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First Move in New Immigration Law THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL 16 No. PANAMA, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1927 PRICE CENTS For The Bigger Better Denies Coercion of Charting de Beauna of Questions Asked At The Workman Newspaper Pan African Conference The speci il correspondent to the Can Negroes of The Western World Come Together For Their with Commander Tanam ed in Dana ho: mention.
maboga, near in that treaty obtaining Of Treaty Bay Of Panama.
Foreign Secretary Alfaros Navy Undertakes HydroCalls Mexican Charges graphic Survey Because Against the United States of Growing Canal Traffic First Meeting of Proposed CorFalse poration to be called Soon Under the above captions the writing to that paper from Balhos NEW YORK TIMES at Panama NEW YORK TIMES of August 28th Heights, Canal Zone, August 7ıb, publishes the following: Own Common Needs?
Preliminary investigations anent the proper procedure Panama, Aug. 27. cable phic survey of the Bay of Panama. to be followed in launching a corporation in Panama having message from Safor Garay, the has been undertaken by the U, been almost completed, arrangements are now being made Panamna Minister to Mexico, calling Ningara, At the recent African Conference in America the to call a meeting to discuss plans for incorporating the the attention of the Secretary of Baum, in charge of following were among the questions discussed WORKMAN Plant, with a view of producing a better West Mexican newspapers have pub and charting of these waters has Foreign Affairs to the fact that the work No complete survey CAN NEGROES UNITE?
Indian newspaper here, and oftener than once a week. lished a dispatch from Washington ever be made, the most exen Can the negroes under every flig in the western Many of our friends may be thinking that we have been too saying that the Panaman Com. sive survey having been carried worli come together for their own common neeis? Tuesslow in getting things in proper shape, but practical missioners negotiating new out by the British Admiralty over day morning session answered this question.
experience has taught us that most efforts of mushroom were breatened by the State D: treaty with States, a period from 1847 to 1849. DiBois led the exposition on the problems of the Caribbean growth generally wither and die in approximately the same partment, has been published in The work of the British way Sea. The economic dis abilities in these fertile isles were short space of time they take in forcing up: If the present the evening papers here. Minister sailing ships between the Isthmus shown.
Management of this paper had been practicing foolhardi Garay message reads in Cables ness, West Indians would not now have the only newsacd from Thoughtful students of conditions from the the West California was in its heyday Wasbington regard, and every vessel was crowded with Indian Islands in the discussion period gave first hand in paper in Panama which they can really and justly call their ing the new treaty withi the United passengers anxious both to escape formation Francis on conditions. Messrs. Brooks, Phillips, own and, according to a vernacular, saving their faces.
in in the last conference with the the pest hole of disease of swift work for those who possess the ability and other ed them with the delivery of their bu lder plate, wheel and stip.
It is a fact, bowever, that this is a Mental Age; an age Pannman Degotiators, threatened to reach the gold field Bellegarde, Corty and Iceward spoke, their fortunes. The deek house VOCATIONAL EDUCATION NEEDED wherewithal to work swiftly. But the fact that it takes passports if they did not sign the bell of the old socitial systems of hundreds of years to produce the conveniences which are treaty.
now used to displace and replace thousands of manual The dispatches, he says, mention befor Dames Melser som over the different islands were the same it matters yster what still be the government may be.
workers and other slow methods of production, should not in noeuvres of the Panaman nego bere, where that famous ship was addition the alleged seen on the island of This is also true of Dutch Guiana of South America.
be overlooked by those who are just struggling up. The tiators for the exaction of an addi broken up many years ago They were all one in condemning the present economic great Panama Canal, as an instance, which is compensating tional million as the prince of the were used in attempting to survey of a small area near order of things, they all would change the antiquated del Usited States an Americauat rb szafea of over dit won which justify the coercive te house is probation or matchen se trade toys the educational systems, and introduce vocational education dollars a mon hsuperb sanitary condition Panama Canal 18 by has been effected and being maintained on the Panama treaty. The catle ends with engaged on the canal work here, the signature to the French in 1889, when they were.
