p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 1927 Look Them Over IWO both met of trim JK this The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody :Scrap Albums Stenographers Note Books Writing Pads that Silver Spray 98 SXSSSSSSSSSSS lotimo Baxter Hymn Prayer Books Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets like socks, year Pocket Knives, Scout Knives. Meador Knives and many other items too numerous to mention or less, support of help our of THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store will of the tasia without 98 BOGLE SPARKLETS. JOIN OUR S35 Sels. isseoses sess Tomorrow Races Pontinued from page 11 JEWELRY CLUB con fame, Which side of the The race eard for tomorrow at fence site you standing? It is Juan Frango Park contains eight generally known that it ie hard for races in which searly fifty horses natives and imported, are sebe Oue 10 serve interests at the same time and serve duled to take part.
egully well. Brother Ruso, Silver Spray and five Youn must agree with other rative posies will run the that dollars and not philantropy curtain raiser, a distance of five furlongs: is the basie aim of the Manage while Lenine 200 the PANAMA AMERICAN Pereque will take part in a field of in employing to nanage the five for the last race. The feaSection; the erudite and versatile ture event will be the seventh, and of bring out Chombo Gordo, that paper supports me in this connection, in his reply to Carcajada, Cap Alvarado, Do Brother Whyte querry when be Olejo, Arlequin and Cicero.
wrote: will admit to Brother Thprogram; Photo Albums Whyte cartier It is the easiest and surest fundamentally am FRST RACE as fall of race pr judie sny way to owa a value able Vellum Pocket Books Furlougs Purse 125 of I suggest to him that when Watch, Clock or Silver ware Raso 101 95 he loves him and will ite man assules biru that Don Simón tre. him Only 00 a Week Children Toy Books Candlewoud fantly would no well to look tu 111 his boil folder and his watch and FOR 25 WEEKS 126 chais. Al hough Fenomeno Brother 106 Join now and solve your Accounting Day Books May 121 might have since changed option, becus, in the first part Christmas gift problem, SECOND RACE oi his rwyly to Brother Whyre he Come in and talk it Furlongs. Purse 125 stand Holy bibles here today and over at Barba Roia 105 there tomorrow, holding hat Excuse Me 126 opinions, like FULLER should Cococha 96 changed frequently It is, how 15 122 Central Avenue Dardauela 93 ever, quie unlikely that such Fap 92 Panama City 40 opinions of over Coon years Mouth Organs in two sizes Chicbi 106 have undergone any radical THIRD RACE chinge in little over a trave always held and will con Boy Wanted Furlongs Parse 175 tinue to do su until such time as La Nena 114 the PANAM AMERICAN changes Tibia 126 Stenheil its pol cy towards West Indians 90 By Dr. FRANK CRANE thit that paper pl ys, more or Bula 107 fair with us to exchange fur our WANTE. boy who stands Lady Eva 119 acts it. It bss straight, sits straight employed straight and talks straight: FOURTE RACE coup e of cur voung men who have tot on y ability bu are willing to a boy whose finger nails are not Furlohgs. Purse 175 our cause to the best of such in mourning, whose ears are Garzons 130 ability betog so, am clean, whose shoes are polished Fachendo 101 whose clothes are brushed the time that the goodCelia 90 PANAMA AMERICAN wbose hair is combed, and Dudogo 115 towards, West Indians may be set whose teeth are well cared Rolando 107 forth by Brother Young and, with for; Loreaz ta 100 out any argument, o veriti boy who listens carefully when he Shimmy 95 estion from many West Indians is spoken to, wbo ask questions 93 Central Avenue. Panama City FIFTH RACE inel ab og the writer, wit!
his when he does not understand, Furlongs Purse 175 making a constitutionally unsound and does not ask questions oooc SOMOS Kitty Gill ESCAS 589880xse 126 about things that are none of and mcut with reference to stateRevoltosa bi business, Dohle 106 dan publ cations. It is regrettable boy who moves quickly and Malmirada 95 that Crother Young bad not first makes as little borse about it CHRISTINESTARICA Cor Arango 113 rell et ad on the Hebrew proverb, as possible; BOWEN Socis 114 Ne er cast dit into the fountan boy who whistles in the street ium wbich thou once drank.
but does not whistle where TAILOR SIXTH RACE he ought to keep stiil.
No. M Street San Miguel Furlongs Parse 125 COOLIGE HAS AGAIN boy who looks cheerful, has a Bolivar Street No. 12. 174 Mayoral 132 rearly for every budy and Panama City Jakie 124 never sulks; Grafico Continued from page 41 boy who is polite to every man NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE Diecisela YOUNG CONNEL SEEKS Labriego 114 America bloid and and respectful to every wo30 wa sted Amer cal treasure in man and girl: BOX 619, CRISTOBAL, TEL. 147, COLON HIGHER STUDIES Honey Dew 112 conflicts which ar in no sense boy who does not smoke cigar Ad Pau 101 Continued from page 11 pesential to the welfare of the ettes and has CO desire to Pistol 100 Uited States learn how: Repairer of all makes of Typewriters Cal.
