
For the World Best Dressers DO po means Work In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue LA MASCOTA CARLOS MULLER take The British Pharmacy Published on Saturdays by NI Rates for Advertisemen on applica. By ELCOCK)
WALROND, at the office No. Ceatral tion. Correspondence on all mattes The Cia, Panama de Fuerza y Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
Luz, is about to launch another All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Pasama compaign, begioning today Septem.
written on one side of paper only, and ber 10th, for the installation of Ratos of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Electric Lishting, Those of us ne Yoar. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarilġ for publics who through force of circumstan316 Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
c2s at: compelled to occupy room Three Be.
We do not undertake to return re.
or rooms in the only dwellings 25 jected correspondence.
available to us in this city (the tenement boures) know the many daogers pregnant in the ancient The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS use of kerosioe oil lampe.
There is always the fear of SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1927 starting a conflagratioa that would have far its it reaching consequence in The fear of the DEVELOPING THE SPIRIT OF COOPERATION.
the los consumed by the demon of whom would well nigh cause a broken heart; and last but least, the loss of every In reply to the many enquiries we are receiving rela ive There is no article of men wear that has the world thing you have managed to get to merging the WORKMAN newspaper into a Shareholding together by the dint of hard and many a sacrifice, make to Company, we beg to inform our readers, well wishers, and wide reputation of Stetson hats.
the room feel like a home, which would supporters that the legal formalities in connection with our necessitate starting all over again, corporation schem is being completed and that the sale of a process which would hardly be shares will soon be placed on the market. We may here relished with equanimioty by the greatest optimist among us.
state that we are greatly pleased with the numerous de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads assurances being given us on every hand for unstinted The officials of the Company are determined to make Panams support from West Indians of racial pride who are determin.
ed to have a purely West Indian paper in Panama run of fashionable men who know what what an ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED CITY; they are determined to elimioate solely by West Indians; a paper to meet the growing in men headwear.
these dangers; in a word, they demands of West Indians and which will be the only recogwant to save us from ourselves, in pized organ to represent them. It is indeed pleasing to see an electrical way.
that there are great signs of our people awaking to the fact We have the same styles here as are now being The terms offered by the Com that their best interests can only be served by themselves, pray are 80 reasonable as to be within the reach of the poorest by getting together and taking the initiative for themselves worn in the style centers of the World.
resident of the city, and what was rather than being dependent on some one else to act for once considered a luxury, may well them.
bow de called a commonplace.
Another pleasing feature is that there seems to be The benefits to be derived from greater activity in this direction among the labouring class the use of electric current are so of our people, whom the force of inevitable circumstances wany and varied that it would take pages and pages to describe are driving to take the initiative for themselves, and who them. Let us supposed that the have realized that if they are to compel recognition and respect sanctity of your home was in vaded it cannot be by any other means by a burglar and you were than by consolidating and acting together. These men an oil lamp you would be comusing have visualized the idea for cooporation and are at one in 87 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY pelied to make a search for the their determination to get into big business.
matches; to be able to locate them so ne time and in the Is there not sufficient brain and brawn among West. foto set of lighting the lamp you might Indians here to do things for themselves? Then why overturn it. 11 auch should we demonstrate that we are weaklings and allow a calamity occurred would be at a you decided disadvantage, as alieus to do things for us? If West Indians are to have a the barglar would be warned, and bigger and better West Indian newspaper let it be run by would immediately proceed tu West Indians and not by aliens.
make good his eseapes, Here is a good one from the CHICAGO WORLD of If on the couotry, your bome is electrically lighted, by the mere August 20 that should appeal forcefully to us: tiru of a knob are the click of a Recently the attention of the Negro has been directed switch, the room would be flooded in one way or another to the marvelous developmeat of COLON with light and the night prowler the race, and from other quarters to the fact that really our powerless to make a successful exit.
accomplishments have been only mediocre, that in fact we Formerly the use of electric apare second raters. Certainly we are loath to admit this; pliances W98 restricted to the but, after all, what do we find in the case? cursury wealthy clase alone these applianexan ination show that a great deal of our success has been ces being considered by us as luxuHas removed from 11. 115 Bolivar Street ries wbich we could not afford, todue to efforts directed largely by white people, friends who day through a law recently passed a felt sympathetic towards us because of our enormous by the National Assembly of the handicaps. further investigation reveals that most of Republic which protects the busithese sympathizers have passed away or else have become ness houses, we can apathetic, and propaganda is being rapidly circulated to let Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK same so called luxuries by makine us padile our own canoes. After all, we wonder if this a small initial payment and subseis not best!
