p. 8


UF. EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 20, 1927 LA MASCOTA HEADQUARTERS FOR Stetson Hats AND Packard Shoes Packard SHOE DE All are our Stock Welcome to to Inspect MULLER. Sole Agent 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY Popularity is Contest at is uoot move.
proc. eds 110 because.
Crown to anyone giving Information, to Tomorrow Races Price of Matches British Guiana CHURCH SERVICES Building Fund Contest of the Peace, which will lead to Smashed, Closes. Continued from page 7)
the nviction of the person, or The Panama Jockey Club has Tenth Sunday after Trinity To bi despate to the ver 20 persons, concerned. The infor on its weekly program for tomorrow As a result of some misundersAMERICAN EPISCOPAL of British Guiana dated May mation can be given secretly and afternoon, seven races which will Previous to last night 24, 459 25th and publised in the West and the name of the Informer bring out near uato forty horses tanding betwecu the well known St: Puil Church, Panamı votes have been cast in connection India committee Circular of June will not be disclosed. The re native and imported. The main Chinese business form. Fet il Com. Rev. Nichteingale Ree. with the Building Fund of Di18 b, Mr. L, Amery requested warde dere like manner will be event will be over six furlongs and pany, and another dealer in ma am Ho y Communion The vision 17 of the U, in this His Excellency to proceed forth paid secretlv.
will bring out six imported horses, bes, a certain brand of Japanese Rector We wish the Government all promises to be not fainteresting For as cheap five cents for a with with the city. These votes have been pooled matches Ιι may pow be purchased 10. 15 a Mantins Mr FR vocal commi sior, which sbould success in tbere attempt to bring goc diy number of race fans, inmeet and should to vour of several candidates in a Atwell. Lay Reader package of condise of not more than five the cal prit to book.
ten pozes. There condueted no by 10 30 am Holy Eucharist members, including the Colonial must say that they baye waited sexo he prograine Bat, wa cluding a sprickling of the gentler guarantee that this low price will Clan McKenzie. The last sermon. The Roctor count of votes was bounced for Secretary as Chairman and two quite a long time six and a published be kept up indefinitely, but 12. Holy Baptism last night, the result of whieh was persons of stand, salt seks before making the berewith: least for some time the public will not obtainable before pm Church School be efit by the drop of the price of ing, with the fullowing terms of 1st. Race Furlongs going It may be remembered Press. Tde most popular candi7 30 m Chora! Ev. nsong ref recce this commodity the the lowest that the Coroner, at the opening Chiqui 124 ark over registered here.
sermon Dean Meleher date before last nigh count was To advise upon the steps of the Fire Inquiry, asked all. Mayoral 101 Wednesday, August 24th Feast of Miss Eulalie Owen with 6, 660 votes which ebruld be taken to confer who could help to come for Fenomeno, to her credit. The net 111 omew, Apostle puxer upon the Governor to carry ward and give evidence. It is Dɔn Simoh a Holy Communion Independent Social Baptist a Children Mantioa of the Contest are to go toward into effect measures which be possible that anyone has kept Raso.
90 a Buiding Fund wbich the Division and required eider essential for the well being salt all this time and will come 2ad. Race. Furlongs Church Holds Baptism.
7:30 pm Choral Evensong and has been securing for some time to sermoo The Rector enable to start a buildiag program!
of the Colony, whether by an alal suddenly forward Fap 90 teration in the relative powers reward is offered.
