
THE PAGE SIX WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1927 Immigration Problem Labour Conditions It.
Cuban Republic.
OF THE CUBAN RE PUBLIC. SAFETY FIRST Sugar Mill Owner Blamed Unreasonably, It is said For People Not Wanted SOLUTION IS SOUGH.
Writer Says Evil Have Susgested The Simple Remedy of Completely Barring Antillians.
EMARK ST. CHARLES Havans, July 30th Pleadiog for careful official study of the sugar estate labour problem, President Joseph Bill of the National Planters Association yesterday publisbed an open Letter palyzing existing condi.
tions. One of the inevitable topics of conversation whenever sugar a en gather is the problem created in Cuba by mass importation of negroes from other islands of the Antilles, his letter states. These begroes re bain and propagate la large Dumbers tbus creating grave peril to the nation: peril to poliLies civization, moral progress acd public health Io Camaguey and Oriente wbere seventy per cent of the ugar crop is barvested, the field labonr consists almost entirely of imported Haitlans whose living standard and intelligence are extremely primitive. The emlbas been sponsored by sugar estates and colonos, but it was measure they could not well avoid and produce sugar, inasmuch as emigration of European labour bas fallen of for lack of correct stimulus.
President Hill states sugar men are at a loss to grapple with the problem individualy, but be believes concerted ecorts to bring in better class of labour might be the answer to the probgration Very EVAPORATED MILI formed to lem.
meeting at Wben Cuba can close its gates to emigrant labour from the otber Antilles without ruining its chances of producing sugar, then a great step towards civilization will have been taken Me. Hill concludes.
supply is pure and untouched by GERMAN GIRL TRANCES PRONOUNCED GENUINE.
CHARLES Evaporated Milk, which is guaranteed pure, rich, full cream Scientists Declare That She Suffers Bleeding And Agony 01 Christ.
small village milk. Tell him you want, MERCURIO writes under the epption, An Urgent Problem, as follows in the Bavaps Post: Woen When the cances of economie or social questions are investiBRANDE kated and categor e statements regarding the same are made and magh form was suggested to solve them, as rule grave errors are committed.
Il sueb is the case with the UNSWEETENED constant statement that tbe Fogar mill owners and plaptors are responsible for uodesirable Immigratioi entering to Cuba by legions, nothing is more incorr.
For yere for a long time the sugar mill owners and tbe planters with a tenachy worthy of praise and of being taken into attention have been els mouring for a solution to this question.
Tte Assoclation they foment desirable immigration foitiated an active campaign which was felt throughout the entire island culminating with a mammoth the National theatre where final efforts were made to have congress pass the law barring undesirable immigration.
Are you quite sure that your milk But that movement was in Vain and its renewal with Gener Machado also failed to bear unclean hands. Dractical results.
To those wbo have etudied the problem and fo ly familiar with You can be sure if you use only ST.
it, it is well known fact that tbe Cubas every day emigrates more and more from the country to tbe city, is abondonlag more and more the manual features of the cultivation of sugar cao.
to dedicate himself to political cows milk.
activities or laod job in the government.
Do not ask your grocer for a tin of Besides the extention of the sugar indnstry in the nearly unpopulated eastern provinces, wbere ENORMOUS UNDIVIDED ST. CHARLES TRACTS of land rendered the situation The brand that has stood the test more acute, produring an exdus of farmers and their famiof years.
lies to Mantankas, Havacs and Pinar del Rio provinces.
The clamour of the sugar producers, the cries of warning of the sugar planters were of do avail, the coldest to difference failed to keep the anthorities from grasping the urgent ne messity and importance of seeking an immediate remedy to this question.
While immigration, especially Spanish immigration, the most way has made it possible for the suitable for the country, in Cuban government budget to days was impaired by certain reacb eighty million dollars or laws of that country. As is a more a year, which has elevated ways the case, it was necessary the prestige and credit abroad of to take the road of least resist our young republic as soon as a ance and that wave of undesirable statesman capable of maintainimmigration began to strike ing bonesty in all administraCuba, not so alarming as to the tive functions, like the present authorized Antillian immigration, splendid chief executive we now but the many clandestine entries, baye bas taken the helm. OF for which the sugar elements can not be blamed by any means.
Sull potwithstanding all these Rent Receipt Book in Spanish and considerations, which throw the English on sale at the Workman true light on this problem, is is considered proper and corrct to bellow araost our sugar industry to blame it for everything Dr. Arnulfo Arias bad IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF The great evils derived from PHYSICIN AND SURGEON undesirable Antillian immigration has suggested the also radi. Removed his. Clinic to Cencal and apparently simple remedy tral Avenue No. 370, balt of barring it completely from block away from the up toCuba.
It is evident that nobody at date Drug Store named tracted by the rudimentary form Pharmacy of remedy bas stopped to consider the great prejudice such a violent and drastic measure would produce to our sugar industry FLOWERS produce in Camaguey and Oriente provinces, which with the exception of Suitable for Lodge Business Santiago de Cuba is the real Abogado. Attorney at Law source of revenue and welfare of the municipalitles in the eastOFFICB: No. 44 ST ern section of the island. Nobody BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY stops to consider that the most TELEPHONE No. 1377 AT THE logical and less barmful thing would be the gradual substitution of the undesirable immigration Practicing before all the courts of by better and more convenient the Republic since April 1914 elements. That would help us to cure ourselves a little of the terrible diabetes we are suffering Advertise in the WORKMAN it will from, diabetes, which by the bring you good results.
THE ATTENTION many Mgoich, Aag. 3rd. Several scientists to day pronounced the stigmatization of Therese Neumana simple peasant girl of the of Konnersreuth, genuine.
Ber case bas baffled clerical and evil authorities since 1918, and the young woman bas often been denounced as a faker though thousands of faithful pilgrims come to her bouse every week.
Baron Doctor von Aretin declares there is absolutly no doubt that she goes through the entire sofferings of Christ from the Plagellation to the crucifixion every Friday. At the end of the day sbe resembles a bloodcovered corspe, but sbe recovers quickly and seems normal the remaining days of each week.
Several months since the girl.
wbose case closely resembles that of the non Catherine von Emmerich, wbo was observed and described by the German poet and mystic, Brentano, beary a century ago, was place under close surveillance. Four DODS who have been guarding her day and night report that for weeks she basn take any nour.
ishment saved few teaspoonfuls of water.
flo the trances, which set in regularly every Friday morning, sbe speaks a language which resembles ancient Hebrew, but wbich is uninteligible even to scholars of that language. famous professor called in to aid in the investigation found that the mysterious speech used by the girl while in her ecstasy was the Aramaic dialect commonly used in Palestine at the time of Christ. This investigator young woman repeat everything she heard in her trance state and confirmed that the loge sed by her was correct Aramaic, althongb, being entirely needucated she cou dd not have any knowledge of this long dead and forgotten tongue.
In one of her recent trances the girl repeated in Aramale a speech of the Apostle Peter and talks she claims to have bad with angels Despite the fact that freud seems excluded the Church authorities continue their investigation of the strange phenomanon.
Friendly Societies and Secret Orders had the MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Workman Stationery Store Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English on sale a the Workman Stationary Store


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