Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW 1923 The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen. 7) different states and our membership extends to the South Sea Islands. This Organization has its own building which is four stories high and covers a whole city block paid for in cash without extra assessment. It gives employment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 000 with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty. 20. 000. 000) million dollars.
DR, KENDALL, JNO. WEBB Supreme President Supreme Custodian Post Office Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas For information address, L. Flowers, Panama City, who are the legal representative in this Countr 1926 XOXOXOXOCASSO examination the Temple prize of 650. He was Called to to the Bar ATTENTION!
There was introduced to the Trinidid Bar last week by the Hon. the Attornay General. Mr. B. Wooding, Barrister at This elegant Tonic preparation is higbly recommend haw (Middle Temple. Trinidad ed in Debi ity, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Scholar 1923: son of Mr. HIR Wooding, Sanitary Inspector and Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Mrs. Wooding of of Port 3f Spain Several close relatives of the a run down constitution.
and resident in this colɔny, of young lawyer are Barbadian born It promotes digestion, improves the appewbich his father is also a native.
They all view with pride his tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
distinguished scholastic career both in Trinidai and in England.
In introducing him to the Bar of Dose. Ono small Wine glassful before meals our sister colony, the Attordes or times a day General sald. Mr. Wooding, is the eldest son of Mr. Wooding, oce JAVIER MORAN Amecican Pharmacy of the Sanitary. Inspectors to the service of this colony, Mr.
Wooding, think, bas had what must be at least at uique es edacationally periencally: ard He obtained first in the Govt. Exhibition Examination in December 1914, from Moulton Hall Wesleyan School. With that exhibition be entered Queeu Royal College ary 1916 From that cciA Regular Assortment of lege he won the Island Unlvereity Scholarship and the Gold Medal in the year He then proceeded to England and was admitted to Middle Temple io 1924. In December of that year. SUCH AS only two months after he bad jolded the Inn he passed to TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, Roman Law with first class TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, bonours.
In March 1925 he obtaloed first class honours in Criminal Law; in May 1925 first claes hon The Workman Printery ous in Real Property and Conveyancing and in October 1925 again first class honours in Coo93 CENTRAL AVENUE stituttonol Law and Legal Histc.
ry; At that examination for the he also Panama City obtained the 50 best candidate of that offered by the Council of Legal year Education and in December be culminated most brilliant Ganearby obeatning eftermi nelab next.
This talented singer ISTHMIAN CRICKETERS and obtaining the Studentships the United States, where is. Demerarian, and studied Prize of 300 gulneas and Continued from page 6)
special Middle of he is in much demand. It of will be good news to hear of any every encouragement and had Middle Temple on the 26th tops taken to have Madame Fa: always promised me an opporJunuary 1927. Since then be bad ser visit Grenada. She appeareda tunity of witnessing a big game.
in British Guiana, Teluidad and My opportunity came when the been reading to Chambers in Lordon. May say also, You Barbados sometime ago and cau Carlisle of which Burton was then member and which was Honours, that his activities have sed a minor sensation. really a good team, were billed to not been contined to reading for he has actually begun bis forensic The Trinidad Guardian says was my home team. was up at play the Georgetown which career in the Edmonton County that the Hon. OʻReiley six o cicek on the morning of the Court successfully.
who will call shortly for England game (in fact hardly slept during on holiday Intends bringing out a the preceding night. The game thoroughbred race horse to Sport to begin at noon and nearly CITY OF PORT OF hie coiours at the Dec worried the life out of my old lady amber Meeting me dressd so that should SPAIN possessed a fairly Georgetown BRITISH GUIANA good team and although my old SANITARY SUMARY FOR maa was optimist enough to believe JUNE the home team would emerge vicMild Sensation In torious kept hearing him say, if only they can play young Burton The report on the health of the Court, they have a very good chance; but Urban Sanitary district of Portwas not on the books that young of Spain and the work of the Burton could be played that day, Demerara So deadly did he Sanitars staff June, has been issued. The popu that a mild sensation was created Arabied cumberbola liste de a code lation of the City on June 30, was in the Supreme Court on Friday the Georgetown for dispored of estimated at 63. 016 During the stb instant, during the bearing of issignificant total of nine (9) runs.
month there were 130 births, the the appeal against the decison of He at once became my ideal as per thousand. This was consider was of the Georgetown Judicial would learn to bowl as Burton did birth rate working out at 24. 33 Magistrate Mr. McCo cricketer and vowed that able lowed than the corresponing District with repect to the seiz that day. If have not succeeded.
periods in in 1923 and 1924. when ure by Mr. io GomesI cannot attribute it to lack of Hea 163 and births respectively vely Government Land Officer, of 640 trying, but because could never were recorded: but it was of Charcoal.
slightly higher than that of June, a.
1926, In the conclusion of his address do what Tom Burton was able to with 128 births. The Browne, KC who apFrom that day Burtoa never of deaths for the period peared for the appellant (Mr. looked back, and number totalled 114, or 21, 33 par 1, 000 of when it came Gonsalves) pointed out that the population.
time Indies team West learned Magistrate bad erred to raro Teed tour England in 1899 1900, be remarked The infantile mortality ra e The Chief Justics dia consider was 192. 31 thousand. This figure that he did not the along with Stanley Sproston and Float Woods was chosen to repreis considerably bigher than that term exrned was applicable to sent British Guiana. How well be 1923, 1024 ane Pogledi, bet ne in Barrister af bal was one on the succeeded is nowa na matter corresponding mon unless he fantile myrtality rate was 153, 87, ethics of the profession The tory. Today when have retired 164. 47. and 165. 47 per thousand Magistrate might be very learned after many years of active particilaw; it did not detract from paticn in the game, still think as ons diseases wero notified, seven could not wear the label unless Burtoa was, if not the greatest. one Twenty nine case of Infecti bis learning. Notwithstanding he thought that day. aca little boy in far away Barbados, that by private practitioners and he was entitled to it.
twenty two by Govermment Mr. Browne intimated that he donned flannels.
of the greatest bowlers that ever Medical Officers (In the Sanitary Department 8, 096 visits were paid knew that the Magistrate in to premises, and 85 disiblectione question was admitted at one of against Infectious diseases and the Inns ot Court in London.
the Attorney General (Mr. Becvermin carried out. while 990 tor Josephs, the Agentcesspits were oiled and disinfectNew Commission General for Immigration (Mr, ed aganst enteric fever.
Hampden King, B, Mr.
In connection with anti morqal Constituted W, M, Shields, a member of to work, 2, 717 promises were the Executive Council, visited. Woolford, K, and. Mr The WEST INDIA COMMITTEE E. Brassington (Members of CIRCULAR says: the Court of Policy. and the The company in Trinidad which The Governor of British Guiana jor Bain Gray, Litt. Ph. control the picture theatres there have announced bas appointed the following to be The Georgetown Chamber that they have contracted with members of a Commision to re of Commerce has given unapiMadame Alice Fraser. return commend measures of reform in views to the West Indies for singing the Constitution of the Colony: mous support to Mr Amery engagements. She is due in The Colonial Secretary (Mr. Continued on page 8)
these partson or about October Douglas Jones, C, M, G)
was to to Petery ball bowled. That The House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH the jast bags for a Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies in the CAN BE HAD AT 200 The Workman Stationery Store


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