
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 27 New Bridge Over The Scholafship to a Me.
Swift River Hical Man STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History maica is was wholly or Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 On the 25th tors a after this were Messrs Bottell, Roche and JAMAICA Temperley, Solicitors for the owners of the ship, who took the view that Mrs. Jenkios migb Interesting Case Of not be able to prove deper doney to satisfy the requirements of Bigamy the Act. The question that the teal wife is and always in Ja.
Two Wives Makes Claim is not for one moment in After Death Of dispute; but Mrs, Jenkins as a claimant must prove that she AND Bigamist.
partially depen dent upon the earnings of the SON OF SECOND WIFE MAY This is a condition precedentro deceased at the time of his death.
BE CONSIDERED LEGAL Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages a valid claim under the WorkCLAIMANT, man Compensation Act; and this Mrs, Jenkins far unable to prove which Summary of Contents: Some weeks ago the Jamaica been Mal published details of marriage as a calmant. The posileaves the child of the second History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years)
bigamous marriage the secret tion from one point of view seems Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, of which was revealed some months after trifle intricate in the Central figure, to be a in regard Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, a seaman named Jenkins, bad to dealing wi:h the amount to Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, perished with his ship the Ga ba awarded in respect of the leon November 192 1925 child and another firm of Sol ci Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual between London and Blythe. Messrs Bramwell. Clayton Players brietly is this: Jenkins, a Jamai upon Tynt) are of the The story of the duplicity and Clayton, of New Castle opinion Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and can married many years ago te kiss formally before the Court that in the the absence of Mrs. JenInteresting one of his country womer.
went abroad some time after the legitimate offspring of deceased be the child will as th marraige leaving his wife be and receive the iull amount Price 50cts.
blnd and signed on as a mem which can bs awarded, ber of the crew on the Galleon, While in London Jenkins fell in Acting on the suggestion of Secure yours now there will be a great rush live with an English woman to Messra Bramw. li, Clayton and for them.
wbom be afterwards married. and Clayton, the local Solicitor Following Jenkins death has made application under the which we have already de to the Judge of West Hartley Persons Commission (1925)
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN scribed the English and the County Court on behalf of Mrs.
Panama Jamaican wite claim 500 ard Jenkins who is said to be des. 300 compensation under the Workmen Compensation Act litate, from the owners of the illlated The matter will be adjudicated ship, and it was then that the on some time this month; and story of the bigamous marriage the result is awaited with in became known.
The Eaglich wife in a short Interesting narrative entitled: New Fruit ComWHITENS THE SKIN How became the victim of a bigamous marriage laid bare Creme Blanc Mirette pany the whole story of Jenkins duplicity and she wound up by expressing doubt as to whether Marvelous Cream In connection with the pubber compensation lished should succed seeing that the recently about a new Banana announcement Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, real wife was in Jama ca.
Company to operate at Jamaica, sun tan, and other skin biemishes The latter party placed her the Mail of the 13. ti inst undercase in the bands of a well stands that even is have reacbed SOLD IN DRUG STORES known Kingston Solicitor and he a very important stage. wellimmediately got in touch wiib known gentleman on the north to Very Brought into Usby Railway Dr. Ignatius Crutchley Gets Authorities on Wednesday Preferment Under Rockefeller Morning Foundation, CREDITABLE ACHIEVE FORA SPECIAL COURSE MENT.
Dr. Escoffery, Prison SurStructure Was Erected In geon, Will Act for Him Nine Months, Older Bridge In Hookworm Campaign.
Took Two Years. few days ago, says the MAIL of the 13tb inst, it was stated The new span railway bridge in these columns that the Rockover the Swift River was broughi into use on Wednesday (Continued on page 3)
morning. 10th inst. The passenger train from Pt. Antonio of the bridge being less than was the last train to pass over half an inch.
the combined road and rail When it is remembered that bridge, at 7 45 a. Immediately the bridge originally took 2: this train had passed, the years to construct it will be re.
rail connections to the old bridge alised that the new bridge has slewed across to the quickly constructed new bridge, this operatis oecu. Occupying as it did only nine pying about two structure was then tested by the 18 passing over it of engine plans for the new bridge and two heavily laden coal wagons. Fox Chief Engineer of the Rail.
were prepared by Mr. R, The test was entirely satistac way and the work bas been car.
tory the deflection at the centre ied out under the supervision of Stread Engineer. Mr. Robertson was side who has been engaged in the foreman in charge.
the banana business for a considerable time tas been There are now separate road appointed agent for the propo and rail bridges over the Swift company; and it is learnt that River, which of course does the support of bain a growers away, entirely with delays to Is to be sought for the supply of road traffic.
bananas to the concern.
This is the scond bridge to be this way The projet line will, it is, completed in and learnt, be known as the Anglo during the next year the erection American Fruit Co. It propose: River and White River will be oi separate bridges at Buff Bay to load a steamer with bananas in Jamaics every ten days for undertaken the English and Continental Immediately after the work market. Each vessel will have bad been completed the workrefrigerated space for between men held a Lawn Party. on the 60, 000 and 70, 000 bunches of grounds kindly lent by Mr.
bananas. The Jamaica Mail Small ang rejoiced until the understands that the vessels are late bour.
available in Europe; and, if Mr. Powter, Director; Mr. Fox, everything goes well, the service Chief Engineer; and Mr.
will be commenced during the Strend wick were present at the montb of November.
opening of the new bridge been bours. The The Poor claim or madə Why Use Charcoal and Kerosene. Our Dollar a Week APPLIANCE CLUB Will Give you Modern Cooking Appliances that are Cheap to Operate.
Call at our store at Santa Ana for particulars Cia Panameña de Fuerza y Luz PANAMA


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