p. 1


Has Arrived.
Meeting, Four Wounded.
Press are in to owo thigh.
time the world win kunow it from the there face that we governor Walker Goes to element de les entra in consequent colors de valoarel (Oompsoy Come Back long chain Isthmus is WHAT REALLY HAPPENED World says: bas Tido Of Immigration To Being Debated by Cuba Koops Up. Organizations During the month of July, 169 Another worthy effort is being When We Must Appreciate The Jamaicans left for Cuba says the put foward by Westo Indians GLEANOR, It is curious that de belp themselves. It is learnt from Negroes Stirred by Unwarranted Benefits Of West Indian epite the repeated warnings which authoratative source that the ques.
bave been issed the tide of emi tion of and High Handed Action of Newspaper.
gration to the Republic continues to keep up.
keighbouring Building organizing Fraternal Company Police; Attempt to Mislead. few days ago we stated that Indian fraternal societies here belog debated before several Wes.
In view of other journalistic efforts here, some of our the Cuban authorities had issued This is another splendid effort, ir The latest Negro World to hand reports the following: friends are tempted to be pessimistic to express the instructions that no Jamaican or it materializar; and there is no pa pably un nerican attempt on the part of the West opinion that we are late in introducing to West Indians our vation or whose physical condition pareat reason why it should not Chattanooga police to break up the branch of the Universal now intentions to incorporate our intire Plant with a view to was impaired should be admitted estimated, but it is quite aufe to Negro Improvement Association in that city has been publish a better weekly paper, which would in course of to any of the hospitals in Cuba, say that West Iadian secret and attended with serious results. Blood was shed on the time develop into a bi weekly or tri weekly and eventually. Privite advices ave been re fraternal societies here have de night of August 4th during a clash between police and analysing the West Indian case, we are unable to detect any Jamaicans are out of employment times pointed out by various con Association without a werrant, and, upon being remonstrain:o a respectable West Indian daily newspaper. After orieved heree pobrish koes to support posited un local banke dollars wel members of the Association when the former, as the Negro the early reports that five figures. Aad, as is often World is informed, invaded the meeting place of the logic in such trend of thought. We are not too late. In in the public, aod those who tributors to the fact we are early on the scene. It might be logically have been sucesful in getting terested in the welfare oftewest ted with, fired wintonly upon the gathering, included in argued that we will be late in this and in any other worth work are only able earn Indians, an agreement should be which were a number of women and children. Several of while e fort if we continue to believe that we are late to enough to feed themselves. easily reached narrow or serious. start to do anything we need to help ourselves. Are we Signs are not wanting in the these societies whereby they could two men, members of the Association, were wounded, it incapable of carrying on even the small, but essential things a portion of their funds feared seriously, while a police nin was shot through the for ourselves? If we are, let us come out frankly and will have to be repatraited.
Jamaicans, who arenow Cuba in ordings which would surely repay purpose of our weakness to the world; because in course of after a few There is The almost developed have not produced, making any effort to produce. Mere Tho On Business. small amount in monthly and year population of Chattanooga, who paying no raging feelings of the demands without recognized power behidd it avails nothing in this modern world.
ly aggregate rentals.
are at a loss to understand why so On Tuesday next the 30th of Governor Walker of the of this month, the Cecilia Theatre There is not a member of our West lodian community Panama Canal Zone sails tomor it will not only benefit fraternal citizens as the mem. theatre when the Management If such a Company materializas, baw abiding and useful a group of Chili bao like unto a who is not well pleased to read the daily paper which gives tow for the United States on arganizations and others; but will bership should be singled out for important news from all parts of the world, and depict in business trip. During his absence, also serve as added incentive for such treatment.
puts on the famous Sharkey.
Col Harry Burgess, Engra West Indians to further concenDempsey fight picture, cartoons doings of important people the world over. But eer of Malatenance, will act as rate their efforts in other worthThis the fight in which Jack Dempsey do we ever stop to think that this very elaborate system Governor, while cooperative schemes.
