
THE WORKHAN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1927 PAGE SEVEN VIGOR TONIC Stale SESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSICO GENOC Take Notice on Ho Ro Co Famous Products It gives The Workman Printery to poticedبوو. జర జనమ BARBADOS The Best Tonic in the World THE WOODMEN OF UNION, Would Seperate FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION Church From State Under the Caption ppl Join Today. It Protects You While You Live and Things Clenrell Wick hsm writing in the WEEKLY HERALD Sys, anorg oibir This elegant Tonic preparation is higbly recommendand Your Family After You Are Dead things: ed in Debi ity, Nervousness, Female Wakness, Disabilly sefits are graduated in accordance with liberal provisions on face of said policies The attemot w being made Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up by the Clerry men of the Church of England to obtain increse sala.
a run down constitution.
ries from the State prov des an FOURTEEN COOD REASONS opportunity for an examination of the conditions now existing, It promotes gest on, improves the appe1. It is a Union by the people and for the Our business amounts approximately to and for the restatement of certain tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
people 5) 000 mon hly obviou, if neglected truths.
The HERALD has led the fight It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur The Eadowment Money is used only for for th of the emat cipation ch Dose. One small Wine glassful before meals sick and death claims.
ence. Chu ch from the shackles of ur times a day It pays you more while you live than any 11. We pay promptly the fall amount of claims dependence, So far the are other concem.
the same day proofs are filed in the Home fight has been without suce is Its educational features appeal to all Race Office The reasons are not deep hid JAVIER MORAN Amecican Pharmacy lovers den, though they are not fatter 12. You do not need a lawyer to get your claim ing either to the cl rgy or to the 5. It donates annually to Racial schools.
13. You do not have to die to win The lsity permits the laity, It gives employment to more Negro girls 14. Hospital, free to members Bath House State payment of the Chu. ch than any other concern of its kiad because opinion has not prorates reasonable; fall course (21) baths to gressed during the last three Its rates are within reach of all members, 495. full course (21) baths hundred years. In every cour8. We are twenty years old and have not had to non memders, 15. 70 Half course try where there is th: baris an extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 75) Rooms, inimum of Intelligence the priest is sur porter, as be nugh Grada Department 00 to per week, to be by the perple him for spiritual consol uso in Regular Assortment of Barb dəs alone. that state of development has Dot beep THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW reachd. And the priest conticues to depend upon ti The Woodmen of Union Lodg cover seventeen (7) different states public treasury for remuneration because, on the whole, the. SUCH AS and our membership extends to the souh Sa lands. This Organi priest in Barbados is afraid of za ion has s own building whici is four ories high and covers a hard work and prefers an unTONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREA 1, SALVE, whole city block paid for in cash without ex a assessmen.
TALSUV PONDER. ASPERIN. TABLETS, wo thy subservience to a fra and independent existence which employment to more than 60 in its main plan, sides a large field force, SI wiPJO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
bring bard work as its To al paid to wido vs and orphans since orgaaiz ition, over 500, 00 anion. know there are with assets of more than 50 000 Lasu an:e in force, over twenty shining exceptions and we poor. 20. 009. 000) million dollars.
la y men thank God for them But the exceptions are too few DR. KENDALL, JNO. WEBB exirt any loftuonce or to be 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Supreme Pr zident Supreme Custodian Wh are clergvmen doing in Barbados to das? They are Panama City Post Office Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas engaged in telling their flocks of the Prophets Paradise to come For information address, L. Flowers, Panama City. who are the legal representative in this Country they ar pointing them out the narrow und hard way they are confirming them in the belief went to St.
John Collor, latin, the members agreed to EXOSOSS SOMOS ESX55X50 352000 SXSXS 30 that it is thir duty to be 1916 at an unusually early age. His Honour proposals and the oblivi us of the changes and Cambridge, wbere he made resolution was adopted and progress around them because tistory, taking prssed.
some. day they will all wear first in the Mathematical Th following is copy of crowns of gold and obtain a Tripos winning the gold medal Memori. status and position in Heaven for Astronomy, and gaining a which they do not get in the ward from th Privy Counci His. Honour Robert Walter, Church. Sore clergymen, Ike for the purpose of pursuing the Rev. Jemmott of St. Paul s, special studies in Astronomy Admit strator, further coafund their con. He also received be distinction Vinceut.
