
PAGE TWO THE RIMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1927 STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Railway asking JAMAICA by the fines. He further adds that th: ignition of the bouse veneraliy takes place between Big Loan For Kingston a. and p. but odt in the nights end Water Improvements that the blaze a 193 starts on the roof of the house, and though The GLEANRE states that the watch to see the on set of veral friends have kept keen the vernor has given bis autority fire they never saw any stryfor the raising of a loan of fullying sparks or banat hands that 200, 000 in connection with th could account for such ignitions.
Imp Ovement of the water work: The position of Mr. Hendricks is of Kingston and St. Andrew. Al bitter imagined than described large pertion of this money bas for it is quite likely other neighalready been advar ced by the bours acd friends will be afraid Treasury but there is a fairly to give him a shelter.
large amount which is payable to the contractos fer the construction of the Hermitage Dam. Relaying Of Rails For der the with Sr WG Armstrong Whitworth the balance of the Railway money due the pfor the conaruc. on of the dam is payable in Large Number of LabourMay next, and this. Of course, ba included in the lan to ers out of a Total of be raised About 400 Already can datinitely be stat that Employed.
no money will be raised for the present in connection with the hydro electric scheme. This preTHE METHOD EMPLOYED posal bas been shelved for the presert perhaps for good; but Motor Trollies For Btter the necessary money for the Inspection of Railway Lines laying down of larger mains rin Hava Arrived.
Constant Spring to Four Roads will be vided Taat the relaying of onw rails in connection with th Jamaica Government Railway Mysterious Fire Pierd. menced yesterday constitutes one of th most The Burr By correspondent to important engineering schm the GLSANER writing on the ever embark upon by the 200 un says. Further details partment is borne out by have en received from Mr. furth details which have been John Hendricks of Windsor by a Glaner reporter, gleaned from an authoric source Castle, whose house and kitchen were recently burnt to ashes ia la view of the labour situsa most mysterieus way. That tion in Jamaica at the present Ben man states that since his time, it is interesting to noty he has been rescued by his will be employed to carry out the dtre calamity in July ths year, the extent to which labourers brotter Henry who programe about three quarters of a mile will tinue over riod of from bis praises but as a se two years.
he Liburer quel sinc in his brother bone.
ne employed to the number of several attempts have been made approximately 490, and it has 10 burn bis brother house, but been authoritative y stated HU wiis ones belped to put out m:n previous Riley such blaz and save the house experience will be gi pre! until Tuesday the 16 iestant, ence to unskilled labour. The when this bcu. e was demolished work is under the control of Mr.
Summary of Contents: History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years)
Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
will H, Latreille, tbe Senior Perma between Bushy Park and Porus, nent Way Inspector, wbo will Spanish Town atd Destesd. It devote bis entire time to it. has been acthorlatively stated The Railway have already started that these new ralls sbould last to employ labourers, but the at least 30 years.
Gleaner S ucable to ascertain The two motor inspection trolsesterday how many men have lies which were ordered to tbe been placed ou the job.
des go of the Chiel Eagineer for As was previously stated, ite the batter inspection of the lines Scores Branch of the Depart arrived on Saturday, and were ment tas been practically fitted up and tested yesterday emptied of its stock of relaying under personal observation of the tools and appliances, in order Chlef Engigeer. These are very hat there can be to delay la ecor omical machines and will be conction with the works. of great use to the Permanent The amount to be expended Way Stafl.
on labour alone constiutes other larke sun, and member. Dr. Ross Passed Away of the labouring class being in possession of this fa. have been In Sleep sing the various offices of the for information and employment Therefore Senior Medical Officer At The sigte: No labourers are em Kingston Hospital Victim ployed here, tave been put up in and near some of the ofices.
of Heart Failure, RAILS BEING LAID The GLEANER of the 29. ul:o Tin mil sofighty pound rails says:in connection with the relaying have a red on the Roxby It is with a feeling of profound and th se are row being laid regret that we announce this and Bushy park. The cistacce Medical Officer of the Kingston wn between Berrad Locge norniag ibe death of George ock Ilerbert Kemp Ross, si a track wuter started sester Public Hospital. The sad ocearay morning is that rnard Lodge and Spanish rence took place at his late Tuw. it is understod that the residenc. Camperdown, at txo work will be in full swing is o clock on Satarday morning.
another week. Buildings have in the day when the news dthe eudden ath of the dactor been ectra at Scanish Town beca ne knowo, it wse as a shie ard Bartlands to to bouse the labou e and buildings wii pot only to his many friends, bus also be erccted shortly for the a fairly large section of the time keepers, telephone opera the previons day. D: Ross public who had seen him only on tors, etc. The method of relas attended as usual as th: public ing the rails is is the same as Hospital on iday, he and employed in England and the United States and is er tirely stored no signs no signs of liness. On different from the previcus he had a change and proceeded returning home in the afternoon method.
There being cther er gineering works of magii. ude to the links at Constant Spring, to ne carriet through by the where be played a gime of golf Railway, th Chiel Eixoe Peurtado and his MWY, will while not inclined to sacr.
He went to bed as tice efficiency for speel make in his died as usual and the went to sleep As all possible arrangements for as the dist the completion of the works as covers was made De Lockett eac possibl was telephoned for, but when be arrived he found that Dr.
Aather thirty en los oi rails Rose bad passed aw. y and be Ich were ordered from Cacadastated tha: death wis sh uld arrive in the island in a heart failure.
muth. Th se will be laid duwa (Contigued on ag: 7)
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