Mr Milton Minyard Presi made his come back after losing of news distribution was not developed by a people who dent of the Chattanooga Division, the heavy. weight championship of depended solely on some one else to perfect it for them?
in a ief statement to the Negro the world to Gene Tuoney: There Very few of us do! Let us be reminded, fellow West SPARKLETS were some differences of opinion The Universal Negro. Improve: not Sharkey wus touled in this between firbt critics on whether or Indians, that that wonderfully developed system of new3 meo Association is Chattanooga light as was claimed by him and distribution, accompanied by equally wonderfully (BY K)
never committed allied devices for newspaper production, was not perfected single discreditable act; it has sustained by several sport writers by a people dependent on someone else to do for them but is the result of centuries of hard work accompanied furnished the inspiration for writ each other at le ist once a week, any kind any disturbance of The picture will be shown at urbished veren of Red Taok has community come in contact with newers crebered a themikuw; it has who were present at the ring side with great sacrifices, We are not too late; but we will be ing something on the Canal Zone and few weeks ago we the Amador Theatre on Septemaltogether too late some day, if we continue to depend Silver Clubhouses, and so a little several times a day. It would street meetings, and we accepted pot negligible number were refused permission to hold ber ist.
solely on favors and the good will of friends. While we discussion along that line seems to appear that if similar interest the police ruling wittout protest.
are solicitious for favours we must in the meantime seek be in order were showa by as few as tea per. silly rumors were bruited about Sacco Vanzotti to possess so we will be, in some things, independent. Jump the Apiarist and Ellis the cent of the adult members of erch bat we were planning some fantas Exocutod We feel that by putting forth an effort to incorporate Pitm so Shorthand Expert, both located, nditions would have lid net relish the idea of our community where a clubhouse is tic scheme we believe the Police our entire Plant we are helping to break down the tendency responsible for the existence of the clubhouses. especially where social public and. o we soon heard of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo of La Bocv, are to a great extent beente far more improved in the gionnaires wearing their uniforms The electric chair upon which of a great number of our people whose peculiar weakness Canal Zone Silver Clubhouses.
is to concentrate their efforts to becloud the virtues of our Several year ago these men headed and educational facilities are con senseless threats being made Vanzetti lves were snuffed own and magnify irresponsibles to blow up. on early after our faults. Others are sitting in the a delegation, representing the cerned.
gallery of life chcering us as we perform in our inlethargy: the matter of creating of La Boca, that that too up It is fact that, with exception to meeting place. On August 4th we were holding thousands pictured by Club the advantages for tennis, other daylight 01 and praying that we continue indefinitely to be indifferent house at that place. The then facilities for out door sports, and a meeting quiet and orderly me Tuesday to appeals from our group to set up where we are likely besday morning while reading Governor, Col. Geo, Goethals, the literary ac ivities of the La Bousust, wen police stormed the the newspaper accounts of their to become independent.
approved the idea and completed ca and Cristobal clubhouses, the place. Meo whom we had detailed execution for the murder, seven What is the Prestige we be labour in our speech and in the job by giving a splendid indoor activities of these community to protect our meeting place ever rears ago, of a his Brain our writings? It is the weight of our influence derived address at the dedication of the centere are left mainly to inexpert since trouble was indicated, re: Assistant in South from past successes. Have we succeeded in anything here Gil vero cablubhouse, the pioneer beste voor een breed puede tener que de ele police to the won their Medicated Silver letic and other games warrant and to state reason radicals friends and sympathisers worthwhile? Prestige also means the expectation of future Zone, Sioce, about four others adult members of the white sections for the visit. They refused to do all over the world had achievements founded on those already accomplished! have been erested, one in each of of who hold that their Gold so club either and started firing, endanger. forth strenous efforts spent What are our accomplishments, AS PEOPLE, AND BY the four principal Silver com. bouses are necessary centers for ing the lives of the women and thousands of dollars in efforts OUR PEUPLEP punities, for the benefit of the their social and educational pro children in the ball. As a measure beir lives: but after a Padama emplopees and The time has arrived when we must fully appreciate gress. of coloured sections do of protection some of our mea prin searching and protracted except the returned fire. riot call was trial, employing some of the benefit of a West Indian newspaper. Let us then part, to spend their money and potice and have been written contribution to 48 police to the was decided that pair were not written cs will be able to issue a West Indian daily newspaper. But possibly when decide to salvage with urediting these clubhouses scene, armed to the teeth. They guilty of murder and must pay the first let us build up a substantial weekly, from which we my, three year old idea to write alwbieb they were majority of young gayiog we were plotting against cheered for anarchy before taking purposes for wounded three of our men and one extreme penalty. die on the will be able to climb higher.
