p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1927 Look Them Over 126 33 112 133 The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody. about berselt Mimosa stated Montey. Holy bibles Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets that.
Her 93 Workers THE WORKMAN Stationery and Souvenir Store to He suid report has coming to ta the Industrial that she 102 why they take the lite which hand they MICNING 128 prove Tomorrow Races JOIN OUR 23 Wesses SS SS SS SS Sciss: TRINIDAD JEWELRY CLUB The following is the proMystery of Unknow gram for the horse races at Woman Juan Franco tomorrow the 10 hiist. es After Ten Days in FRST RACE Hospital Furlougs Purse 125 Slver Spray Chiqui The WEEKL GUARDIAN of the Jakie 13th ulto says:Ferotreno Mystery surrounds the Candlewood identity of a cultured young SECOND RACE white woman who died at the Colonial Hospital, ten days after Farlongs Purse 5)
her Josimo landing in this colony, be90 It is the easiest and surest Photo Albums Scrap Albums Cause of the fact that sbe hed pe 1101 way to own a value able persistently refused to give any Cocoeba 12! and lasting piece of Jewelry, information Dardanela Vellum Pocket Books 125 Stenographers Note Books This 111 Watch, Clock or Silver ware difficulty is further El Chichi 16 the young woman THIRD RACE Only 00 a Week went Writing Pads Children Toy Books Farlongs Parse 175 Dames during her lifetime. Shu FOR 25 WEEKS bas left 720 lo cash and a 126 diamond ring set in platinum Shin my 126 Join now and solve your Accounting Day Books valued at 600, and the Police Valencia 107 Christmas gift problem, are desirous of getting into touch Sinbee 107 Come in and talk it with her relativ.
LA Lagiti nidad 107 Hymn Prayer Books Zamera It is over at 107 Mrs. Agatha who was returning to FOU TIRANE FULLER Trinidad from Miracaibo met at Curacao, 122 Central Averue woman Farlong Larse 123 named Mary Carmelita Panama City who Informed Gafico 106 Ad Pag ber that she was in ill bealth 115 Mouth Organs in two sizes and would be glad of her comDieciseis 120 The Negro World pany on the journey to Trinidad.
Labriego JOS Pastel 112 They sailed to the Pellerin ontinued from prge 11 Pocket Knives. Scout Knives Meador Knives de Latouche and arrived here on Honey Dw 120 THE NEGRO WORLD July 21. Mrs. Montey took the FIFTH RACE Mr Wallhead algo raised the young woman ber bous to At and many other items too numerous to mention Furlongs Purse 175 question of the sentence of three ch oond Street, provided ber Brave L3ss. e 119 scars hard labour imposed upon with a sick purse and called in Lawrence, the aid of Dr. Kenny.
Dohle for importing into condition grew ste dily worso Kitty Gill 108 Rhodes in six coping of the Negro Lenine and the asked to see a to see a Sister of 136 World published in New York and Carcaj da the Corpus Christi Huuse. Sis111 be two copire of ter Mary Eugene went to visit SIXTH RACE Herald published in Johannesburg Mary Carmelita wbo told her it a about berillress and spoke Furlongs Purse 115 been received about generally to her but sha disclo Bed Lo eaz ta 99 this matter because understand nothing about her relatios or Tribuno 117 the judge respensible for this in her object to Tricidad Pacheco 99 sentence has been transferred to 93 Central Avenue Panama City 02 Juis 30 sbe wis taken to the Soci.
123 another distrrt. should also like cu lucral Hospital ani expired Garza 120 to know why the RE odesian there og be o lowing morning Marcela 129 authorities prevent ook formation 00 SXSSES COMEX post mortem examination SEVENTH RACE of branches of the and revealed disdirum Furlongs Purse 250 Commercial Workers Urion and waliguact walatis.
Ch. Gordo 10. 30 am Holy Eucharist DOUBLE NAMES DISCOBolsheviki 10 natives to orguize themeelves in dolivake, against allowing the CALAREN MALES sermon. The Rector VERED.
