
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1927 PAGE SEVEN VIGOR TONIO ased Half course Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products It gives The Workman Printery Latures of trial jats: and for West Indian News The Best Tonic in the World THE WOODMEN OF UNION, NOBLE GIFT. FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION (Continued from Page tion ground, where cricket and other games may be indgiked in Join Today. It Protects You While You Live at will. This concession has been tbankfully and greedily receiv. This elegant Tonic preparation is higbly recommendby the de yotees of sport in the and Your Family After You Are Dead village and, on occasions, the ed in Debi ity, Nervousness, Female Weakness, pleasant crack of bail against Disabiliy Benefits are graduated in accordance with liberal provisions on face of said policies bat and the boarse cheers of ple.
Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up spectators may frequently be beard. Last Bank Holiday, a run down constitution.
FOURTEEN COON REASONS as a sort of initiations match was played there between the It promotes digestion, improves the appe1. It is a Union by the people and for the Our business amounts approximately tº Baywood and Festagonian icket clubs, the latter scoring 102 tite, and gives tone and. energy to the whole system.
people 50, 000 monthly as acsiast their opponents, 49 It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur 10. The Endowment Money is used only for tbos winning the game by 53 Dose One small Wine glassful before meals ence.
sick and death claims.
rons. Priocipal scorers for thGrabam vic ors were 3. It pays you more while you live than any 32, 11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims or times a day Cititiog 13. Cordle 14; while other concern.
the same day proofs are filed in the Home for Baywood, Lyneb 11 was 4, Its educational features appeal to all Race Office the only man to reach the duble JAVIER. MORAN Amecican Pharmacy lovers 12. You do not need a lawyer to get your claim figures. The lads of the village It donates annually to Racial schools.
and their oppoents whom they 13. You do not have to die to win er tertained, desire to tak tie It gives employment to more Negro girls 14. Hospital, free to members. Bath House Misses Carrington for their kind than any other concern of its kind rates reasonable; full course (21) baths to courtesy. Its rates are within reach of all members, 89 50; full course (21) baths We are twenty years old and have not had to non memders, 15. 00 TRINIDAD an extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 50. Rooms, Grade Department 00 to 00 per week, The Sword Of Justice Regular Assortment of THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW Under the above caption, the WEEKLY GUARDIAN comments torially tbus: The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen (7) different states Murder trial which laste SUCH AS and our membership, extends to the South Sea Islands. This Organi for seven days and requires the zation has its own building which is four stories high and covers a evidence of ot fitty pine witnesses TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, whole city block paid for in cash without extra assessment.
for the Crown, is in Trinidad tor TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, employment to more than 60 its main plant, besides a large field force, fortr Dately of rare occurrence.
The jury after rewrning ver: SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Ete.
Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 000 dict with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty Driconof guilty against both prisoners in the Moruga murder. 20. 000. 000) million dollars.
case which has just been con Chad cluded, were comrlimented on DR, KENDALL, their patience, intelligence and JNO. WEBB zeal and the presiding Judge 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Supreme President Supreme Custodian exempted them from farther service for. As bis Honcur remarked one of the Panama City Post Office Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas the administration For information address, L. Flowers, Panama City. who are the legal representative in this Countr justice in British ecuat ito which inspires wide confidence is the by the jurymen VOSKOVSKO GP were were asked to remember this UNANIMOUS DECISION OF ELECTED by way of consolation la bours. The cheerful acceptarce MEMBERS OF BRITISH GUIANA.
of responsibility in In this matter by the citizen is essential to the smooth working of the law Acceptance of motion by Electives in getting their motion wachicery, bot more important Goverpment to serve on the Constitutional crisis still is the manner in which the accepted by the Government Pulice conduct their investigaa Defeat.
yesterday That means relations Tte enforcement of the Lively nothing. His Excellency law rests largely with the offiof course, saw that the Govern: The new DAILY CHRONICLE Inment would have been cers and men of the Constabudefeated lary who in the present instance its issue of July 15th commenting in any case and 80 have acquitted themselves very editorially on the oranimous accept the motlon, Here as the cred tably. The average person stand by the elective members expression of opinion of the th per baps has little idea of the on resolution of protest Electives who had spoken on amount of painstaking work anent changes in the constitution the subject. Practically every which investigations of no lulled mcmber spoke og Its It this feeling of false security, by is also well known that the two nature demand They are tasbe the apparent that call for careful thought, for success of the members who remained silant courage.
