
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1927 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Barbados All Jamaica Cricket Match Attractions at the Theatres STRAND accommodate CANAL ZONE NOTES POS crowd 18 Have You Ever Thought of It?
to victory Cristobal Z, Box 732 CECILIA AMADOR Aug. 30th 1927 AMERICA TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN (PANAMA)
COLON Dear Sir Allow me space in Today Saturday Sept, 3rd your paper to give my views on the Today Saturday Sept. 3rd To day Saturday Sept, 3rd Today Saturday Sept 3rd expected Barbados All Jamaica Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 4th Norma Kerry in Ken Maynard in and Crickt game to be played on Suo THE CLAW THE OVERLAND STAGE day ao Monday Sept, 4th, and and Tomorrow Sunday Sept 4th 5th, Monday September 5th Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 4th Adolphe Menjou in Tomorrow Sunday Sept, 4h As a Barbadian would select Billie Dove in Emil Jannings in EVENING CLOTHES the following from the lantie Douglas McLean in AN AFFAIR OF THE FOLLIES LET IT RAIN Eide. Messrs LAYNE, NURSE VARIETY Mond y Sept. 5th ATHERLEY, BAKER. COLLER Monday Sept. 5th Monday Sept, 5th Shirley Mason in IDGE MARCUS CLARKE SIMPSON, and LYNTON if the Tuesday September 6th Jack Holt in Schildkraut in SWEET ROSIE GRADY latter is available as understand Schildkraut in THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER MEET THE PRINCE he will be playing for his Club, Tuesday Sept 6th the WEST END C against the MEET THE PRINCE Tuesday Sept. 6th Tuesday Sapt, 6th Jack Hoxie in East End of Panama a very re.
Irene Rich in Wednesday September 7th Shirley Mason in RAMBLING RANGER thing as the public will MY OFFICIAL WIFE derstand that Jack Holt in SWEET ROSIE OGRADY game between Wedresday Sept, h and the JAMAI THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER Wednesday Sept. 7th CANS was due since 1920 when Wednesday Sept, 7th Billie Dove in the Jamaicans defeated the BarEmil Jannings in Shirley Mason in badians at the Isthmian Grounds Thursday September 8th AN AFFAIR OF THE FOLLIES. VARIETY SWEET ROSIE GRADY in Panama Billie Dove in Thursday Sept. 8th Going back to the other men to Thursday Sept; 8th AN AFFAIR OF THE FOLLIES Thursday Sept 8th Irene Rich in Adolphe Menjou in muke up the Eleven would Schildkraut in sugeest that they be played from MY OFFICIAL WIFE Friday September 9th EVENING CLOTHES MEET THE PRINCE their present form and not from the list of has beens.
Shirley Mason in 9th Friday Sept Friday Sept. 9th Friday Sept 9th Taking the line up from the SWEET ROSIE GRADY Irene Rich in Schildkraut in Jack Hoxie in Daiting the Jamaicans have a MY OFFICIAL WIFE MEET THE PRINCE THE RAMBLING RANGER Very good one, but one of my old Saturday September 10th Crukt fr. ends always reminds me Saturday Sept. 10th Chas, Murray in Saturday Sept; 10th Saturday Sept: 10th that the game is not played 00 Jack Hoxie in Emil Jannings in Jack Holt in per but worth going miles to MCFADDEN FLATS THE RAMBLING RANGER VARIETY THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER see.
Now, Mr Promoters as the Mt.
Hope ground has only a limited amount of space would suggest that some temporary bleachers be pat tp 80 as to Dr. Fred Sterling the fans as believe great is anticipated as THE NEW YORK DENTIST the sting of the West End taken out by 182, BOLIVAR STREET the Sussex La Boca Pars who defeated tiem on the 14th in COLON, the Surprise Competition. So friends and foe let us go to the Box 771, CRISTOBAL, Z, On Saturday night last the Mt Hope grounds on the 4th and Eagles Juniors Basket Ball team TELEPHONE 247 COLON h. and help to strengthen the old of La Boca journeyed over ENGLISH GAME both from our Red Tank and dateated How essential it is to obtain the maximum of results from pockets as well as in numbers. the Rnyal Juni r8 of that Dr. Hubert Edwards place in a close game, in ths Yours Mr Editor last of the matches to be played your Physician Prescription? CRICKET FAN PHYSICIAN SURGEON in the Pacific Juniors League.
