
TION The Prosperity Tailors capable of Coping Singlehanded With any Battle Fleet CLEANERS DYERS DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING as Rederal with Mary Work Done While You Wait land, great reputation up to this represented carrier during were REID Manager and invincible Isthmian Cricketers relations to his wife it money was not provided Past and Present The demands iccreased until Sauerbier bank account was Bone and be 2nd Instalment tbe dippad into bakn funds to satisfy the black (BY ELCOCK)
mailars. After ho lost his poTHE LATE GILL sition the women continued to bound bim, and he killed his family and himsell, feeling that Churchmen Union the disgrace would be greater British Guiana than they or he would be able to bear Britih Guiana C, Colon de Grer adians In To know the late Jim Gill was to love him. Sis was noble The WEST INDIAN. OGrenada nature. Modest to a degree, a Pablishes a report from its New gentleman in every sense which York correspondent which says that word implies. Affection among other things that Grensthat offspring of egotism could dians, residiug in New York in never touch him, he was as and those immediately immune from contract with her, connected the Grenada consequently his advent on the added another niche to the pillar Mutual Association in particular, by bis count: Isthmus was bailed with delight of advancement in foreign lands, boen recognized as one of the representatives from New York leading batsmen in the Park s opened a Branch of the Grenada Cop Competition in the land of Mutual Associatiou in Brooklyn his nativity (British Guiana. He never failed to live The Parent body, under the in the many George, is well on its was to of Attorney vcars that be the B, in Colon. A: bats, residing in Brooklyn clamouring success, and finding Grenadians man he was equally the peer of any nan playing on the Isthmus the Associatlon. it was decided for a of the activities of bis time.
He possessed a varety of brilliant scoring to form a branch apart for the strokes, a sound defence and entire Borrough of Brooklyn.
al bough not of robust stature. have seldom met a cricketer who could hits bard as be. We Notice to Correspondents.
played many delightful innings Contributors and correspondents together, but on narticular ir are asked to send in their contribustance stands out with greater tions not later than Thursdays to proininence than any other insure poblication. This is imperaA team of Jamaican cricketers tive and must be adbered to.
was invited to tour obe Isthmus.
specula ion was rife as to bow great a eking would be given the supposedly с. by the visicing team. The exox Jate, Carrington, against a mech attorney an enthusiast of the highest individual scorer and calibreoffered ball to the bowler getting the balto average in the game. Shannon although not as good a bowler ha was reputed to be a ew years previous, was a member of that team; his was a peculiar delivery to negotiate, as he was lefthander be exploited the leg break for all it was worth you had to watch the ball right on to Gill was a model of that day and wben he 50 we all thought be Would reach his century, but he way out three ter his brilliant effort runs later, netting him 53 runs which was the bighest individual score on our side and materially helped BGC. to add another scalp to her belt.
Although not the highest inning that Gill had ever played.
but from a standpoint of quality, rate it as his greatest. was runner up with a useful 47, made after Jim bad taken the sting out of the bowling.
Net 88 a batsman did Gill shine as a member of the C. but there were days when Burton and the other bowlere found it difficult to get wickets, Tom would then throw the Jeather to Jim and he wouid invariably finish of the game with some astounding average.
Yes, Jim Gill was a gentleman and a great cricketer, one of the greatest that Isthmian cricket has known. As a fitting tribute of the bigh esteem which he was beld by persons in enero walk of life, on the day on which he was buried the demand was BO great for the supply of coaches and automobiles, that many people were unable to leave the city of Colon for Mount Hope due to their inability to secure transportation. To be continged)
of our deck making Wer as planes the bar patience passed the mark, TIVOLI BEER Can Fight or Run With Speed of 30 Knots.
Boston, Aug, 12 whole No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue navy compressed within a single hull is the enthusiastic descrip PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 tion bere admirers gives of the S. Lexington.
ode nearing completing at the Fore River Shipbuilding Yards in Quincy.
Her officers asserts she is capable of coping single banded with any battle fleet now on the seas OF THE HIGHEST ORDER The vessel. one of the quean ships of the loited States Navy.
belongs to the electrically driven group that includes the West Virginia and Saratoga. The Lex Lexington, like be Saratoga, wbich was launched in the Spring of 1925 TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED at Canada, NJ. is an airplane two Orignally these ressels were to have been battle cruisers and as such would have Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices, been among the navy largest sghting vessels.
Due to the Ladies Garments carefully handled modification of tha American naval program decided on at the Washington Conference the ships converted to airplane carriers.
The interior of the) Lexicgton will be quite diferent from the pace below decks ou most naval vessels. There will be ample room to store flying machines.
as well as elevators and cranes with wbich to boist them up xoo sexo. SSS from below the flying deck.
The long sweep of the flying deck, broken only by a massive combined funnel enclosed set at one side of the bull, resembles a marine drill groupd.
The elevators are so constructed as AL to come flush with the flying surface nearly 900 feet long. an unbroken flying secret contrivance is set on the deck floor to stop landing air within a distance of several hundred feet This quipment is said to be foolproof and adequale to prevent possibility of any mishap in landing during a rough sea.
To make up for the preponderance of weight on the starboard side where the cranes, the group of funnels, and the kun turrets are located the oil, gas and water taoks are built into the port side When oil and gas are coded in in large quantities water balast is substituted.
quarters are on the (A NEW PRODUCT)
deck beneath the flying deck and the hanger deck is below that, thus receiviag the protection of two upper decks from Explosives that might be dropped on the ship by enemy airplanes. Below the banger deck are tive more decks.
INGTON Ths sbip armament in addition to the 106 airplanes which she carries, consists of eight 8inches 50 calibre long range rifles and twelve inch 50 calibre anti aircraft guns, capawell as enemies aircraft attacks.
The Lexington range of action is limited only by be gas supply of her quota of planes and her unprecedented speed, thirty three knots, is such that she can keep away from trouble.
She is the longest naval vessel in the world with a length of 874 feet and a beam of 105 feet; sbe weigbs more than 33, 000 tone.
Тbe propulsion apparatus would supply the electric demands of the entire City of Boston.
The machinery comprises 35, 200 kilowati turbine generator sets which supply cursent to eight powerful motors. The generator will be operated by steam from sixteen oil fired boilers When the Lexington goes into service with ber full complement of officers, men and airplanes she will have cost the Govern.
ment 45, 000, 000. and will have the largest crew on any sblp afloat.
Each of the more than 600 seperate board is supplied with a loud speaker so that from any one of several central stations about the ship any officer or man immediately reached.
Each room can be made watertight and each bas a thermostat for sigcalling fires.
of the The crews only SWEET SISTER TO SILVER SPRAY four German Banker Kills His Family And Himself. LOV IT rooms on Ratibor, Aug. Barrassid by blackmsilere antil his entire savings were gone and his position as President of a branch of the Deutsche Bank was taken from bim. Director Sauerbier to day killed his wife and two area 16 and 12, and then took his own lite In letters written several days ago be explained to bis former employers wby he betrayed the rust placed in him and what be intended to do.
Wbile living in Kattowitz with out his family, be made the acquaintance of a young girl.
The girl, aided by her mother, later threatened to reveal their may be Advertise in the WORKMAN it will bring you good results.


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