Canal Zone, do not represent only 23 years of hard work by these words: They are equally one in thinking that the governments the American people; those achievements are some of the Some work was done by the Coast were too paternalistic, and the subjects too much inclined It is insinuated that the Ameri. and Geodedic Survey more than to depend on them for everything. Scientific development results of centuries of grinding toil and sacrifice. And so it can Congress will investigate this twenty years ago, ia 1922 a sa of the farm lands would go a long way in adding to is with every other grand product of man labor; they all (Continued on page Continued on page 8) produc ion.
can bo ist of years of hard work by the people to whom they are credited.
As a people we have to learn, and learn right now, that SPARKLETS The consummation of union between West Indians and when we invest today we cannot reasonably expect to draw Americans of African descent could only come about interest tomorrow. Much of the facilities we are using or by the West Indians first dropping their own prejudices (By K)
clamou ing for today are the accumulated interests from agost the different islanders other than their own the labour of people all down the centuries. And as a Oftentimes when males of the a social qualitv and depends large. island, the abolition of color prejudice, and readiness to consequence the progenies of such people are unwilling to humaa family meet outside of con ly on the sense of admiration et rid of any though: of superiority over the American cede to us very much of their rights, and whenever they ventions to discuss possibilities of built, more often than not, upon Negro.
do, they exact a heavy toll from us in one way or the oth i, a complishing the impossible that knowo social or fidancial stard frank recognition of the American Negro part was And we protest WITH BIG NOISE!
of moulding the opinions of females iness on a cobaateeds by propriety in admitted in bringing about this cohesion of common The Management is now striving to get together for narrow formula of life as the males of the species to conform with the dress and manners.
interests. Extermination and bondage will overtake a race the first meeting, a few of our men and women with sane sea it they sometims Another much discussed subject too stupid to consolidate to move onward and upward.
among people is sucini ideas with regard to our proper advancement, to start putting drift into discussion of a more even the WorkMan on a better basis: in other words we mate nature with regard to the that the the white race. one speaker said.
find it hard to analyse are hoping to call the first meeting of the proposed corpora. ladieschopo lomba mo one more. Rather, it should be cocial PAN AFRICAN CONFERENCE TO ESTABLISH LABOR long tion of the WORKMAN Printing and Publishing Company in accurate and myself, after we had a teacher equality in In United the shortest possible time. If you have any ideas to offer discussed some proslladder comes hard States of America, os well as in the West Indian Islands, there BUREAU in this connection, let have them; they will not be publish living, tapered out to a point where Negroes who sbare social equality el ue leave that to YOUR choice. It is quite likely that we were the levels toronize rechter were to win the people the other the Meeting Seeks Closer Co operation Between Economic you may not. views on question of rela extent than thonsands of your coorporation in producing a better and therefore more well beauty of the skin of a young white people are able to boast of And Political Forces representative newspaper in Panama; but if, by your CO that of a young, well developed their own colour. One has but well developed Negro damsel and to consider the part the Negro We it wnite lausel The young in you to ju ige for yourself how you would realiy feel about it. prighelia ugood locokoline echool playa.
the society of the MAKES PETITION FOR RELEASE OF MIRCUS as their servants. Let teacher stood behind his perspica iov GARVEY.