Licero 95 protective bodies in order to im BOGLE 12. Holy Baptism Din Alej To the steamer and suborities pm Church School their conditiops and stand xle 95 dards of life. wish 10 know 730 pm Chora! Evensong ste gave her age as 52, but it Arleg. in 114 there is any chance of a revision of Bolivar Street No. 12. 174 was evident to the md. calmnes sermon The Rector and thuse Wao sawhor that she a particularly barsh one for the St. Alban Church, Paraiso was a woman in th3 early 30 BUILDING AND LOAN offence of taking into this district NEXT TO DAY AND NIGHT GARAGE The police went CANAL ZONE through ber a few newspapers.
effects and found several let ers (A, Nightengale addressed BOX 649, CRISTOBAL, TEL. 147, COLON Mr. Wallbead (Contined from Page 1)
was prompted to Mary Brown at Priest ia charge to ask the above Havana, Cuba, ether letters questions (1) 70 make loans on first mot because Sal. Hely Communion. Rev. stil similiarly addressed from a some time ago F. Nightegale friend in Arix spa, and one from pages or on First Mortgage Bonds, the wae question raiecd stid to boy and sell any mortgage, and a promise given that a report Repairer of all makes of Typewriters Cal. pm Chur Shool the ostmaste.
Bond, stonks, or other security would be received from the Cayman Isculating machines, Numbering machines, 7:30 Cheral Evensong and land. Toese letters were all in which it might be considered pru Goveront of Mimeographs, Dictators, Cash Registers, scremou Dean Melcher the Protectorate, an inner tlp of her grip, and dent to engage in; or any business which, however, did not seem to be St. Matthias Mission were written about 1920 26, but Adding machines, Gramaphones, Sewing or transaction capable of being con. forthcoming.
her done correspondence bore dueted so as to directly or indirectmachines and all other technical machines.
LAS SABANAS the name of Mary Carmelita.
ly benefit the corporation. Rev AF Nightengale. It was believed that she was f) To do any or all things set States Newspaper Priest in Charge an American subject, but as forth se objects, purposes, powers New parts supplied pm Church School Continued from page 11 Workmanship guaranteed Mary Carmelita she informed 730 pm Choral Evensong and the ship authoritles that she was as are incidental or conductive to He led more people than any one or otherwise, and all such things Work done by expert up to date methods address. Mr. A Richards, Lay a British subject, Mr. De ibe attainments of any one of them coloured mga in America. He is Reader.
morest, American Vice Consul 1o the and extrot and as fully as su fering today, bot for what be was called io to look at her Biztural persas may do has done personally, but his down fall comes from his own. No trial will convince you this is no empty talk, Seventh Day Adventist papers. Nothing is know of the time Tue acquisition of property other has put him where he is.
when she lelt Caba, ty individuals or. STREET CALIDONIA bat passport hich was found shall te based on sliding scales of His own race did it, and those payment in ratio to the value of the machine. Take any ev terprise, that were el ROAD bear:Isthmian Park Pana in her poesesion to the name of e closest to bim in moving ma Mary Carmelita had no accom the property desired anywhere, begun by a Negro, and Doors will come a at 7: Proclock. CHURCH SERVICES Sabbath schcola du. 12:02. Gen therefore impuesible to (Saturda. a. it is tell That abares subscribed shall if he fails it is because of his own hearty welcome awaits Youj be paid for as follows; 50 per cent race. Garvey has more faich than eral Worship Spanish whether the dead woman was with application, and the remain anyone the person discribed.
of the race Class; 30 Society, Apparently sbe was a masder in equal monthly pvyments ever heard of: although in prison DROWNING FATALITY Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity within six months.
his best to lead hiepcomeeting 5, 3)
St. Peter by he Sea, La Boca Senior Staudard of pm. Junior and seuse at Havana, and she was Continued from page 11 We think it unoecessary to re ple aright, and betrayed by ibem atlan ment also a teacher of mill. nery commend further details for the yet he has fith in his race anu! According to information re Holy Communion, a, The Class D. no. Vespere.
