
THE WORKJAN SATURDAY AUGUST 27. FAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Attractions at the Theatres STRAND quested and right ture 2nd Society, co Have You Ever Thought of It? Enthusiam Grows As Convention Looms Ahead.
CECILIA AMADOR The Literary and Musical SocieAMERICA tiss of the Atlantie and Pacific ende are showing a great deal of interest (PANAMA)
COLON in the forth coming Convention.
Today Saturday August 27th Today Saturday August 27th sponsored by the L Society Today Saturday August 27th To day Saturday August 27th Laura La Plante in of Crisiobel. Several hiva reSeena Owen in and and received Prospretus. THE LOVE THRILL and THE FLAME OF THE YUKON Torrorrow Sunday August 28th and it is sppa rent that they will do Tomorrow Sunday August 28th all in their power. o make sues.
Adolphe Menjou in Tomorrow Sunday August 28th John Barrymore in Tomorrow Sunday August 28th It is hoped hat when the gavel EVENINGCLOTHES Norma Sbearer in Billy Dove in strikes for the opening on Satur DON JUAN THE WANING SEX AN AFFAIR OF THE FOLLIES day 3rd, September all the exis. Monday August 29th Monday August 29th ting Societies which work in the Monday August 29th Rod La Roque in lines of Literarture and Musi will Monday August 29th Thos. Meighan in Ken Maynard in GIGOLO duly represented. BLIND ALLEYS Special Cast in THE OVERLAND STAGE As this will be the fist Conven THE GOLDEN KEY tion of Isthm an Literary MuTuesday August 30th Tuesday August 30th take Tuesday August 30th SHARKEY. DEMPSEY FIGHT Tuesday August 30th sical Societies, all should Ken Maynard in the greatest possible interest in Thos. Melghan in Rod La Rocque in THE OVERLAND STAGE The making ita grand su cess Wednesday August 31st BLIND ALLEYS GIGOLO sponsors of the idea will have no inore than the societies Wednesday August 3150 Ken Maynard in THE OVERLAND STAGE Wednesday August 31st Wednesday August 31st whose cu operation is needed.
Norma Shearer in Adolphe Menjou in therefore all who have not received Thos. Meighan in THE WANING SEX Prospectus oi this propo ed ven Thursday September 1st EVENING CLOTHES BLIND ALLEYS 18 yet, should at once Norma Shearer in Thursday Sopt. Ist Thursday Sept 1st Thursday Sept; 1st communicate with the Society Rod La Roque in THE WANING SEX And those who have studied the Special Cast in John Barrymore in GIGOLO plans as drawn up can help grea. THE GOLDEN KEY DON JUAN ly by forwarding suggestions Friday September 24 which are neccessary to be conFriday Sept.
Friday Sept. 2nd Thos. Meighan in Friday Sept 2nd sidered by the delegates at the Rod La Roque in BLIND ALLEYS Special Cast in Norma Kerry in sessions. THE GOLDEN KEY GIGOLO Any individual who are not THE CLAW connected with any society but Saturday September 3rd Saturday Supt. 3d Saturday Sept; 3rd Saturday Sept. 3rd are interested in this scheme can Emil Janigs in Norma Kerry in Adolphe Menjou in Ken Maynard in receive detailed information by communicating with the L VARIETY THE CLAW EVENING CLOTHES THE OVERLAND STAGE Box 1484, Cristobal The date is not far abend Rally then and take this matuer under consideration, and let us hear of the support we may expect from you. Do bot forget. The Crisetoval Si ver Clubbcus. CANAL ZONE Dr. Fred Sterling NOTES OSSA THE NEW YORK DENTIST Victoria Defeats La Boca Pars 182, BOLIVAR STREET COLON, Westmoreland. Is Luxury a Vice? was nut Box 771, CRISTOBAL, Z, discussed at the Albenaeum on TELEPHONE 247 COLON Last Suoday afternoon at the Tuesday evening last as was Colon Ball Park Westmoreland cri scheduled, Mr. W. Reynolds How essential it is to obtain the maximum of results from cket club went down to defeat be covered the time joet as profil fore the Victoria in what must tably by addressing the səciety Dr. Hubert Edwards your Physician Prescription?
be considered a not very interesting on Hieroglyphics.
