
the bership coloco when the letter and whicc one living TUEMARK EREG. PAT ME ST. CHARLES ATLANTIC SIDE 0555550450 SXsecossos SVS escola CRICKET CANAL ZONE NOTES All Barbados All Jamaica The Convention La Boca Pars Match End In Draw Eleven questioon asked the In President of the Panama Caval undertaking to promote a Toe All Barbados All Jamaica West Indian Employees Associa.
Convention of the Isthmian Literary and Musical Societies, How essential it is to obtain the maximum of results from cricket match which was the tion throngh the daily STAR Elk of tha town during the past Herald. anent the scanty mem tbe Society of Crisfew weeks, came off at the of the Association and 40 tebal is feit certain that cocera your Physician Prescription?
Mount Rope Ball Park on the other matters pertaining to the operation be received from all Atlantic side, Sunday and Mon Association financial transactions, angles. Taking into consideraday last the 4th and 5th inst. formed the feature discussion in tion the fact that consoliated and was witnessed by large and out of the Association ranka efforts would do much to advance the standards of tese societies If not, it is well to remember that Pure Drugs, Ability, a thoroughness in the croweds on both days; ia fact it during this week. The writer of has been stated beyond aay the letter which asked the ques.
by stimulating public interest, bandling of Prescriptions, through years of experience and diligent application, reasonable contradiction that tions gaye his intials as nothing but Success was seen places us in the position to serve the publis with every degree of satisfaction.
terer in the history of cricket, which was later disclosed by the was first launched.
at the Atlantic sido, has there PANAMA AMRICAN to which be It is gratifying to stat, that the Branch PAN AMERICAN DRUG STORE, teen seen such crowds as turi ed sent a copy of the responses solar, to the invitations out on Sunday ard Monday last extended. nd to make a of paper published only Mount Hopa Baseball ity an actual reality. Sorteo web Park.
As far as can be ascertained 1rom the Pacitic end bave stown 11th AND BOLIVAR STREETS, Pluvius was very con at pretheir broad mindedness in their siderate and bid behind the sent in (Opposite The Masonic Temple, Colon, promises do participate in this kind smiles of old sol during the letter asking the La Boca, although questions and vesture; while those from tbe both daya greatly to the delight other follow up communications Atlantic end have expressed tbeir JAS. CYRUS Pharmacist.
of the Cricket fans, there have been addressed from this willingness to co operate.
was nt a drop of rain to mar the place. Up to the time of writing Not only organized societies, two days sport a very, vers the employess association has not but individuals wbo are anxious OSSOS SEXOS 30: sos sox50x850 rare thing on the gold coast replied to any of the questions, to promote the Standa ds or their especially on holidays.
communities should uiter sugges.
But the game of itself.
Well ions which might be the meaus George Richaris, Assistant Seeut givin metus to Literary retary and Publicity gent for the and Musical works, and the La Boca Athenaeum, was admitted plans ha the delegates of the to Ancol Hospital on Monday Co: Venus will consider.
afternoon last suffering from a bad cut he received from a broken Among the things th Convention will consid. are th: followbottle while bathing at the Bella Vista Beach, Panama City. It is ing: not expected that Mr. Richards The Organizati of an Isthwill spend a very long time in the mian axue of Literary aod SAFETY FIRST Hospital as the wound is in uo way Musical Societies; The Publiserious, ction of a Literary Magazine; Th Developement of Friendly lationship among the Socie The day and night dance at the ties. How Educational Standards Clubhouse on Monday last, Labor can be advanced in our respective Communities; Promoting Walter Woods and his Orchestra Competition; Commanding Pubfurnished the music. But what he interest. etc. etc.
was highly pleasurable was the introduction of Woods original Literary and Musical League number Syncopators Stuanp.