with confused of being made a Fellow of his Sir. Ve the undersigned reexpositions of a a problem. University presentativas of the prineipal atical Apostolic Sucession and The oficer in question is Mr. sections of the Christian Church of the itcomprehensibilities of Greaves, A As in this Colony, respectifull, big the Trinity Is it any wonder Chief Assistant to the Astrono to place the folowing facts and that the more intelligent people mor Ryal, son of Dr, Eustace and application before Your give these religious orgaciz. Grerves and a nephew of Sir Hnour for Your Honours kind tions a wide berib? Is it worth Herb Herbert Greuves. late chiet consideration and subsequent while to be baptized and con Justice of Barbados. Young action thereupon: ira ed to get such stale and Greases has been referred to by. It is a recognizzd fact that unprofitable fruit? The value of one of the prominent London moral influence of the the Church to a community is to dalies as one of the leading the Churches is one of the chief be measured, not by the number oathematicians in Europa.
buttresses of the state; that the of people who atterd communion sanction of the civic law de.
service, but by the influence it rives its chief strength fron the all those ST. VINCENT who come in contact with it.
spiritual sanctions and teachings of the Churche! that GovernThe question may be asked ment especially in Colonies How can the refusal to grant Legislative Council such as ours, would be seriously more public money to the church or the proposal to bandicapped without the moral take away Votes Church En.
support and co operation of the what it now has improve living conditions? But that is Churches, not the downment point. The proper question is As an educational and civliAre we getting eleven thousand sing factor in a community, th3 pourds worth of service from the PETITION FROM RELI work of the religous bodies Chu ch every year. Who will cannot also failed to be appreciasay that we are? If the State GIOUS LEADERS tare ted by the Site, the Civilgrant is renewed it will not mean au horities of this Island ving hat there will be less Christiar. Salvation Army Gets Grantura than onze borne pa lic ity relg. but testimony to the fact bat be 3: Sich being the case, it Sum of minev available for increased education; for a The SENTRY of the 20th ulto seems that this the duty of the State to bear game part of tha Tuberculosis Hospital, and for says. social inprovement of a hundred At the meeting of the Legis. burd and cost of the upkee Maybe th: la ive Council held in tbc uscil and propagation of Rligious DQ one vachers would b: Chamber on Monday 25 bin oun ber of Teaching in he State.
less. But 4. This principle has been ced that that wculd be an evil. submitted for the cosideration recognised and put into practice very thoughtiol Englitman. the members the copy not onls in this Colony bi hərto Colonies near by Enklare frie than Englard seber ceived by him from represer. ani in other importaat places ce said he would rather see hereunder of a Memorial re but in other Societies and wou rather have Barbatives of the principal sections in the world.
dians progressive than have of the Christian church in this them all Church members. Clony asking for a grant from It is to be remembered that public funds towards the up ihe churches in these island the keep and support of religious nominaly self supporting are Barbadian is Asst work in the Colony, virtually nissionary institutions CAN BE HAD AT and as such deserve all tre aid His Honour pointed out that and support they an get in the tant Royol Astronomer the Secretary of State bad prosecution of their important agreed for a grant at a maximum work of the religious and noral In England. rate of 600 per annum; and and as a natural result, the civic approyal of the members was culture of the inhabitants of sought for the provision being these island.
The rbados Weekly Herald made in the 1928 estimates for We therefore, respectuly to te ererce to last month total this amount. His Horour recom.
Your clisdle of the sun in England, mended that the grant should be suggest and pray that allocated in occordance with th: Honour take steps to cause that Oar (hiel interest in the numerical strength of the grant from the public funds of henemon lles, bowerer, in the denominations concerned as the Colony be made toward the fact tht the most distirguished revealed by the last Census. He upkeep and support of religious bservation officer after the however urged that the sum of work in the Colony such grant to Astronomer Royal, was a youtg 20 should be grauted to the be allocated among the various Berbadan who, after winning Salvation Army to recognition of Christian bodies function ng in the brdos Schulaa ship in heir use? ul work. After consider(Continued on page 8)
gregations House Rent Receipt Books.
rad a es on SPANISH ENGLISH or even there larte Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly The Workman ays:Stationery Store


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