
PAGE TWO WORKMAN SAT! FDA) SEPTEMBER STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History sun AND Samuel Joyles Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages crophumb a to say lumber, a ball of Summary of Contents: History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years)
Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams end 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
lass two miles a day on be others but it would ap taking merry an of in the JAMAICA Tragic Death of Tree Cutter.
AN UGLY BRAWL Priestman River, August 19 If You Can Drink Squire Duke McKenzie Brown of the Water You Can Drink Hartford district met a tragic Him Rum. Says Estate death on Monday while occupied in felling a tre to be dreesed Labourors, for iamber. His body was discovered by yesterday afternoon. pioned to Save the NORTHERN NEws of the earth by the heavy end of the 13 iost: on Friday night the felled treee. The circumlast what eye witnesses described stances are reported as follows: as very little difference from a riot took place at Barnett sugar On Monday moroing both ment gave treatment to the Brown informed Joyles that he Works. That day, the Manage Joyles and Brown walked tothe gether on their way to work laburers and others which was would that day be cutting dowa bed at Jarret Park, tinishing up a cabbaga tree to be eat up into with the acrustomed nuor dance, Needless to which was to there were quite a large number be bis as pay for his work. The of persons of the labouring class scene of his labour was about present. As usual the people of pay from the settled ine town want to join in the district. Joyles, whose work place was further appear that, unlike other years, up the mountains went to work their presence was objected to on returning noticed that and the slogan would nt driek squire, watere you from the track. He passed by ran out if you the tree had been felled. The tree strod not more than a chain shant drink him was the was an put which the Bar. and saw no further being mus Police done as was telephone far as the was He passed for. squad went out but this concerned.
by seemed for some time to have had Wednesday on returning in little effect of using a stop to the evening he was attracted by the fight; as a matter of fact more on the spot. He turned to than one limb of the law were ed the body of the deceased examine the cause and discover all but decently bar dje dhe botas under the log of the tree in such that one of these struck down more than four way that from the upper part times, but happily being a stal of the chest to the head man he was not badly concealed from sight. It wald ir jared. It was passed mid night appear that the felled tree was belore the crowds began to leave obstructed while falling by the vicinity of the Police Station, another tree. It hitched, tore og a side of the tree, broke of the As subseqnently developed it cat end and swung round for appeared as if the town visitors about six yards. It thus caught of the dance did not propose to easy so that, with sticks a kind of cord was thrown across nett. One or two, peroaps not ibat portion of Barnett Street having bad anything to do with which meet Barracks Road, but the fight the previous night which is better known in the in the attempted to come through, but locality as Piccadilly Square. we regret to say they were PeDo td the determination was, that not a man, women or had to be rescued and taken to child should come into town the Police Station until it the that Saturday night from Bar wrath of the croud bad subsided.
to and Unappreciated Blessing lles from 300 to 400 feet higher the district. The Of This Island.
than Mandeville, but the climate is far superior to that towa sthe air is soft and dry aod the Description of a Visit Paia are dry halt an hour after the so porous that the roads to the Salubrious Dis bayiest rain. Every foot of the trict of Newport.
bills and valleys is clothed in green, on which the soft light dances all day (notice do THE CURES EFFECTED not say blazing sunshine. and it is possible to walk at any time The Climate is Admirably Suit. 11 a. and p. in the hottest of da except perbaps between ed to Persons Suffering months.
From Tuberculosis.
It is difficult to describe the sweet cleanness of the air, and the beauty of the surroundings: Jamaica abounds in undevel. the soft greea of the vegetation oped possibilities and coappre and the ciated blessings, and a striking winding erdlessly in and out, example of one of these is the through which one can amble on district of Newport 14 miles borseback or in a car wondering south of Mandeville.
man This is the district wbich towns resting his eyes a hundred leading doctors in Jamaica have times a hard angles declared to bº superior to all of brick buildings. The wbole in the island for the cure is bathed in dew every night tubercolosis.
or help of and stands emblem ambia doctors tell of wandelincules and its purity and cleanliness effected here and the inhab. morning sun perfect peace and to recount the quiet prevail. Healthful nights stories of those who bave are spent under blankets with arrived, given perhaps months every window wide open.
to live and who have recovered and even returned to from Kingston except fo a few entirely The road is good right through long years of useful work. One patches around dactor has said that he knows Old Harbour Jo air in the world equal to it, waich the always leave except on the hills around Val. that it is good for a dog to bave us, evidently in the old belief paraiso, Para a few flens, just to let him know am not speaking actually or that he is a dog.
the village Newport which is Food Supplies are abundant merely roads, well supplied with rum shops but of and cheap Fresh eggs by the dczen at one peony each; milk a: 311 per quart; wrapped brown Browo and pinned him to bread from the Saventh Day ground as described.
College, AlliThe police at Castle were noti countr batter; fish from fied. They telegraphed for eros gator Pond three times a twice. sheep mutton a week; Arthurs charge of the body. The doctor delivered at your door. Ground and pork on arrived at about pm todas and and performed ordering the burial of the body and beautiful bundles the autopsy, in plenty from the small settler which was in an advanced state for the fire for 3d from the small of decomposition boy. The servants are pot The deceased lived alone and entirely efficient; but are cheerhis being so, th re was no nods ful and wiling, and there are o miss hun when he failed to not many districts remaining in return from work on Monday. Continued on page itants are proud to reco work nett street po trey on се раз and Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama to crows cross WAS wart the Acreatist fresh WHITENS THE SKIN Creme Blanc Mirette while they a week on Saturlays, e, ali took beef provisions fruit take it Marvelous Cream Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, sun tan, and other skin blemishes SOLD IN DRUG STORES 96619690 Watch this Space next Saturday YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE FOR LIGHTING, COOKING IRONING WILL THEN BE BE ANNOUNCED Watch This Space DO IT ELECTRICALLY FUERZA LUZ


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