
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1927 PAGE SEVEN ssss sexSXSSSSiss THE WOODMEN OF UNION, FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION Join Tcdoy. It Protects You While You Live cnd Your Family After You Are Dead Disabiliy Benefits are graduated in accordance with liberal provisions on face of said policies FOURTEEN COON REASONS It is a Union by the people and for the Our business amounts approximately to people 5) 000 monthly It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur 10. The Eodowment Money is used only for cnce.
sick and death claims. It pays you more while you live than any 11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims other concern.
the same day proofs are filed in the Hone Its educational features appeal to all Race Office lovers 12. You do not need a lawyer to get your claim It donates annually to Racial schools.
13. You do not have to die to win It gives employment to more Negro girls 14. Hospital, free to members Bath House than any other concern of its kind rates reasonable; full course (21) baths to Its rates are within reach of all members, 5; full course (21) baths We are twenty years old and have not had to non memders, 15. 00 Half course an extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 750 Rooms, Grade Department 00 to 00 per week, Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen (17) different states and our membership extends to the South Sea Islands. This Organizarson has its own building which is four stories high and covers a whole city block paid for in cash without extra assessment.
It gives employment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 00 with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty. 20, 050. 000) million dollars.
DR, KENDALL, JNO. WEBB Supreme Pr sident Supreme Custodian кере The Workman Printery Spring, 300 SSSSSSS Post Office Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas For information address, L. Flowers, Panama City. who are the legal representative in this Country COSSO SEWEXSOS SOS excocos, 8: 1600 JAMACIA The Best Tonic in the World UNAPPRECIATED BLESSINGS OF THE ISLANDS. Continued from page 2) VIGOR TONIC Jamaica wbere one is met with ao old time curtsey and My respects to the lady as here. This elegant Tonic preparation is higbly recomment And where you will ask, can one stay in this delightiul ed in Debi ity, Nervousness, Female Weakness, sput? That is exactly wh re the story ends. There is belive Impoverishment of the Blod, and to build up only one collage and one house a run dowu constitution.
available for rent furnished and no boarding house. Yet here we bave all ignored, the very air It pro notes gest on, improves the appewhich would bring tite, and gives tone a energy to the whole system.
HOPE AND HELP TO THE THOUSANDS Dose One small Wine glassful before mea 3 bo are suffering from tuberculosis, to day. We have a or times a day priceless possession in this Imate, where Americs would long ago bave built a huge JAVIER MORAN Amecican Pharmacy sanitarium bad it be bers. talk of our scourge tuberculosis as the Ciptain of the men of Deatb yet we sit and endure it when in our midst is the most wonder ul cure a waiting us 900 could almost say that we deserve Day our desserts for our indifference to our blessings As Di bave Commission 10 working on this questio. Regular Assortment of would be well it they would verils the statements above.
Capital invested in small cot ages here, would ba not only a good investment, but a blessing to mankind: Qot only for the. SUCH AS consumptive; but for the families TONICS, SOAPS, VĂNISHING CREA 7, SALVE, on the plains, who seek in vain for an an inexpensive, and cool TALUM POWDERASPERINE TABLETS, place, easily accessible where SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
the bot months can be spent; these cottages of course being for invalids. At Christmas time strictly sparate fron those the ciimate resembles an English and it is sure that sucb 93 CENTRAL AVENUE co tages would be occupied at all seasons of the year, But Newport w alth is in its Panama City curative atmosphere aod it is not until a sanatarium crowns one of her slopes that she will fully justify the blessing of the gift, which is not at all enviable and GRENADA under the circumstances we fail to see what objections the ST. LUCIA authorities can bave to having he sale of. tamps quickened by Change In Telephone their being worcbaged when it System.
would mean only the trouble of St. Lucia Fire Relief over print them in the Go Ornment Printing Office at a All that we hear is that our Stamps.
telephones will be If this proposal were adopted the metallic circuit system, but bere would be an increasa nt there are many modern improve reveune the colony (From the Voice of St. Lucia. apid sale of these surcharged by the ments that may also be made.