With this the Eagles now Special Studies in Diseases of tie the Royals for first place in Women and Children: Boy Sentenced To the League race. Benito and If not, it is well to remember that Pure Drugs, Ability, a thoroughness in the BOLIVAR ST.
Perez were the outstanding bandling of Prescriptions, through years of experience and diligent application, FRONT MASONIC Institute heroe for the Eagles while places us in the position to serve the public with every degree of satisfaction.
TEMPLE COLON Nelson and Mario starred for the PHONE 409 Lock City Team.
Vice President William DeBranch PAN AMERICAN DRUG STORE, Harold Ctrall, a bəy of twelve was sente ced to the Colon Boys Reynolds, critic of the La Boca Sousa will substitute Mr. W. Small on Saturday ugust 11th AND BOLIVAR STREETS, Athenaeum, as delegate to DENTIST 27. for a the Inspector of Police. He bad Literary and Musical Convention vears MASONIC TEMPLE (Opposite The Masonic Temple, Colon, giving the police Depart. to be held at the Cristobal Silver Office Hours: 8, am to 2pm ment much trouble, being the Clubhouse under the auspices of 30 to 30 captain of a Alliance and JAS. CYRUS Pharmacist.
Sundays, Special Appointment Cracker Town Last week be Debating Society of that place assaulted Masonic Temple ilth St, with a knife, today, September third.
with the int BOO ooooo 0:00 cooKOS Tickets for the coming Grand PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL the intention of stabbing her, bat she saved herselt by Bazuar of the Women Life PHONE: OFFICE 1664 RESIDENCE 538 woman who shielded her from Problem Club have been going fast, and all things point to a the young villian. Cotrall ran non successful affair. On the after Cristobal Silver Club it is pleasing to see how they dancing ball are all ready for away, but a warrant wsa issued have accepted this opportunity. uje sixteen feet diving District Grand Lodge No house or bia arrest, The police found noon of the 17th of this month At other available times the power his rcantly been comit very difficult to arrestohin the public will have the opporboys and men are allowed to pleted. Yes! every thing which 40, F, To Moot.
and Commander Watson was tanty of purchasing, some rare notified to get bim caught. On by the members of the Club. It is conduct their various athletic tends towards the health, happiork materials prepared AND ITS ACTIVITIES.
practices in the ball. The girls nese and protection of our peoFriday, 26th of August, the hoped that our men will The sixteenth annual session of assisted by some of the silver pl: has been carefully considered Commander got hold of him, but out in full number to purchase turn City school teachers and other by the clubhouse management District Grand Lodge No 40, will the fellow struggled to be be free these things and help the ladies Much loterest has been shown inspiring young men and women To guste another one of our be held in the town of La Boca, using his teeth freely on the in their worthy cause. Music in Basket Ball, in that the season of the community are acticing slogans, which! believe will under the auspices of the Lily Commander biting him on the and other attractions will feature is nearing end with three teams bard for their play, The Dream ever guide us to assume the di Paraiso Lodge No 8714. ft It was Decessary to the evening enjoyment. tied for championship. The Black Queen Esther, which will be right attitude towards those Monday the 5th instunt.
apply great physical force. RePirates of Gatun Silver, and the rendered in October. This is a wong whom we are living, and Members and delegates coming inforcement Mr. William Jump of the La Colon and Silver Five are evenly expected to be the most in for waom we are labouring. from the Atlantic side. are gre Bent for from the Institute, and Mr, Reid, Boca Athenaeum gave a tenmatched, The Cristobal Com teresting play ever staged in the rive to my people the best quested to book passage on tbe P.
the next in command at the In minute address before that bigation bave certainly got to clubbouse ball.
huve, some day, the best will train Sunday, in order to be in stitute responded nobly with a society on Tuesday evening last watch Moore bunch.
