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LZ Blo ord Developing the Spirit of Cooperation THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANC States Newspaper Makes Appeal to Negro Press To to a id, he has case Mr. Amary of missiou?
cal violation committed hyGarvey believe in a solidly outspoken press loss loud in pessible City: 19 su 10 to the VOL 16 No.
PANAMA, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1927 PRICE CENTS THE NEGRO Better West Indian NEGRO WORLD AVIATOR Newspaper Is Needed brought up in the To Fly From United British Parliament. States To Africa.
To Carry Out a More Effective on como present bald Youth to pare delight igen ogen To Cortinue Clamour For Garvey colonial affairs that was York the African Coago which, And Economic Program. in the House of Commons recently, it made will only be the fir the subject was brought up relating flight from this country to th Release.
commission that is bring Antenn contineat, but will be the There is no fear that the Malthusian law of the pres. formed in connection with the first trans Atlantie flight by. sure of population upon subsistence is going to apply our International Labour Office to Negro aviator. is bei is planned hy The Atlanta Independent in making an appeal to the case and break down our morale. There are sevəral ways in inquire into the administrative latence Lorraine, Sr. of Jer? Negru Press the world over, to continue the splendid which to spread out and hold our own. But as a rule, and financial problems of East sey City, it has been learned Africa, and protlems relating to agitation began for the release of the Hon. Marcus Garvey, opportunities do not look for man; it is all in the reverse, labour conditions, The proposed fight has the President General of the Universal Negro Improvement man must of necessity look for and grasp opportunities. Mr Amery. Secretary of Silents of Harlem and San Franbacking of prominent Negro res Association, says editorially:While it is a fact that we have not been standing firm, State for the slovies, was asked a disco, it is reported, and will be Nearly three years ago Marcus sant rebelled a a nst the e zal economically, yet it must be admitted that we have pro question conte ruing the composifinanced by voluntary contribu Garvey entered upon a prison term authority that imprisoned them.
gressed slowly; but that was not enough to keep our thon of the commission In ijas.
of five years for violation of a Moreover, the conviction of Saces economic pr gam: breast of our increased population. All answer to the question, Mr, Amory Dot yet been able to Accordiaz to Lorraine, the trip federal law. Garvay had been an and Vanzetti has bog affirme: this proves that we are numerically strong and financially mike all the strangeinents, and will be made in a special type of earnest and sincere individual and, and reaffirmed by the court of gallos, cap sidence of the leader in inspiring impartial states in the. went on further to capacity of case of Garvey has never bens)
We have for years unconsciou ly learned and sncess especiale per les incorpore to have of Les Acageles. Te pare the lettede desig ed by Owen Soalca, a Negro, erred he has merely committed repeatodly and throughly examfully applied the psychology of serving someone and wait. Someone representing the point seating cap teity of ene. No datene inevitable, as no human beinst radical and lawless demonis perfect. And in view of the ing patiently and obediently on their generosity and human concerned with the litre of the nel bou ser for the proposed chạt bis breach of the law was of stra ions of the Sacco. Vanzetti Tiigbt the back and follow it up with you are a good boy the there be a native on the come to completed in to patore authorities to grant him the of arts through ogon speech will itarian urge to hand out to us nearly everything: pat us on natives, To this Mr. Richard the most technical sort no sub svipathizers, can produce such Wallhevd, M, asked Wall The plane, which is being stantial loss by any party being u uprecedented procedure in Mag: specially for this suffered it is iaculaueat upon the sachusetts, This system of serving seems to take so firm a hold on the mere certainly legalized mujoriiy of us that we seem to have lost much of our although leagthy and excusing, Angeles and ready for its first trial utmost leniency.
Mr. reply effective in cryatalizing power of correct reasoning. It is time to catch up! We revealed the blatant fact that there trip August 21. Lorraine said.
