
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGOST 27, 1927 PAGE THREE The Prosperity Tailors BARBADOS THE 1928 TEAM TO UNITED KINGDOM Cricketers In other Islands Asked To Present Themselves for Medical Examination CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 NUMBER TO BE SELECTED Illness of Francis is a Matter That Is Causing Some Uneasiness.
DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER inevitable Work Done While You Wait of fear courtesy: mitted TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled REID Manager for the practicabliteron behalf of the staple subject of convergation amoung the cricket loving public is the West Indies tour in England in 1928, observes the Cricket Correspondent of the Barbadoes Advocate of the 27th ulto.
With characteristic promtitude the Advisory Committee of the Queen Park Club has subthe Dames of nine cricketers for inclusion in the West Indies side. These are Dewhurst, Small, St.
Hill. Constantine. John A. Wiles. Roach, Sealy and V, Pascall.
This does not mean of course, that nine places will be allowed to Trinidad; but these players will be asked to undergo medical examination and to keep themselves in condition in case they are called upon, In Barbados no Information bas yet been de stand that several cricketer have been invited to themselves for medical examinatlun. Now that the number to be selected is definetly known clear that some of those who had bad bopes of visiting England Dext summer as members of will be debarred from that pleasure. Competitions for the last sx places to the team will be very keen and local cricketers will DO doubt strain every effort to show their powers to the best advantage. The Trinidad selection is a good one and the chosen players are practicing bara.
The illness of Francis is causing much concern to the selectors of the West Indian team It he is well, Francis is of course, sure of his place, for be has proved himself to be a fast bowler of the highest class. understand that he is being treated for appendicitis every cricketer will wish bim a speedy recovery and a rapid return to health and strength.
TO JAMAICA efeller Foundation had awarded a scholarship to a medical officer in Jamaica and that such schɔlar. Team Without Cbailan ship would entitle the ofticer Se.
or Would Be Deprived of lected to one year training in a particular branch of medical Its Chlef Attraction. scienc: in one of the American Universities It Ia connection with the failure can now be stated that Dr.
of Barbaros to send a cricket Igostius Crutchley bas been team to Jamaica was recently will proceed to America cearly awarded the scholarship and te expected, the Barbados Adrocate of the 23rd ultə has the next month to further his studies.
following to say editorialy:During Dr. Crutcbley ab serca from the island Dr We have been informed by Escoflery will act forbim as medi Mr. Yearwood that the cal officer is charge of the No.
proposed Jamaica tour bas been unit of the Hook worm Cam.
tha finally abandoned. This decision, paigo.
tbough in tbe circumstances ces This change will necessitate the nes is regrettable appointment of a medical pract!
many grounds, Car action or oner to overtake the duties of want of action will be regarded prison Surgeon ard medical of tt by our friends in Jamaica as cer in charge of the Victoria sign either Indications of their Escortery and it is reported that in Hospital in feelings in the been wanting. In a recent issue with two well known doctors in matter have not arra arrangements are being made of the Jaa aica Mail the Barthe city to work as part time bados Cricket Committee bas been severely castigated for its between them.
officers and carry on the work conduct in dealiog with the invitation to send a Barbados side to Jamaica. We are informed, Notice to Correspondents.
says the Mail that absolutely nothing has been done by the are asked to send in their contribu.
Contributors and correspondents Cricket Committee with gard in Jamaica invitation that tions not later than Thursdays to. no meeting of the Committee has insure pablication. This is imperabeen called to discuss the matter tive ard must be adhered to.
while there is an off band decision on the part of individual members that the getting to bring you good results.
Advertise in the WORKMAN it will gether of a suitable team the tour is, as far as this part is concerned outside the region of We no fence to Barbados. Grieket Committee OXXO WDIO been ligent and discourteous but the commentof the Mail is hardly fair to individual members of the Committee and especially to Mr. Yearwood, The one redeeming feature of the affair has been Mr. Yearwood zeal OUR and. it imposolbie (to get together sufficiently strong side from a Mr oured to get together representative eleven from Barbados, Trinidad and British Guiana. To this and invitations were sent to masy, representative cricketers in these colonies, but the number of refusals have boen so great that Mr, Yearwood has been compelled to abandon the idea.
His failure is a distinct loss, for the opportunity of testing Jamaican cricketers against their rivals in the other colonies, bas now passed It would be ungenerous and urjust however to. censure those who have found it impossible to make the trip. Cricket with most of us is a matter which is sconda buisness and in view of the number of tours which the leading cricketers in the West Indie will be called upon to make in the near future they cannot be expected to undertake the Jamaica tour to the detriment of business. Many of the amateurs find it difficult, on account of expense involved to take part in tours at all, and were it not for the generosity of some of of our wealthiest cricketers lost to intercolonial cricket altoof the best men would be many gether. We would tberefore adyise our friends in Jamaica 10 forget their dissappointment and to wait until Barbados cans end a really sirsng team to do with her giants. It would be do battle bad both from the sporting and financial point of view, to send teada a side which could not glve a good game in Jamaica. West Indian team without Challenor would certainly be deprived of one of its chief attractions. The cricket loving publici in Barbados is anxious to maintain the most amicable relations with the cricket loving public of Jamaid, The Jamalca cricketers who vislied us lo 1925 showed all the qualities of good sportsmen and endeared themselves the to Barbados public.
It will bə ill advised on the part public crietics thing to cause enstragement between the two colonies. No discourtesy is intended and we bave no fear, but circumstances have been too strong for us; and we shall ask our friends in Jamaica to bear their disapolntment with equanimity.
Though a tour has been fouud impossibls this year we hope that in the near future Jamaicans will bave the opportunity of entertaining a team which is fully representative of the strength of Barbados.
ood endear.
Mr. Archer, Barrieter at law, of Gray Inn arrived in the Colony yesterday from England by the Dutch liner Stay.
vesant He was the Barbados Scholar of 1324 ard proceeded to Cambridge and his name y appeared in tue Cambridge Tripos Lists, Law Division, in Division of Class 11. He is a son of the late Mr. Clarence Archer, for many years a St. Micbael parocbial employee and we wish him every success in the profession of his choice, recenttheir thel SWEET SISTER TWO HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY TO SILVER SPRAY Tabor, City Church to The Roebuck Street Moravian Churcb celebrated the 200th anniversary of its advent in this colony by special services on Mondday, August 1st (Bank Holiday. Members of the Moravain body from Sharon, ci fton Burbered Mt.
and other places together in the listen to inspring addresses from the various Pastors and Workers of the Church. Local bistory credits the Moravians being the first religous body to recngnise the slaves of a century or so ago as human beings possessed of soul and sprit, and it is a circumstance worthy of note that their anniversary colncides with that of Emancipatlon Day.
Lay LOV IT to do or say any Irene. NOBLE GIFT The HERALD, states that the owners of Carrington Tenentry in consideration for the large number of young people living in the village called by their family name, have recently uyportioned a bit of pasture land in the village to be used as a recrea. Continued on page, 7)


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