
Bottomley Lays Plans ce seniorer les bonnes and enterte en una ventana For Future PAST AND PRESENT First Task Will Be To Clear Up Mystery Of he Victory Bond Club VOLUME OF SONGS LUCKY STRIKE FLAVOR resu, is what you want when you re smoke hungry; LUCKY STRIKE with its clear white paper is more than merely mild. it has the appetizing, full toned flavor of nature sun and soil. Something that only really fine tobaccos, fully ripened, can possess.
traced ጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥቂ ᎧᎧᎧᎧᎧᎧᎧᎲᏓᏆᏠᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏆᎲᏇᎲ ᎲᎦ Cricket conse time the Barbados him to repo His Prison Experiences Have Been Revelation And An Education. IT TOASTED My first task will be to clear up the mystery of the Victory Boud Club. was the victim of a huge scheme of forgd tickets.
Thus declared Mr. Horatio Bottomley after bis surprise release yeste:day from Maid.
stone Gaol after serving five years and two months of the sentence of seven years penal Servitade to which he was sen tenced at the Old Bailey in 19221 He was driven secretly to bis home at Dicker, near Hailsham.
Su Sussex, ex, and joyfully welcomed by his wife and the villagers. There will be an overwhelming and dramatic vindication, Mr. Bttomley told a newspaper representative. While in prison have presred accounts proving beyond doubt that was a beavy Joser over those bonds. Over 200. 000 spurious tickets bave been When vindication comes shall hope to resume my old role as tribnne of the man in the street and champion of the button FUTURE PLANS My future plans? Well, look like being fairly busy. On Sunday next hope to publisb something in the nature of an overture something which think will stir the heart of the nation.
So said Mr. Bottomley in an interview at Dicker. He added :Then the following week shall begin a series of articles revealing the Secrets of the Pri son House My press and parliamentary experiences will make another series, and a little later on will come the Humour of Prison fe yes, it has its humorous sideillustrated by a brilliant black and white artist who happened to be studying the subject on the spot for a couple of years. SONGS OF THE CELL LUCKY And in about a month time there will be a volume of Songs STRIKE of the Cell with the composition ITS TOASTED of which whiled away many an hour, and which hope will com pare not unfavourably with the effusions of Oscar Wilde thirty years ago. By the way, it is wonderful what a lot of good boks (and this will be one of them. bave been written in prison. am Ball tell, for the first time, my true life story if only for the purpose of correcting some amazing lies which app ared Husband Revenge when my hands and feet were Plsis: GES ses SEXO ses So 20. 00 may also undertake a lec Vienna, August youth ture tour, and am not sure that woom a suspicious husband shall be ashamed to appear in locked in an ice sale all night prison uniform has begun an action for damages And after that! Wellone in Upper Austria.
for illegal imprisonment at Wels, syndicate has offered to put to 100, 000 to start a new paper, The husbaud, under my editorship, and should named Hermann, more than OFI later on entertain the da. fifty years of sge married a have in mind a title which pretty village girl much younger will eclipee anything else have than bimself, a few years ago.
Ever been associated with. Another group offers me He recently suspected that all princely terms for a lecture tour was not as it should be between in the United States and Canada her and his good looking young. and yet another wants to film assistant and when he returned IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF unexpectedly ode night from a visit to a neighbouring town, HIS GOOD NAME. the wife concealed the youth in the ice safe. Shall return to Parliamentº The butcher locked the sale Well, this is a big question, and did not release the unfor Apart from whether should tunate young man till towards care to do so or not, there are noon the next day when he certain legal difficulties which would first have to be cleared dead than alive.
emerged badly frcz in and more out of the way. But over and above all, before could seriously think of this and other things, must come the rehabilitation of my good name. FLOWERS Indeed the vindication of my personal probity and integrity must be my first concern. And Abogado. Attorney at Law o this point let me tell you just two things. have said that while OFFICE: No. 44. ST AT THE in prison had prepared certain BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY accounts proving beyond doubt TELEPHONE No. 1377 that was a beavy loser over those Bond Clubs.
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LUCKY STRIKE It toasted Your Throat Protection (BY ELCOCK)
HUBERT (BILL) WILSON Sportsman Barbados G: Colon.
Bill Wilson; what pleasant memories are awakened by that name among the few remaining cricketers who had the pleasure of meetishim on the cricket field. His was a nane to conjure within cricket circles just a few sbort years ago.
Bill and were associated from our youth, we shared the joys and sorrows of boyhood together, we played on the same boy teams and when we were promoted to the first eleven of the Sportman CC. our home we strove in friendly rivalry to outdo each other in the several departments of the game, but loculd never cope with bim, he was bead and shoulders above me as a cricketer.
It comes to few men to attain fame in any chosen branch of sport as early as it came to Bill.
At 17 years of age he was acknowledged one of the best bowlers in the Frame Food Cricket Cup Competition which bcasted among its players men who had represented Barbados against some of the English teams that make periodical visits to the West Indies.
Ah Committee the lookout for good bowling talent, bearing of bis prowess with the ball. wrote him a letter asking to report for practice at Kensington Oval as they wanted to verify the many glowing rumours concerning this new constellation in the cricket tirmement, but through some misunderstanding he was thought to be a professional, It is common knowledege among the followers of cricket in those parts that profeessionals are not allowed to play in Intercolonial test matches, as a prolessionali in acknowledged to be person who earns bis living by play it ying the game, and it it can be proven that you have erer receiyed the smallest sum of money for any service rendered on the field, you thereby lose your an. ateur standing and from social standpoint, you cease to be the egual of the many amateurs with whom you are in daily contact during a series of games.
The older meabers of the Sportsman dissuaded bim from playing under such conditions, and Barbados lost a West Indies cricketer lefthanded bowler. although a righthandea betsman) he possessed everything a good bowler should, he was a master in the art of have seen plas at the ball long before it batsman bed reached bim, cue principally to Bill high delivery, which made you think the ball was quite up to you, wben it had barély left bis band. To day you rsad of this and that bowler using top spin, if may be pernitted to use a billiard term.
Bill could put more English on a cricket ball than many a first class billiardist can get on the iveries.
He was a dashing botsuan, a deadly enemy of the loose ball, his defense was well high impregn. ble. yet he was able get away most of the balls that many good batsman found it difficult to play, mainly becau:e of bis quick footednese In that ever memorable game against the Jamaican team, Bill also played a big part in tbe success of the by scoring over 30 runs and was after he bed belped Jim Gill to given out on a freak decision subdue the bowlers.
Today have to knowledge of his whersabouts, but if he plays bis part in this uncertain game of life as well as he played the grand old Englisb game of cricket. do not fear for bis future. To be continued)
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