en to have our food cooked moothly payment which will Where our numerous patrons will receive the same enable us to The true ideas of a people can only emanate from electrically can be the within wben inspired from within. Enough has been done proud courtesies as heretofore of a percolator in which to make our coffee, and electric stove, already to demonstrate that there is adequate talent dormant a toaster, a waffle iron, for making to accomplish practically anything desired, but the desire delicous waffles for breakfast aed to accomplish something must be inculcated. spirit of many other things too DU.
co operation must be developed; fear and distrust of one merous to mention here; and after LOOK FOR THE SIGN checking up at the end of the another, which was encouraged by the white man, must be mooth, you will find that it cost stamped out at once if we are to be successful. We must you less to preparey our meals tban become more independent, We must develop our own it did before, minus the dirt and resources and create capital. We must become pioneers.
worry that went with the ancient Although it is not necessary to go to some foreign land to utensils.
realize these ambitions, some distant places offer goloen You will naturally want to koow opportunities.
how this is done. The first ques.
tion you will sek, is how can that be possible? It is possible As the negotiations in Dr. Nathan Rowe beca dos singular coldness in that country.
the Company giv you the benefit of connection with the Trade Agreement have demonstrated pHYSICIAN AND SURGEON nation rate, which allows you the. Canada would certainly strike a hard bargain if such a 11th and Bolivar Sts.
use of so many kilowatts electric proposition became practical polities. Sentiment would current per rorm for both heating not be allowed to interfere with busines and as the people COLON, and lighting at a greatly reduce BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE rate. Many persons whose bills The Demerara Argosy in the course of a leading article Asiatic blood than the people of the United States, the of are scercely more sympathetic to people of coloured or Chase National Bank used to run into double figures besays: Office Hours: a. to 12m.
fore the advent of the Combination prospect of Canadian rule cannot be agreeable to the great Rate have had their bills reduced Another alternative is to sell the colony to the United bulk of your population. p. to pm.
by 50 since availing themselves States Government. That would probably be the solution O, Box 854, Cristobal, of the Combination Rate of lighting most acceptable of all to the British Guvernment as in with Trinidad or Barbados, whereby the excessive cost of Another possible alternative is amalgamation or union OFFICÉ TELEPHONE 320 and heating.
getting rid of a troublesome colony they would be extingui hing the war debt and affording much needed relief to government and adninistration in both colonies would be Drug Store TelePHONE 154 Opera Company Coming the overburdened taxpayer. Jhe sugar industry would materially reduced. There is however, no disposition also benefit tremendously by free entry to the United States either in Barba dos or Trinidad to link their fortunes with Dr. Arnulfo Arias Lovers of music and art are in markest and would speedily become an appanage of the ours, and if such a combination came about it would unfor a brigbt season with the Ba: American controllers of the great Cuban sugar industry, doubtedly mean that Trinidad or Barbados would be top PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON a: cale Opera Company which is due with equal prospects of expansion. All the white people dogs. Such an alternative would probably be regardes as a step Removed his Clinic to Cen: early part of next month. This to make its debut bere during the in the colony would find their power and prestige sympathetically by the Home Government tral Avenue No. 137 balf famous Company will have, it is enormously enchanced. The only sufferers would be the owards tthe ideal of West Indian Federation, great mass of tne population. This is understood to be the block away from the up to understood, three baritones, three alternative (next to the Responsible Government) favoured ADVERTISE date Drug Store bassos, three sopranos and the contralto, Auzora by the leaders of the Stagnationists and the Popular Party. Pharmacy.
Baudes. Season tickers are be put on sale at an early date been advocating the of British to the and these, it is said will effect Government on Canada to be administered as a provience Rent Raceipt Books in Spanish and dig saving to these who are cotIT of that dominion but the suggestion has been received with PAYS English on sale at the Workman templating taking in all the Stationars Store.
programs of the Company.
TO 11. 1154 11th STREET We can owners of a BRITISH PHARMACY Various Suggesticn For Dis.
posing of British Guiana.
of its combi named celebrated notoriety seekog kentleman in Canada has for years in the Workman to


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