
THE WORKMAX SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1927 PACE SIX Prince of Wales Tribute Pioneers.
The Prosperity Tailors for it buta CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Tenis DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER The in Work Done While You Wait Direct West India cable despatch from Victoria, Canada, quotes the Prince of Wales as saying: The men of the past were not content to sit at home and wait for trade to come to tbem. They went into the world and found it. Over and above the splendid welcome always given me in British Columbia, the Prince said, there is one thought which always strikes me when come into Province of which your beautiful city is the capital and the seat of the Government. The ateat Wes its existence to the adventurers of the past, men who had nothing to rely upon but their own courage, no stimulus but their love of adventure, and to scientific aid but their mother wit.
penetrated to the farthest limits of the then unknown worid They the road to the colonizers though it was ка always a pretty rougb one and made it possible for us and them to develop in comparative peace and security tbore lands wbich are now among tbe richest on earth. When one crosses the Rockies and comes down to tbe Pacific coast one cannot forget that fact.
We must thank the land adventurers, the early pioneers who literally backed their through forests and way over moun: tains, some of them winning fame and fortune, others to die broken and unknown, but contributing to the foundation of the heritage which this generation erjoys.
Prince George added on his 99 own beball a few words of thanks for Victoria welcome.
opened the Forestry TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled REID Manager British Honduras durable to serve thuir purposes Equally as well or better.
Reafforestation Inclodi 1923 to the present time about 300, 000. 00 bave Scheme been allocated to be spent by the the Forest Trust for re attores.
tation, a considerable amount of According to our Britieb which has been spent with Honduras exchanges it would nothing to show appear as if the Government of number of that colong have embarked on the pleasure boat and re afforeetation sch me which very bighly paid Oficials having it is anticipated will cost the make a few tracts through the an easy time doing nothing except coiany something like one hun woods during the dry season; dred thousand dollars per year, work that could weil be done by which count would represent a few labourers directed by about 25 per cent of British the Surveyor Geceral DepartHonduras per war revenue. ment.
164 people of the Colony are Thas a small Calony of only eolialy against the scheme which 40 000 or 50. 000 inhabitants in has been put into operation addition to beavy ordinary tax witbout their being consulted, tation is supporting a staggering and against tbeir wishes and burden at the cost of 00 ner de es, and even against their cost of capita, anually repeated protests, amount 80 a proprieted would The following article pointing bulld us a system of good roads.
cut the Gorernments folly in pay for a water supply, and connection with the project numerous other pressiog needs appeared the Editorial of the Colony.
clots of the BELIZE INDEPEN For over two hundred years DENT of July 27th last:the wood cutting industry has GOVERNOR EYRE HUT flourished in epite of a most SON FOLLY MADE BIG and all these years nature has wasteful system of operation.
GER BURDEN BY GOVER been doing the work and the Beco NORBURDON Department is now Little British Honduras under these years not attempting to do. During all one cent taking to do what the great bas been spent to assist nature United States and other great to recover herself, yet today countries of the world bave not the industry would seem to be attempted on such elaborate almost as prolitic as it has eyer Ecale.
While there countries are goeking scientific knowledge in are being But allowing that our Foresta denuded of our Forrestry our Forest Depart valuable timber. it would the ment, without precedent, and as sooner uaber in what every one if cocksure of the greet financial agrees must be the Colony, results that most follow, is not experimenting but is laying out Iarge sums on wbat at the best appeara but chimerical.
The Taxpayers of British Hon.
duras, already overburdened with taxa ion will some day not bless but execrate the names of Eyre Hutson, Cornelius Horr Hummel and lesst of all Sir John Bubdon (our present Governor) and the Forest Trust for being the authors of a burden too beavy for their shoulders. In any field of he human endeavor men experiment before they are certain. Our government is proceeding on presupposition of absolute certainty While other countries are experimenting and their practical men are exploring the the fields of science and producting new methods and inventions as economical substitutes for the es we are preserving at a tremendous cost, and which will take over a generation if ever at all to produce returos wbich will he far from commensurate with to the vast sum that will. bave be expend from year to year to maintain the fiction By the time these real foresta tion projecte mature this genera.
tion will have passed away and the markets will be so flooded with cheap but durable subsittutes that competition by our.
woods will be out of the ques.
and the industry will no tion doubt share the fate of the West Indian Sugar of some years back and our logwood industry subs ilutę by it, as it is assured our comm rcial woods will become rarer and rarer year by year, 89 seem to be indicated by infsted prices. it is surely rea sonable to suppose that by the time our expeasive forest products reach maturity, the price will be beyond the of the ordinary and no large ludustry can sur rive that does not depend on the support of the masses. For some line now the scarcity ol for building and furniture pure poze has been turn! ng men thongbt to substitutes, and we are seeing the dawn ef age of coment, steel and other building materials that can be obtained or produced at a cheaper rate.
Already liguld veneers and dyes resembling in color our more famous woods, are being largely used to replace them; steel and cement structures furnitore will become more and more popularized while our Forest Products are maturing, and one fine day we will awake, up to flod thst our woods bave been crowded out of tbe market altogether.
It is claimed that all kinds of furniture made of steel and stained to represent different species of wood are now being made and are superlor to the genuine article.
The Americans, our largest buyers of Forest Products, do not see any wisdom in walung fifay or one bundred years for our te afforestation projets to matare, or for the replenishing of their own forests at a great cost to a nation, when they can substitute sometbing mose products TIVOLI BEER (A NEW PRODUCT)
are are legitimate destiny, viz: Its Agricultural development, and this conversation of our Forests is but an indefinite postponement of sucb a destiny.
It is also conserving the ignorance of some of our people due to their lives being spent in the wilds where no facilities for education exist. In a carefully fostered agricultural Industry there is far more prosperity for the masses than can be obtained from the wood industry. The rank and file of the Agricultural West Indian Colonies are far more prosperous than the people of British Honduras. Where is the wealth that the wood industry has produced all these years? Does the Belize Estate and produce co Balance Sheet shows this! Further.
the continuance of the industry retards population neither tourists, immigrants, nor agriculturists attracted by by If even 50 of the money being spent for teafforestawas being spent on roads it would open the country to agricultural and pastoral pursuits as well as facilitate the search for valuable minerals maneras the success of which would do suco more to advertize the Colony and attract population than the wood industry will ever do. Tourist would thus be able to see the potential possibilities of the country and so be induced to invest capital. His Excelency advocated the construction of mobern Hotel for the nefit of tbe Tourists, we must admit that a modern Hotel is essential but what is there within reach to attract them? What will they see and where will they go?
The only past time that they would offer any attraction would be fisbing whicb only a select few care about.
And who is, or bas been the moving spirit bebiod the Forres.
try Scheme! man of German origin, who, through force of circumstances (during the war became naturalized British subject. The Sch me has benefitted not the taxpayers nor the Company wbih be represents but himself and bis minions of the Forestry Department, who draw band some salaries with fat travelling expenses and other perquisities. It prognosticated by many caps: tle business forsight that it would not be long before Tha Belize Estate Produce Co.
Lid. would be bankrupt under his management as disclosed by the last balance Sheet of the Company, although the balance sbeet, bas been watered shows a loss of over 15. 000.
Tbis is the first time in the bistory of the Company it has ever sbow a loss. People in th: know imagine that next year a loss will be shown of 15, 000 astead of 15, 000 Teach SWEET SISTER TO SILVER SPRAY wood and LOV IT WAS


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