SEVENTH RACE ID point of fact, his greatness boy who is more eager to know culating machines, Numbering machines, sity to make up medienl studies, has been not in putting Furlongs Purse 250 th: how Young Connell has made a most to speak good English burdens of war upon the backs than to talk slang: Mimeographis, Dictators, Cash Registers, brilliant start. Born in Brooklyn, Ch. Gordo 114 of the American people but in boy who never bullies other Adding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing 109 New York about twenty years Cap Alverado litting those burdens and in Don Alejo 126 boys nor allows other boys to developing the opportunisies of machines and all other technical machines.
ago, he was taken by his pativy Arlequin to Jamaica, bully bim; 102 their peace and est :blishing the funda where he got his elementary Cicero 92 boy who when he does aot training; afterwards.
Dass of prosperity.
90 know a thing, says don Like the great, popular bero of New parts supplied entering Carcaj da Workmanship guaranteed Cabaubar College wa Kingston and EIGHTH RACE France, Heory IV. whige wish know, and when he has made soon won distinction by capturing a mistake says, m sorry, Furlongs Parse 175 a was to se: every 18 nily wih both the Junior and Senior Cam Lenine Work done by expert up to date methods 126 and when he is asked to do a cbicken in the pot. Calvin Co SACK bridge Certificates. He also holds Pereque 114 lidge effort has been to make thing says, ll try. an intermediate cert ficate of music Cantones 113 every dinner pal toll, to every boy who looks you right in the trial will convince you this is no empty talk, from the Royal Academie of Music, Dixie 118 family able laden with the eve and tells the truth every London.
117 Copi good things of lile, to make time: Mr Connoll joited his parents CIL.
every American Household re. boy who is eager to read good in Panama two years ago, during CCCCCCCCCC jice in plenty and prosperity: books; which time he took part in several CHURCH SERVICES He has not sought to build ap boy who does not want to be musical program in which he himself at the expense of the smart nor in any wiss to demoostrated no mean ability as a public weltare. He has, on the attract attention, musician. His initial successes ssell for him a Brilliant career wbich is Twelith Sunday after Trinity contrary, endeavoured alınost to obliterate himselt personally and boy who would rather lose his job or be 10 think expelled from the wish of the entire community. Peter by the Sea, La Boca subool than to tell a lie or benetit to decrease taxation, to WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Holy Communion, a, The be a cad. increase the income of the THE TIME IS RIPE average citiz. to promote toy whom other boys like. Holy Bapt sm, 730. a business, to create od times. boral Matins, 10, 45, a. boy who is at ease in the conHe is himsil a typical Ameri pany of girls; Continued from page one) Holy Eucharist, with cali and bis au billion has been to boy who is not sorry for himself, weekly or a tri weekly newspaper 11. 30 mke elite comfortable for the and not forever ihinking and No hot irons or special combs required which will better serve ou: mass Chur. 00. The Rector sermon, typical American cit zen. This talking about himself es, who are gradually but surely Choral Evensong and may not be spectacular amb. boy wno is friendly with his moving ahead in many directions 30, The Rector.
tion, but it is a u. eiul one and a noble one.
another, and more intimate SOLD IN DRUG STORES In the field of human endeavour. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at Taking this step the management 7a. Morning Prayer He has followed the frjunction with her than anyone else is not promising that the paper is is MULLARE, Rector of th faiters of the Republic to boy why makes you feel pood going to break down all to St. Barn. bas Empire, st when he is around; keep free from foreign entangleour social and economic freedot; uente. boy who is put a goody goody, has followed the example a prig, or a little Pharisee, but such freedom canı ot come with: Bartholomew Las scades years out st Simon s, Gambca of hard work and of toe is hers of the Republic to just healthy, bappy and full sacrifice; but it does pledge to Mantins and address, Church sacritice personal amb tion and of life; stand by our people as it has School Evening Prayer and to re use a thi term.
This bry is wanted everywhere.
al wavs done and to reinforce such address Presid, at Cool ze deserves to The family wants him, the service with the help of better the Lay Readers stand with the great American school wants him, the office facilties plus the product of years JT MULCARI Presidents and with the good wants him, the boys want him, uf Frach experience. We are Priest in Charge AtLerican Presidents, and dethe girls want him all creation any empty promises not m: serve to be beld ever in grateful wants bim.
to our people; and we know the rememb race by the American Why throw away your old, but no serious minded ones would resent Seventh Day Adventist people.
it; but there is DOW the real STREET CALIDONIA Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and doubt interesting, books when you necessity for our having a better English on sale a the Workman ROAD(near Isthmian Park Pana.
and bigger West Indian newspaper ma IMMIGRATION CERTI Stationary Store.
and oftener than once a have them neatly bound at a week.
can Sabbath (Saturday) 945 a.
FIAATES The greatest oak trees have grown Sabbath School; 11. 15 a. Genfrom little acorns. ontinued from page All really eral Worship Spanish granted, without referring great things have grown quest for immigration certifi the matter to this office.
small ones. There is the confidence Society, cates made by their However, if the circumthat the small WORKMAN will meeting 30 Junior and employees. If the request stances appear sufficently grow in course of time into a big Senior Standard of attainment 93 CENTRAL AVENUE cosmopolitan daily newspaper Class p. Vespets.
does not meet the require. meritorious to justify such which will have the strength and Suoday evening at 30 ment stated above, the action, the request may be employee should be informed submitted to this office for Opposite Cecilia Theatre prestige to stand beside and help preaching service The general further our cause in the principal public is cordially invited to turn that this request can not be decision, in doubtful cases.
fields of human eodeavour out in large numbers.
98 8: lled an only of the band the public Rector.
o, good Çontra Crespo sermon,. 300 barriers to Book Binding. THE WORKMAN from la se


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