
PAGE TWO THE FOREMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 19. STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 gis because certain was. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages turned.
noon bim.
The JAMAICA amount of unnecessary corres.
pondence, owing to the fact that importer of Cash on D:livery Working of Postal parcels will not comply with the are clearly Department stated in the printed Lotice sent to each importer of a parcel order this System. Such a parcel can only be retained at He. Interrsting Extracts Taken Ofice for 15 days from the date From Report of Mr.
of arrival, after which, if un Fletcher, Head of Institution to the Office of Octgin. aimed, it is forth with 100 Origin. Tais fae: returned is emphasized SYSTEM Grms abroad represeat that parcels are retained for a longer period before being re: The report of the working of tur Again, importers by thi Pistal Department for last th sgs em often remit a portion yer has been published and of the amount called for by the maken interesting reading says notice and either ask that the the Herald from it the following parcel be forwarded when the extracts are taken :balance will be paid at their local The collections on account of Pust Obice or that further tima the Postal and Telegraph ba given to remi: the balanco, Services amounted to 93, 442 12 1131. made up as under. desire to take this ty again to impress upon all, esPostal 75, 435 10. Tele: pecially upon those who are graphs 18 007 83, 943. Total regular importers of pare bi 93. 412 12s. 1111.
under tbis system, that none of The following amounts which the ab va requesis can be granare not Postal Revenue Ware ted, and that the conditions also collected by this Depart which are clearly stated in the ment:printed notice must be strictly Import Duty 44, 379 12s. 51.
adbered to Judical Stamps 6, 309 1780 Impreased Stamps. 1, 007 11d. Quinine soltat Post Lighting Town of SavOffices 116 184. 781. Total 52, 113 135. 1111: La Mar THE EXPENDITURE.
The Expenditure was as fol Proposed To Ask Government lows: To Grant Further 1, 000, TO Personal Enlu nants 50, 594 Improve Scheme.
59. 31. Mail Conveyance 26 493 21. 10. Services 12, 071 13. 771; BOARD ALREADY GOT legrapb Muntenance by De: 600 GRANT partm 900 773 lls. 81. TeleRrapo line construction and maintenance by Pablic Works Tbe HBRALD of the 3rd inst Department 3, 775 11s. 93. says: Another determined effort Total 93, 692 12. 771. is being made to light certain Toa decrsase bas taken place by electricity and from the parts of the town of Sav la Mar incipally under Mail Coo energy that is being displayed veyanca and this without in pairing the efficiency of the by those interested the scheme Mul srv.
should certaialy prove success ful, SY STEV.
Sometime ago the Paroch al The department again expe. Board asked and obtained the rienced a great deal of trouble, sanction of the Government to and bas to conduct large expend the sum of 600 in con.
Summary Contents: History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 yearsj Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Valuable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
nection with ghing Great afternoon last, wben the Rt.
George St. but this acount was Rev. David Wiliams Bentley. ubsequently found to be inade was lastalled, loquate. It is estimated that a forducted and enthroned as Lord ber expecditors of 000 uld of Barbados. In a Itable the cburebes, Palice Dious issue, wa gave a comtion. Hospital, and Moving Picture prehensive summary of tbe Theatre to be supplied with elec order the service would follow.
tr city This order was maintained. It dignified ceremony, a the Governmnt to sanction It is therfore on the cards impressive and not without.
tt fortber sun of 1000 which of emotionalism in its would enable the Board to eleco appeal.
Lordsbip trify the above mentioned places. direct request for support from Enthronistic Address If tis Excellency sanction is both dry and laity and was obtained, an attempt will also framed. if not in lotty, set in be mide to get householders lustall electriciy which would very forceful and stirring, lanThe ceremony of enecessarily result in additional Bange.
revetu, being obtained.
throuement was largely carried out by the Very Rev. the Dean who certainly made a success of Attractive Summer the very important task Resort Near Kingston, imposed crystalice clearness of his മദ dction, and the correctemWhat ds fair to be one of the phasis be laid upoa the charges most attractive little suome: it was bis duty to pronounce, resorts Lear Kingston is now added considerably to the sol.
in the course of formation a amnity and dignity of the service Stony Hill. Ever si ce work Tha congregation entered with on the wireless station started great spirit into the and the road to the building and the Te Deum Laudamus was Deate the ceremony, reodered with a sincerity, verve several application reade have been made for the pur. and earnestness that filled and cbase of lo of land large permeated the vast building.
enough to build cottas to Kiug cas are extended to bim in the Our sincere well wishes for suc to lis close proximity ston: a number of people are work bebas been elected to availing themseives of the o, undertake.
portunity of acgairing summer esorts and as above stated the little disrict is sure to be very The Governor attractive in the near future.
Speech BARBADOS Commenting editorially on the Enthronement Of Rt. Governor speech at the opening of the Legislature; the WEEKLY Rev. Bentley. Ex RALD says. His Excellency the Governor As Lord Bishop of speech, at the opening of the Legislature last Tuesday, can Barbades bardly be said to be important.
The more so, as Sir William bertson had given promise The WEEKLY HERALD of the ot very able and farsighted 20 ulto says. Space does views. The only conclusion to not afford us scope for a which we can come is, that the Extended account of the cer dull and depressing condition of emony enacted at the St. Michael Cathedral on Wednesday (Contioued on page 7)
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