Handiwork of the ladies of the game of cricket as the vanquished team did not play any of its usual Women Lite Problem Club of PHYSICIAN JSURGEON cricket form. This defeat sets La Boca will be put or sale at Special Studies in iseases of Women and Children: If not, it is well to remember that Pure Drugs, Ability, a thoroughness in the Westmoreland back another peg in the Grand Beziar to be held at the Godfrey William Cup Compe the Clubhouse on the 17th of bandling of Prescriptions, through years of experience and diligent application, BOLIVAR ST. FRONT MASONIC tition next month, under the auspices places us in the position to serve the public with every degree of satisfaction.
TEMPLE COLON Westmoreland had the first knock of the Club. For some time past PHONE 409 at the wickets and could only put the energetic members of the up the meagre score of 38 runs for Club decided on baving the Branch PAN AMERICAN DRUG STORE, the entire side the highest scorers bazaar, and each Volunteered to Gor contribute for the side being Mason Unanimous Decision something don who contributed each. stantial to make it 11th AND BOLIVAR STREETS, Victoria quickly knocked out 97 success from all angles. These runs for wickets Sealy making ends have been so far ace m(Opposite The Masonic Temple, Colon, Continued from page 7)
e of 38 ruos which score pli ha as it is learnt that quite alone Parliament in Erland, that the of Westmore a lot of varied household articles equalled that land, the other batsmen to get into and others of many desigos, inJAS. CYRUS Pharmacist.
electives do not represent the tablecloths double figures were Drayton and cluding burean of. Kright who contributed 16 and covers and terday motion will prove en other and things have been SSXSXSS, Sexox6S accumulated 14 respectively. Victoria thus deperfect a case the Electives may ungatory: No matter how feated their opponents by 59 ruos There are to be put on saal early make and wicket to spare. The scores in the afternoon of the day o out, and it half a dozen follows:the bazuar, and the sale and deputations went to England.
general function will be kept up ago. delighted several Isthmian September 14th, 1927, at 30 Small On the other hand, let it be inWESTMORLAND until midnight, giving evers body audiences. very pleasant time o clock, and it may be assumed dubitably established that tbe Mason e Jones Knight. fair opportunity to pu: chase w28 spent by all present. that her retinue will be the most DENTIST people of the colony stand Co. ey Jones. and other wise enj y themse! yes. Those present were: Mr. Imposing in sacred edifice.
MASONIC TEMPLE unitedly behind their repreE. Jobuson Sea ley Jones. Additional attractions, such as Mrs. Moore, Mr Mrs All our well wishers are again sentatives, Com misOffice Hours: 8, am to 2pm Clarke Jones Fisting wells are to be in Grabam, Mr. Mrs Sbirlay, cordially invited to turn out in stoners Report 30 to 30 pm will prove S, be mene Sealiya Balled There will also berce Bow Made Lau Mora large numbers to enjoy the good Sundays. nothing but a smoke screen, and Johnson e dispense dance. Misses Gabam, Lena tblogs Special Appointment the Secretary of State despatola out.
H: webster. Patterd, Masonic Temple ifth St, This therefore is the 3) Inado Jones Laguion upon the for those PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL Watson Jones o light fantastic.
people; Taking every Browo, Beaury; Messrs to see that their opposition is Jackson Jones.
othing into conisderation the Club Brossard, Smith, Beckford, PHONE: Office 1664 organised, and their il Walace not out.
promises one of the beat Harper; Butler, Headley, Heath, RESIDENCE 588 opinions unmistakably expressed Ехиа. mediums of enjoyment to the Breath, Fynne, Morant, and 1, 081, 902. 69 in 15 days.
and conveyed to the Government public on the evening in questiou. Master Rupert Perry.
ton (each 100 cubic feet) of actual We warn the people also to be of, and Total.
earniig capacity. 72 Vice President William and to pay no heed to, Da Souza presided over last During the first fifteen days of His Excellency specious plea St. Peter Church La BOWLING ANALYSIS Naval vessels, other than Augnst, 1927, 255 commercial ves transports colliers, hospital ships, Government, or that the workers for Intensified Crown Colony Tuesday evening meeting of O. Athenaeum, the Boca to Give Musicale. Sels and small nonseagoing laun: and supply ships, per displace the La Boca 24 Coley ches trapeited the Canal. The tolls raent ton. 50 be appreciably better of President, Mr. Clitford Sewel 27 Masuo. 10 on the commercial vessels agere. 14 Army and Navy transports, contered on aplantocrasy, backwhen autocratic Government is baving been sick in Ancon Hospl13 Jackson. 2 tul.