The years spent in prison have of ective sentiment for the release inust learn to stand firm and to dig down where we are. would not be gone coloured repre por Evunian Journal, more than atosed for the techni of Garvey. We do not advocate violent manifestations, but we do To carry out a better and more effective economic weathinte vet of the commision August 22, further informed the Untold program we need a bitter West Indian newspaper which Seer tary for the Culonies the bumiliation has been Drowning Fatality suffered, beside an almost trtal will adů prestige to our community and demand and receive It has been stated in a book The mental and physical an.
of health. Physically Garvey guish ergone by Garvey is more support for us than by any other dependent way. To itten lately by an expert, a get a better paper we need to cooperate; just as much erman who was is Eist Africa, The much patronized but rather be is a serie de conditions and who sufficent to repay for his legai he Vista Bathing is released immediately death wrongof is that from the point of view of exactin: Bella expected.
is we need the same operation in all our other efforts agricul ure it his been di covered Beach yesterday afternoon claimed worth more than the mercilees profor social ant economic progress. Our smil failures and that the Westerser, the European, another victim in to person of few weeks ago the Negro prese cess of exacting from him at the patty mistakes are no longer to bset up by ourselves as can teach the in demanding Garvey cost of of tis life the few nothing in and this remaining months. In other and barriers to our progress. It is time for us to learn t) mg regard to the proper emanager cent much beloved young mua of this release. For some reason agitation has ceased. This is no less worthy instances Presidents nitiy ous own virtues which is a part of the fulfilment of the of his land.
doubt due to neglect, and it is to have exercised the pardoning law of self preservation. continued on page Contined oa page 8) be expected that Negro newspapers power. Garvey instance The Managment of thWORKMAN has a fairly sound ll again elamur for for his immediate opportune one for the re exercise discharge. Concertrated appeal of this power. He is a deserving foundatiou ready to be enlarge upon. The Plant of the Christian SPARKLETS conscience of the dividoal who has paid his debt WOKRMAN is a going concern and only needs further de will create a sentiment with health and shame.
veloping. The pride of ownership! We want to be able, adequate to effect release for as a community of West Indians, to boast of a West ludian (By CK)
Garvey. But periodic wails here SuaLL NEVER FORGET MARCUS and there are Press in Panama; we want to b: able to also show our office unavailing, This is somewhat of a belated the in Bea strict of the PC Under the caption, The Negro Garvey imprisonment is of less and plant to and demɔnstrate our fability bafore our people ackuowledgemmat of a copy of the A. not very loaz azo: Lipational and international impor Shoulders tot Luose Hope, tho here. our men and women of tomorrow. and inspire them last fiscal year report for the trere is a local organizer to whom tance than that of Sacco and CHARLESTON Messenger prints so they will take ad lej pride in ownership and not keep United Nagro Improvement Aso. a West Todians we owe much for Vanzetti: his cause for a su editorial which is concluded as thinking along lines of perpetual dependence, that really ciative of Colou, can add bnt practical economic education of release is more reasonable and follows: little to whit has been our people he is already We shall never forget the Hector convincing. Garvey has served dangerous cancer his eating at the very heart. of. xpressed day we encounterto President of the United two and a half years of his term leaders ip of Marcus Garvey economic life.
maent to the director of that order of Culon vement Association with excellent prison demeanor, Hea bora leader for God.
ization, much however, Whether you agree while Sacco and Vazetti have coo(3 ased uo panono. be sail or written to or not, maintain that we BUILDING AND LOAN SCHEME. coara Mr Connor and tis are greatly irdested to him.
sistants are writing, a Tuis is re illy not may exclusive Government Panama Symphony eluesical page in the history of the opinion; is is that op hundreds of In connection with the proposed Building and Loan coloured people on the Isthmus, others and, preso, it is a fact.
Association Scheme which has been projected, and of There are some who speak in die. Excpt og those at the churches Offers Reward Orchestra which areport of th: first meeting ap 72 ure in these columns favour of, or treat lightly or not at and halls, as a rule, last week, we are advised that the scheme is taking practical eller meritorious efforts of others is do not pay a mission les at enter For Information Leading Will Give Annual Com shape. At the last meeting höld by the temporary com against the leaders or are not ter of fact, promoters they have any kind. As a.
cert Sun y.
mittee at Star of the fisthmus Lodge Hall in this city, themselves, contributing directing collect fro. m. m an pro:n tor of Criminal Assault on Thursday evening of last work, it was decided to sub or deriving direct benefits froners wao promote en The second Annual Concert of ordinate the origin u erecting a. icrete building for suel the imate practical one of the uilding and main A320 ixtion. rem sins true that every wise move the son un indicate that they to such an extent is to offer re which is to be given at the mesel.
