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Mr Adolem?
Representative Move For Immigration Certifi. peculiar Accident West Indians Horribly 02 Train Building And Loan Society Hacked To Death LISCUSSED SATURDAY NIGHT Executive Secretaryer Balbina Correan oing or the passing WITH MACHETTES AT TELA LAST AT GEDDES HALL SPANISH HONDURAS In view of the many re Sev ral th majority quests which are being of wom are coloured em.
received at the office of th ployees of th: Panama Canal in Heights from Silver em Gitun of Panami ployees to enable them to Railroid trains to Cristoba bring their relives on th: on Monday last. The accithe Executive, din wis ciused by a cu. On the invitation of the Is:hmian League of British Isthmus, under date of tin roi o 20 Ariny truck. norrespondent to the Jamaica Mail writing from West Indians. quite a number of delegates from local frater Secretary, nal orders and friendly societies assembled at Geddes Hall August 29, 1927, issued the Ta truck wis said to be rela, Spanish Honduras, on August 18th, says: on the parked parallel to the rail.
Within the past three months several Jamaicans in last Saturday night, the 27th ulto. The object of the meet. following circulor ing as was briefly outlined by Mr. Wilkinson who long es cablished policy of road near the schul house and around this town have been killed and not one of the in issu ng cro:sing at Gatun, the rod murderers his been brought to Justice. The last case acted Chairman for the night, was for the purpose of the Government to em being blown into the position occurred on the 25th, July last when Joseph Wallace, a discussing the advisability of the various societies combin. these certificates in which it cause the injur contractor, on one of the Tela Railroad Company farms, ing to erec a large concrete structure in this city for housing ployees: This offce receives a les by the force of wind set situated 15 kilometres from this town, was takea from the the many fraternal organizations that are scattered over the town. The Chairman after a few brief remarks called upon Silver employees för sertifi. Owing to th: position of the facts, as stated by an eye witness who was also a contracfrom by the motion of the train. authorties and done to death in a shocking number of requests manner. The Mr. McCarthy wh he stated would outline the project.
Mr. McCarthy in his address emphasized the desirability caters for the use of mempers Spathe second class coaches or, and who, through fear of losing his life, threwoupThis of coming of Panama. of West Indiaas cooperating and start something construct.
ive for our economic benefit and briefly referred to Building to the Isthmus from nearby sengers in these coaches, are these more or less, accustomed to The day previous to the occurence, one Maria and Loan societies, Loan Banks etc. etc. in some of the West countries. Many of Indian Islands which he said were accomplishing a great deal requests can not be granted rest their arms on th: win Sanchez, accused Wallace of making amous proposals to they do dow sills; and in this position his paramour: This Wallace vigorously denied, and the for the Negro peoples of those Colonies, and firally forced for the reason that com within the pro the left arm of several of matter dropped for the time being. The day following home the necessity of West Indians on the Isthmus con: visions of the long estab them were caught by th: rod bowever, Sanchez in company with three others armed solidating as the time never more demanded it than the iished policy governing the and eitt er bruised, lacerated fired a shot from his revolver and wounded Sandcez in the with mitchettes, attacked Wallace who, to save himself, present, Issuance of such certificates, or broken thigh. For this, Wallace was arrested and tried two hours The next speaker was Mr William who the The above mentioned The more seriously injuret, after while still in the custody of the Chief of Police and Ch irman said he bad specially invited as Mr. illiams had policy is that the certificates some suffering brok 30 arms, two other soldiers, the brother of Sanchez and two others been working on plans analagous to those the League had will be grantee for the imme are: John Smith Eno: Simp took Wallace from the il, and in the presence of the fostered. Mr. Williams here read part of a scheme in con diate and dependent members son, ob diah Birton, Oscar sand authorities, literally nection with the erection of a building or buildings which he of an em sloyee family only, Young, Newton Wilson, and matchettes.