fe he outcome o! the Corintion This piece electritied the large heli in the Cristobal Silver audience and forced the OrchesClubhouse on the third inst tra to play about a dozen under the auspices ol the encores, Alliance literary and Debating Society of the Cristobal ClubBRAND house. The following societies It was a night with a standard were represented at the meetauthor at the Athenaeum on ings: St Josephs Scholastic and Tuesday last, and the American Social Club, Colon, The Colon poet, Edgar Allan Poe, 1809 49 Technical School; The Alliance was dealt with. memoir on his Literary and Debating Society; life Toe La Boca Athenaeum and the UNSWEETENED was read by King and somiarized study of the Panama Literary Association.
manho wrote. No man bas These societies were represented recorded, no man has dared to respectively as follows; Messrs recard, the wonders of his inner Roberts, and Archibola lite was given by Wesley.
and Miss East; Messrs 25 All quotations for the evening Bryan, Condor and Lauder; were taken from Poe works.
Messrs G, Whittingham. c, Parker and Rayside Mr. William DeSouza: Miss After spending a fortnight in Ivy Phillips. The following the Ancon Hospital duricg which were elected officers of the time he had his tonsils removed, League: William De Souza, Mr Clifford Sewell, member President: Presid nt; Whittingham, of the staff of teachers at the Government school bere Secretars; Hector Connor, Freaks Miss Phillips, President of the La Boca Athenaeum, Com returned bome Sacretary mittee composed of nine memSaturday last much improved.
Mr. Sewell has resumed his school vers of the societies varioua represented was appointed to work. He also presided at last Tnesday meeting a constitution and by laws tbo of Athenaeum, next meeting of the League Are you quite sure that your milk will be held at Cristobal and an elaborate literary and musical supply is pure and untouched by Everything seems to be nearly program is being arranged for ready for the grand bazar which tbe purpose.
unclean hands?
is to be given at the Clubhouse on the afternoon and night of the 17th inst. by the Women Whittingham Bennett You can be sure if you use ST.
Life Problem Club. Attrrctive Winners In Debate handwork goods will be put on CHARLES Evaporated, Milk, which sale early in the afternoon to be corticled up until id ight. very intǝresting debate was is guaranteed pure, rich, full cream There are to be ma y other held at the Christobal Silver Clubsttractions, includicg a band of house 00 Tuesday night 30th.
cows milk.
August, under the auspices of the Alliance Literary and Debating Society, Resolved that the Pen Mightier Do not ask your grocer for a tin of the this was somewhat disappointing Sword formed to the fans as there were very the basis of the arguments. lo milk. Tell him you want, little of the old time cricken forceful and logical manoer each prowess manifested by either of contestant displayed,. sach mas.
the competing teams. There was terud of the question as to evoke ST. CHARLES of applause from time to a marked absencn of the customary display of the past, more over it is considered that At the conclosion Messrs The brand that has stood the test the two teams are supposed to Whitting ham and. Bennett who be comprised of the pick from upheld the Affirmative were de.
of years.
both ends of the of clared victorious on the strength cricketers representing two of the arguments they produced.
formidabie cricket centers in the The decision was a popular ona even with the defenders of the In her first invinge, Barbados Negative, for with the announcecould only master 59 runs to ment they vowed to get even as which Jamaica replied with 77.
soon as they can.
In the second innings the boys from Little Ergland pot un 53 and Jamaica followed on but Small call of time had lost of her best wickets for 22 rons.
Thus ending the match in DENTIST draw. The top scores in the MASONIC TEMPLE ADVERTISE Dr. Fred Sterling match were Norge for Barbados with 26 to his credit Office Hours: 8, am to 120 THE NEW YORK DENTIST the first inniogs and Reid for 30 to 30 Jamaica making 22 also in his Sundays, Special Appointment 182, BOLIVAR STREET first. ipnings: Masonic Temple ilth St, In The WORKMAN COLON, R, PO Box 787. CRISTOBAL Box 771, CRISTOBAL, CZ, PHONE: Oppics 1664 Advertise in the WORKMÁN it wil It will bring you good results TELEPHONE 247 COLON RESIDENCE 588 bring you good results. EVAPORATED MIL Waller vice and uren Assistant on 3 draita The pes 子: than ktkk.
wben canal Weet.
at the


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