To every one who is interested gated 1, 081, 902, 69, Johnson. 0 tolls colliers, hospital ships and supply ed by the West India Committee in Mr. Crke. 2 18 In Born Reynoldum. Critic of the community, the weekly an collection of 1, 081, 922. 40. ships, the vessel to be measured in London. At what time in the Athenaeum, is likely nouncements in these columns The daily average of transits of by the come rules as are employed history of the world have these VICTORIA to be the Su iete a legate to ot various diversinos for colored commercial vessels was 17 and the indetermining the past to manage 20 influences ever worked for the 38 the Convention Sealey Coley of Isthmian folks in the two terminal cities, daily average tolls collection, per net too 20 and Musical Clubs and on the Canal Zone, should 126, 85. The average Literary Vielle Clarke Jaekson.
18 schedule a to be held at the certainly Tolls may not exceed the improvement of the status of the 5, amount of Drayton e aud Jackson of 25 per net regis. workers. freaders desire to know be 19 Cristobal Silver Clubhouse of These anouncements manifestly cial transits was 54, 242, 76 as com: States rules of measurements, nor that is the proper very gratifying, tolls paid for each of the commer tered to as determined by Holder e wk Clarke for Clark of next Cippia o the auspices of the Alliance and we specially oureddiadeo plea pared with 4, 248, 77 for the first be less than the equivalent of intensitled Crown Colony Gione font that desiguation Forde o and Clarke 13 Literary and Debating Society. natural 15 July.
lovers of pastimes 75 psr net registared too. Aleyne Mason.
ment, let him take this instance In the following tabulation, the Vessels returning from Gatun certain sugar estates are warning Stewa not out. Farewell for Mrs. Gordon and cannot be happy without 14 Knight Clarke number of commercial transits and Lake to original point of entry their drivers and labourers not to them. Archer Clarke.
At the amouut of tolls collected are inro the Canal, without passing attend meetings called in dethe present momeat the shown for the first 74 months of through the locks at the other teaca of the constitution, on pain term Musicale reigns as queen the current caleadar year, with the ead, are charged tolls Ex. ras. very pleasant farewell party over other terms used in boosting daily average of transits and toils. passage only.
for one of ejectment from the estates!
Wherefore thus! His was given by Mr. Mrs sacred musical entertainments ExcelBOWLING ANALYS18 Coulson on Monday night last at the points named above. And Vessels transiting the Papama lency would have us believe that at their residence No. 306 Gatun, who of us bat is prepared to aland retora for the sole purpose Government under which the anxious to institute a form of in honour of Mre. Lena Gordon Arm that this queen term meri Tolls Charges for Transit of Canal from Cristobal to Balboa it is because these planure kre 24 The Panama Canal Kuight. Williams, who sailed on the fol. the enviable position which it ocof having repairs made at Jones.
12 Merchant lowing day on the steamehi, cuples in our midst today.
vessels carrying Balboa dry dock and shops will be wages of the labourers will be 1 Pioland to juin her daughters. Well, to make a long story passengers or eargo, per not exempt from payment of tolls, but increased! Sealey in the United States. one of whom short, this beautiful French veseel ton (each 100 cubic feet) of a charge will be made for pilotage We have heard a better one Miss Wlanifred Gordon, Queen is scheduled to visit once actual earning canacity 20. and for handling lines as provided than that, and, this is, to beware Euroish on Fale at the Workman famous colors ara soprano, who, more St. Peters By The La Vessels in ballast, without for in thelfcurrent tariff or supple of the Greeks when they bear Rent Raceipt Books in Spanish and is on ber arrival bere not its long Boca, on Wednesday evening. passengers or cargo, per net vessel ments there. o.
gifts, Statiogars Store.
and 8ub top sco.
numerous and the L, Clarke Knight Low Dey V. Davis run allery hambers at convenient Panama Canal Colls.
well bware 38 would be 1 0 17 0 72, equivalent United what plantocracy means, for 1o L 97 2. 6. 2.


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