hacked him to pieces with had planned and which he thougho would if materiáliz that is, his wife and dependent Cyril ferry. The lesser inbinetit West Indians greatly.
minor children. This applies jured are: Brathwaite The police made no attempt to defend their prisoner, sufficiently strong The meeting was then thrown open when several of to emply es of the Canal, Stevens and Taylor. All the Chief allezing that they were not the delegates from the various societies expressed their the Panama Railroad the the patients who needed hos for the purpose. The brother of Sanchez went away, but views. Mr. A, Reid well known tailor of this city who Army and Navy, and certain pitalization were taken An the other two men are not only still at large but are working at the farm and no effort has been made to arrest them. To said he was self invited asked leave and obtained permission contractors, such as the Canal con Hospital.
all these cases, the British Consul in this division is comfrom the chuir to speak and in the course of his remarks he Zone restaurants, etc.
Ernes o Arius, Alberto Lin pletely apithetic.
stated that to his thinking he felt that a Building and Loan doubtful cases, marriage or do and minigo Matute, the Suciety which would benefit the people generally would birth certificates fas proof of latter chairman of the section West Indians do not report such matters to him nowquicker find approval than a single building for housing marriage or parenthood are of Surveys, whº were riding a days as it is well known that it is a waste of time to do friendly societies only.
in first class coahes were also so. The list time that his attention was brought to a case Mrs. Constable a representative from a local Society Surerior officers should reported injured.
of brutal murder was about four months ago, when a also spoke strongly in favour of the Building and Loan scrutinize carefully all reJam tican, who was employed to the Tela Railroad Company The truck driver was ar for up vards of 14 years, was brutally murdered in his office scheme. Continued on page. rested by Canal Zone Police. in the compuny yard in Tela, his head being almost Mr, H, Walrond of the WORKMAN Printery was next severed from his bidy in broad day called upon by the Chair to speak and in the course of his light. The Consul remarks he emphasized the fact that the necessity for West SPARKLETS promised to investigate, but up to the present he has not even requested information as Indians cooperating was never more urgent than at the to persons who might be able to throw some light on the matter.
present when there was the tendency to oust us in every (BY WCK direction. He thought what was a most important question for the meeting to arrive at was whether delegates con Mild Rebuke independence in anything. If, on Panaman Not Guilty the o her sidered it advisable for their societies to invest any part of Trip Through The hand, the PANAMA AMERICAN has done well for us as of Killing American Continental Divide the large amount of moneys lying idle in the banks of Pana.
Audi Alteram Portem brother Young intimates, conma, when it might be used to better advantage for the beneBrother Young, Editor. tolerate all my friends but do not nian, was found not guilty on the building of the Panama Canal At vf the suffering and opressed people whose money it was the West Indian Section of the expect tut all of them willie Moaday last in gratulate that paper. learn to Alejandro Gonzalez, Panama Since West Indians so largely to If the societies agreed, then they should get together and PANAMA American, whose disposed to entertuin me with open Court of the Republic for killing Supreme with exception to the few work un start the ball arolling, along lines of tangible investments. efforts as a journalist and idea 18 bands and bearis on equilly nice Oliver Pike, American, at Arraijan Sups transiting the great waterI admire Several other speakers whose trend of argument seemed an ambitious young man, early this year, way, no arpreriable number bas ever sailed througn that grest to favor the Building and Loan inadvertently scheme, followed, after and respect, with sound Gonzalez was suid to have continental divide. An opportunity which the meeting dispersed to again meet on Saturday the intentionally. like the rest of us. It is ine nsistent some bad breaks once in a reasoning to say that the WORK insulted Mr. Pike who was in to make this 24th inst. when it is hoped the project will trip is proassume while. In his Sid says of the MAN established here health and the Pike mised sixteen gougnt him out and beat him. Borc by Medley yne of La practical form.