The literary society which come back to me.
time for the openine of the session few of the inmates. At last tbe on the subject Bolshevism fellow was securely held, but This is one of a series of subjects at 10 30 AM Monday, and to The boys department in the meets every Tuesday night is a not before he had used his teeth which will be taken by prom basement has been relighted and potent factor for good in the On last Tuesday night, Augl disembark at Balboa Station where on Mr. Reid, giving bim a severe inent members of the Athenae fitted up with games and is kept Ommunity. This suc ey has 30th, The Miry Church Terre, they will be met by the Committee bite. However, the police In um over a period of about six open daily until We really taken an advanced step Girls put on their First Recogni on arrangements, spector put an end to his career months. This is intended to help believe it is best to keep the line that it is about to conduct tion Service. most interesting Members of the order ove giving him two yeare to pon memberheme, the historia Beir boypogrid. that parte das mujeres con verton Lievens conducted to was renderadogan ong (specially invited to attend the der over his brief and daring here cer reign of the Isthmus among our grus, several girls. Two beautiful place on Monday evening at the el speak intelligently and themselves in ther own way.
instructively for at least ten The magazines and poriodicals hailed with open arms by our Mrs Messiah.
Sacb convention should piano selections ware givea by La Boca The Wesleyan Church, minutes, og given subjects. The Procession will leave the Lodge No Short Term Boy Will next address of this kind will be bave been put under the control leaders and put to silence those be of the cashiers, yet in sight of Be Admitted.
Miss McGillivray who has Hall at 30 precisely given by Mr. King; the of every one, and can be easily who would binder and discoursubject to be Toussaint over had only for tbe asking. Read age by their criticism.
just returned from her Vacation ture.
in the States was presented with Small, Crisp, Bills the sign as you ester the The playgrounds adjacent to beautiful bouquet.
On and after September 1st, 1927. boys will be admitted to Moore by Wolte, was the sub The Burial of Sir John building, the Clubhouse has been remoThe Ladies Room has been deled and new swings and other Mr Bɔoz. the General the Colon Boys Institute for a juct taken by Mr, Reynolds newly fitted up with a book case equipment installed for tbe Bureau of our Secretary of According to Press dispatches, of than alx months Clubs Play Grounds was pees printing of Daw two dollar bill, The Commander has observed Critic of the Athenaeum for his in which will bath roubak mang criticism ent and delivered an address on two thirds of the size of the pre.
books. The great number of at the good The Silv. Clubhouse bathing SHIP BUILDING.
that many parents bad sent their meeting on girls of the Reserves and other Beach is a realization in the lits sent one, Iprouably will start in the Tuesday the limecho evening last. clubs reformed in the time that Critic The function was bronght to a United States, miot in October did justice to use of their Toe the Was given therefore all per subject. making Webappiness of our girls 300 a deep water line, a chain paloted piano selections.
contemplating tary says that he is out to supply verse the Clubhouse has taken clova by treat from Mr. Booz. next and precaution to Master Scantebury entertain circulation about February next every th ng wb will add to tection of bathers by installing ed the audience with several sending their children to the Inthe stitute for Reformation girls of the girl reserve bas the of words and the phrasing wɔmen. Mrs, Waller will gladly red which can be seen and easily advised that they will shorter period and not mere talking of words, to the Woman lon pertaining reached by every one. Also lite program cepted for any and girls de belts in a convenient spot.
On Saturday, September At ten o clock there will be a than the time specified above.
or noise. This was one of the partment. Thursday afternoons.
the regulur monthly rally on the volley ball game between the new and spacious building lantic Side will be held at the St. Agnes girls and the Fanny Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and rare efforts of members which from to 30. the clubhouse English on sale a tho Workman was entitled to and received a hall is given over to women and with sbower bitbe, private Cristobal Silver Clabhouse at Coppin girls lot Redtank.
vote of thanks from the members. girls only, for their games and dressing rooms, lockers and 12 o clock. the Anna Elizabeth friends are invited, Institute of heen Bang known as the the Literary Ited girl.
arm was litsle ones, boys for a wburt period who could Athenaeum be The develop find more pleature secret of the ela coalition The Secret not new bill put in who which Stationary Stora.


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