In Panama, the dial system of We do not know what idea stamps to stamp dealers the calling is in operation, which the Government has in mird world over, at incidentally we more or less eliminates with regard to the rebuiling of would have instituted a memorial agencies at the Telephone Exº those public buildings that were to the Great Firo.
The dial syste was destroyed in the recept fire, first introduced in the United itinmourd that States a representative of this an Imperial Loan. as indeed there ANTIGUA paper knows what it is like and sbould be, an a feguate portion it is also adopted in certain parts would be retained by the Britain. By purpose of own te building their premises. There Killed by Lightni. In the calier himself gets bis cumber mere turning of is, bowe er, some means the figures on his dial to resubstantial amount Antigua.
If present the number wasted, the Secretary of States Car connects bim direct with the be pesuaded to allow St Lucia An inquest was held yester particular number of the telewhat had been granted to other day by Mr Pogeon Tarmers of the figures is complete the cbone.
bone. As soon as the turolak colɔnles. Among the stock of Deputy Coroter, associated with colony are mauy values that are jury. at Ceder Grove Village bell of the required connection postage by thi not really sellers such as 14. to enquire into the circumstanings, and goes on rioging at 240 and 4d stamps that bewe ces attendant on the death of the caller lays down bis receiver an intervals and never stops until been and are being sold very woman called Alice Smith whol Why should ot Grenada lead the vers was struck and lled instantly antis West Indies in one thing? The slowly, the great sellers are bas sele de three by ghtning on Sunday after Mial system penny, two penny eliminates lant penny stamps. One can scarce. On and her daughter of een telephone on Cow and a donkey which might be considered ordering less than ten tbonsand bome epea erab bad ordt hese which, at the rate :hey the children remained long be becomes his own then there been tethered to praze. compensations. Exchanges man are selling at present would fore returning and the mother and take in these stamps were surcharged meeting them about fifty yards number of other improvements years or more to to bustle them bome and there will be no Fire Relief 3d 61 respectively not only would they to the east of the village she ook bold of the stake and the chain should be the doing away of made, one of which of months and bring in a fairly so which the cow. was attaches ringing by the caller. The West Gandsome asum bak the usual Shortly after she did so a flash floodete sale of pen: y, two penny and her dead to the ground. The sued of lightning came and struck King Kept Busy On sellers, sbock was also communicated be interfered to the cow wbich was struck Wedding Day with, There is precedence for this, notably the Kingston down London, Aug. King George Reliet stamps of Mr Charles Gordon, Barbados placed to keeper was an eyewitness bad one of the most variegated of the after the earthquake at Jamaic the tragedy and he sounded days of his busy like on 1907. In our issue of 20. Feb the charmWhen the villagers mirty fourth anniversary of his afternoon, 1926. reached the spot Lifeless, but this discovery bad with Queen Mary, be drove stamps with fresh The deceased o visit the People Palace and help incr:ase th: revenue of the wriggled but was killed outright. inspect railway works at Stratcolony; at the same time bw: The cow is still alive. Such in the royal party sa than five Shillings should be finansestue and Ferdict in the poor of story related at of in moved through lades of some poorest classes of people in be placed on stock as obtains it the Leeward Islands and othe Loudon and received the most ccordance with the testimony colonies. We pin ed out the run June 12, was returned. Antigua Magnet hearty welcome.
That evening the King was the that was made on the St Kitts guest of King Faud at the but nothing Egyptian Legation, where he wbt it was surrouded by Oriental Notice to Correspondents.
cause Government mad splendour. The glamour of the matter or Contributors and correspondents Egypt was introduced into the it was the Secretary of State are ysked to end in their contribu scene and the barquet carried that was tbe dissentient party, tions not later thin Thursdays to out in true Eeyotian style. The we do not know. Today, tow insure publication. This is impera. Egyptlan antiques were rented are cccupying a posicion tive ard must be adhered to. for the occasion.
negligible ATTENTION!
chang: system.
thee if there bear Goy of Great this system, House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH raising Set. wbich ly conceive are sell.
this, a 1 Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly she may be three pepould not stamps the Societies shop CAN BE HAD AT desigos to Devel The Workman Centenary tather was brStationery Store our move in we


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