had given their support to the resource th and taking of infinite pains. The way bett will have text and principles enunciated in which the Moruga murder been firmly to the motion. Prior to their case from the beginning of the established.
appointment on the lassoed comwas handled, The message to the King mission enquirs of capable police work But, of course, at this wb;ch was agreed to at a meet stage, it would have been impolwhich convened boathe Hon. Itic for them to have expressed ing to violent men that, despite Cipriani and held at the Pub any opinions which may prejuthe good luck that has attended lic Library on July 8th was as dice their indings at the confollows:clusion of the labours of the some recent malefactors, Justice is not always defeated nor does to His Most Excellent Majesty Commission.
the biring of klib Counsel le George V, etc, etc.
Messrs. Crane. Oannon. and variably secure acquittal of the guilty. The case against On this inaugural occasion of de Freitas, who are absent frog the celebration of the West Indi: the Colony, are known to be men accused of the Moruga an National Day, Your wholebeartedly in favour of the murder was presented by the subjects in these the eldet moottor, os expressed by them lo Attorney General with a pre Colories in Your Majesty vast conference: Mr. Eleazar who is cise fairness but relentless logic, Empire unite to send respectful unfortunately III. bas also exwhich, wbile in itself a tour de Yonr Mujisty Throne and combined with brillant acumen assurances of loyal affection to pressed himself in no uncertain in favour of the motion.
force must satisfy all who fol Person.
Indeed, he it was who was to was low the trial that the perpetra. The Committees appointed to late in the Legislature. It may have been entrosted with its tors of borrible crime been fastly and inevitably cow the several Islands and Colonies therefore be accepted by the victed, for the celebration of the Day, whole coloay that the motion express the hope that within a comparatively short period of sion of our fourteen Electives. As expressed the unanimous deciWEST INDIAN time, on the West Indian National in all assemblies; bowaver, there Day, they will humbly invite your may be a member or two who NATIONAL DAY Maj sty acceptanee of a sage of United allegiance and the might have wished sentence expressed ditfrently joyful greetirgs of one of the Na. Bere bere and Societies tions within the Empire.
Lack Of Enthusiasm In ences, if any would be entirely those of detail. Nevertheless, tho Other Islands, Assistant Manager. ty be hecho could be nothing more that PROPOSED MESSAGE TO the expression of opinion of the Mr. Joe Scheult, who managed Electives. The motion can bave KING POSTPONED.
CAN BE HAD AT the Trinidad team during the no executive effect until placed Intercolonial Cricket Tourna in executive form by the Govern The Hon, Cipriani, Hon. ment played in Barbados Jan. ment, and none at all if not sopSecretary of the Local Commit uary last, bas been offered and ported by the whole Colony.
tee of the West Indian National has accepted, we learn from the 12 Day movement, Informs us that Port of Spain Cazette, the It is just at this point we wish owing to the fact that detinite Assistant Managership of the toward the electorate. It selfreplies from all the West Indian West Indies Team which is to seekers and pot bollera, who Islands thought advisable not to all t, who đanaged the 1923 minority in to an oligarcho pena Islands have not been received tour England in 1928. Mr i bave everything to gain by elevation of the small European send the proposed message to team, has again consented to an untouchable caste, and perHis Majesty the King in connec manage the tour; but at the haps something to lose it this with the movement this year. recent meeting of the West It is bope that the Committee Indies Cricket Board of control caste is curbed, succeed in convincing Government here, and in the various Colonies will con it was decided to appoint an tinue their activities so that on Assistant Manager from the (Continued on paga 5)
you the 1st August, 1928, the move West Indies.
So be offered to behalt.
House Rent Receipt Books was ao SPANISH ENGLISH tbe Majesty bave Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly section or there here. But these differ conceded, The Workman Stationery Store thon


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