Suuday evening at 30 was stated that the Company osperation of the venture, such as looks at those wb9 incarce ale cieveed just as we were going to officers the election of and Board him with smales and in the spirit press, the young man in company preaching service, Sutject, The bead Holy Bapt sm, 730. a office at Montreal tad of Directors eto. as it is our opin. of the Lord.
cabled stating that under presLet them alone; with several others, went to the Matins, and address 11 a Mr World Moral Midolght.
here are fully covered by they do not know what they have beach for a dione Altime in mines enureh school, 300, joo that there are A; Hunter Lay Reader ent circumstances it was found ent the laws Although governing corporations in prison we about for some be was St. Vincent arrange The report is signed by the have not read anywhere where teard to call for assistanse but Choral Evensong and sermon, necessary financing of the Deme.
ehairman pro tem NT. he has lost faith in his race. We before help could reach bim be! 30, m. The Rector.
rara Electric Coy, unless toe Wilkinson and the predict for him a Secretary, Mr.
life and and was lost under the Rector (Continued from page 7)
e cruel MULLARI, Tramways were considered as a nda Wilson, and will be dis a great futo buch. thorough st Barnabas, Empire, the island according to their seperate under taking from tha cussed by delegates from organiza the rig conception he is accquain. search was immediately started respective numbers as revealed the existing right to abandon rest of their business and unless tions and other interested persons ted with the weakneses of his no trace of the young man body The Litany, Boly Eucharist; by the census returns. We a endeavour ng to could be found before night. The and cerrou, 10. 45 am attending the next moeting to be race, and is are beld at Gededs Ball on Saturday strengthen the weak links with all search will be continued tomorrow Church School p in.
of opinion that a ninimum grant same was not impaired 1, 200 will be adequate to could be met was by the tranale The only way the situation 24th iostant.
the God given power found in him, when it is hoped that the lody Choral Evensong and address, meet the situation at the incep.
The real man cannot help but will be recovered.
7:pm Mr. E Johnson. The tion but whatever the amount of the electrical side of thcir sympathize with a man like Gar.
Lay Reader decided upon may be, the special with PANAMA SYMPHONY Government vey or lose hope in the future of St.
the Negro.
Barn. bus Empire, concern of this our prayer is the approval, to a new Cov, whicb ORCHESTRA St. practical recognition by the latter would assume the present Dr. Hubert Edwards Bartholomew Las Cascades Government of the principle Coyo. bonds the present Cov The Musical at St. Peter st Simon s, Gambca urged.
retaining the Tramway assets Continued from page one) Church next Wednesday night.
PHYSICIAN SURGEON Mantins and address, Church We have ete. only; the old Coy could then will sing at least two pumSpecial Studies in Diseases of School at the usual trine by the VINCENT ARMSTRONG, accept the new Tramway Llc. nce bare, one of which will be Vill We take pleasure in announcWomen and Children: Lay Readers McPHAIL, CARLOS simultaneously with the tracefir anelle by l! Acqua; she willing to the general public, for the Bolivar St. FRONT MASONIC JT MULCARE accompanied by the full Orchestra last time in these columns, that BUCRERBY The new Electric Coy could Director Garfield Mur everything is set for the grand TEMPLE Colon godertake to finance operating ray at the Piano This was the Musicale at St Peter Church PHONE 409 deficits until 1930 leaving the AMERICAN EPISCOPAL British Guiana won for the 14th CHURCH tramway question to be se: 1, ond gold metal and which she also inst. We are not saying too much on its merits then, sung with telling efocft in each of when we say that nothing short of BOWEN Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity The Demerara Electric In the course of a dlecussion St: Paril Church, Pan ama her series of recitals. a which ensued it was suggested at the Zone Silver Clubhouses. ted by those who attend. Both Company Rev. Nighteogale BD Rec.
by one member that as the Mrs. Waker Headly will TAILOR tramways company wa, goi sing our old and new artist are studying am Holy Communion The The Jewel Song from Faust, bard to inspire the audience, out of In recent letter forwarded thought they could have a big existence rapidly, No. M Street San Miguel Rector to accompanied by Miss Doris Rod the Panama Simphony Orchestra 10. 15 m Mantios FR by the Demerara Electric Co. Ltd system which would be beter gry at the Pisuo, will, we are sure be at its heit. Panama City Atwell. Lay Reader to the Georgetown Council, it suited to the road.
recent QUICHE We ve for doing done.
to the impossible ilong sapk Alter Although business. with piece which


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