erected and are be flasbed lies all be of theirs was wounded. Then they electric chair by applied electricity over the country It was Sacco History of West Indians on the iog operated. Canal in collaboration people, our future men and women the United States Goverament. the death chair, while Vanzetti Brakesman Claims Funds For Castrios with my Lilliputian friend George, will elaborate ia the prem:828; Jones have alry on when the older They arrested several of our wen pleaded innocence of the crime up who are to 15, 000 For Loss Fire Sufforors. coerce them to the very last minute.
Of Foot a five minute newspaper talk ally at nights, through the lure of and are seeking to cannot do justice to the cause.
the movies, to the clubhouses, where into lying about some secret dope His Britannic Majesty Charge The importance of the rela ion adults who are Clement Williams, former brakes, Affairs, the Honourable Wm. of the Silver Clubbonses to the about the welfare of the young.
ion and the be fou ade mobily unconcerned organization has.
a spriokling of which they pretend to believe the Four Boat One Fined man for the United Fruit Company Oxley, has transmitted the sum of employees and their familie, the The Chattanooga outrage bids and Forty two moral effect they have upon these There is a real need for more lit fair to have wide repercussins at Bocas del Toro, has filed suit in Pounds and Four Shillings, col people, the educational and social erary clubs, womens clubs, dod for the splendid repatation for Wheo Francisca Ortega, Elena attoraeys, asking for Fifteen Thouthe Cristobal Court, through his lected and turned over to him by facilities afforded by these institu other organizations to interest a orderliness ad Ouedience to Murillo and Joaguins Simmons the leg st.
sand Dollars for the loss of his Lucian Benevoleat Friend. tions, and the extent to which they respectable number of adulte: this of the Universal Negro Improveone of their authority bui up by the brinches were satisfied that sustained when a ly Society of Regina Guiterrez, was to the have been recognized and used by would help materially in making on one of the company trains was Governor of the Windward Islands the emplcyees and their families the clubhouses as to be used, according to the wishfight with Carmen Ponce, they fell intended, to the Ne ro public.
be responsible for bis fall ler of the local Society, in helping Vould cover several pages of inter centers, but, Pendiosment Association is II ing in the way of the locomative to relieve the sufferers of the esting reading.
promotion of which crushed his left foo It is gratifying to note that activities for the education of the healthy social intercourse and other THE SATURDAY MORNoa Cermen. All this happened at Las Cascades on Monday morning Negligence of the Company is recent fire which devastated Castries. The amount forwarded to every ING SHOW now and then Mr. Myers last and a participants were hailed claimed by Williams.
the Hon. Oxley, in American writes on the activities of the employees and their famillies.
byfore the Balboa Magistrate the money, was 695.
Clubhouse which At The Cecilia Theatre.
operates in his following morning charged with British Consulate Notico community, strengthening, at the disorderly conduet. Carmen turned NOTICE the Attention!
We were reminded a few days out to be the of complainant who The British Vice Consulat tary who supervises the activities ag) by Manager Wardlaw of the out Panama would like to know of The management of the WORK there.
by Regina, Mr. Myers has shown The WORKMAN can be, bad Cecilia Theatre, that the Saturday testified that she was the others the whereabouts of Irene Maud Man Newspaper would like to that he is jinterested in the activi at the La Boca Restaurant and a morning show for hebildernes con falling in Steve: son who left Jamaica fer bear from Mr Shaw Davis ofties of the clubhouse where the House No. 971, Jamaica Prado, tinues to attract the kiddies and latter side. The four offenders Pasama about twenty years ago.
Bocas del Toro.
majority of the members of his La Boca. Continued on page 8) were find 50 each water viwidnight on Monday on put 204 save men most Railroad their for the West Indians here should others have been Panama cal passed off, defective step known scheduled to get the wors in a said to centers for the same time, bands the Secreattacked


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