Dardanela 90 St, Alban, Church, Paraiso Barba Roja 114 On Sunday morniog the 14:h, and in the composition of the CANAL ZONB Court of licy and the Combie The Cautrles Town Board on Queta 132 inst.
the Ind pendent Sielai (Rev. AF NIGHTENGALE BD) PARKLETS.
ed Our. or by the substitution Friday 9th July, privately held Cococha 115 Baptist Church of Colon, helica a new Legisiative Council in an inquiry into the cause of the Priest ia charge 3rd. Race Furlongs Baptism at Watson Beach. il 11 am Martinsfand address, Mr.
which ten persons were baptised A Osborne, Cetechist wbieh tbe would lack of pressure in the water 128 eight women and possess powers of etfective coc mains during the fire on the Lenine two men. Continued from page At Dənnis 90 00 trol over tiparcial as well as night of the 14. and 15th of AM procession of the pm Church Shool Marcela 94 7:08 Choral Evensong and local newspapers the Star Herother enatters; and generaly up. May. The voice is not in a posi and friends started 00 any other improvements such tion to say definitely the results Tribuno 97 from the Church at and Broab. sermen Rev. F Nightengale ald and the Panama American. As remarked the other day when as those suggested by the Brit the inquest but bas learned Socia elders St. Matthias Mission Dixie who held lighted candles in their LAS SABANAS forth 115 was vacationing with friends, that ish Guiana Commision, which that ample evidence was is a question to be discussed by us might be effected in the Consti coming that some employee or 4th. Race Farlongs hands headed for the Beach at no other than at the opportune or employees failed to carry Zalamera (Rev AF Nightengale. At the rising 110 of the sun, the time. But in the meantime, out the duties assigned to La Rena Priest in Charge 110 Rev. Francis. Pastor of the maiotain them, The Voice calls for a San Chee 45 am Holy Communica respect for both Church emersed the candidates 110 publication of the results of the La Chiquilla pm Church School papers. They have been ST. LUCIA 110 under the watchful eyes of near granting privileges to West Indians to pracinjury as a matter of public Valencia 110 ly four hundred persons wbo 30 pm Evensong and adtice Journalism and to advertise interest and importance. Tibia 110 came from far and near to wit dres. Mr. A Ricbards, Lay their social activities free in a Echoes of the Creat 5th. Race Furlongs ness the ceremony. When they Reader.
corner set aside for that purpose were finished another procession by each paper, both view and Fire, Adib puó 101 was then formed wbich wended Populations of the Canal Uu nueve its Seventh Day Adventist accept such aceomodation as most 103 way back to the Church; generous and, as a community we Zone.
Honey Dew 95 entering which all joined in the STREET CALIDONIA should be grateful for help renDieciseis 123 Chorus; We shall come Incendiarism Suspected.
Pistol 126 in bringing in the sheaveu ROAD(near Isthmian Park Panadered us in cases were we are unable to adequately provide such Lapriego 90 Brother Webley, Sister Stewart Sabbath (Saturday. 45 a. belp for ourselves. When we GOVERNMENT OFFERS 150 RD, a house to house canvass of Shimmy According to te CANAL RECand others came from Panama Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Gen shall have moved up 6th. Race Furlongs that to partake in the proceedtngs. eral Worship Spanish of life where we feel disastisfied stage REWARD.
the civil population of the Can. Fachendo 97 Jlass; 124 with present limitations, the time AL Zons, taken between June Revoltosa Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and 30 Society, will have come for us to see clear The St. Lucia Voice of 9th and June 30, 1927, by the Police Vittoria 126 English on sale a the Workman meeting 30 Junior, and to set up and carry on for ourInstant says: The Government and Fire Division of The Panama Mimosa 111 Station ary Store.
118 Standard of attaingient selves. Whether that time bas bave reason to believe, and many Canal, shows a total civil popular Class p. Vespere.
been long overdue, or has now agree with them, that the recent tion of 27, 624. This is a decrease 7th. Race 61 Furlongs Kitty Gil 1081 Suoday evening 30 Sier fire was the work of incendiarism of 68 from th: 27. 692 listed in Dhole 118 Billy Den 126 eoptican Lecture. The general come, or has not yet arrived, we, So last Wednesday notice was 1926. and an increase of 473 over Rolando 110 Garzons 114 public is cordially invited to turn as the best judge of what is best issued offering a reward of 150. the 1925 canvass.
Dolly 119 Olo Clo 102 out in large numbers.
for ourselves, must deeide, members 99 tutioa.
high ор ma to Senior


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