cfferts appeal to me, the Orhesta The report which has been prepared to be submitted. dc by any of our units or soill gladly pay ms for my pre ward for the cap ure of the person sior Theatre tomo row afternoon at the next public meeting which is called for Saturday the groups atutomatically revitalizes to at teir fuational who commit criminal promi es to be complete extent our entere community 24th inst, is here appended: 01 13 that my. of course, therefore on their fellow anen, it in every way. The programu is Considering that there are at 100, 009 to be sivided into 600 help to inspire even que more of not here in a Ce:e function sence assaults pre ent approximately 59000 preferred shares at 100, 00 exeh. to place the proper apprecia mente at the for this and four thonsand cominon shares tion up the highly sigoid sent work occasionaly via Theatre; extraordinary salure. The Govern events show oui some of the Canal Zone is offer technical ability of the Orchestra West Indian residents in which Mr. Connor and his coof Five Hundred which comprises the best aggreRepublic for the past twenty years; at 10. 00 each, elueation ant inspiration and that ther: clearly exists the the for our. it would add to bring up price workers are doing for the credit of bat generally have to dig down and Cuttenery (Hoforlated health top edition of coloured istrud for leading admission necesity for our advancement the corporai is o guized shall ha sammunity of my iuberede de orice on the signs whea dumia to the apprehension of the person of Panam, Pacitie end of which be about by bu:nur oweffort and e nsidering (a) To purchas, losse or other economically, and gain a more in which case am compelled to residents of Gatun, The Clemens are Meslumes on king, and sire to see our community progre succed in dolging my better half and Mrs. CA Clemens, American bers will agume at the progra guilty the that the majoriy cf numbers, and though ever entertaining a forlorn weise acquire real estate; to buv, stable recognized place in mingle with the elite on the first were.
attacked iu their apart Adella Wilker. Herdly and lease, build, remodel, construct, Panama, As far as am able to floor. All of tais circumlocuioa ments while asleep at half past two Miss Lena Multon. Mrs. King of cope respectiva da ive hemes, ate entrete de walks bailding any to be analyse the social and economic pe mine ed however, unnece reaty o clock on Monday morning last by somto. sidewalks other almost certainly destined to die of estructures wood, program of stone, brick, convinced that business efforts want to am gentle reader, what an. Continued on pages)
in this Republic, leaving our is cemer spe without pro Vision of any kindcement, iron, steel or other build such as Mr. Coanera are among the liebe tell you is that attended piece of brass pipe two feet long material, whicb my light Opera, Madame Butterbe the very and for their fu urenl being by and one quarter inches in the criminal succeded in making the very few sure to and necessary to the operation of the furnish as with local alicher operate of the National Scho diameter to club both parties cod bis es ape but 19 stones tie tim belief that we are of unske a into unconsciousness, by attacking being left unturned by the Canal the!
willing to reasonable Theatre automatica ly ourselves. To sell, lease or rent such respect and biglich we so exten it im encly and that now an in his head and when bis wife, Hospital in Clemens fiast, knocking him Zone lice to effect his capt nire.
we night la t; that e fort assist valuation we eni o in uaconscious with blows around The Clemens are now lying in whep a reasonable plan is submitfed, the fol. owing is bereby recom editings, bouses or structures or et sa bave over who uplet ble red bij prejudice croll) in what promises to ba an equally alera elbet with imilar treatmen. of the blows, one of Mr. Clemens sivele and of write and loudly speak. Not a spleadid receptive to a critical condition.
take aroused by. erected or leased mended.
badly from otherwise ac1. That an association be expressing my good program at the Ex: ior o to manufacture all kinds of approval for metitorious work; theatre tomorrow afternoon, Tae ve öpments, it would appear that Mrs Clemang tao at baris fraed eves had to be remov formed to be own as the Pana; furniture, wood work or other equip took the opportunity to say this ofiering tomorrow will mark the the Orches ra will be playing on tured skull. Building and Loan Association ment, either in connection with of the President of the United eco vd Aunal Coners of tae Pana: this occasion to the largest auditerized as the most astounding to be incow porated under the laws the furnishing of building owned or Negro improvement Association, ma Sy. houy Orchestra and so:22 ence that has ever greeted a classi. criminal assault that his ever of the Republic of Panama, leased or for sale.
in a paper on Our Education of vur best local singers will b:com cal eater ainment given by nur been carried oit ou the Coil That the capital shall be (Continued on page 8) which prepared and read before tributing to it. According to de peop e in this city.
country GARVEY But Too with e courage wh. if of refuse to entertainments it which success ment of ing a a reward no.
modera. one oo to us the Mr attack out.
Being mindedness in The act is charse.

    Sacco y Vanzetti

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