proximo he tells West Iudians years ao and ha: now becoma bad Mr. Bayne is completing among other things that his household nece xsity with thousand that the Panamanian angered by Med take several Section, with all the handicaps of the coloured people here and laid Pike one night and sfabbed bleeds Dassengers at a reasonthe punishment giden bim THE TIME IS RIPE of mechanical difficultjes and other pers of the Republic, bas amount through the Canal in its out served West Indons on the bim with a Day ce space. yoit beiter whole, in rinsically for much better warning.
brief history of November brer For West Indian Paper Oftener Than Onice ever seen on the table bat the other armendily. computers brother case, the Supreme Court Judge trip is scheduted to Teave one of help of After hearing the witness in the cha purpose of established. Week excluding owned exclusively Wose Younge disparaging statement opinion was the Gonzalez Bad the docks at Balbot dange someone by a debate; acte!
io self defence in further moroing, transit the Canal and Indians, That part of the state it ut so inness needs mes Cristobal only summing up the case in behalf of reach and for human existence in a modern Living in a modern meut Wes the verdict be said to papers to be pointed out by that the afternoon in time for the passen.
city peuple the owned by West Indians. who are 001. Panamanian was attacked with to disembark and re embark developed suburban areas and Workman, for the past sixteen from being defective is inconsistent spiciously volable in newp. pers out provocatio: as he sat peace en a special train, arranged for contiguous towar, a percentage of years, has been a staunch friend. with sound reasoning, specially, but are not of the weak brand o fully in a home in Arriajan, when the purpose, Pana de our people feels that he wait on a this paper has way stations.
is sometimes done at and inter st, and foreportacce who is expected to be conseious off their feet by every whim and threw him down, kick bim several trip is to be enllvened with music condensed trying, and can only be band and news of of West Indians imperfec ions, who are not superstitious to the times and that when Gonzalez from a well known sene sacrifice they must at all direct This experience and handicaps, their extent to be alarmed over every rose and attempted to leave Pike special cabouncers will be on of world service is being well appreciate limited financial strength, com rustle in the nearby bush. renewed his attacks whereupon, in board to explan the details of the happenings. This appetite for news as indicated by the many thank mercial and business disabilities, in self le fence, Gonzalez drew transit and announce the stations been as fail to understand Brother his knife and stabbed him.
the handicap of is a healthy one; it denotes e long the route.
in the progres e Wheb, boweness lul bearts who have aging us to carry on, giving us mechanical dificulties which is Young apparently serious con big appetite, it is very at present their moral and fioan encountered in publishing their tempt for humble but honest possess the cial support and promises of papers.
efforts from his own ranks if he Young Connel Seeks sufficient substancial fiancial assistance as wishes to herewithal to purchauri sobat as vel can get into legal form other paper here which pay any constitute o travesty set forth the virtues of Higher Studios STAR HERALD. His statement ONE MARRIED MAN: Fancy food, or must letting your wife go about telling sa isfy to call on them for same.
Austin Connell. son of Dr, the neighbours that she made a attention to West lodians and bis bulky appetite.
After six een years the Manage their interests has not done very structive criticism of our efforts, and Mrs. Connell of this man of you! You don here my and leads serious minded West city, sailed yesterday on the steam wife saying that.
known fact that iere are thousands is ripe, to take another healthy insinuates, do not blame that of Brother Sam Wnyte the labor England, from where he will travel Liverpool afiord to purchase the daily papers step forward to develop a bi paper; if we are to be continually maa to Brother Baxter of pr) and to Ireland to enter Dublin Univer telling my wife she had done her Another: No; but beard het in addition to the hundred and nursed we will never be able to use (Continued oo page 8)
One absolutely necessary items any initiative of ours to assert our (Costinued on page 8)
Contioued on page. best. term.
25th to coc in way hunden ents limited machette, without on Thanksgimber. boat specially tras than on Isthmns, not really merit harbour in th tbe which part To these yot gers back to Weekly pa per for news costs keep abreast concern to them.
encour well as e.
one has one necessary that he also to uno igu if meat to satisfy It is a well.


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