The city and held a firm opinion that much used as cooks in these Panama Glee Club is Empire Coloured School the skin of of the latter damsel was this apparent The annual convention of the between our economic and political To Be Abolished superior texture and fineness, restfal contemptible example and see how African National Congress, which force, and whereas this unity Formed and transcends in beauty by fart stretches itself into social was held at Bloemfontein in July. Congress has not in the pist delved to the eyes of the male, Jacking owing to the fact that equality with the white The was specially called for the recon Government school for that of her darker sister. On this a esok the Negro is placed in a structing of the National Con deeply into the question of the Loading Singers Join coloured children at Empire, Canalla school teacher opinion, mine, brings him in close contact with Bress and for the election of best Bantu people; Be it resolved: deference automatically of Zone, will be abolished in the near based on results of years of with officers. Consequently it This city can now boast of huvaod the teachers, about four in mic researh and practical study, garded, never be employed Besides the reconstruction work department with a secretariat unwhite man. If he were re deemed future, it was learned yesterday, therefore, in terms of section 141 in fact, as a social inferior, veution should be held in camera. (b) of the constitution, that a labor ing, in addition to other org biza sumber, will be diştributed be was directly opposite; te Cristobal compromi e, prepare the white man best and therele were several matters op der the control of the Executive composed of some zations, a Glee and Concert Club tweea La Bica 800 hably two two equally normal, well developed valued helps; and the man whe importance to be discussed, For Council of the African National cha of the le ding coloured schools, lenged Were most celicate dish. Cooks are local musicians and a tis s, amonk each, This will LA convention dealt Congress be formed, the same to who instance, the whom are our leading coloratura about seventeea and of regards his cook as his soprano, Mrs Olga King, and Mrs Gristobal uinteen Tue number of human family, one white and social inferior Negeri mesece ak inferior with the resolutious passed by the brecalled the African Labor Con.
is gress non European conferecce (2) That this convention views Adeia Walker Decalso a teachers in the coloured schools the other black, placed under member of himin society. Negro recently indorsed Tae co with alarm and noted singer, The conditions before two male maids, Tchauffeurs, etc. are more unanimously consternation conducted by Mr A Davis, late the school year has been extended of the Coke Choir, Kingston Ja. from bine to tweiye moaths a temperament, independent mes nascupy are in no way degrading, in that the delegates pildmcre Province of Natal toward the bons maica. It will be operated aloo ear.
both single, of normal white employers; the positions they success. Proceedi ig were livety Kroonstad district farmers and the along similar lines as those the and judiced and unbiased in sentiment valuation which is place. on them to more talk. It will evident that calculated attention to the constitution than fide members of the as Kngston (Jamaica) ee Club.
to provuke a feeling of IN MEMORIAM with regard to class, race, color by white employers when they are a new spirit had been created and racial antagonism and friction.
Mr E Grant of the Panama or creed, that, as true as night occupied BY THE NEGRO? As that every delegate wanted to see!(3) The convention, further, is Wesleyan Choir is the Ch irmau follows day there would be an 89, there does exist social equility things done constitutionally, it of opinion that unless the Gov.
the new Club, and our much In loving memory of our be everlasting deadlock both judges among white and black people. wastbiso spirit which brought ernmaat takes steps in the direcof the Choir, en eemed Westey Doris Rodne nalo loved sister and sincere friend would, after a houre, babays, waeks, social inequali is only to be about changes in the personnel tion of or uppre sing this iniquitous MILDRED TAITT and has found of no mean abis Tena who departed this life a year ago proclaim that the skins of both of and pianaist emerge from their deliberation to as evinced by the said farmere, been apointed Pianist, Social equality in public aces election time came.
Moulton of La Boca bas also been She is safe on that beautiful shore The lowing were some of the the African Natiɔnal Congress and mentioned member damsels were found to be equally those who are socially ostraci ed resolutions paesed by the conven. kindred associations should formuOther Safe with the others that went before beautiful. we late a prominent musicians have already we too shall join them to part no more agreed on this point that on the open their eyes, see their true po. tion; linked up with the Club which LENA TAITT question of beauty ae individual sition, then get to work and pull (1) Wbereas it is of vital impor bring about a state of tranquility promises a most useful future. Continued or page 81 see it in each other, it is all of (continued on page 8) tance to secure closer co operation naturally our to be are white, Ngro us us is co00000 parts.
We take man. capacity which W18 the but as a sort of that: will give Boca which were LOUISA CA ON


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