p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 27, 1927 LA MASCOTA HEADQUARTERS FOR Stetson Hats AND Packard Shoes Packard வம All are Welcome to Inspectour Stock MULLER. Sole Agent 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY BOGLE Rector 1123 Zalamera 129 Rolando 92 Burla 105 Vittoria 108 Tomorrow Races Pistol CHURCH SERVICES Seventh Day Adventist Honey Dew 93 Labriego STREET CALIDONIA 95 Looking over the appended Ad16 Pue Elzu an Sunday after Trinity ROAD(near Isthmian Park Pans.
125 program for tomorrow, cpe will Diecisels ma 180 AMERICAN EPISCOPAL Dot fail to detect a good pro Jackie Bolivar Street No. 12. 174 Sabbath (Saturday) 45 90 mise for an enjoyable evening at Dany Onar St: Paul Church, Panama Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Gentbe Juan Franeo Race Course.
eral SIXTH RACE Rev. Nighteogale BD Ree.
Worship o. Spanish NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE Eight races are to be run and 8 Holy Communion The Jlass; near unto fifty horses are to take Imported Horses Purse 250 BOX 649, CRISTOBAL, TEL, 147, COLON 30 30 Junior and Society, part. Furlongs 10. 15 Mantins Mr FR Brave Lessie and Cicero are in Brave Lasse 113 Atwell. Lay Reader Senior Standard of attainment with others of good standing Arlequin 113 10. 30 a Holy Eucharist Class D. Vespero.
for distauce of furlongs, while Don Alejo 126 Repairer of all makes of Typewriters CalSuoday evening at 30 Pereque will take up 120 lbs Cicero sormon. The Raetor 104 culating machines, Numbering machines, 12. Holy Baptism preaching service The general against others to eap the climax Bolsbeviki public is cordially invited to turn 96 Mimeographs, Dictators, Cash Registers, pm Church School Another good crowd is antiopated, out in large numbers. 30 pm Choral Evensong Here is the ProgramSEVENTH RACE Adding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing Topic for Sunday nigat Aug.
Imported Horses Purse 175 Bermon The Rector 28 1927, The moral and the 11 FRST RACE Farlongs machines and all other technical machines.
St. Alban Church, Paralso Ceremonial Lawi Native Horses Purse 125 Tibla 115 CANAL ZONE Furlouge One was transitory and ended 98 New parts supplied 118 Stenbet!
Workmanship guaranteed Fenomeno at the cross, the other is permanent (A, Nightengale 109 Intimo and coeval with eternity, Priest ia charge 126 Dardanela Work done by expert up to date methods a. Holy Communion and 121 Sermca Raso The Cburch of God 123 pm Church Shool Don Bimba 104 May EIGHTH RACE trial will conviace you this is no empty talk, 7:30 Choral Evensong and address. Mr. Osborne, SECOND RACE Imported Horses Parse 200 Catechist Panama, Arosemena Street, Imported Horses Purse 175 Farlongs House 25, San Miguel, Sunday at Furlongs St. Matthias Mission Dixie 111 a. Prayer meeting and GosFacbendo 107 126 Visits of Japanese LAS SABANAS TRAGIC DEATH OF pel meetings at 11 a. m, and 30 Revolosa 118 Ocurrencia (Rev AF Nightedgale. Sunday School at 99 Lorenzets 3p. Continued from page 4)
Training Squadron Monday at 730 Testimony 96 Cantones Priest in Charge Dudoso 101 Meetings Tuesday at 5, 15 103 Marcela pm Church School Dbole 126 ity tenders it siocere condolence.
Young People meeting. WedMimosa 104 Billy Dennis 122 30 pm Evensong and adThe late Mr Hugb Broderick was Per que 120 Desday at Gospel THIRD RACE Last night in the Plaza Indepen up to January 1912 a member of dress Mr. A Richards, Lay meeting Thursday at 30 p, Reader.
dencia a band from one the Public Service. He served in of the Ooen air meeting. Friday at. Native Horses. Parse 150 THE SATURDAY MORNING Japanese Cruizers tbe Courte office at Falmouth as 80 pm Prayer Meeting visiting Deputy Clerk of Courts. Later be Farlongs 2015 Isthmian waters dispensed some SHOW BKO. PESSOA. in charge. be st. Potor by the Sea, Boca Red Tank, Canal Zone. Sunday Too 95 was transferred to Kingston as a of the liveliest Music to bun Second Class Clerk in the Registry Holy Communion, 62. The School Gospel meeting Hope 1991 dreds of the city residents as of the Surreme Court.
He went 98 Excuse Me 132 (from Page 1)
well as many and 30 Cococbs 102 Sis GRAY El Chlebi 99 Qaeta 130 innovation to get the children The two cruizers fliwate and years of service. Mr. Broderick Matins and aadress, 11, a Mr.
away from home on a Saturday Asama of the Japanese naval was an individual of quiet demeanA. Hanter, Lay Reader.
Church School, 30, Literary Musical bolig FOURTA RACE Choral Evensong and sermon, Convention or less busy cleaning or otherwise into Balboa barbour; on o Imported Horses Porse 175 occupied, has been a golden idea, mɔrning last.
After repairs to More Relief 30, m. The Rector, Furlongs oi the by the Management of the the main Engine Early this week MULUARE. Priest in omcunt Tribuno the squadron will 107 Cecilia, and deserves the success Charge trasit the approximating 100 was collected Panama Canal to the Atlantic Sponsored by the Gravedua Alliance 103 which it is meeting.
the Panama Canal West Indian St. Bartholomew Church Literaay and debating Society of Socia 122 mothers thank The officers of the squadron are Employees Associatia for must Las Cascadas the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse, a Caciones 126 Manager Wardlaw for his fore splendidly entertained by high sufferers of the fire which recently King Gih Convention of Literary and Mu117 thought, while the children are S Officers on the Canal Zone, the devasteted Castries, St. Lucia, The Litany, Holy Eucharist and sical Societies on the Isthmoe will FIFTH RACE being delighted with the diversion men are also on shore leave and This amount will prob sermon, 10, 45, a. Priest in be held at the Cristobal Clubspending a lively time both in the ably reach a higher figure after a charge house on the third of next month.
Native Horsee Purse 125 Farlongs Rent Rocelpt Books in Spanish and city and Balboa and Ancon the final check of all collections by the Church School, 2, 30. pm. Mr. The D Society has issued as English on sale at the Workinan beautiful Canal Zone Pacific Secretary General of the AssodiaJ. Brathwaite, Lay Reader interesting prospectus Mayoral 132 Statouars Store.
towns, on th: tion. MULCARE Priest in charge undertaking.
122 Carcajida 30 Felp.
even a few grown ups. This new from contiguous Candl zone other on his pension in 1992 after many Holy Reloperam, 30. a Asama an end. by


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